The Illinois, California Exodus

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2019 Jun 17, 10:58pm   58,460 views  303 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

People fleeing to Florida, Texas, South Carolina.


Almost twice as much to leave California for Texas than Vice-Versa:

When you bring a U-Haul back to California, you do the company a favor, so another Middle Class family can leave for Texas.

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221   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 6:30pm  

AmericanKulak says

Patrick says


HELLUVA nice guy by the way.

"A second source said Stewart, who has eight children by five women, has the full support of all his kids, daughters Sarah Streeter, 59, Kimberly, 43, Ruby, 35, and Renee, 30, and sons Sean, 42, Liam, 28, Alastair and Aiden.

“They all know how happy him and Penny are living there and that is all they want is for their father to be happy,” the source said."

That's code for 'When is this fucking fuck going to fucking DIE ALREADY so we can divvy up his pile? Let's not do anything to upset him and get cut out of the will."
222   Ceffer   2023 Jun 11, 7:26pm  

I remember when Stewart was showing up in Westwood with groupies in tow in fancy sports cars and getting repeated drunk and disorderly and dui. Guess he might have sobered up somewhere along the line.
223   porkchopXpress   2023 Jun 12, 6:04am  

The_Deplorable says

porkchopexpress says

"It's almost one year since we left San Diego for Tennessee, and I'm so fucking happy."

Great - we have a poster from Tennessee - the only state in the union where Ivermectin is an over the counter medication!
Porkchop, tell us about Ivermectin... Is it available in grocery stores? How much does it cost?

I ask because these kind of searches on the Internet are blocked.

Funny you ask. I called my local CVS pharmacy and the guy said Ivermectin is not approved for Covid and said I should be getting vaccinated. CVS is not supplying it for Covid. I called my local Walgreens and the guy said they can't supply it for Covid but that he agrees they should. I realized that each pharmacy decides if they choose to prescribe it. I found a local (non-chain) pharmacy (Medicine Counter Pharmacy) that supplies it and ordered some and now have it. Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand. I believe anyone can order from them, even outside TN.
224   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:44am  

porkchopexpress says

Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand.

How much?
225   stereotomy   2023 Jun 12, 9:48am  

porkchopexpress says

The_Deplorable says

porkchopexpress says

"It's almost one year since we left San Diego for Tennessee, and I'm so fucking happy."

Great - we have a poster from Tennessee - the only state in the union where Ivermectin is an over the counter medication!
Porkchop, tell us about Ivermectin... Is it available in grocery stores? How much does it cost?

I ask because these kind of searches on the Internet are blocked.

Funny you ask. I called my local CVS pharmacy and the guy said Ivermectin is not approved for Covid and said I should be getting vaccinated. CVS is not supplying it for Covid. I called my local Walgreens and the guy said they can't supply it for Covid but that he agrees they should. I realized that each pharmacy decides if they choose to prescribe it. I found a local (non-chain) pharmacy (Medicine Counter Pharmacy) that supplies it and ordered some and now have it. Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand. I believe anyone can order from them, even outside TN.

If it's more than $1 a pill, you can order from alldaychemist. They're based in India. I thought $1 a pill is on the high side, but they're reliable (haven't had an FDA intercept yet - knock on wood). Food for thought.
226   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 10:27am  

HeadSet says

porkchopexpress says

Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand.

How much?

Rin is not incorrect, so let me start with that with his cocktail of pills. They probably work.

1 - Live healthy and move. Don't be fat.
2 - Standard vitamins and zinc will do you just fine when you get a cold (covid).
3 - Don't take the vax.

Had it once and it was a massive nothing burger outside of having to fly back home from Mexico. Travel days I feel like shit either way so I'm not sure how much was the effects of Covid. Or the idea I knew I had it and it created anxiety. Mind you this was an adult trip so drank too much over 5 days. That could be a mitigating factor.

Rin's stuff probably works great. But if you're under 70 and follow my 3, you'll be fine, in my non-medical opinion.
227   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 12, 1:25pm  

WookieMan says
"Had it [Covid] once and it was a massive nothing burger outside of having to fly back home from Mexico."

Text in brackets is mine...

Wookie, if you had Covid in Mexico did you look into purchasing Ivermectin and HCQ from Mexico? They are, to my knowledge, over the counter medications... And if you did, how much was it?
228   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 12, 2:04pm  

Earlier I wrote..."we have a poster from Tennessee...
Porkchop, tell us about Ivermectin... Is it available in grocery stores? How much does it cost?"

porkchopexpress says
"I called my local CVS pharmacy and the guy said Ivermectin is not approved for Covid and said I should be getting vaccinated. CVS is not supplying it for Covid. I called my local Walgreens and the guy said they can't supply it for Covid but that he agrees they should. I realized that each pharmacy decides if they choose to prescribe it."

Porkchop, it sounds to me that that was Big Pharma's reply from Tennessee - which is not surprising!

"I found a local (non-chain) pharmacy (Medicine Counter Pharmacy) that supplies it and ordered some and now have it. Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand. I believe anyone can order from them, even outside TN."

Thank you.
I found the "Medicine Counter Pharmacy" on the internet -- see https://medicine-counter01.business.site/ -- and found the Ivermectin price too high -- $35 for 5 day treatment. See https://form.jotform.com/221387018183152 And I agree with you "it is "definitely worth having it on hand."

Did you try any grocery stores? Given that Ivermectin is an Over The Counter Medication in Tennessee then people should be able to buy Ivermectin like they buy Aspirin. Is that the case?
229   WookieMan   2023 Jun 12, 3:17pm  

The_Deplorable says

WookieMan says
"Had it [Covid] once and it was a massive nothing burger outside of having to fly back home from Mexico."

Text in brackets is mine...

Wookie, if you had Covid in Mexico did you look into purchasing Ivermectin and HCQ from Mexico? They are, to my knowledge, over the counter medications... And if you did, how much was it?

I didn't look to be honest. Pretty sure I had it before and it was nothing. I tested when I got home. Wife tested the day prior. Nurse friend with us had them. She said don't waste a test if you slept in the same bed, you have it. She was right. Tested positive at home the next day and following.

Bought a blanket because I was freezing, but it resolved itself by the next afternoon/evening. Basic bad cold/minor flu symptoms. Again it was for the wife's 40th so we were imbibing more than usual. But I did test positive twice. For what that's worth....

Not saying Ivermectin won't/doesn't work, I just don't think it's needed really. Unless you have other issues health wise. Basic vitamins and zinc did me well. I was expecting worse. It was a sinus infection with chills for me.
230   Patrick   2023 Jun 15, 11:20am  


California State Senator Scott Wilk advised residents who “love their children” to “flee” the state, citing a new bill that would classify refusal to “affirm” a child’s gender as child abuse. Parents could potentially lose custody of their children if they refuse to support their child’s decision to “transition” to another gender.

231   WookieMan   2023 Jun 15, 1:30pm  

Patrick says


California State Senator Scott Wilk advised residents who “love their children” to “flee” the state, citing a new bill that would classify refusal to “affirm” a child’s gender as child abuse. Parents could potentially lose custody of their children if they refuse to support their child’s decision to “transition” to another gender.

And this is why you get elected. Try to make change or leave and call them out on the way out. Bitching online or at meetings generally does nothing. Just leave. And make it a shit show on the way out. This guy is the instruction book of what I'm talking about.
232   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 15, 2:54pm  

Patrick says
" https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/watch-california-senator-urges-conservatives-to-flee-the-state-cmc/ "

From the link:

Sen. Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita)... "advised residents who "love their children" to "flee" the state, citing a new bill that would classify refusal to "affirm" a child’s gender as child abuse."

No Senator. We, The People of The United States, will stay and fight this because California is a Conservative state - the state of Ronald Reagan.

Senator, the Deplorable response to this is Molon Labe.

233   WookieMan   2023 Jun 16, 4:33am  

The_Deplorable says

No Senator. We, The People of The United States, will stay and fight this because California is a Conservative state - the state of Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan was an Illinoian. He was a transplant to CA. I know his childhood stomping grounds well in Dixon, IL. I spent many summers going out there until the late 2000's. Still go out there occasionally for family.

Yes, much of his life was spent in CA. Weather is nice out there, but most people moved there for work and opportunity in certain fields. Those days are dying. So are the CA cities. Chicago is dying, so I'm not trying to be hypocritical. I would leave the state of CA though. I really don't think there's hope. Look at your senators and house reps. How the fuck did that happen? At least every other person in your area voted for this shit. Now it drags down the entire country because of CA's percentage of representation.
235   Onvacation   2023 Jul 9, 7:13am  

WookieMan says

I would leave the state of CA though. I really don't think there's hope.

There're pockets of decent living in California.

After 2 weeks of Maine weather, I am ready to go home.
236   Ceffer   2023 Jul 9, 10:05am  

Whenever I go to the gas station mini mart at the corner, there are these young guys at the counter. They are pallid, either overweight or underweight, bad complexions, some look like harem castratos with long hair, surly in attitude, dispensing from the shelves full of vapes, tobacco, booze and lottery tickets. They should be at the most vibrant and healthy period of their lives, and they look like wiped out stoner dregs.
237   porkchopXpress   2023 Jul 16, 11:52am  

HeadSet says

porkchopexpress says

Not cheap but definitely worth having it on hand.

How much?
Looks like you might've found it but here's the direct link to the pricing sheet. It's definitely expensive but I wanted legit, US-pharmacy-grade Ivermectin on hand just in case.
238   porkchopXpress   2023 Jul 16, 11:53am  

stereotomy says

If it's more than $1 a pill, you can order from alldaychemist. They're based in India. I thought $1 a pill is on the high side, but they're reliable (haven't had an FDA intercept yet - knock on wood). Food for thought.
I have a lot of IVM from AllDayChemist already. I just wanted to have the US stuff to diversify.
239   porkchopXpress   2023 Jul 16, 11:55am  

The_Deplorable says

Did you try any grocery stores? Given that Ivermectin is an Over The Counter Medication in Tennessee then people should be able to buy Ivermectin like they buy Aspirin. Is that the case?
I don't believe it's in grocery stores on the shelves. The law in TN is that you still have to get it from a pharmacy but that a prescription is no longer required.
240   Booger   2023 Jul 29, 6:39am  

If you're currently in Illinois and aren't at least planning your eventual escape, you're worse at planning for things than Jussie Smollett.
241   Robert Sproul   2023 Jul 29, 7:17am  

I am irritated about something Cali related everyday. Today it is my homeowners insurance just got canceled. My company, Foremost whoever the hell they are, are the latest to pull out of CA entirely. My agent is putting together a Fair Plan quote which will likely double my rate for an even shittier plan. She had some interesting info about the incompetence of the Gay-Hispanic-Affirmative-Action Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara. It is a very political elected position and according to her he has ZERO qualifications.

"Born in Commerce, California,[3] Lara is the son of a formerly undocumented factory worker and seamstress from Mexico.[4] Lara attended Los Angeles Unified School District schools and graduated from San Diego State University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree and served as student body president.[5][6] He is currently pursuing a master's degree from the University of Southern California. In 2013, Lara completed Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government as a David Bohnett LGBTQ Victory Institute Leadership Fellow.”

In the name of ‘protecting the consumer’ the 'student body president' won’t let the insurance companies raise their rates to price in the rising risks from fire, so the companies just leave. Then the State steps in to save us with some hinky Fair Plan bullshit….that raises your rates.
These people are driving California into the ditch.
242   Ceffer   2023 Jul 29, 7:55am  

Robert Sproul says

Today it is my homeowners insurance just got canceled.

They can't raise rates for the mass destruction of neighborhoods and forest fires from human controlled DEW weapons or weather/earthquake catastrophes caused by HAARP. California is targeted, so if the investing oligarchs informed their insurance entities, they would pull out.
243   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 22, 11:55am  


Wall Street Firms Move $2 Trillion Out of N.Y., Calif.

Repelled by rampant crime, high taxes and exorbitant housing costs, financial firms managing $2 trillion in assets have left New York and California for Texas, Florida and other Sun Belt states where the cost of living is as much as 40% cheaper, Bloomberg reports.
244   Patrick   2023 Aug 22, 9:15pm  

Onvacation says

After 2 weeks of Maine weather, I am ready to go home.

@Onvacation Why, too humid? Looks pretty nice:

245   clambo   2023 Aug 23, 5:29am  

California and New York have lost almost $1 billion in tax revenue because of the departure of the evil rich they so despise.

New York is totally fucked; my older brother lives in relatively peaceful Staten Island and I always ask him why he doesn't get the fuck out of there.

1. His wife objects; she grew up in the concrete jungle of Manhattan and can't leave her gavoon relatives behind in Brooklyn.
2. He still likes making money although he should have retired years ago.

These are outweighing his obvious desire to relocate to Florida; he has a nice little boat but can't really enjoy boating around NYC with it that much.
He would be fine moving down and getting into boating, diving, weekend trips to the Bahamas; guys take small boats to the Bahamas for the weekend from Florida.

So, there you have it; greed and fear of his spouse keeps my brother in New York.
Edit: fear also got him married in the first place come to think of it. Fear of no pussy makes men do foolish things.
246   Onvacation   2023 Aug 23, 8:54am  

Patrick says

Onvacation says

After 2 weeks of Maine weather, I am ready to go home.

Onvacation Why, too humid? Looks pretty nice:

Just wanted to come home.

I love my where my wife was raised. The weather is variable and mostly beautiful. The humidity and bugs are tolerable. We go back to Maine twice a year and I always enjoy the trip but there is no place like home.
247   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 23, 9:20am  

clambo says

His wife objects;

I think that's keeping a lot of people in places like NY, CA, and IL.
248   zzyzzx   2023 Aug 23, 9:21am  

clambo says

he has a nice little boat but can't really enjoy boating around NYC with it that much.

I would think that Staten Island would be a pretty good place to own a boat. I know people around here that boat year round.
250   Ceffer   2023 Aug 25, 2:06pm  

It has been suggested that the rebuilding of the Republic will not include the feral cities. They may or may not be rejoined later, but the heartland as we know is Republic Land, not KommieKunt Land.

Pundits have stated that to reverse the situation in captured, fake election fraud California will likely require the military if ever.
253   richwicks   2023 Sep 5, 6:41pm  

Booger says

Mexicans are good people. They are generally more American than Americans. My general impression of them is they are very strong on family, they tend to be more religious, and they are honest workers and they don't fall for that victim mentality bullshit.

I can't think of a single time I've had a negative interaction with a Mexican.
254   HeadSet   2023 Sep 6, 6:52am  

richwicks says

My general impression of them is they are very strong on family, they tend to be more religious, and they are honest workers and they don't fall for that victim mentality bullshit.

True, but it makes one wonder why Mexico, with all its resources, is a third world country when it is populated by such salt of the Earth.
255   Bd6r   2023 Sep 6, 8:38am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

My general impression of them is they are very strong on family, they tend to be more religious, and they are honest workers and they don't fall for that victim mentality bullshit.

True, but it makes one wonder why Mexico, with all its resources, is a third world country when it is populated by such salt of the Earth.

Mañana attitude
256   zzyzzx   2023 Sep 6, 9:16am  

HeadSet says

True, but it makes one wonder why Mexico, with all its resources, is a third world country when it is populated by such salt of the Earth.

257   zzyzzx   2023 Sep 6, 9:17am  

richwicks says

I can't think of a single time I've had a negative interaction with a Mexican.

Clearly you have never had one hit your car, nor do they live in your neighborhood!
258   zzyzzx   2023 Sep 18, 9:02am  


Trillion-Dollar Industry Powering Chicago Is at Risk of Leaving
259   Patrick   2023 Sep 23, 12:21pm  


A mother of three has been stabbed to death outside her home in Hemet, California after she asked drug users to move away from her children’s bedroom window.

28-year-old Shawna Weems was reportedly murdered after she confronted the two people outside their apartment, according to her husband Cody.

Cody Weems told KABC-TV that his wife confronted the drug users on Monday at about 12:38 a.m.

The people were reportedly taking drugs and making noise outside the young kids’ window.

However, when Shawna Weems spoke with the couple, the woman instead pulled out a knife and stabbed the young mother several times.

“She was my wife; she was my best friend, my rock, my soul, the mother to my children … just everything,” said Cody Weems.

This is the fault of Democrats and their policies of deliberately spreading crime and hard drug use.
260   richwicks   2023 Sep 23, 7:15pm  

HeadSet says

True, but it makes one wonder why Mexico, with all its resources, is a third world country when it is populated by such salt of the Earth.

US intelligence uses as a gateway for drug running, and supports the government there - that's part of it. When foreign influences aren't a threat, reform is possible in a nation. Who is controlling US foreign policy? Think the United States is? I don't.

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