Joe Biden Is Hillary Clinton 2.0 — Democrats Would Be Mad to Nominate Him.

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2019 Mar 23, 4:42am   21,008 views  456 comments

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Have the Democrats gone mad? Are they really planning on putting up the same type of candidate against Donald Trump in 2020 that they put up against him in 2016? Is the party bent on nominating Hillary 2.0?

How else to describe Joe Biden, the former vice president and ex-senator from Delaware, who is leading in the polls and has hinted that he’d reveal whether he’s running for president in “a few weeks” and might select a running mate early in the process?

Forget, for a moment, his “blue-collar-uncle-at-the-end-of-the-bar persona.” Ignore also his recent, and ridiculous, claim to have the “most progressive record of anybody” running for president. Consider, instead, the sheer number of similarities he seems to have with the vanquished Democratic presidential candidate of 2016.

More on each of the topics below in full article...

Iraq War supporter? Check.

Friend of Wall Street? Check.

Champion of mass incarceration? Check. Millions of black voters refused to turn out for Clinton in 2016. Why wouldn’t they do the same in response to a Biden candidacy in 2020?

Establishment-friendly? Check.

Gaffe-prone? Check.

Loser? Check.

Yet now, it seems, he and his supporters believe this serial loser is the only Democratic candidate able to win back white-working class voters from Trump and triumph in the 2020 presidential election?

Where is the actual evidence for this ludicrous claim? For a start, a recent poll found that “every potential Democratic candidate in the 2020 presidential election — announced and unannounced — would beat President Trump in a head-to-head contest.” (As Biden himself conceded to The Intercept in December, “I think anybody can beat him.”)

The bigger issue, however, is that there is no question for the Democrats in 2020 to which Biden is the answer. Have they really learned no lessons from three years ago?

Full Article: https://theintercept.com/2019/03/21/joe-biden-2020-hillary-clinton/

#2020Elections #Biden #Democrats

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186   RC2006   2019 Dec 21, 7:30am  

This is going to be 2016 all over, all they need to win is one normal person to run without a ton of baggage. These races are about capturing independents not blind partisans.
193   NoYes   2020 Jan 5, 6:04pm  

Only thing the Democrats can now do right is fail big...and that's a good thing
196   HeadSet   2020 Jan 12, 10:43am  

You cannot see Biden in the above photo, because he is in the back nuzzling the 14 year old who is taking the picture.
199   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 23, 4:24pm  

Joe Biden: DACA recipients are “more American than most Americans are because they have done well in school" pic.twitter.com/HQEtxDN4oU

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) January 23, 2020

#Gaslighting #WeNeverSaidIllegalsWereBetter
200   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jan 23, 5:45pm  

Check out Mr. Moderate's platform on Immigration, and tell me what kind of person wrote this.


The only thing his platform doesn't call for is abolishing ICE - instead, he wants to subject ICE to further regulation and "Training".
203   Booger   2020 Feb 1, 7:47am  

Biden plagerized speech:
206   Onvacation   2020 Feb 3, 5:51am  

I can't believe anyone would vote for Biden after Burisma. "Son of a bitch, he got fired".
208   WookieMan   2020 Feb 4, 9:15am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
I'll vote for Dems across the ticket until Trump and his lickspittle sycophants are removed from office

So America and you are doing worse now since Trump has been POTUS? Interesting.... I really haven't seen it that way besides maybe for drug addicts and alcoholics. Everyone I know seems to be doing well, even the one's still butt hurt over Trump winning an election. Most of the honest never Trumper's I know have stopped the bitching and whining and have admitted that things are not bad at all. That maybe they overacted.

Everyone makes mistakes. No one is perfect. Even Trump. I get people are upset the Democrats have a field of retards going up against Trump, but not sure why that is Trump's fault. Democrats are good at pointing the finger. They need to realize there's a thumb there that points at themselves for this abortion of a Democrat field.
209   HeadSet   2020 Feb 4, 9:49am  

Biden helped get Shokin fired, because Shokin was bought and paid for and and refused to investigate corrupt companies.

No, Biden got Shokin fire PRECISELY because Shokin was investigating the corrupt company Barisma. You KNOW that. What is your spin for Hunter being on the board of Barisma in the first place? It is obvious to all that Barisma hired the otherwise unqualified Hunter Biden strictly because Hunter is the Vice President's son, and this marker was called when Barisma needed to get an investigation pulled.
210   WookieMan   2020 Feb 4, 10:41am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
but that is at the expense of the country's security

How so? I don't feel more or less safe since Trump took office. Government helps, but the only person in charge of my security is me.

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
I also have inlaws and other relatives that literally depend on social security working. So, it's a wash.

Should you or I have to pay more because your inlaws and relatives could not make and/or save money? Love my family, but I have zero interest in bankrolling any of them because they're too stupid or lazy to take care of themselves. POTUS has nothing to do with that.
211   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 10:48am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Burisma hired the Biden in attempt to get some insights into the administration and to hopefully buy a little access (face time) and to hopefully get the benefit of the doubt.

Right - they bought "access" by giving the son of the fucking Vice President (who was in charge of managing Ukraine's corruption program for the US) millions of dollars.

Most normal people can see this and know intuitively that it stinks to high heaven. No complicated conspiracy theories or dots to connect here. Just flat out corruption and influence buying right out in the open as this was business as usual in DC before Trump was elected and the hypocritical Democrats decided they were anti-Commie.

At the very best, this shows that Joe Biden has terrible judgement and should not be put in charge of our country.
212   WookieMan   2020 Feb 4, 10:59am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
I don't know about you, but I'd just assume not be living in a country where 1/3 of the seniors are destitute and I have to either watch my inlaws go hungry or subsidize their food and shelter.

What country are you talking about? If that's the trajectory of your family, they should have saved more. SS was not meant as the end all retirement account for Americans. I expect nothing from SS. Your family members and inlaws planned extremely poorly if they're hungry with no housing. It sucks, but it's not my problem. I will do everything I can to not pay more in taxes because others were lazy or didn't have insurance for hard times. Also, when did social security payments stop being made? That's news to me.

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
I wasn't a deficit scold right after the last recession, but running a $1 trillion deficit at the end of a very long expansion is economic malpractice. It makes us all less secure. It increases the likelyhood of disaster during the next recession and decreases the ability of our government to provide services like defense and retirement.

The debt is never getting repaid. Never. I don't like the higher deficits, but it doesn't matter at the end of the day. Taking/taxing more and tanking the economy is not logical either. Everyone realizes this.
213   socal2   2020 Feb 4, 11:04am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
The fact that you assume the worst with Biden and ignore conflicts of interest in the Trump administration would be baffling if right wing radio and tv programming did not exist.

What Trump conflict of interests? Can you list them?

Do you still believe Trump is doing this whole President thing to get hotels built in Moscow or something?
214   Onvacation   2020 Feb 4, 11:23am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Hopefully, it won't be Biden on the ticket,

Who would you like to see run?
215   Onvacation   2020 Feb 4, 11:27am  

I Swallowed a Red Pill says
Burisma hired the Biden in attempt to get some insights into the administration and to hopefully buy a little access

And you think it's okay for corrupt businesses to buy access to the US government?
216   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Feb 4, 12:41pm  

WookieMan says
What country are you talking about? If that's the trajectory of your family, they should have saved more. SS was not meant as the end all retirement account for Americans. I expect nothing from SS. Your family members and inlaws planned extremely poorly if they're hungry with no housing. It sucks, but it's not my problem. I will do everything I can to not pay more in taxes because others were lazy or didn't have insurance for hard times. Also, when did social security payments stop being made? That's news to me.

Yup, SSI is "Supplemental Income" not "Lone Source of Income". It was passed to help Seniors bridge the last week or so in groceries, not to be depended on for everything.

Unfortunately, feminazis have destroyed the traditional Elder Care system, which was married women with children and/or spinster women of the family being at home to take care of them.
221   marcus   2020 Mar 4, 7:06am  

The desperation is kicking in already.

BDS so soon ?
222   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 4, 8:22am  

Biden confused his wife with his sister and vice-versa at victory party. Vid at the link.

Uh...what? Joe Biden confused his wife for his sister while giving his victory speech on stage...

I'm embarrassed for the people who Judy voted for him... 🤦‍♀️ #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #VoteRedToSaveAmerica2020pic.twitter.com/m1qPDFKpcO— Catt (@CattHarmony) March 4, 2020

223   Bd6r   2020 Mar 4, 8:24am  

Trump-Biden debates should be pure entertaining gold, I am really looking forward to them.

On a side note, I kinda like Bloomberg. I am appropriating his "horse-faced lesbians" quote.
224   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Mar 4, 8:29am  

But this flash coronation wasn't because Biden convinced his competitors that he had the best policies or the best temperament to take on Donald Trump. There is one reason and one reason alone the establishment has rallied around Biden: He is not Bernie Sanders.

The argument coming from the establishment is all about electability and uniting the party. "We need somebody who can beat Donald Trump," said O'Rourke in his speech endorsing Biden. "If we spend the next four months dividing our party, we will spend the next four years watching Donald Trump tear apart this country," said Klobuchar in her speech. Democratic voters who are understandably terrified of a Trump second term apparently listened.

In reality, propping up Biden was a desperate reaction to the momentum Sanders had after winning the popular vote in each of the first three primary states. It is guaranteed to drag out the primary as long as possible, and creates a distinct risk of a brokered convention that will create a lot of bitterness and make beating Trump more difficult. Before the establishment rallied around Biden, his campaign was on the verge of collapse. He had been crushed in the first three states, he had little money or campaign organization, and was polling far behind Sanders in most of the Super Tuesday states.

Now it is basically an even race. While Sanders lost in the South Tuesday, he also won Utah, Colorado, Vermont, and probably California (it will take days for the votes to be counted there). With approximately two thirds of delegates yet to be awarded, it will likely be a grueling race that will go on until the convention.

Electability is the only argument that has even a fig leaf of plausibility, so it's what the establishment goes with. But it's not remotely the case that Biden is a sure thing while Sanders is a terrible gamble. Sanders, it's true, would be the most left-wing president in history, and openly identifies as a socialist — something a majority of Americans say they dislike. But it's also true that Sanders has been tarred as a socialist for years now and still consistently polls well ahead of Trump, and about as well as Biden. He also has an army of dedicated activists, and by far the strongest fundraising machine in the party (outside of oligarchs like Mike Bloomberg who can casually spend a half-billion dollars of their own money).

Biden also has particular risks that are not easily quantifiable but still obvious. He has run a horrible, lazy campaign — indeed, even Clyburn said as much while endorsing him. He had basically no ground game in any of the Super Tuesday states. He has a long history of being creepy with women. And let's be frank: Biden is clearly suffering some kind of cognitive decline. He performed horribly in almost all of the debates, frequently rambling off on bizarre tangents. He opened his speech Tuesday night by mixing up his wife and his sister. He also has a habit of making up fake stories — like that he was involved in civil rights protests, or that a general asked him to honor a brave soldier, or most recently, he was arrested in South Africa trying to visit Nelson Mandela. None of these things happened.

Biden's appalling record is also utterly at odds with the modern Democratic Party's branding. He voted for the Iraq War, and defended that vote for months afterwards. He was a key architect of the bankruptcy bill that made it impossible to get rid of student loan debt, and various crime and war on drugs bills that threw millions of Americans in prison. He tried repeatedly to cut Social Security and Medicare, and voted for multiple rounds of financial deregulation. (That is just scratching the surface.)

Conversely, going with a moderate like Biden risks deflating the activist energy that has built up around Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. The younger voters that Sanders is winning by huge margins in most states may figure the fix is in and decide not to vote in November.

In short, Joe Biden could very easily lose to Trump. Unlike Obama, he is not some once-in-a-generation political talent. He is a fading, washed-up operator with decades of baggage who has lost a step or three. Nominating him would be a terrific gamble — and given his record and staffing choices (one of his top policy advisers is the architect of the disastrous 1996 welfare reform), a gamble with very little upside.

225   Eman   2020 Mar 4, 8:29am  

marcus says
The desperation is kicking in already.

BDS so soon ?

Hahaha, good one. My biz partner, who is a never Trumper, prefers Bloomberg. He thinks Bloomberg has the best shot. He said Trump will chew Biden up and spit him out. Anyways, time will tell. Let’s the fun begin.

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