Google’s Outrage Mobs and Witch Hunts

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2019 May 21, 9:06pm   2,731 views  15 comments

by cmdrda2leak   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Google has become a company where outrage mobs and witch hunts dominate its culture. These outrage mobs and witch hunts have become an existential threat not only to Google’s culture internally, but to Google’s trust and credibility externally.


whether the target is external or internal, the goal of these outrage mobs and witch hunts is the same: to control who belongs at Google.


In terms of controlling who belongs at Google, these outrage mobs and witch hunts have another tool at their disposal when they target an employee of Google: HR complaints. Few organizations have as much as power to control who belongs at Google as HR does, and if that power is abused, the consequences will be disastrous.

Standing up to an outrage mob or a witch hunt is hard enough when HR doesn’t get involved. It gets even harder when you start worrying about whether HR will discipline you, or even worse, when they actually do discipline you. A few months ago, the Lincoln Network released their 2019 Viewpoint Inclusion Survey Report, and one of the pull quotes from that survey directly captures this experience:

CONSERVATIVE — Employees will interpret your words in the most offensive way possible, then report you to HR based on that interpretation. It’s one big offendedness sweepstakes. When people get in trouble, it’s often based not on what they said, but on how others interpreted their words, regardless of how unreasonable that interpretation is. And there is some evidence HR does have a political agenda. I’ve even seen someone get reported to HR for sharing a National Review article.


One Google employee, who gave me permission to share his story, was once hauled into a meeting with management and HR over some of his writings on company message boards. He was not directly punished in that meeting, but the meeting did carry a strong implied threat of future punishment. Here was one of the issues that was mentioned to him in writing after that meeting:

One Googler raised a concern that you that you appeared to be promoting and defending Jordan Peterson’s comments about transgender pronouns, and this made them feel unsafe at work.
Allegedly, Google is a company that supports a freedom of expression, but Google is also a company where you can get in trouble with HR for defending Jordan Peterson’s stance that the government cannot compel speech, including compelling the usage of preferred pronouns.


Comments 1 - 15 of 15        Search these comments

1   MisdemeanorRebel   2019 May 21, 9:18pm  

Holy Shit.

That Blake is as snitty as his name implies. And a shitty polemicist. He's either way to moronic to be in STEM, or too thin skinned to spend any time at the most moderated debate board.
2   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 21, 9:20pm  

That's a problem of being in the Bay Area. Too many liberals there, those people are fucking insane.
3   Patrick   2019 May 21, 9:33pm  

That happened to me.
4   Tenpoundbass   2019 May 22, 10:10am  

If all the White people left California the place would be Haiti in less than 5 years.
5   SunnyvaleCA   2019 May 22, 11:01am  

Tenpoundbass says
If all the White people left California the place would be Haiti in less than 5 years.
Mumbai, actually.
6   SunnyvaleCA   2019 May 22, 11:04am  

cmdrdataleak says
and this made them feel unsafe at work

As Jorden Peterson said in his famous Cathey Newman interview smackdown... there is enormous temporary pleasure in bullying; that's why people do it. You're seeing a combination of virtue signal and bullying, although if the complainer didn't announce to the world, then it's probably mostly just bullying. The complainer is just working the HR system; if an employee complains they "feel unsafe" then HR must investigate; there's no downside to the complainer.
7   EBGuy   2019 May 22, 1:41pm  

This is a pretty good quote from Dershowitz (earlier this month).
"Feeling unsafe” is the new mantra of the new McCarthyism. It’s an excuse for firing anyone, from a Republican to a Muslim.
8   Ceffer   2019 May 22, 5:03pm  

Ennobling the quivering quim is a LibbyFuck specialty. Empowerment through absolute lame-ism. The lamer you are, the more you are empowered.
9   BayArea   2019 May 22, 7:31pm  

I know a couple high ranking Google managers that have learned to keep their mouths shut and keep collecting those paychecks.

But, get a couple beers in them outside of Google’s campus and the conversation gets interesting real quick.
10   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2019 May 22, 7:36pm  

Too much freedom. In good old days you started this shit, insta fired. Now companies kiss ass and try to coddle overgrown babies. It’s pathetic.

America lacks men. Plenty of milk sobs and soy boys, not enough quality people.
11   Patrick   2019 May 22, 7:38pm  

FortWayneIndiana says
America lacks men. Plenty of milk sobs and soy boys, not enough quality people.

This is true.

Heartiste was a great educator of men, and got banned.

We need a new search engine which specifically favors the most dangerous and outlandish websites.
12   BayArea   2019 May 22, 7:42pm  

Patrick, did you ever try to get in touch with James Damore for an interview?
13   Automan Empire   2019 May 22, 7:43pm  

If she'd take that nose ring out, I might offer to stir her curry on a part time nonexclusive basis.
14   Patrick   2019 May 22, 7:50pm  

BayArea says
Patrick, did you ever try to get in touch with James Damore for an interview?

I tried, no answer.
15   BayArea   2019 May 22, 10:18pm  

Patrick says
BayArea says
Patrick, did you ever try to get in touch with James Damore for an interview?

I tried, no answer.

Bummer, and fucking travesty what happened to him.

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