Corona virus (more correctly, Wuhan virus)

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2020 Jan 24, 12:33pm   191,602 views  3,372 comments

by Heraclitusstudent   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone wants to risk a bet on the eventual number of sick people? Dead people?

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2293   PeopleUnited   2021 May 2, 8:03pm  

Booger says

Everyone should watch what this retired Pfizer scientist has to say. He sacrificed his social status and standing in the scientific community to break with the narrative. He did this not for personal gain but to give us all a wake up call, in hopes that his children and grandchildren live to see those who perpetrated crimes against humanity in 2020 and 2021 are held accountable. To hear what he has to say is sobering and visceral. And honestly his realistic admission that it may already be to late is what it looks like to see a man who has stared Goliath in the face and know that he cannot beat him on his own. If what he has to say does not cut you to the core, the genocidal maniacs have already made you numb to their tyrannical plot to own and ultimately exterminate you.
2294   Robert Sproul   2021 May 2, 10:20pm  

PeopleUnited says
Booger says

Everyone should watch what this retired Pfizer scientist has to say. He sacrificed his social status and standing in the scientific community to break with the narrative. He did this not for personal gain but to give us all a wake up call, in hopes that his children and grandchildren live to see those who perpetrated crimes against humanity in 2020 and 2021 are held accountable. To hear what he has to say is sobering and visceral. And honestly his realistic admission that it may already be to late is what it looks like to see a man who has stared Goliath in the face and know that he cannot beat him on his own. If what he has to say does not cut you to the core, the genocidal maniacs have ...

I have watched a couple of Yeadon videos and I just watched this one.
He is obviously sincere and I find him completely credible.
We are fucked.
2295   zzyzzx   2021 May 3, 4:46am  

COVID lockdowns cost countless jobs, don’t appear to have saved lives: study

Study suggests lockdown costs may have outweighed benefits
2296   zzyzzx   2021 May 3, 5:33am  

Military Gives Credence to Vaccine Microchip Fears; Mainstream Media Says Nothing to Fear

2298   Onvacation   2021 May 3, 4:12pm  

With so many in desperate poverty and the awful wealth disparity maybe we should have a reset and let the government redistribute THE wealth equitably.

2300   WookieMan   2021 May 6, 5:13pm  

We've been mostly maskless where I'm at. Just saw a guy physically avoid me because I wasn't wearing one and buy THREE packs of cigarettes. He didn't say anything to me, but it was obvious. Our country is fucked when a guy wearing a mask is afraid of a respiratory illness buying three fucking packs of cigarettes. It's not even funny anymore.

I'm sure he was "vaccinated" though, but the cig habit is just fine. God damn. Older gentleman too. Kind of wanted to just punch him and run. Boomers are dumb fucks for the most part. And yes, so is my generation to an extent. They're the ones dictating the "rules" though, so fuck them.

Sorry to the smart boomers here. Be proud you're in the 5% that haven't fucked things up.
2301   AmericanKulak   2021 May 6, 5:33pm  

If the HEPA filters on planes work so great, I should be able to smoke on the plane.
2302   Patrick   2021 May 6, 5:50pm  

Oddly stewardesses are not getting sick even though they fly with 200 strangers all the time.

The ground crews actually catch the CCP Virus more frequently than the stewardesses.


WookieMan says
Just saw a guy physically avoid me because I wasn't wearing

Lol, some old guy in the neighborhood literally sprayed some disinfectant at me from across the street when I was out for a walk. Twice, on different days. I just roll my eyes and shake my head.
2303   mell   2021 May 6, 6:44pm  

Patrick says
Oddly stewardesses are not getting sick even though they fly with 200 strangers all the time.

The ground crews actually catch the CCP Virus more frequently than the stewardesses.


WookieMan says
Just saw a guy physically avoid me because I wasn't wearing

Lol, some old guy in the neighborhood literally sprayed some disinfectant at me from across the street when I was out for a walk. Twice, on different days. I just roll my eyes and shake my head.

They are usually younger and fit, and likely came in contact with it early on, had an asymptomatic or mild infection response and built t cell immunity against all the current variants.
2307   Patrick   2021 May 8, 2:57pm  

Ah, that's where the flu is going.

Now it's just listed as a "comorbidity" and no longer classified as the cause of death itself.
2308   Onvacation   2021 May 8, 3:48pm  

Patrick says
Ah, that's where the flu is going.

Now it's just listed as a "comorbidity" and no longer classified as the cause of death itself.

Even back when we had "death by flu" the victims mostly had severe comorbidities.

The flu can kick a healthy person's butt.
2309   AmericanKulak   2021 May 8, 5:20pm  

Clever, them Chinese
2310   Booger   2021 May 8, 5:28pm  

COVID-19 seems to be a good thing, since it solved cancer, diabetes and plenty more deadly conditions.
2314   Tenpoundbass   2021 May 10, 9:28am  

I want this fucking Idiot to keep on talking. The next two elections are going to clean the Commie's clock.

They aren't going to know what hit them, when the voting systems are cleaned up, and America gets to see how much the majority of America fucking hates these Motherfuckers.

I've been researching Broward voting data, and now I'm not convinced we're as Blue as the Liberal Corrupt Election machine has led us to believe.

The registered voters are split in an even 1/3.
1/3 Democrat
1/3 Republican
1/3 No Party Affiliated

My Voter data research shows that in the last two elections almost 100% of all NPA votes cast went to Democrats.
When you consider Republican candidates only got 1/3rd of the vote.
Now why would NPA voters vote so unanimously one party, that's just not how it works.
There should have been at least 1/3rd of the NPA's 1/3rd voters, that voted Republican.
If Broward ideology is 66% Democrat, then it should carry over to the NPA as well.
2320   Onvacation   2021 May 10, 9:32pm  

2321   Onvacation   2021 May 10, 9:33pm  

"A couple more years of masking may be necessary" Fauci
2322   Patrick   2021 May 10, 10:04pm  

How is Fauci not in jail?
2323   Patrick   2021 May 10, 10:15pm  


Peter Navarro states that Dr. Fauci wanted to weaponize COVID-19 and that he is the father of the virus. Navarro states that he is 99.999% sure.
2324   Ceffer   2021 May 10, 10:18pm  

Habitually getting away with it creates an arrogance and presumption that becomes habitual. That's why the only way to quell them is life imprisonment or execution.
2326   Ceffer   2021 May 12, 7:08pm  

Arbitrary rules are only designed to demoralize, belittle, tyrannize and remind the populace of their fungible and powerless new position in society. The more arbitrary and humiliating, the better.
2328   Booger   2021 May 15, 6:47am  


How A Year Of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency’s Credibility Forever
2330   Patrick   2021 May 15, 10:14am  

I'm 100% sure. Fauci was doing Gain of Function research on viruses for many years.

Funding EcoHealth Alliance is a feature, not a bug, of Fauci's career goals. After the outbreak of AIDS and then 9/11, Fauci's anti-terror "biodefense" budget exploded to $1.7 billion by 2003. In a 2011 Washington Post op-ed deeming gain-of-function experiments a "risk worth taking," Fauci wrote, "Working carefully with influenza viruses they have engineered in isolated biocontainment laboratories, scientists in Europe and the United States have identified several mechanisms by which the virus might evolve to transmit efficiently in the ferret, the best animal model for human influenza infection."


"The question is whether benefits of such research outweigh risks," he continued. "The answer is not simple. A highly pathogenic bird flu virus transmissible in humans could arise in ways not predicted by laboratory studies. And it is not clear whether this laboratory virus would behave in humans as it does in ferrets. Nonetheless, new data provide valuable insights that can inform influenza preparedness and help delineate the principles of virus transmission between species."

So it should come as little surprise that Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins wrote a loophole in the moratorium that allowed them to continue funding Daszak's work despite full knowledge of the risks. Unless the bat-borne RaTG13 really managed to mutate naturally into SARS-Cov-2, travel over 1,000 miles without infecting anyone along the way, and end up in a wet market that sold neither bats nor pangolins, then ... well, do the math.



Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, who has done invaluable work in calling attention to the possibility that COVID-19 originated in a Wuhan lab, broke some news during his appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience on Tuesday.

After laying out the circumstantial evidence that COVID originated in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), Rogin explained why Dr. Anthony Fauci, like many in the world of virology research, has a vested professional interest in downplaying the likelihood that so-called gain-of-function research — of the kind performed at the Wuhan lab — not only failed to prevent the ongoing global pandemic but actually may have played a hand in unleashing it.

“The Godfather of [gain-of-function virology research], the head of the pyramid, is a guy you may have heard of called Anthony Fauci,” Rogin said. “So, Anthony Fauci, the hero of the pandemic, is the most important person in the world of gain-of-function research there is . . . Basically, he is the one disbursing all the grants for this, he is the one who pushed to turn it back on after Obama turned it off, that’s another crazy story, he turned it back on without really consulting the White House.”
2331   Patrick   2021 May 15, 10:18am  

Booger says

How A Year Of Unfounded, Contradictory CDC Guidelines Destroyed That Agency’s Credibility Forever


Why should anyone trust the CDC or NIH now? They have proven themselves prostitutes for the TDS crowd, willing to say or do anything as long as it's anti-Trump.

It's kinda like The Lancet, a formerly prestigious journal that published an outright fraudulent article about HCQ, just because it was anti-Trump. Now you can't trust them at all.

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