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So 70% of France wants less immigration and that France takes in too many immigrants, YET more than 55% voted for left of center and left wing political parties in the last French election.
So 70% of France wants less immigration and that France takes in too many immigrants, YET more than 55% voted for left of center and left wing political parties in the last French election.
Free shit is a higher priority than too many immigrants.
So 70% of France wants less immigration and that France takes in too many immigrants, YET more than 55% voted for left of center and left wing political parties in the last French election.
And the family was selling the hotel to relocate back to the States for medical care, a perspective buyer (probably the Jesuits or some NGO) announced IF they brought, they'd turn it into refugee housing. So the family, while in Texas for a medical crisis, had all their shit burnt because of a bidder's remarks.
Why did they need to relocate back to Texas for medical care? Ireland is a socialized medicine paradise, remember?
Ulster just banned balaclavas for sale.
What about Molotovs? They ban those too?
One last photo from my recent trip to Ireland. Here is the police station at 276 Lisburn Rd, Belfast:
I'm not sure why. From visiting Belfast, I know that police stations are already essentially military installations because of the decades of attacks on them. Most police, even now, are Protestants, so the police are nowhere near neutral.
Ireland is not run by our elected representatives on behalf of the Irish people.
Harris, McEntee etc are ‘front of house staff’ who are compromised or beholden to a global elite.
That explains why decisions on immigration, neutrality, hate speech, censorship etc, which are against the wishes and needs of the Irish nation, are being implemented.
McEntee will reappear in our narrative, later on.
While many of these decisions are made by said politicians, these objectives are also achieved indirectly through the decisions and influence of unelected ‘experts’ who are appointed to public roles.
This is insidious, anti republican and anti democratic but probably not unconstitutional.
In modern Ireland, such experts will invariably have displayed their Cultural Marxist plumage to ‘Official Ireland’, advertising their availability to serve.
These appointments are not corruption, because in the normal sense something good or pure must be present for corruption to take place.
‘Official Ireland’ is rotten to the core.
‘Official Ireland’ only appoint and trust people that display the correct woke credentials.
Duly Noted
Duly’s Substack
Another winning substack. In rural Ireland this past weekend a 15-year old boy was gang-raped by 5 migrant men. Some of the locals (who don't want to sound racist) wonder if it's because there is not enough things to do in the little town for the migrant men. People who have this mindset need to lose badly - everywhere.
Ireland prepares for surge in asylum seekers as minister warns of future influx
Irish Justice Minister Helen McEntee has boasted of her success in ramping up the country's asylum processing capacity by over 700%
Philip Protesting with a Placard at Leinster House, Dublin: "MEDICAL MURDER SPEAK OUT! NOW!"
actioncovid1984, posted September 20, 2023
Philip stands on the sidewalk outside Leinster House with other protestors. He wears a large sandwich board (placard) that reads "MEDICAL MURDER SPEAK OUT! NOW!" Leinster House is the seat of the Oireachtas, the parliament of Ireland.
MALE VOICE OFF-SCREEN: Traitors! Traitors! Traitors!
PHILIP: How are you? We're back at it again. I'm just thinking, like, it's, it's been 2 years we've been rattling on about this stuff and people need to wake up to what's going on, really, really do. This government doesn't give f#ck about the Irish people. They are shafting us left, right, and center. They're going to try and bring in hate speech laws, like, they're going to try and change a referendum, they're going to try and wipe women out of the constitution.[1] And we need to stand up and fight back against this, you know?
Great crowd of people here. The best people in Ireland you can find. Really, really salt of the earth. Yeah. We've built a gallows there. We have posters of all of the ministers on it. They need to go. Some of them are over there in New York apparently with their bowing down to the World Economic Forum and the United Nations, licking their asses. Telling them what good boys they've been. But yeah, we need to just get rid of them.
Look, it's kind of hard, you know, you're going on the last two years, people still aren't waking up, man. You got to wake up to this f#cking sh#t, man. You need to sort out the sudden deaths, you need to sort out the suicide rates. There's a whole heap of things, man.
Ah, look, I just, I'll leave it at that. Thank you.
TEXT ON SCREEN: produced by Action-Covid-1984
This is significant in explaining the current replacement taking place in our country.
The population of the Irish state is skyrocketing but the native ‘Irish’ population is disappearing through emigration and a declining birth rate.
‘Official Ireland’ won’t tell you that, but a ‘waycist’ like myself will, and will continue to do so, to my dying breath.
The figures that will be presented in mainstream media tomorrow will say 13354 births but that is an attempt to hide what is already a drastic situation for the Irish nation.
Our young native Irish are being forced to emigrate because of the lack of housing.
Many of these will start their families abroad and are very unlikely to return as the housing situation worsens every day with our open borders immigration policy for unvetted males and other economic migrants.
These people are being brought in to work cheaply so that the cost of ‘Official Ireland’ civil service pensions can be met.
And also to provide cheap labour for servicing the globalist industries such as Big Pharma and technology, which our whole economy is dependent upon. ...
Oh, and when things get rough the newly arrived to the shores will be the ones in the Guardstapo and army uniforms sent out on the streets to ‘quieten the natives’.
If you are a ‘native’, it is far beyond getting restless time.
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This is Sinn Fein's fault, the second stabbing in a week on racial grounds.
Leftists in Limerick demanding reparations be paid to Africans for the port city's "Role in the Transatlantic Slave Trade".