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Victoria Nuland Was Key Figure in Plotting 2014 Ukrainian Coup (Transcripts)
She's a menace to Ukraine
Victoria Nuland screwed up. ...
What’s fascinating is how these half-wit Democrats keep making the same mistakes that get other people killed. How they are never held to account. How they can lead the world into World War III and escape to their cozy million-dollar Doomsday Bunkers.
Ukraine’s misery is a result of US meddling. Zelenskyy was smart, he’d ask the US to stay the hell out of the situation instead of asking for more US assistance. The Obama and Biden administrations, with the joyful assistance of the CIA, have brought a curse upon Ukraine by trying to control the world.
As I wrote earlier, there are no good guys in the Ukraine-Russia war. The fact that the World Economic Forum has turned against Putin and Russia proves that.
And a leaked transcript from 2014 proves the US government is the worst friend a country can have.
Gotta protect the Kerrys, Heinz, and Biden families, and the DC Think Tank/Lobbyist Machine, their patrons for current and future office.
Nor is it limited to Democrats. Some good old RINOs are involved, including Mitt Romney, who son is in the same company board that was being paid via Latvia and Cyprus ("Smurfing") by Devon Archer and Burisma.
Hundreds of Millions in IMF Taxpayer Money to Ukraine is unaccounted for.
We only somewhat understand how disruptive Trump's win was, not just to the true believers in Liberal Hegemony (Globalism, NWO, Internationalism) but to the DC Swamp Graft Machine.