Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   198,312 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2198   Onvacation   2021 Mar 22, 1:22pm  

"Funny" how they turned a new strain of the common cold into worldwide fascist dictatorships.

But not China. Their people have already been Tiananmen Squared and know their place.

Whatever government we end up with the productive lions and hyenas will thrive. Even the faster gazelles and antelopes will still find grassland, though it will be harder to graze peacefully. The slower ones in the herd, especially the ones who have been protesting for free shit and causing anarchy in our once beautiful cities, will be the first to the slaughter.

Will it be worth it to give in to tyranny if they clean up the streets and let us take off the mask and breathe fresh air again?
2199   Booger   2021 Mar 22, 3:03pm  


Locked-Down Americans Fatter-Than-Ever As Krispy Kreme Unveils 'Free-Donuts-For-The-Vaxxed' Promo
2200   mell   2021 Mar 22, 3:17pm  

Booger says

Clown world. Fuck crispy creme. I feel bad for the few remaining young Chads in this world as this means fewer eligible chicks to bang, just more fugly blubber landwhales and not everyone has the money for Rin's reality doll.
2205   Patrick   2021 Mar 23, 7:26pm  

Says "Easter stroll 2021"
2207   Patrick   2021 Mar 24, 3:09pm  

A friend asks:

> What other side effects does it cause?

I replied:

Death, for example.



"Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said in a recent briefing that 60% of Ohio’s nursing home staffers had declined their shots."


I would not be at all surprised if hijacking all of your cell's DNA -> mRNA -> protein mechanism does cause infertility or autoimmune disorders.

If the vaccine is not safe enough for vaccine makers to accept liability like they do with other vaccines, why is it safe enough to inject into the public?
2209   RC2006   2021 Mar 29, 7:28am  

Look at this sick shit, fucking dystopian corporate lib propaganda LAUSD.

2210   WookieMan   2021 Mar 29, 8:31am  

RC2006 says
Look at this sick shit, fucking dystopian corporate lib propaganda LAUSD.


That is bad. Kids don't and haven't died from Covid regardless of any stats put out. They need to just go back to school. Every parent knows if their kid isn't feeling right or has a fever and shouldn't go to school. Even the deadbeats. This is all just theater.

I literally think this is just a reclassification of an existing virus that has been around. My family has been absolutely reckless, during covid "standards," and no one has gotten it. First week of May 2020, during peak hysteria, we traveled to Tennessee with 3 other families, 17 total people in a house. Multiple gas stops and lunch stops. Been on 16 different one way flights. Had "active" covid people in our home NYE 2021 without knowing it in a non-ventilated space for hours. Any restaurant that would seat us, we were there. Mask wearing was never really a thing where I'm at.

I'm a go with my gut guy and this is all pure bullshit at this point. I got sick after NYE, but tested negative. It sucked, but it's not worth shutting the damn planet down if it was Covid as I have zero faith in the test. People need to grow a pair and just realize that you're going to get sick at some point. Prior to Covid the flu was not pleasant when you'd get it. That's what this is. Who cares? It astounds me how dumb people are even though I should just expect it at this point.
2212   zzyzzx   2021 Mar 29, 11:30am  


First lawsuit against COVID-19 vaccine mandate filed in US
‘This is a case where the supervisor is just dead wrong. They absolutely don’t have the right to force anyone to take an experimental medical product,’ one lawyer said.

Corrections officer Isaac Legaretta sued his supervisors and local officials on February 28, after New Mexico’s Doña Ana County mandated COVID-19 vaccine injections for all first responders.

In his complaint, Legaretta said he had been threatened with termination and written up at work multiple times for refusing to accept experimental COVID-19 vaccination. The county gave Legaretta just five days to provide proof of vaccination, according to a memo from February that he provided. Legaretta is seeking an injunction to block his termination or to reinstate him in the event that he loses his job.

Doña Ana initially announced in January that all first responders in the county, including police officers and detention center employees, must receive COVID-19 shots as a condition for continued employment.

“It is required that, if you have not already started your vaccinations, that you be vaccinated with your first dose on one of those days, or contact Human Resources for accommodation,” a January 29 notice from County Manager Fernando Macias read. “Being vaccinated is a requirement and a condition of on-going employment with the County due to the significant health and safety risks posed by contracting or spreading COVID-19.”

Federal law indicates that products granted EUA cannot be mandated, as Legaretta’s complaint argues. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in August also stated that COVID-19 vaccines “are not allowed to be mandatory.”

There is no New Mexico law providing for compulsory vaccination during a public health emergency, and the state health department has said that it will not try to require people to take the shots.

“This is a case where the supervisor is just dead wrong. They absolutely don’t have the right to force anyone to take an experimental medical product,” Legaretta’s attorney Ana Garner said, adding that people have “an absolute right to refuse” COVID-19 vaccines.

“The stakes are extremely high,” Garner told the Activist Post in a recent interview. “We want to go to the Supreme Court with this,” she said. “Our ultimate outcome is to get a declaratory judgement … saying that the federal law concerning emergency use authorization is superior to any mandate that could be passed in the state.”

“But what’s at stake here are our medical freedoms, our liberties, bodily integrity, our right to choose any sort of medical intervention. This is a critical issue. We are not human guinea pigs, nor should we be treated that way,” she said.

COVID-19 vaccine mandates are a form of “experimenting on humans” and thereby violate the post-World War II Nuremberg Code, Garner said, calling them “a crime against humanity.” “This is a crime against humanity for these organizations, and counties, and now the Department of Defense, trying to get all of our military vaccinated.”
2213   TechBrosWon   2021 Mar 29, 2:23pm  

If Sikhs to be taken seriously in World, They need to stand up against all Genocides and Govt. high handedness.
I thought Jagmeet will cower down, But this round He took on CCP.
Hope he continue.

New Democrats stand in solidarity with Michael Chong & all Canadian MPs sanctioned by China.
We voted 266-0 to stand up against the genocide against the Uighurs.
We won’t be silenced.
If the Chinese government wants the criticism to end, it should stop the human rights abuses.
2217   HeadSet   2021 Mar 31, 10:23am  

There is such a thing as a "vaccination card?"
2218   joshuatrio   2021 Mar 31, 10:30am  

HeadSet says
There is such a thing as a "vaccination card?"

Yup. If you have facebook, scroll through your feed long enough, and you'll see people posting pics with them. All smily - but then the next day sick as shit.
2219   Eric Holder   2021 Mar 31, 10:45am  

HeadSet says
There is such a thing as a "vaccination card?"

Yep. And you can have one too. Here, print out and fill in:

2229   Patrick   2021 Apr 6, 10:17pm  


How is it possible that the USA has about 20 percent of the world’s cases of Covid-19 and a similar share of deaths, but just 4.2-percent of the world’s population? ...

You can look at all the data and there is just one explanation for this anomaly (and it’s an extreme one): mass hysteria creating mass psychogenic illness and hysterical contagion brought about by lockdowns and media coverage highlighting and exaggerating the “pandemic.” These are real psychological conditions.

The public has been frightened to its core, resulting in suicides and public freak-outs. Examples abound on the net showing some poor person getting a positive test for Covid-19 and breaking into tears or panicking despite the fact that they felt fine and have no symptoms.

This is further compounded by panicky government shut-downs in much of the country at the behest of the state health departments.

When the WHO reports that these lockdowns and stay-at-home orders won’t solve this problem because of the consequences of suicides, domestic abuse, and murder; much of the media refuses to discuss or promote this and literally promotes lockdowns instead. ...

With Covid, there is no other explanation for the major discrepancies from country to country. The nations with worsening situations have the loudest media sensationalizing the situation. Find a country that is not influenced by modern Western media and the cases and deaths drop. China’s low numbers can be explained by state control of media reporting with calm, not allowing sensationalism. The US and the UK in particular have a much more hysterical and freaked out journalist class prone to exaggerating situations and outright fearmongering.

The severity of the virus from country to country is a reflection of media coverage, not the other way around. This explains how the Swine flu during the Obama administration did not get out of hand. The testing and reporting was stopped.

This thesis may seem radical to some, but there is no other obvious explanation for the ridiculous US numbers. Every explanation has been shallow or cliched involving racism, wealth gaps, health insurance, or Trump.

When this is all over and studied, the truth will come out. The mainstream and corporate media, including most local reporting, has done a disservice to the American public by sensationalizing the pandemic at the expense of serious and honest reporting. And it is literally making people sick.
2231   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 7, 4:13am  

Patrick says
How is it possible that the USA has about 20 percent of the world’s cases of Covid-19 and a similar share of deaths, but just 4.2-percent of the world’s population

The answer was right in front of you::

2232   WookieMan   2021 Apr 7, 5:01am  

Patrick says
This is further compounded by panicky government shut-downs in much of the country at the behest of the state health departments.

Europe is worse. At least Austria. Not by choice, but my family that just got back, they haven't been to a restaurant in over a year there. They can't. When they tested positive government officials visited their apartment almost daily. We have it bad in some states, but it sounds much worse in Austria or even Canada.
2233   Patrick   2021 Apr 7, 8:45am  

And for just about no reason at all.
2234   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 8, 9:06am  

It was also exaggerated here to try and make Trump look bad and lose the election, but that didn't work so that had to cheat about 100 different ways.
2235   Reality   2021 Apr 8, 9:32am  

What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll? First tell them "body-positive," then introduce a virus that disproportionally kill the obese and/or pretend there is a virus that kills more than what normal cold+flu does to the obsese and sickly so as to introduce a vaccine that disproportionally kills off the obese and sickly while enticing them with donuts!
2236   porkchopXpress   2021 Apr 8, 9:38am  

Reality says
What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll? First tell them "body-positive," then introduce a virus that disproportionally kill the obese and/or pretend there is a virus that kills more than what normal cold+flu does to the obsese and sickly so as to introduce a vaccine that disproportionally kills off the obese and sickly while enticing them with donuts!
Funny you mention that. I've thought the same thing.
2237   zzyzzx   2021 Apr 8, 9:44am  

Reality says
What if it is a way of wiping the obese and sickly population off the government's payroll?

Then they aren't trying hard enough!

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