I was wondering about the stupid "Chinese Virus" discussion on Patrick.net

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2020 Mar 20, 5:38pm   5,783 views  52 comments

by marcus   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

So stupid. "Why ?" Why put a countries name on it, when we had already settled on names for it. Why is this suddenly important to anyone ? I just didn't get it. Couldn't begin to relate in the slightest. I actually didn't realize it, becasue I've been busy and not watching much news.

THen I finally figured it out when I saw a headline. It was about defending the idiot and chief the whole time. Oohhhhh.

NOw I get it. It's a Trump Cuck thing.


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41   Eman   2020 Mar 21, 12:40pm  

marcus says
NoCoupForYou says
I already provided over 20 of Article Titles in the US & World Media calling it "Wuhan" or "Chinese" virus until the past few weeks, when they pivoted to Corona virus in order to score SJW points.

Wuhan is more specific and makes some sense. Some of those articles did say Chinese Corona virus.

I don't need to spend the time researching to prove that I know that three weeks ago, everything I read said Corona Virus or Covid-19. Because I was reading a lot about it on the internet. I will grant you that it is probably also what I put in to the search engine, but it wasn't out of a desire to be politically correct. It was based on the name that I had learned. That started more than 5 weeks ago.

The science people and the journalists are the ones that get to put names out there. And then we all start using them. If there was some political correctness involved in...


I believe the reason Trump intentionally called it the China virus is because the Chinese government has been spreading their own studies and rumors accusing the virus came from the US and/or US soldiers. With Trump’s personality, he basically said FUCK YOU CHINA. You accuse us, I’ll be sure the whole world know that the virus came from your country ASSHOLE.

What do you do when people punch you in the face? Don’t you want to punch the bastard back twice as hard, or do you defend the bastard for punching you in the face and blame that you deserve it?
42   porkchopXpress   2020 Mar 21, 12:41pm  

It's so refreshing to have a President who has a spine and punches back.
43   Patrick   2020 Mar 21, 12:59pm  

E-man says
What do you do when people punch you in the face? Don’t you want to punch the bastard back twice as hard, or do you defend the bastard for punching you in the face and blame that you deserve it?

This is why anyone who blanket accuses "white people" of racism should be invited to immediately retract that slander, or be punched in the face.

To call a white person racist just because of his race is exactly as bad as calling a black person nigger just because of his race. The response should be identical.
44   Hircus   2020 Mar 21, 4:58pm  

Shaman says
More evidence is arriving every day that this was an engineered plague that CHINA started. It should be titled the Chinese CCP VIRUS!

Does anyone know, or have a friend who knows the stuff this guy is talking about? I'm not sure exactly what type of background one would need to really understand what they're talking about, but I'm guessing someone strong in genetics / DNA / Genomes, and probably specifically genetic engineering.

This guy seems very convinced that Covid-19 is man made, but I think you need a real expert to be able to listen to his arguments and pass judgement. i.e., he said I think a certain sequence of 6 amino acids was extremely unlikely to be natural, and there were other hallmarks of editing, and "convenient" results from these edits.
45   mell   2020 Mar 21, 6:02pm  

China is asshoe!
46   Booger   2020 Mar 21, 6:17pm  

Given that we are likely to see repeated viruses from China on a regular basis, we should come up with a naming convention that includes a year designation.
49   zzyzzx   2020 Mar 26, 6:55am  

50   Ceffer   2020 Mar 26, 7:00am  

51   Onvacation   2020 Mar 26, 7:45am  

marcus says
So stupid. "Why ?" ... becasue I've been busy
52   WookieMan   2020 Mar 26, 11:02am  

marcus says
Wuhan is more specific and makes some sense. Some of those articles did say Chinese Corona virus.

Do you actually care what the name of a virus is anyway? Before the butt hurt starts, people will die....😭 That said calling it the Chinese virus is just plain funny. There's no disputing that. And honestly, Trump is doing an amazing job of distracting people from the actual problem by doing shit like this. He gets people all fucking worked up and not paying attention to the problem. He's got you focused on god damn words. It's hysterical on many levels.

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