Well, we have a whole bunch of threads that evolve into unofficial Ocasio-Cortez Meme Picture threads. So, I am creating one that IS the official one! Right here, kiddies..
"AOC is still running around the Capital looking for Phil Abuster's office. She says she wants to be on the appropriations committee because she understands when something is appropriate. She says we shouldn’t just teach Civics in schools, we should teach about all automobiles. When they delivered a new TV to her office and read on the box built-in antenna she asked the delivery person if antenna was a city in China. She just completed a jigsaw puzzle that said 5-7 years, she was so proud to get it done in 2 weeks. When asked of her choice for speaker of the house she said Bose. She says she supports veterans because they help pets. She wore a sleeveless shirt at a meeting to support her right to bare arms. She wanted a trade embargo on Romania because of tainted romaine lettuce. She wanted to know how much tuition is at the Electoral College." I did not write this post but thought it was too funny not to share."
Me "You forgot that when asked about "Roe vs. Wade" her response was, "It depends upon how deep the water is." She also chided NASA in insisting we CAN land on the sun...AT NIGHT."
Could you imagine the America we live in now, if black leaders were people like Ben Carson, Candice Owens, and Thomas Sowell? Democrat candidates would have to be reasonable people to get their votes.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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