Happy Patriots Day

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2019 Sep 11, 5:47am   1,083 views  11 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

It's on my calendar. Orwell would be proud.

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1   mell   2019 Sep 13, 12:46pm  

jazz_music says
People of Walmart celebrate their culture

The paradoxical nature between the image of American culture commonly projected, and American culture commonly observed is the fact that the US is one of the most unequal societies in the world. Wealth is extremely concentrated, and distribution is extremely lopsided. The top 1% possess about 40% of the nation's wealth, and the bottom 80% controls 7%. Thus, while the bourgeoisie-controlled media projects the image of America as a land of riches and freedom, the bottom 80% of the population betrays the truth.

Most people are scrapping by on the scraps of the upper-class, oppressed into poverty by the parasites of capitalism. Without realizing the structural faults of American society, the working class resigns to worshipping a TV culture of vanity and wealth in hopes of one day becoming rich -as they slowly lose sight of the higher quality pleasures of life, creating this culture lacking substance.

We can agree on something here. The problem is though that classic socialism doesn't work but worse is that America's socialists and left betray the majority of Americans as well when claiming people earning 250K+ are the upper class responsible for inequality when nothing is farther from the truth. They can talk to me again when they have the guts to address the real parasites, the 5MM+ yearly earners without real jobs just rent-seeking and skimming wealth, and levy a 10% tax on them until the budget is balanced and necessary generational social programs paid for. But fucking over the upper middle class and beginner upper class which pays all of your salaries via taxes and throw them back into the middle-class pool and demoting middle-class folks to lower class, handout dependent folks via thefty taxation is clearly wrong and nothing short of betrayal.
2   Onvacation   2019 Sep 13, 1:25pm  

jazz_music says
Most people are scrapping by on the scraps of the upper-class, oppressed into poverty by the parasites of capitalism. Without realizing the structural faults of American society, the working class resigns to worshipping a TV culture of vanity and wealth in hopes of one day becoming rich -as they slowly lose sight of the higher quality pleasures of life, creating this culture lacking substance.

At least they have iPhones and are not starving.
3   mell   2019 Sep 13, 1:44pm  

Onvacation says
jazz_music says
Most people are scrapping by on the scraps of the upper-class, oppressed into poverty by the parasites of capitalism. Without realizing the structural faults of American society, the working class resigns to worshipping a TV culture of vanity and wealth in hopes of one day becoming rich -as they slowly lose sight of the higher quality pleasures of life, creating this culture lacking substance.

At least they have iPhones and are not starving.

That's the real agenda though, elevating the welfarers so close to the non-welfarers to kill the incentive to move up and break free from the rat race. The less competition the uber wealthy have, the more dependent minimum wage day job and handout receivers they can control.

mell says
people earning 250K+ are the upper class
That's a tough call when landlords and real estate mortgages get most of the money.

And in SF Bay a shit shack runs $1-2MM the same shit shack that costs $50k in Nebraska or elsewhere in flyover country.

That's my point. Sure you can live in a nice hood, drive a nicer car, have a pretty wife and go out and travel more than the welfarers, but you still are subject to the same daily grind if not worse: you work daily for the man, pay hefty taxes on what you earn and give the rest away to child/wife support and you really can't miss a month of work. Most of your hefty taxes go to the uber-wealthy and the welfarers. And what you have in nicer things the welfarers make up for having more time and not having to work as much if at all. During the 2008 crisis prices in the bay area plunged by 40% easily before the Fed stepped in buying all the toxic shit. A teacher making 50k back then had a real shot of owning a 2-3 bedroom house/condo one day with that price correction and an ok life in the bay area (they can't be fired so that's a big plus for them). Today the same teacher may make 60k-70k but the family house and life in the bay area is out of reach again for the foreseeable future. No matter whether you make 50k or 500k you should hardly pay any taxes at all. Why should a skilled neurosurgeon pay more taxes just because he/she makes a couple 100k per year? They should be rewarded for their skill/dedication instead. Most should be financed by levies on etxreme wealth well beyond the 1MM mark, maybe 5MM+, capital gains should be mostly free for those who invest with their day job money and only be levied for those whose main source of income is cap gains (i.e. hold no day job). All the house mortgage mumbo jumbo tax breaks and rent-seeking incentives should be abolished, and most programs financed with taxes and levies on extreme income and wealth, but only temporary and needs to be approved year-by-year to determine weather still necessary. The achievable goal should be for everybody to break free from the daily rat race given they live a modest life. It's possible once you remove the rent-seeking parasites.
4   mell   2019 Sep 13, 1:48pm  

Without the Fed and foreign (mostly Chinese) money, corrupt zoning laws and prop 13, the pressure from (illegal) immigration, bay area house prices would be 50% of what they are today. It's all artificially engineered, at least Chinese money has been stopped/leaving and when the next recession hits rates can't be lowered much anymore, and some of the fraudulent mortgage deduction laws have been canceled. All good steps and you can see the prices have plateaued and are starting to retrace. Once the poop epidemic is in every SF neighborhood I expect another 20% drop easily.
5   mell   2019 Sep 13, 1:57pm  

mell says
elevating the welfarers so close to the non-welfarers to kill the incentive to move up and break free from the rat race.
You don't know what you are talking about

I do. Down the block from people who pay 4k-5k monthly for a 3 bedroom in SF there are freshly renovated "projects" where people and families pay close to nothing on section 8. Those homes are nicely insulated and generally free of mold as opposed to many of the SF shit shacks the others have to rent. They now have small daycares and schools in those projects while the regular folks have to bus their kids every morning into a lottery determined public school (or pay $50k per year for a private school), or the only daycare that had room for them ($2000 per month) which may be across town before hitting work, all of the project members have cars and iphones and work on average half the time if not less of the non-section 8ers just half a block away from them. They also have more kids than the non-welfarers since it's much easier for them. Don't give me the tune of the poor welfarer, they have never had it better in history than today. Them and the uber-wealthy.
6   mell   2019 Sep 13, 2:07pm  

mell says
they have never had it better in history than today.
They are not crazy, they are just hopeless and got nothing to lose, that is why all the public violence keeps getting worse, and it's never going to stop because of people like you saying they have it made.

Maybe when the bullets fly you and your family will duck, LOL You still won't change your opinion of the poor.

The majority of the section-8ers are not violent or (seriously) criminal although they have a higher crime rate. The ones who have no hope or are violently criminal are low life thugs in the first place or have serious drug problems. The rest does not look at all like they have no hope, they are doing fine. Rarely bullets do fly, but often from outsiders coming into the hood. Same for break-ins.
7   mell   2019 Sep 13, 2:15pm  

jazz_music says
mell says
The rest does not look at all like they have no hope, they are doing fine.
Daily statistics on violence say different

Because those who opt for these services sport a higher rate of thugs in the first place, but the projects does not make them more or less criminal. And those projects that are intermixed in normie whites/asian (who basically pay for them) hoods do much better than the ghetto black projects.
8   mell   2019 Sep 13, 5:50pm  

jazz_music says
mell says
the projects does not make them more or less criminal.
technically this may not be true when you have police circling them like Indians around a wagon train.

Police don't run stings, ghetto birds, high surveillance, heavy patrolling in nice neighborhoods. A guy can drive drunk every fucking day and not get caught but maybe once a year. If the drunk is smart enough to stay off the main boulevards he may never get caught.

In an area with housing projects the police shake them down just to fuck with them, or just for being on the street walking even. And it's true that some of the residents break laws all day long.--this is a problem for social engineering and rehabilitation projects.

Did you know that the Netherlands is shutting prisons down left and right because they are empty? Netherlands is not a society that is ruled by corruption like ours. They play the social game to...

You clearly don't live next to housing projects. The cops don't do anything they wouldn't do to other citizens. The reason there are often more cops there is because there is more crime and the citizens nice enough to tolerate and even welcome some of the hoodlums need to be protected. The narrative that cops somehow gang up on the socio economic poor is a total myth. They have better things to do. Such as collecting a fat pension.
9   mell   2019 Sep 13, 5:52pm  

With regards to the Netherlands, the Dutch are generally very nice low crime people, much lower than white Americans. However they do have problems too in any city that has too many rapefugees. Still it's easy for them to abandon most prisons as the Dutch amongst themselves are very peaceful and cohesive and also mono cultural. Can't compare that with the US.
10   RWSGFY   2019 Sep 13, 6:18pm  

jazz_music says
Did you know that the Netherlands is shutting prisons down left and right because they are empty?

Higher average IQ.
11   Rin   2019 Sep 13, 6:37pm  

Patriot's Day is not 9/11.

Patriot's Day is the first day of the Revolutionary War where the shots were fired at Lexington MA's town center, along with other suburbs outside of Cambridge MA.


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