NPC meme gold (gold, Jerry!) triggering leftoids and twatter/faceborg

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2018 Oct 16, 5:51pm   53,142 views  294 comments

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4Chan Sparks Mass Triggering With NPC Meme; Twitter Responds With Ban Hammer
Profile picture for user Tyler Durden
by Tyler Durden
Tue, 10/16/2018 - 20:00
The "weaponized autists" at 4Chan have done it again, because they can; a new meme suggesting that liberals are soulless idiots who can't think for themselves has gone viral. The concept compares Democrats to "nonplayable characters," or NPCs - the recurring characters in video games with repetitive lines and limited knowledge. Lack of an "inner voice" is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC.

The NPC meme essentially meant to ridicule the post-election perpetual outrage culture in which liberals simply parrot the latest talking points from their favorite pundits, who do their thinking for them.

The 4chan version is a simple greyed out, expressionless face known as "NPC Wojak" - which has triggered the left so hard that Twitter conducted a mass-banning campaign for accounts promoting the meme, and the New York Times wrote an entire article trying to figure it out.

The Times writes of the Twitter bans:

Over the weekend, Twitter responded by suspending about 1,500 accounts associated with the NPC trolling campaign. The accounts violated Twitter’s rules against “intentionally misleading election-related content,” according to a person familiar with the company’s enforcement process. The person, who would speak only anonymously, was not authorized to discuss the decision. -NYT

There is precisely zero evidence that the accounts were spreading "intentionally misleading election-related content," so we're just going to have to take Twitter's word for it.


According to KnowYourMeme, the NPC meme was created in 2016 after an anonymous 4chan user made a threat titled "are you an NPC?" to the /v/ video games board.

On September 5th, 2018, several threads were submitted to 4chan discussing people who did not have an "inner-voice." In the comments sections, many described those who do not have an internal monologue as "NPCs." On September 7th, a grey-colored variation of Wojak began appearing in threads about NPCs (shown below). KnowYourMeme

The triggering begins

After the meme began to spread, Twitter user @brightabyss accused those who "refer to living humans being as NPCs" as being "facist

And according to KnowYourMeme, "On September 15th, Twitter user @DreddByDawn tweeted that NPC was "dog whistle" used by "fascists." The same day, Twitter user @Sharessan accused a centrist of being a "fascist in denial" after labeling them an NPC. Meanwhile, Twitter user @stackflow33 tweeted a screenshot of the tweets along with the message "What the fuck is even going on anymore? Lmao.

Angry NPCs Twitter users continued their opposition to the meme, telling users to "report and block" anyone using the "dehumanizing" NPC meme.

Once the meme reached critical mass, it was only a matter of time before Silicon Valley did something about it:

And before they're totally scrubbed from the internet, here are a few NPC memes that slipped through the cracks:

NPCs are even getting ready for Halloween:



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173   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Sep 8, 1:40pm  

richwicks says
Just so you know - the reason Bernie Sanders was liked is that he was against all these stupid wars we are engaged in.

Just like Trump.

I think he was against unmitigated 3rd world immigration, too. But he kept that part quiet.

No, mostly I think people like him for all the "free" stuff. Enormous country club partying college debt wiped clean, housing and medical care taken care of for "free," etc.

Plus, compared to Hillary, he was the far better candidate.
175   Hircus   2020 Sep 27, 5:05pm  

Someone needs to make an "NPC Meme mod" for a game like GTA 5 that turns most of the normal NPCs into ... the grey NPCs. I was just imagining it, and it seems like the possibilities would be endless and hilarious. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with the gameplay and incredible realism / level of detail Rockstar puts into their games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2, but they truly are impressive. I hardly ever play video games, but I would pay serious dough for a leftist NPC edition of GTA5 lol

Some random ideas:

*Make them look, sound, and walk like how they do it in NPC University episodes:

*When you walk up and talk to a random NPC on the street or in a store etc... they virtue signal random leftist crap.
- If you choose to respond positively, they smile and do friendly things like offer to buy you a soy latte, or connect via social media etc...
- If you respond antagonistically, they'll get angry and red, and if you then antagonize again, they'll enrage and start attacking you, accusing you of being racist and other crap. Other NPCs may join in the attack, while others will stand around and record w/ their phones.

*As they walk down the street talking to each other, you can overhear their conversations, which of course is typical leftist talking points, and the occasional triggered NPC w/ a serious case of TDS. Same goes for NPCs driving by in cars - in fact, if one drives by with their window down, you might even see one of the above blondes screaming about "why cant womyn have abortions!?!", or how "RGBs only job was to not die until next year!!".

*If you wear certain clothing, such as a Trump hat, or a shirt w/ the American flag on it, then nearby NPCs will aggro easily and be more hostile and antagonistic to you. Some might even follow you, such as a blue haired one, shouting accusations of racism, hoping more random NPCs will hear and join the pursuit, growing the size of the mob until they feel confident enough to attack you. You can run, bend the knee, fight them etc...

* Likewise, wearing leftist attire, such as "fuck trump", "believe womyn", "I stand with her", anti christian, etc... will make them relatively more friendly towards you.

* The car you drive affects how easy they aggro too - electric cars help you, while gasoline and diesel, especially large trucks, make them aggro easier.

* When they anger, they reeeeeeeee.

* Add lots of in game quests/missions:
- Work w/ the mayor and pass new legislation. If you choose a liberal policy, the NPCs will cheer in the streets (but taxes will go up, making all items more expensive). If you choose a conservative policy, they'll protest and maybe even riot. Follow up mayor quests to "thin the herd" and kill or arrest 10 rioting NPCs.
- Work for a political organization, trying to convert 5 leftists to the side of reason. You'll need to approach random NPCs and choose the right things to say and respond, carefully choosing which facts and arguments to use. Of course, this mission isn't always possible, but it's fun to try lol.
- You can rob the starbucks supply delivery van if you show up real early in the morning. By the afternoon when they start running out of soy, NPCs will build up and start attacking the starbucks.
- You can infiltrate a leftist group like Antifa. It has many prerequisite quests you need to do first, such as:
--- Acquire appropriate clothing, piercings, and tattoos
--- Hire a social media person to build you a fake leftist online persona
--- Prove yourself by participating in 3 protests, 1 riot, and punch 5 nazis (you don't really need to find nazis - just accuse any innocent person, then punch)
After infiltrating them, you can foil their plans and help the cops arrest them. You'll need to wait a random amount of time, until the next time an in-game cop encounters a black male violently resisting arrest, and shoots him, causing a protest. Then, when they attempt to burn a car dealership and other businesses the next evening, you help the cops catch the soy red handed.
- Drive to a liberal Berkeley-like city where the local university is filled with intolerant, free-speech hating NPCs. Trigger 7 NPC professors by either interrupting their lectures, or trigger them by misgendering them / saying the phrase "illegal alien" instead of "undocumented immigrant" etc...
- Drive far away and you'll come to a town called Kenosha. You can relive and participate in the series of events that unfolded around Kyle. Looting the corpse of Rosenbaum
will yield disturbing items. Whenever you're in the boundaries of Kenosha, the game background music changes to the Kenosha Kid

*When you drive through the city, you might encounter a crowd of "peaceful protesters". Of course, trying to drive through them will enrage the mob and make it attack you, including shooting at you and chasing you in vehicles. You can purchase bullet proof glass and other upgrades for your vehicles.

* You can steal/buy a diesel truck and take it to an auto performance mod shop, and have them chip it so you can coal roll and hit groups of pedestrians w/ thick black smoke, making them shout obscenities and complain about climate change.

* Anytime you face an agitated (red) NPC, you can deescalate and soothe them via various ways, such as offering them a soy snack, burning a flag, raising your fist while shouting "BLM", shouting "fuck donald drumpf!", saying "thanksgiving should be cancelled", confessing to the sin of being white, etc...

* When you shoot / stab them, soy leaks out instead of blood.

* All the NPCs are biased and hypocritical. If you accuse someone of being a pedo, other nearby NPCs will defend it as being a sexual orientation.

I could go on and on lol...

I think this game would actually sell pretty great until they ban it, which would be quick - "this meme is dehumanizing", "this game glorifies political violence against leftists"
176   Patrick   2020 Sep 27, 6:43pm  

Hircus says
I think this game would actually sell pretty great until they ban it, which would be quick

I love it! You just need to distributed it independent of corporate-BLM control.
177   steverbeaver   2020 Sep 28, 9:09pm  

GTA5 engine is really cool. I call it the "poor man's cartoon editor" because it seems that so many kid's shows / cartoons exist that were created with it, seemingly for audiences in poorer parts of the world. I'd buy that mod!
189   mell   2021 May 30, 4:15pm  

NPCs were the best meme invention, they just fit leftoids to a T.
191   AmericanKulak   2021 May 30, 8:04pm  

Damon Zex noticed the coming of NPCs many years ago.
"we have all been minimized. Lori X was once worth 78 points. Now she is only worth 34 points"
202   Patrick   2021 Jul 28, 11:49am  

It's even worse than vaccines not working.

Mass "vaccination" is actively creating variants:

210   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 4, 10:30pm  

Booger says

And ban the butt stuff - it spreads HIV and cancer.

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