This is so true-just like most second or third/fourth generation fmailies-the current folks know nothing of the evils of socialism or communism and are truly frightening. It looks their numbers are growing and growing and they may get what they wished for -Venezuela or the former USSR in this country.
Nothing. There is an unlimited supply of PRC officers who got rich by directing Apple slave labor and who want to live out rest of their life in CA. Furthermore, Trump's Russian associates will be flooding in soon as well. If CA people starve, they can just eat their iphones and google searches!
The seeds for this were planted in the 60s, during the 70s-90s when manufacturing was off shored, mass illegal immigration, taxes and tariffs changed to concentrate wealth. Millennials have been brainwashed from birth and setup to fail why is anyone surprised with anything that is happening. Yes we have been running on fumes for decades and I think it’s too late to stop what is coming our government and its citizens are too divided and dumbed down to solve the problem in time.
This is so true-just like most second or third/fourth generation fmailies-the current folks know nothing of the evils of socialism or communism and are truly frightening. It looks their numbers are growing and growing and they may get what they wished for -Venezuela or the former USSR in this country.
Then they will need a wall-to keep us in.