Coronavirus toll could be up to 0.0003 of the US population!

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2020 Mar 29, 9:38pm   20,081 views  376 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


Wait, 3 percent of 1 percent?

Yes, 100 times smaller than 3 percent.

Say 100,000 die out of 300M people (actually, the population is even larger than that). That's 0.0003.

So, since 0.0086 of the US dies every year on average, this could bump up the US death rate by 3 / 86 = 3.5% this year.

Except not it wouldn't even be that much, because a large fraction of those who die weren't going to make it through a normal 2020 anyway.

It's still not at all clear that this was worth imploding the economy for. Remember that 81,000 died of the flu in 2018 and no one even blinked.

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330   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:16am  

logic says

Is that the year? So 40 plus years of using illegal labor.


Sometimes TDS makes you not see the facts of a situation and makes one look really hard for confirmation even if it is tangential and half a century old.
331   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:37am  

jazz_music says
. (Trump was also found to have improperly withheld compensation in the undocumented Polish worker controversy.)


logic says
The posted article doesn't address why or if over counting is happening It's really not a source for the argument trying to be made.
332   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:42am  

logic says
I referred to straw man fallacy
logic says
I had to endure straw man after straw man
logic says
with the same straw man.
logic says
the straw men keep coming out to play.

You do know that straws are illegal in many leftist enclaves, don'tcha?
333   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:44am  

logic says
Those who try to argue Trump doesn't lie are obviously deranged.

Hyperbole and exaggeration, yes. Tell us what you think Trump's biggest baddest lie is?
334   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 20, 7:46am  

logic says
Do you honestly believe that this country got shut down without people having fear?

Yes. Because we have affluenza and alienation, millions of Karens saw this as a fantastic opportunity to actualize their sense of superiority.

Additionally, millions of school teachers and government workers saw their chance to get paid without working.

And most of all, the virus is incredibly overhyped in the desperation to find a crisis to stick on Trump.

Which is why we never hear about Pelosi and DeBlasio and Fartwell pushing the Lunar Festival, encouraging Mass Transit use, and explaining the Xenophobia behind masks.
335   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:47am  

logic says

Trump is just not cut out for the job.

What makes your guy Biden better?
336   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 7:48am  

Not expecting cogent answers.
337   rocketjoe79   2020 May 20, 7:51am  

socal2 says
WookieMan says
It's a virus. Trump, Bush, Obama, etc. ain't gonna stop it. It's going to kill who it's going to kill. But hey, Trump bad.

It would be one thing if the US was doing uniquely bad compared to other Western Countries in Wuhan AIDS fatalities.

If we removed Cuomo and DeBlasio's fuck-ups in New York, America would be the envy of the world in combating this Pandemic.

One of the main reasons for Germany's low reported death rate is their reporting methodology. They report only COVID-19 deaths that can be attributed solely to the virus. Other countries, like the USA, have less strict guidelines, and report more cases. When all the data are in, there will be a lot of revisioning, but only to match the narrative of the respective agency (CDC, WHO, etc.) They will all want to look "right" so they can say they made the "right" decisions.

News agencies will massage this revised data to greatest effect: to generally make Trump look bad, and that "he made the wrong decisions" and "can't handle a crisis." I would dispute this based on his performance so far in many areas: Economy, Jobs, War, and Foreign Affairs. I think voters in November may remember these things. The Left seriously wants this "crisis" to extend into the fall, when they will undoubtedly be calling for Trump's removal as the virus "bounces back." This will, of course, be due to Trump's mishandling of -- everything.
338   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 May 20, 7:55am  

logic says

Hate to break it to you bro but Cuomo is not the President

Three Weeks Ago: Governors, not Trump, have the power to decide for their States! TRUMP DOESN'T HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO TELL GOVERNORS WHAT TO DO!

Today: Everything that happened, and all the cases in NYS, are Trump, not Cuomo's, fault. TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT, NOT CUOMO!
339   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 8:04am  

logic says
Onvacation says
logic says

Trump is just not cut out for the job.

What makes your guy Biden better?

He's not Trump

So you would rather have a demented old groper who can't be trusted not to pick a fight at his town halls?

Trump Derangement Syndrome built that!
340   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 8:07am  

logic says
Onvacation says
. Tell us what you think Trump's biggest baddest lie is?

My point exactly 😂

So you got nothing. I have yet to see a TDS sufferer come up with an actual lie that Trump told. They twist his hyperbole into untruths but they can't come up with an actual lie.
341   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 8:10am  

logic says
When the shit hits the fan if people need there fears calmed by the government who else would they look to?

They look towards themselves, family, friends, church if you're into that type of thing, sports, activities, etc. Government is the absolute last place you should be looking to calm your fears. The main and really only function of federal government should be to protect us from physical harm from other enemies/countries in my opinion. All the other stuff is bullshit. I also don't know when "shit hit the fan" with regards to this topic. If you're under 65 you have something like a 0.09% chance of dying from it once you have it. Factor in those that don't have it and you'r talking a tiny fraction of people. That's not something to fear.

logic says
That is the problem with logical fallacies they lead to mistakes in reasoning. If you would simple debate the argument I'm making you might be able to make more sense of it. Maybe you don't even realize that you continue to misrepresent my argument.

Your "argument" is a moving target for fucks sake. First it was deaths are not being over reported with no evidence. NoCoup gave you evidence and I have 100% truthful evidence that you're more than welcome to not believe, but that doesn't take away that it's true. It then shifts to Trump is a shit leader and the country is scared. That has nothing to do with the topic. I just addressed what you were saying has nothing to do with the topic or a virus. I'm moving in whatever direction you're taking this. It's an online forum, so there are no formalities, but just admit you started arguing deaths being miscategorized to Trump is a shit leader. That's what happened. You did that, not me.
342   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 8:13am  

WookieMan says
The main and really only function of federal government should be to protect us from physical harm from other enemies/countries in my opinion. All the other stuff is bullshit.

Sounds like Trump is doing his job. The days of president's mandating third sex bathrooms are over!
343   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 8:16am  

Onvacation says
WookieMan says
The main and really only function of federal government should be to protect us from physical harm from other enemies/countries in my opinion. All the other stuff is bullshit.

Sounds like Trump is doing his job. The days of president's mandating third sex bathrooms are over!

It's also not his job to make my feelings better. It's a virus. How about people get pissed at Trump because he's not making it 75 and sunny year round. That pisses me off. Fucking Trump. What a loser.

If that's the expectation of an elected official than our society if more fucked than I thought.
344   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 8:29am  

logic says
That is the problem with logical fallacies, they lead to mistakes in reasoning. If you would simple debate the argument I'm making you might be able to make more sense of it. Maybe you don't even realize that you continue to misrepresent my argument. Take a step back clear your mind, maybe that will help for you to understand my argument. Until you want to debate my argument there isn't really much left to say.

🤦‍♂️ You're literally are arguing with yourself at this point. This isn't debate club for Christ's sake. Stop the lecture on arguments and reasoning. This got off the rails when you decided to bring Trump into it with no basis for doing so.

Death rates have nothing to do with Trump. Cases have nothing to do with Trump. Misreporting of natural cause deaths as COVID-19 has nothing to do with Trump. The fact I know deaths are being falsified as COVID-19 has nothing to do with Trump. The fact you've brought no evidence to counter my point has nothing to do with Trump. For the 10th time, you don't have to believe me, but that doesn't make what I know false. You seem hung up on that fact. Then shifted the conversation (not argument because there is none) to Trump. Who cares about Trump!

This has spiraled into nonsense at this point. Your argument is a moving target, so there's no discussion really being had here.
345   mell   2020 May 20, 8:39am  

logic says
WookieMan says
It's also not his job to make my feelings better. It's a virus. How about people get pissed at Trump because he's not making it 75 and sunny year round. That pisses me off. Fucking Trump. What a loser.

If that's the expectation of an elected official than our society if more fucked than I thought.

Unfortunately I disagree, it's not an easy job and there are many aspects to it but to say one of those is not to calm the fears of the nation is just wrong. You are welcome to prove I'm wrong but please don't change my argument, no more straw men.

Also please tell me how calming fears and controlling weather are related. I don't follow. Why can't you argue my points? We could have wrapped this up a long time ago but you seem to continually misrepresent me. They have a term for this.

Latest numbers clearly confirm the long known observation that every highly contagious respiratory virus follows a similar curve with a sharp increase, plateau, then sharp drop-off, no matter what actions are taken. Trump did the only thing he could actually do, got gear and tests and talked up the economy and re-openings, as a president should.
346   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 9:06am  

logic says
My argument has not changed 1 bit.

What is your argument here? What is your point? It's not just me. Every time someone addresses you, you move the goalposts.
347   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 9:07am  

rocketjoe79 says

One of the main reasons for Germany's low reported death rate is their reporting methodology. They report only COVID-19 deaths that can be attributed solely to the virus. Other countries, like the USA, have less strict guidelines, and report more cases. When all the data are in, there will be a lot of revisioning, but only to match the narrative of the respective agency (CDC, WHO, etc.) They will all want to look "right" so they can say they made the "right" decisions.

News agencies will massage this revised data to greatest effect: to generally make Trump look bad, and that "he made the wrong decisions" and "can't handle a crisis." I would dispute this based on his performance so far in many areas: Economy, Jobs, War, and Foreign Affairs. I think voters in November may remember these things. The Left seriously wants this "crisis" to extend into the fall, when they wil...

You completely ignore data presented. NoCoup has posted stuff as well. I have anecdotal, yet 100% truthful data. What is your actual point/argument?
348   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 9:08am  

And why did Trump even get involved in this topic? But hey, keep arguing about how arguments should be argued....

Is this a new Iwog alt?
349   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 9:23am  

logic says
Lol, I've been here a long time. I've had multiple accounts but now this is my only one. No one has ever outed my original user name. I'm not iwog. Ive had the names hearding cats, starsky, hutch elgatouno and others but never Iwog I'm not Dan either. I did do a play on Dan's account so people would think I was him. Are you an alt account for Patrick?

Wasn't accusing you necessarily of being iwog. Your argument style is to argue about the conversation and how the other person is arguing the topic. Iwog was notorious for that and complaining about straw men. He'd create his own straw man by talking about rules of arguing/debating every time he was wrong. He was right a lot, but you could tell when he was backed into a corner every time.

I do feel like this topic has run it's course between us. I know what I've seen is true and I have no interest in ruining careers of my friends. Others have posted evidence to back up my claims from different sources. Without evidence that deaths are being accurately labeled, I believe we're at an impasse on this subject.
350   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 9:24am  

And again, topic has nothing to do with Trump.
351   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 9:26am  

logic says
My argument has not changed 1 bit

What is your argument? Orange Man Bad?
352   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 9:29am  

logic says
. I did do a play on Dan's account so people would think I was him.

Quack! Quack!
353   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 9:30am  

logic says
I'm arguing about how arguments shouldn't be made

Glad you clarified. It all makes sense now.
354   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 10:13am  

logic says
. You are trying to say I'm iwog, right?

No. He was smarter.

Your arguing about the argument is reminiscent of the duck's style of never admitting they was wrong ( no gender assumptions on whether drake or hen).
355   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 10:22am  

logic says
Again, I can only argue my argument not an argument I'm not making. Not sure how that doesn't makes sense.

Did you know that mallard's are known gang rapists?
356   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 10:49am  

logic says
Remember that time when you tried to say Star wars was in the genre of comedy? I do.

Was it not in a Star Wars thread about Kennedy or whatever her name was? Totally on topic. And of course, there's zero humor in the original trilogy, like none.... Guardians of The Galaxy is also a Sci-fi flick. Zero parts of that movie(s) are funny or could be categorized as comedy because it's labeled Sci-fi. That's your stance, you understand? I'm sure you've never heard of a "romantic comedy" or some other label. You just enjoy putting square pegs in round holes.... You've got to be tired of ducking with all the things flying over your head at this point.

You've been asked multiple times to lay out your argument. You keep saying straw man. That you can't argue something you didn't type or say. You haven't made an actual argument about anything to this point. We can only make straw men because we have zero clue what your actual argument is. You've yet to state your idea, position or argument. You keep resorting to "nah, straw man. I didn't say that, so I'll just continue to say nothing."

I'll ask one last time, what position that has been presented in the thread, do you disagree with? What is your disagreement? All we're doing to at this point is trying to read your mind as you shift from the stats are accurate to Trump is a bad leader, with not a link to back any of it up and just saying everyone is wrong.
357   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 10:51am  

WookieMan says
You've got to be tired of ducking

358   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 11:44am  

logic says
Remember I'm winning

Yep! Your a winner!
359   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 12:24pm  

jazz_music says

Orange man bad to the corps

nuff said

I'm glad Trump is letting these part time soldiers go back to work.
360   HeadSet   2020 May 20, 12:35pm  

If military service is so important for a politician, why would you support Obama, Biden or Clinton? I guess you must be glad that Mike Garcia won CA 25, since he was the only veteran in the race.
361   Onvacation   2020 May 20, 1:54pm  

logic says
Trump, I hear, is a 5 time draft dodger. Unpatriotic..

And a racist, misogynist, cheating, bankrupt, pussy grabber. Don't forget the pussy grabbing!
362   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 2:14pm  

logic says
I said you were wrong to use the term verifiable proof. I know you have stopped saying you have verifiable proof because you don't.

What the fuck??? What are you talking about? I have verifiable proof, that's indisputable. I have no interest in sharing it here. Why would I? Just because you cannot see it, doesn't mean it's not true and doesn't exist. People hold back information all the time for different reasons. Nothing I said was wrong, you're just throwing a pity party because you "can't see the verifiable proof" like some entitled child. You have also given zero proof that COVID-19 deaths are being counted accurately from a 3rd party source. You're just saying we have to wait years and just living by the assumption the information you're being fed is accurate.

logic says
Also as I've stated above, which has still not been responded to, is that I don't agree with your argument that 10/10 times a 2 year pancreatic cancer patient should be classified as death from cancer. I think it's a judgement call and yes it should be noted what other ailments one had and life expectancy but to classify only as cancer 10/10 times, I don't agree. Ive said this above yet you haven't tried to back up your argument.

Not gonna waste my time. The link was already posted. Pancreatic cancer is a death sentence. If you have it for 2 years, you die from pancreatic cancer. I picked that specific cancer for a reason. You don't have to agree, but you're wrong. A patient with pancreatic cancer for 2 years doesn't die from COVID-19. They die from an organ that cannot be transplanted and cancer treatment just slows the death. COVID-19 is unequivocally not the cause of death. Get some doctor and nurse friends and discuss this.

I get it, you didn't read the link and/or understand what pancreatic cancer is. I'm sure 20 people you know will now have had it and survived or something. Just admit I presented information, and others have as well, and it's all just wrong because you say so. Deaths are being counted improperly and you've shown zero evidence to the contrary. I know my information is 100% right. Go find a link. Snopes or something that confirms your bias.
363   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 2:34pm  

logic says
Enough with the verifiable proof bit you don't HAVE it. Maybe just maybe you could get it but you don't already have it.

Lol. I have it. Have you even posted a link saying that deaths are accurately being counted? Still waiting on that. Prove me wrong. It should be easy. Right?
364   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 5:42pm  

Nice quoting.... Disingenuous much, yes.

WookieMan says
A patient with pancreatic cancer for 2 years doesn't die from COVID-19. They die from an organ that cannot be transplanted and cancer treatment just slows the death. COVID-19 is unequivocally not the cause of death. Get some doctor and nurse friends and discuss this.

logic says
If that is what you are trying to say then you must be saying that the 2 year surviver of pancreatic cancer who is driving home from radiation treatment who gets killed in a car accident died of pancreatic cancer

Never said this.... You did.

Not sure what car accidents have to do with the topic. Not sure what Trump being a bad leader has to do with the topic. Not making sense. You clearly don't understand how doctors categorize the primary cause of death. But keep trying.

Answer this. An alcoholic dies of liver failure. What's the cause of death?
365   WookieMan   2020 May 20, 5:44pm  

And please don't answer in 10 different fucking comments. You're clearly trying to bury your previous comments with the practice of answering 10 different parts of a comment one by one.
366   Patrick   2020 May 20, 5:46pm  

WookieMan says
You don't like Trump, we get it. We don't care.

This should be the general response to TDS.

Do not engage. There is nothing to be gained, and time and effort to lose.
367   Onvacation   2020 May 21, 1:07am  

Wetbulb is a far more serious threat than covid. It will kill millions right after the arctic goes ice free in 2022.
everybody knows that.
368   Patrick   2020 May 21, 2:07am  

WookieMan says
And please don't answer in 10 different fucking comments. You're clearly trying to bury your previous comments with the practice of answering 10 different parts of a comment one by one.

@WookieMan I'm 99% sure you were suffering through the troll duck who has been banned here many times. He is banned yet again.
369   WookieMan   2020 May 21, 5:35am  

Patrick says
I'm 99% sure you were suffering through the troll duck who has been banned here many times. He is banned yet again.

Damn, was just about to post this (pretty sure it's been posted before). I was admittedly also playing along with the guy as well. I recognized the style from past interactions. Some of my comments may have intentionally been over the top on purpose, let's just say that ;) I've had this link for a while. It's honestly what prompted me to ask the people that confirmed my suspicions.


But oh well. There were a few others that didn't believe over reporting of deaths due to other ailments. Our own government, in an audio clip admits it. So that pretty much shuts the door on the conversation anyway. And news source doesn't matter before that becomes a thing, it's straight from the horses mouth who decides these things.

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