The Illinois, California Exodus

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2019 Jun 17, 10:58pm   58,456 views  303 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

People fleeing to Florida, Texas, South Carolina.


Almost twice as much to leave California for Texas than Vice-Versa:

When you bring a U-Haul back to California, you do the company a favor, so another Middle Class family can leave for Texas.

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90   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 14, 7:51pm  

Bd6r says
If you put all that together, parts of Texas look pretty good. It won't be as pretty as AZ or NV mountains or have as nice climate, but land is fertile and populace heavily armed.


I used to watch a show about Pig Hunting in Texas. I think it was called "American Hogger".

Something I was interested in doing since college days three decades ago, was Pig Hunting in Central California. So finally, in my mid-50's I took the NRA classes with my kids, learned to shoot, etc., and had a fabulous time hunting those varmints recently with my son and son-in-law. My son-in-law showed me some youtube videos of Guided Pig Hunts With Dogs in Texas. That looks fascinating and loads of fun. I saw websites for such guided hunts that are linked to butchers who will ship anywhere in the world. It's my next bucket-list-destination.
91   Automan Empire   2021 Dec 15, 1:44am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
I saw websites for such guided hunts that are linked to butchers who will ship anywhere in the world.

Say, wanna sell some "wild hog shares?"
92   Bd6r   2021 Dec 15, 6:17am  

B.A.C.A.H. says

I used to watch a show about Pig Hunting in Texas. I think it was called "American Hogger".

Something I was interested in doing since college days three decades ago, was Pig Hunting in Central California. So finally, in my mid-50's I took the NRA classes with my kids, learned to shoot, etc., and had a fabulous time hunting those varmints recently with my son and son-in-law. My son-in-law showed me some youtube videos of Guided Pig Hunts With Dogs in Texas. That looks fascinating and loads of fun. I saw websites for such guided hunts that are linked to butchers who will ship anywhere in the world. It's my next bucket-list-destination.

We have wild hogs on our property and they can be hunted without any permits all year. We'll probably fence off the bottom part of land from cattle and hunt there. Local sausage shops make sausage from them or conveniently convert them to pork chops.
93   WookieMan   2021 Dec 15, 6:57am  

Patrick says
You're going to build your own new house? Why bother when many are for sale? Maybe low inventory in your area?

Yes. It will take time, so it's not like it's happening tomorrow. Probably a 2-3 year process.

We've been living extremely frugal outside of travel, so we have the means to build. We can also get 2-3 lots with sewer and water for $40-50k total. We're doing custom as well, no bullshit subdivision tract home. We're in a unique position right now. We got our place for $85k. Probably close to $300k now. We refi'd but would likely walk with $150k after closing costs tax free. With down payment we could likely build new and have a monthly nut of $2,200-$2,600 with a brand new house designed to our liking.

I like our current house as I've spent so much time rehabbing it, and PITI of $1,200/mo, but once these boys hit high school, they aren't fitting and 3 cannot share one bathroom. I'm not small either so in 6 years roughly we're going to have 4 dudes that are 6' plus walking around a 3/2 home. Looking at a 5/4 ranch setup. One of the 5 in the basement since it's taxed less here below grade. 2 story house is a no go as stairs waste space.

With a family, renting just doesn't make sense where we're at and we have the equity in this home. This would be our final house besides a vacation or retirement property. I'd like to knock both out now and have the retirement property as a vacation rental and pay down the principle in our working years. We'll see. Doing a fuck ton of financial planning lately.
94   zzyzzx   2021 Dec 15, 7:21am  

Patrick says
You're going to build your own new house? Why bother when many are for sale? Maybe low inventory in your area?

Little or no inventory and I don't like the houses that they build in a lot of places. I could make a list of reasons why I hate houses built after a certain year, but that's more appropriate for a separate thread.
95   clambo   2021 Dec 15, 10:36am  

Tangential comment herewith;

I’m in Baja California Sur Mexico and yesterday at the Walmart I saw a car 1. Florida plates 2. UCSC sticker.

I’ll bet he’s another California tax refugee, enjoying some traveling.
96   RWSGFY   2021 Dec 15, 10:46am  

zzyzzx says
Patrick says
You're going to build your own new house? Why bother when many are for sale? Maybe low inventory in your area?

Little or no inventory and I don't like the houses that they build in a lot of places. I could make a list of reasons why I hate houses built after a certain year, but that's more appropriate for a separate thread.

#1 is fucking open kitchen! Whoever the fuck though of that "brilliant" idea should burn in fucking hell.
97   GNL   2021 Dec 15, 11:18am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
Bd6r says
If you put all that together, parts of Texas look pretty good. It won't be as pretty as AZ or NV mountains or have as nice climate, but land is fertile and populace heavily armed.


I used to watch a show about Pig Hunting in Texas. I think it was called "American Hogger".

Something I was interested in doing since college days three decades ago, was Pig Hunting in Central California. So finally, in my mid-50's I took the NRA classes with my kids, learned to shoot, etc., and had a fabulous time hunting those varmints recently with my son and son-in-law. My son-in-law showed me some youtube videos of Guided Pig Hunts With Dogs in Texas. That looks fascinating and loads of fun. I saw websites for such guided hunts that are linked to butchers who will ship anywhere in the world. It's my next bucket-list-destination.

What was your weapon of choice?
98   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Dec 15, 5:36pm  

WineHorror1 says
What was your weapon

102   zzyzzx   2022 Jan 25, 5:59am  


California Considers Doubling its Taxes

A proposed constitutional amendment (ACA 11) in California would increase taxes by $12,250 per household, roughly doubling the state’s already high tax collections.
103   Onvacation   2022 Jan 25, 6:43am  

WineHorror1 says
What was your weapon of choice?

I was in Hawaii years ago and saw an ad for boar hunting. You had the choice of using a rifle, bow, spear, or dagger. You have got to be a badass to hunt wild pigs with a dagger.
104   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jan 25, 8:17am  

Onvacation says
You have got to be a badass to hunt wild pigs with a dagger

There's some youtube videos about Extreme Pig Hunting In Texas where they use that method, with dogs.
105   NDrLoR   2022 Jan 25, 8:35am  

FuckCCP89 says
why I hate houses built after a certain year
One of the ugliest outside treatments to my eye is that real high overhang over the entrance on a single story house that is trying to make the house look two story or something, instead of just covering the door itself.
107   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jun 13, 6:54pm  

So Mexico is just California in the 70s? (except 4 gas)
108   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jun 13, 6:59pm  

Started packing for my CA evacuation 3.5 months out.
109   Ceffer   2022 Jun 13, 8:01pm  

Ultra_FJB says

Started packing for my CA evacuation 3.5 months out.

Remember, stay humble in your new environs and don't Californicate them.
110   zzyzzx   2022 Jun 14, 11:48am  


Caterpillar to move headquarters to Texas from Illinois in fresh blow to the Chicago area
111   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jun 14, 7:58pm  

Ceffer says

Ultra_FJB says

Started packing for my CA evacuation 3.5 months out.

Remember, stay humble in your new environs and don't Californicate them.

@Ceffer I grew up there. I have a LOT of friends who are looking forward to my move back much less family.

However: Understood, hell no I won't do that.

I'm more concerned about some of them already being brainwashed by the lefties - some of the facefuck posts I see these days make me think I should just keep going to Florida. Which in fact is part of the longer term plan but my parents are hitting 80s (dad at least) and so I want to be around to help out.
112   exfatguy   2022 Jun 14, 8:07pm  

When bay area houses start sitting on the market with no offers, then I'll believe this. For everyone leaving, it seems many are lined up to take their place.
113   Patrick   2022 Jun 22, 10:21am  


Florida has internalized the lesson of Texas. You can’t build something worthwhile and then surrender it to people who, although they are escaping a place that has begun to collapse, show no evidence of understanding why that collapse is happening. People move for all kinds of reasons, like weather or taxes. Not all of them realize the role they, and their votes, may have played in creating the chaos in their rearview mirrors. So far, the influx of people to Florida is indeed “voting right.” For the first time ever, registered Republicans outnumber registered Democrats in Florida, by over 100,000.

It’s impossible to highlight Florida’s renaissance without mentioning its governor. Ron DeSantis’s election was a twist of fate for the state. In 2018, he beat Democrat Andrew Gillum by a little over 32,000 votes, or 0.4 percent, and in an election Gillum was predicted to win. Two years later Gillum was found by police in a Miami hotel with two men, one an overdosing male prostitute. Pictures of Gillum naked and passed out in his own vomit soon emerged. Florida dodged quite a bullet. ...

DeSantis’s decision to traverse a different path during the pandemic has made him a star. It wasn’t just that he zigged when everyone else zagged, reopening after only a very short and quite relaxed lockdown; it’s that he took seriously the responsibility to his state to not blindly follow information that made no sense. He prioritized normalcy, especially for kids, and this was a major contributing factor for so many making the move.
114   B.A.C.A.H.   2022 Jun 22, 10:23am  

exfatguy says

When bay area houses start sitting on the market with no offers, then I'll believe this.

It is happening. Sudden turn of events coinciding with interest rate rise.
115   WookieMan   2022 Jun 22, 10:43am  

Patrick says


I've only hit Tijuana as a kid Pacific side of Mexico, which is not real Mexico. I'd live in Mexico in a heartbeat now that I have the cash though versus CA. I love our country, but fear it's going to shit relatively quickly.

I'm a bigger guy though, and no that won't stop a cartel gunman, but I wouldn't be dabbling in that realm. So likely would be totally fine. Never have had an issue in my 10 or so visits to Mexico. Never felt unsafe. Fact is where I worked in Chicago is likely more dangerous than Mexico doing legal employment. The cartels are dangerous as fuck, but if you're not involved in their business there's little positive that's comes from killing a gringo minding their own business.

I'm a Caribbean guy at heart. The Pacific is beautiful, but it's just not my jam for some reason. I've done the coastal states (WA, OR & CA) and Costa Rica on the Pacific side. Also, as silly as it sounds, I prefer living in the Eastern/Central time zones. If you have the cash you can live down in PR, USVI, MX, etc. for pretty cheap. PR being the cheapest if you're a high income worker because of tax reasons. I want a place on St. John, USVI as a potential retirement home, PR would be fine as well. Hurricanes are my biggest beef with the Caribbean.
116   Booger   2022 Jun 23, 3:25pm  


Citadel Move Is 'Punch in the Gut' for Chicago

Chicago has suffered a series of corporate departures recently, but Ken Griffin leaving the city might sting the most.

The hedge fund billionaire said Thursday that he’s moving the home base of Citadel, the financial behemoth he founded in Chicago more than three decades ago, to Miami. Griffin hinted for months that he might make the move, citing the crime rate and political frustrations with leadership in Illinois.

The nation’s third-most populous city has seen a 34% rise in crime this year, with cases of thefts up 65%, according to year-to-date data on the Chicago Police Department’s website. Chicago’s Magnificent Mile and State Street shopping districts, along with many restaurants in the downtown Loop, have yet to fully recover from the pandemic. Even the National Football League’s Bears franchise is considering an exit to the suburbs.

Griffin, the richest man in the state with a net worth of more than $28 billion, has repeatedly voiced his concerns about the surge in crime throughout the pandemic in Chicago. He’s also regularly expressed frustrations with the operations and policies of the state under Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker, a billionaire Democrat seeking re-election in November, as well as voters’ lack of trust in government.
117   Booger   2022 Jun 28, 5:55pm  


Chevron selling Bay Area headquarters, paying for employees relocate to Houston
118   clambo   2022 Jun 28, 9:28pm  

Today I went to the Home Depot in La Paz.
In the lot I saw a 4x4 Toyota pickup with various Santa Cruz stickers on it.

I talked to the owner as he walked by; he moved to Baja California Sur Mexico from Santa Cruz full time a couple of years ago.

Another guy came down from Santa Cruz a year ago to open a little restaurant/bar downtown.

There’s a woman on YouTube who moved to Matzatlan from Santa Cruz several years ago, Janet Blazer.
CNBC interviewed her. She mentioned the impossibility of owning a place in Santa Cruz as a reason to move to Mexico.

Personally I am glad I am not a female trying to live in Mexico, it’s a man’s world there.
119   Booger   2022 Jul 24, 3:01pm  


‘Your Problem Now’: Illinois Gov J.B. Pritzker Celebrates GOP Billionaires Fleeing His State for Florida
120   Ceffer   2022 Jul 24, 3:05pm  

"You don't turn a place into an absolute cesspool and shithole and hold absolute power with a bunch of rich guys around paying taxes that have to be put into public works but can't be stolen and diverted to apparatchiks."
121   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Jul 24, 7:54pm  

2 months and counting...
122   zzyzzx   2022 Jul 25, 5:31am  

Louis Rossmann is moving his company out of NY to Texas.
123   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 2, 11:18am  


GEICO closes all California offices, lays off workers

GEICO has reportedly closed all 38 of its agent offices in California, laid off hundreds of employees, and will no longer sell insurance through telephone agents in the state.
124   WookieMan   2022 Aug 2, 12:04pm  

Booger says

The nation’s third-most populous city has seen a 34% rise in crime this year, with cases of thefts up 65%, according to year-to-date data on the Chicago Police Department’s website.

CPD suicides too and them leaving since they're required to live in the city. So the tax base continues to get smaller. This is going to become more common across the country in even red states. There's little to no reason to live in a city anymore. A lot of the cops are coming out to the burbs, taking a paycut, but they don't have to live in the city they work in and it's lower cost of living.

Griffin's boy (mine too) didn't win the Republican primary in June. I think the crime thing is overstated, it is way up, but it's still a mostly safe city, just war zone pockets. I won't go as I just don't like it anymore. Airport or free tickets to playoffs for an actual winning team in Chicago would be the only other reason. Otherwise it's just an overpriced, congested and yes crime ridden city. I feel that way about almost all cities above 1M population that I visit.

Also not sure how much Citadel actually employed in Chicago/IL. Obviously there were employees in Chicago, but my guess is most the high earners (sales) were in CA, NY, FL and TX. Probably was mostly admin here in IL besides a few board people, accountants and lawyers.
126   zzyzzx   2022 Aug 30, 10:36am  


California approves bill that could punish doctors for spreading false COVID-19 claims

Yahoo Finance's Anjalee Khemlani discusses a new California bill that could revoke medical licensing for doctors that spread COVID-19 misinformation.
127   Ceffer   2022 Aug 30, 11:35am  

zzyzzx says

California approves bill that could punish doctors for spreading false COVID-19 claims

So what happens when they get these things to court, and it is easy to demonstrate Covid has never been isolated or cultured, there are no samples available for research, and the PCR tests used to diagnose it were panned by the Nobel Prize winner who invented the technology? This is stupid because a brainwashed and bribed bureaucrat's OPINION on Covid is the standard for what is and isn't false about Covid fraud.
128   Bd6r   2022 Aug 30, 3:21pm  

zzyzzx says

California approves bill that could punish doctors for spreading false COVID-19 claims

Such as that "if you get jab, you will not get covid", "jab is safe and effective", etc???

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