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2020 Jun 21, 9:42pm   4,674 views  47 comments

by just_passing_through   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Chappelle is insinuating we're on the edge of a race war if only between cops and black Americans. He didn't narrow that down exactly. Never seen him so serious. A few funny comments though:


Bummer. I really like the guy but he's so wrapped up in race and blind to the fact that this shit happens to all races. Might even be a racist cop but I still don't believe there is a racism problem in our police force.

We might be heading down that road. With blacks actually having better outcomes vs. whites statistically I really don't know where we go from here. The only thing I can think of is segregation where we have black cops for black people and whatever for other people. Maybe split that out too. Doesn't sound like a good solution at all.

Definitely worth a listen if only to give some respect to the racial pain I'm sure all black people feel. Sadly, in my opinion in large part only by self perpetuation (quit talking about the past and race all the time and people will get past it) and the democrats and race baiters/panderers.

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1   clambo   2020 Jun 21, 9:46pm  

Another paid minstrel has made a prediction.
2   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Jun 21, 9:46pm  

just_dregalicious says
The only thing I can think of is segregation where we have black cops for black people and whatever for other people.

We already have that in most places or are pretty close to it. In fact, most police chiefs in Black Cities are Black.

That was yet another "Excuse" the Left offered for inequality, but hasn't been valid since the 90s.

Now Leftists claim cops are "Acting White" as Ta-Naheesi Coates did in his book that gave him all kinds of accolades from the MSM.
3   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 21, 9:55pm  

clambo says
Another paid minstrel has made a prediction.

Yeah, he actually addresses that specifically a few times.
4   Hircus   2020 Jun 21, 10:58pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Now Leftists claim cops are "Acting White"

I've been waiting for them to start saying scientifically (via one of their "Critical Theory" academic disciplines) that these black cops which side with the police system, and oppose the BLM rage mob, are brainwashed by an oppressive white system, and therefore their opinions as a black person are invalid. Some crap like "While they do have black skin, they are mentally a white man. They have been robbed of their blackness by a systemically racist, oppressive white system designed for the subjugation of black bodies. These racists cant stand to see black people occupying spaces."
5   theoakman   2020 Jun 21, 11:04pm  

I was a Chappelle fan since he busted on to the movie scene in the late 90s with small parts. When Chappelle show came out, we were the biggest fans. Ironically, at the time, we befriended Charlie Murphy's step son, who appeared in the Prince skit. We hung out for a few months. We were obsessed with it and meeting Charlie Murphy was one of the highlights of my 20s even though he just said "What's up guys".

I love Chapelle's comedy, and especially is last show, but this was garbage devoid of logic. He's comparing the cops taking out a guy on a murderous rampage who already killed one cop and had a manifesto claiming to take out a bunch of other people to a bunch of a people rioting in cities for revenge on a cop who killed someone in Minnesota. Makes no sense, considering, we already arrested the Minnesota cop and the cops in other cities had nothing to do with it.

Sadly, Dave has reached infallible status with his followers so whatever he says must be the truth in their eyes.
6   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2020 Jun 22, 4:12am  

Instead of debating Candace Owen's argument, he resorts to juvenile pussy stank comments. Just shut up and joke.
7   Bd6r   2020 Jun 22, 7:08am  

Newbie123 says
Since Floyd a lot has changed already. America will find ways to fix this systemic problem.

Mostly there has been a victory over various statues.
8   theoakman   2020 Jun 22, 7:13am  

Newbie123 says
No reason for a race war. All that is needed is police reform. Better, longer training. More controls in place and hard consequences for cops that mistreat citizens. They no longer get away with the shit they are pulling and each cop brutalizing citizens will become a celebrity overnight thanks to HD video on our cell phones.
Since Floyd a lot has changed already. America will find ways to fix this systemic problem.

Actually that's, not all that's needed. In order for the police to be able to reform themselves, the criminal culture in the black community needs to stop. I live in a suburb with about 20% black population. Our town is very low crime and the cops are not on edge. You go next door to the Trenton ghetto where they murder people weekly, different story. The other town next to me, Ewing, is about 50% black. Again, no major issues.
9   Patrick   2020 Jun 22, 7:38am  

theoakman says
the criminal culture in the black community needs to stop


Black Crime Matters
10   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 22, 8:14am  

just_dregalicious says
Chappelle is insinuating we're on the edge of a race war if only between cops and black Americans.

Funny how the Communists are now called Black Americans. But when real actual Black Americans to speak up against their name being hijacked in the name of a Red Revolution. The White Jews, and Scholars in the group respond with "Shut up House Nigger!".

The Democrat plantation is changing course. As most of you know if a group of Young Black kids were assaulting you, stomping on your head, and picking bricks and dropping them on your head. There's always those few black people that will intervene and tell them that isn't right, to stop what they are doing. While a hundred others just stand around complacent and indifferent about it, and could watch it unfold either way. The good guy prevails and stops them from their evil deed. Or the Black teens get to see brains spilled out on the street. But for that group watching they don't really care either way.
The Democrats already have the ones doing the kicking they are a few and mighty but for what they lack in numbers, they got rich Liberal professional kids to make up in numbers. We'll call them BLM.
The Group that would interfere are the ones at this point, that want for the Liberal reign of terror that has lasted for Centuries in their community to be over, they are now Trump supporters. They are the ones that find peace and solace at a Trump Rally.

It's that hundreds of others, that the Liberals are after now, they are trying a different approach. They aren't doubling down on Race freebies like they used to. This time they are telling those fence sitters just watching the White folk with their few and mighty black folk burn down Wendy's and break heads in the streets. The Left wants to convince them that they are doing a righteous fight, because this is still 1962, and Earl and Carl are driving their pick up truck up and down the streets looking for Blacks to lynch from a tree. They want them to believe that if they just pick up arms and join their Communist Brown Shirt revolution, they can take by force everything the Crackers own. They are telling them they can destroy the white man with impunity, but if the white man lays one hand on them, they'll make a Congressional Race hearing out of it.

So Black Americans, which one are you now, are you the guy trying to kill a human being for the benefit of the CNN camera crew?
Or are you one of the few and proud great Americans trying to stop them and bring rational thought to their actions?
Or are you one of the complacent ones, that thinks this is all just entertainment and will probably end like a Netflix series without resolve or consequences, and would be happy with what ever ending the writers decide?

There's no need for Blacks to walk away, the Democrats have already left, and they have changed the game. They are looking for Comrades now, not constituents.

If you black people think you got the shitty end of the stick through capitalism. Just wait until you're forced to stand in the back of the line at bread rations, which is just enough for about 1/3 of those standing in Line.
11   socal2   2020 Jun 22, 8:36am  

Newbie123 says
No reason for a race war. All that is needed is police reform. Better, longer training. More controls in place and hard consequences for cops that mistreat citizens. They no longer get away with the shit they are pulling and each cop brutalizing citizens will become a celebrity overnight thanks to HD video on our cell phones.
Since Floyd a lot has changed already. America will find ways to fix this systemic problem.

That will do fuck-all to improve things if African Americans continue to refuse to form families and raise the children they create.

Over 7 out 10 black boys running around with no fathers in their lives is a recipe for generational poverty, crime and incarceration.

That is the genesis of the "systemic problem" that too many pussies are afraid of saying out loud.
12   WookieMan   2020 Jun 22, 8:55am  

socal2 says
Over 7 out 10 black boys running around with no fathers in their lives is a recipe for generational poverty, crime and incarceration.

That is the genesis of the "systemic problem" that too many pussies are afraid of saying out loud.

I'm the father to my mixed nephew. I live it. People don't understand what you're talking about and just call it systemic racism. My SIL wanted my nephew at my house yesterday for fathers day because baby daddy is a piece of shit. And yes, he's the black one.

The vast majority of the population that doesn't live in a ghetto (or trailer park) hasn't even been to one. They're too scared. Yet they preach about solutions without experiencing WTF is going on. A child of any race without a father figure is probably 70% more likely to have issues criminal, mental or socially. The same goes for daughters too. The problem is you're now called sexist for saying a good man needs to be around for children. Oh well. I have this erie feeling we're the Roman empire near the end.

There are bad cops, but it's only maybe, maybe, big maybe, 2% of the overall problem. The focus really does need to be on the black community and their shortcomings. Their own culture promotes it. If celebrities wanted to make a difference, especially black ones, they'd be talking about family. That's the only solution.
13   PeopleUnited   2020 Jun 22, 9:05am  

rd6B says
Newbie123 says
Since Floyd a lot has changed already. America will find ways to fix this systemic problem.

Mostly there has been a victory over various statues.

And those statues got off easy for their years of micro aggression and privilege.
14   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 22, 9:48am  

15   socal2   2020 Jun 22, 11:42am  

Newbie123 says
It doesn’t work that way anymore. None of the black community problems justify cops killing unarmed Americans for no reason.

Statistically - unarmed blacks being shot or murdered by cops (white or black) is almost non-existent (9 in all of 2019??) compared to the thousands and thousands of blacks killed by blacks each year.

So the "Problem" of blacks being killed by cops is a LIE and total diversion of the real problem in the African American community causing generational poverty and all of the crime and dysfunction that goes with it. The real problem being the total breakdown of the Black family, with millions of young black men with no fathers in their lives.

I guess we can keep burning down our cities, ripping down statutes and blaming cops for the dysfunction in the African American community - or we can expect Black mothers and fathers to support and raise the children they create. No amount of government welfare, reparations, affirmative action, and after-school programs can make up for the fact that over 70% of black children are born to single parents and guaranteed poverty.

Seems like a simple choice.
16   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2020 Jun 22, 11:57am  

this shit is gonna get a lot worse in next 5 month. They got a lot of money in BLM now from all the extortion (donations to not be labeled racist), so expect a lot more of this for elections.
17   WookieMan   2020 Jun 22, 12:00pm  

Newbie123 says
And again I am not disagreeing with all of what you are saying. I didn’t know there were 9 killings in 2019 of unarmed black Americans by police. That’s 9 too many. Have all of those cops been prosecuted? I doubt it. They need to.

All the other issues you are mentioning need to be addressed as well.

Pretty sure he has me on ignore. But WTF. People need to wake the fuck up. The problem is obvious... https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2020/6/20/21297470/chicago-fathers-day-weekend-shootings-homicide-gun-violence-june-19-22-104-shot

EDIT: I'm still fucking floored by this comment. 9. 9 out of 300,000,000+. We have a police brutality problem? Jesus some people just don't understand the situation. Don't break the law and you don't have to deal with cops. Pretty simple. Oh and have a Dad.
18   socal2   2020 Jun 22, 12:31pm  

Newbie123 says
And again I am not disagreeing with all of what you are saying. I didn’t know there were 9 killings in 2019 of unarmed black Americans by police. That’s 9 too many. Have all of those cops been prosecuted? I doubt it. They need to.

All the other issues you are mentioning need to be addressed as well.

Of the 9, I believe 7 were resisting arrest or attacking another person and were deemed justified. Only about 2 were considered unjustified, and I believe those cops were prosecuted.

Point being, it is a total fucking LIE for BLM to blame cops or institutional racism for African Americans being mired in poverty because they refuse to form families.

FFS - the BLM Manifesto still eschews family formation despite half a century of data showing the devastation.

"We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."
19   Tenpoundbass   2020 Jun 22, 12:45pm  

The Commies don't even think Black people have the mental capacity or fortitude for basic math concepts.
And they call us the racists.

Let's see they can't get it together to get an official ID
They are excused from any legal or civic duty if Cops are around, and we'll call being disenfranchised
They are too dumb, to pass the same tests every other race of people on the planet can pass.
Explain to me again why black people are all in on the Democrats again?

20   AD   2020 Jun 22, 12:52pm  


Tenpoundbass says
The Commies don't even think Black people have the mental capacity or fortitude for basic math concepts.
And they call us the racists.

This Algebra waiver should only apply to African Americans in community colleges if they want to authentically enact this program.

All the other races and ethnicities have no excuse especially Asians.

21   theoakman   2020 Jun 22, 1:07pm  

I used to teach at Rutgers when I was in graduate school. I always felt really bad for the kids in the EOF (educational opportunity fund) program. They would take black and hispanic kids from poor neighborhoods and give them full rides. They would place them in an engineering program and they would have to take Calc in year 1. I remember spotting the voids in their math education. A lot of them would drop out because they were placed in a situation where they didn't have the foundation to even get started off on the right foot. I remember when we had a guest research summer program and one kid came to work in my lab for a few weeks. I spotted his mathematical deficiencies and laid it out for him what he needed to do to get started on the right foot. I checked out an Algebra and Precalc book from the library and gave it to him to photocopy it on the school's dime. I don't know if it ever worked out for him.
22   just_passing_through   2020 Jun 22, 1:10pm  

WookieMan says
Pretty sure she has me on ignore.

Yeah, well I have her on ignore.
23   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 1:22pm  

Newbie123 says

It doesn’t work that way anymore. None of the black community problems justify cops killing unarmed Americans for no reason.

The incidents of cops killing Americans for no reason are rarer than hen's teeth.
24   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 1:40pm  

Newbie123 says
A few happened the last couple of years and those are a few too many

Bullshit. A "few incidents" in 300 million coutry is a nothingburger. And certainly not a justification for all that animalistic acting out we've witnessed over the last month.

Besides, I bet you can't even name 10 cases in one year where people were killed for absolutely no reason and it wasn't a case of an obvious mistake (like that off-duty cop lady who entered wrong apartment thinking it was hers). Floyd, that Wendy joker obviously don't qualify for "being killed for no reason" as they made very bad choices and brought that shit on themselves. So gimme 10 in one year or STFU already.
25   WookieMan   2020 Jun 22, 2:10pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Bullshit. A "few incidents" in 300 million coutry is a nothingburger. And certainly not a justification for all that animalistic acting out we've witnessed over the last month.

I know you know this, but you're arguing with someone that thinks BTC is Jesus. There's obviously going to be some intelligence gaps in other topics.
26   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 2:39pm  

Newbie123 says
Garner and Floyd were brutally killed by cops.
Garner said he couldn’t breathe. They harassed him because of cigarettes. So for no reason.

We already covered Floyd: convicted felon, attempted to pass forged currency, DUI, resisting arrest. Plenty of reasons to be roughly handled by the cops, so obviously doesn't quailify. His death was an accident caused by his shitty choices. Had he sat down into that police cruiser he would still be alive.

Garner was not "harassed for cigarettes" but was arrested for illegal sale of cigarettes, resisted arrest and died fighting cops. Again, If he simply followed the arresting cops into the car, like any normal law-abiding citizen, he wouldn't be in the pickle he got himself into. So no, this one is no good either. And it happened several years ago, so these two can't belong to the same set of "10 people in one year".

That's it? Not even 10 clearly quailfiying cases of people killed by LEO for no reason at all in one year in a country of 300+ million people?

Time to STFU, buddy.
27   HeadSet   2020 Jun 22, 2:55pm  

Time to STFU, buddy.

If he does STFU, he won't get his 50 cents.....
28   Bd6r   2020 Jun 22, 3:02pm  

HeadSet says
50 cents

Renminbi or rubles?
29   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 4:23pm  

Newbie123 says
“Garner was not "harassed for cigarettes" but was arrested for illegal sale of cigarettes, resisted arrest and died fighting cops. ”

Rofl!!!!! That’s the reason why we have protests.

WHAT is the reson "you" have protests again? The solidarity of stupid?
30   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 4:26pm  

Newbie123 says
If they would have done that to your son or daughter

I teach my sons and daughters to not break the law and to not resist arrest even if falsely accused, to shut up and ask for a lawyer.

What kind of stupid shit do you teach yours?
31   WookieMan   2020 Jun 22, 4:39pm  

FuckCCP89 says
Newbie123 says
If they would have done that to your son or daughter

I teach my sons and dauters to not break the law and to not resist arrest even if falsely accused, to shut up and ask for a lawyer.

What kind of stupid shit do you teach yours?

This is pretty much the start and end of the conversation. Don't break the damn law. Even a shit head cop will look the other way if you're respectful if they mistakenly thought you did something wrong. And if you get the really shitty cop, follow the direction and get a good lawyer like Fuckccp says. It's an inconvenience, but if you're truly innocent and get arrested, have fun with the lawsuit money 2 years later. Heck, I kind of want to be wrongly accused of something.
32   theoakman   2020 Jun 22, 5:30pm  

Love when they still try to bring up Michael Brown
33   socal2   2020 Jun 22, 5:40pm  

theoakman says
Love when they still try to bring up Michael Brown

Or when they cite Charlottesville as like it's kristallnacht or something. Well - the crazy Commies and racists on the Left have inflicted about 1,000 Charlottesville's on the entire country over the last few weeks.

This vilified Trump Charlottesville clip is looking extremely prophetic right now.

34   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 6:05pm  

Newbie123 says
Garner and Floyd and so many others were killed for no reason.

Bullshit: they died accidentally while being restraned during arrest, be it because of their poor health, officer's error, or both. Have they submitted peacefully nothing of that would have happened. Race has nothing to do with it whatsoever. Unless you're saying that they were incapable of peacefully submitting to a legal arrest because of their race. Is that what you're saying?
35   mell   2020 Jun 22, 6:06pm  

WookieMan says
FuckCCP89 says
Newbie123 says
If they would have done that to your son or daughter

I teach my sons and dauters to not break the law and to not resist arrest even if falsely accused, to shut up and ask for a lawyer.

What kind of stupid shit do you teach yours?

This is pretty much the start and end of the conversation. Don't break the damn law. Even a shit head cop will look the other way if you're respectful if they mistakenly thought you did something wrong. And if you get the really shitty cop, follow the direction and get a good lawyer like Fuckccp says. It's an inconvenience, but if you're truly innocent and get arrested, have fun with the lawsuit money 2 years later. Heck, I kind of want to be wrongly accused of something.

Yep, fact is most blacks were asking for trouble in every single incident. Just got back from a neighborhood walk and encountered a very aggressive male mask-nazi Karen, "black edition". Yelling loud and aggressively and coming dangerously close, not close enough for the invisible cage. We have now encountered a few mask-nazi Karens since Newscum issued his idiotic Fuhrer order, with the black male version being the most aggressive and indeterministic in behavior. Wife was in LEO (with a history of helping minorities on parole) and is applying for concealed carry and I'm sure those applications are surging in our hood and others, so I won't need to deal with pissy leftoids when the thug gets self-defended by some neighborhood barrel. He has been harassing and threatening many others at his policing corner after we kept walking. I have zero compassion for people who brutalize weaker human beings like animals and when they die by the sword (or the neck) they demand leniency. There are plenty of people of all races who deserve our compassion, every single case that has been in the media in the past few years was not one of them.
36   mell   2020 Jun 22, 6:12pm  

Newbie123 says
FuckCCP89 says
Newbie123 says
If they would have done that to your son or daughter

I teach my sons and daughters to not break the law and to not resist arrest even if falsely accused, to shut up and ask for a lawyer.

What kind of stupid shit do you teach yours?

Garner and Floyd and so many others were killed for no reason. Only racists make up reasons to justify their murders. You would talk differently if you had black kids that would experience the same those victims on video. But you are not better or worth more than your black fellow americans. Even if you think differently. Racists have to learn the hard way unfortunately. I bet you only have a big racist mouth online.

If you lived in a leftists metropolitan area and had a wife or gf you'd not let her go out without a weapon alone around those crazed fucks. I have seen more than one person punched out cold bleeding on the sidewalk for no reason, senseless shootings and plenty of females getting harassed on their walk home after work. It's time to take responsibility for your actions, you are not doing them a favor by claiming racism. What Chauvin did was clearly wrong and the cops are paying for what they did, but there is zero proof it had anything to do with racism and fact is Floyd - who robbed a woman at gunpoint among many other crimes - could be alive today if he didn't resist arrest. This type of treatment happens to people of all colors at the same rate, you don't resist but get a lawyer later if you feel you have been mistreated. Floyd could be alive and enjoying some nice settlement monies.
37   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 6:15pm  

Newbie123 says

The fact is simple: he refused to obey a lawful order of a police officer. Why did he do it? Are you saying it was because of his race? Don't try to change the subject.
38   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 6:16pm  

Newbie123 says

What a troll. First it was “fighting cops” than he changed to “accidental”.

Yeah, hey why don’t you try to kneel on your kids throat for 8 minutes.

You are either some low IQ rac*** hillbilly or a troll.

Either way, you are not worth bashing. I lost all respect for you. Happy there is an ignore function. Bye

Have I pwned his ass or have I PWND his ass?
39   mell   2020 Jun 22, 6:22pm  

Newbie123 says
You can’t have cops treat unarmed people like this unless they want to be on national TV.
It doesn’t even matter if he resisted or not. There is still no justification for 3 cops to sit on him and kneel for minutes on his throat. Same with garner.

I agree with you here 100%, I disagree 100% on the premise that it was race-related. Even if treated unfairly, the easiest way to stay alive is not resisting arrest and getting a lawyer later. I trained with black martial artists that could kick my ass 10 times, know African-American and Asian cops in the bay area and they all tell you the same thing - that they are of heightened awareness when they are on patrol in a ghetto hood (fearing for their lives) and that the plantation-victimization philosophy needs to end. We need real solutions to get neighborhoods out of poverty and change the prevailing thug culture there instead of claiming racism and leaving them dependent as the eternal aggressors and victims at the same time.
40   RWSGFY   2020 Jun 22, 6:22pm  

Newbie123 says
treat unarmed people like this

How would you treat a combative 250-lbs 6'4" fuck full of drugs, piss and vinegar who's resisting a lawful arrest?

And where's the proof of race having anything to do with anything? You can keep running from this simple question but you can't hide.

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