Here Are The 269 Companies Who Are Supporting BLM & Antifa Riots

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2020 Jun 25, 7:08pm   7,479 views  62 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The main question remains where did Antifa and BLM get their funds from?

Little is known about who funds Antifa activists, or how the groups get their resources. Antifa is not a single organization, and therefore, financial details, if any exist, are murky.

But after all many companies decided to step up and publicly support the riots that BLM and Antifa are organizing through America.

The full list of 269 companies is out!

As Medium reported you can use this list as a guide in what businesses you wish to support. Please also consider using this list the next time someone makes the argument that we are living in a white supremacist country with institutionalized racism. If major companies consider supporting violent rioters and looters good for their bottom line, your cause isn’t oppressed.

The full list is below and it includes at least one statement per company:

23andme: https://archive.is/Mjbwk

72andSunny: https://archive.is/B1x7Y

AbbVie: https://archive.is/Q2Vqj

Abbey Road Studios: https://archive.is/AJlrg

The Academy (the Oscars): https://archive.is/cNRYf

Activision Blizzard: https://archive.is/qfRJ1

Adidas: https://archive.is/ezQ22

Airbnb: https://archive.is/GmMjl

Alaska Airlines: https://archive.is/wnICf

Amazon: https://archive.is/lBR4u

AMD: https://archive.is/i3krt

American Airlines: https://archive.is/XBwhw

American Express: https://archive.is/kzWXa

American Apparel: https://archive.is/ETfYw

Apple Music: https://archive.is/cj97E

Ancestry: https://archive.is/5Q9JW

Armani: https://archive.is/hX6Yw

Astro Gaming: https://archive.is/9aWhf

AT&T: https://archive.is/OzC04

Atlantic Records: https://archive.is/65QQq

AWS: https://archive.is/NXNAG

AXE: https://archive.is/Xpxhw

Barclays Bank: https://archive.is/9EAl4

Barnes & Noble: https://archive.is/PCPKn

Bandcamp: https://archive.is/5QQBT

Bank of America: https://archive.is/FH1O0

Bayer: https://archive.is/iT3EG

Bergdorf Goodman: https://archive.is/nQiPA

Bethesda: https://archive.is/2xeNE

Ben & Jerry’s: https://archive.is/BqHRv

Billboard: https://archive.is/Ruuv8

BMW: https://archive.is/lRN51

BP: https://archive.is/0qSwy

Booking.com: https://archive.is/CZAs7

Boost Mobile: https://archive.is/pLnAf

Bratz: https://archive.is/vOA1d

Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB

Bungie: https://archive.is/81KHV

Burberry: https://archive.is/ha0jP

Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi

Cadillac: https://archive.is/bS60C

Call of Duty: https://archive.is/DEJA6

Capcom: https://archive.is/S1BgN

Capitol Records: https://archive.is/jeUpY

Canada Goose: https://archive.is/y2nLo

Cartoon Network: https://archive.is/CxAd7

Chick-fil-A: https://archive.is/yiviH

Chipotle: https://archive.is/Rk9zI

Cisco: https://archive.is/fNvdP

Citigroup: https://archive.is/36fkF

Coca Cola: https://archive.is/bzTHi

Colourpop Cosmetics: https://archive.is/AapIR

Conde Nast: https://archive.is/ChMdI

Converse: https://archive.is//sKjmg

CORSAIR: https://archive.is/5S5DY

Creative Commons: https://archive.is/kPdCO

Criterion Collection: https://archive.is/JZ2Sd

Crunchyroll: https://archive.is/q7Ucj

CW: https://archive.is/JumZU

CVS: https://archive.is/DbBSV

DHL Express: https://archive.is/r4Pmp

Dell: https://archive.is/IeI9j

Degree: https://archive.is/SItaW

Devolver Digital: https://archive.is/xcaEH

DIRECTV: https://archive.is/hhBG4

Discord: https://archive.is/hGtDw

Disney: https://archive.is/wldfM

Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0

DoorDash: https://archive.is/vhTW2

Doulingo: https://archive.is/v9Wpk

Dribbble: https://archive.is/TDWFY

Dropbox: https://archive.is/O2ygm

E! News: https://archive.is/3PJyz

EA: https://archive.is/92ALS

Eaton: https://archive.is/ezfyE

eBay: https://archive.is/TYTIz

Eight Sleep: https://archive.is/IiV7n

ESPN: https://archive.is/1I5Tf

Etsy: https://archive.is/FtTof

FedEx: https://archive.is/kKVJp

Fender: https://archive.is/OGjBM

Figma: https://archive.is/hNpcE

FILA: https://archive.is/d6bZ6

Fitbit: https://archive.is/Smx2g

Foot Locker: https://archive.is/XRL65

Formula 1: https://archive.is/FCpBG

FOX: https://archive.is/p2BvT

Frosted Mini Wheats: https://archive.is/vrEYN

Funimation: https://archive.is/sfN8E

GameSpot: https://archive.is/zEkO3

Gartner: https://archive.is/QC8tz

Gatorade: https://archive.is/fo7wl

Genentech: https://archive.is/phHtt

General Motors: https://archive.is/IP0a6

Gibson: https://archive.is/qJYZY

Glossier: https://archive.is/IYlXB

GoDaddy: https://archive.is/VEMk4

Goldman Sachs: https://archive.is/TA2h0

GoFundMe: https://archive.is/Be0fJ

Google: https://archive.is/DK2T8

GoPro: https://archive.is/Aakvo

Gorilla Glue: https://archive.is/0R9ya

Grammarly: https://archive.is/Su1PT

Grindr: https://archive.is/Z6KcW

Guerilla Collective: https://archive.is/TTchM

Gumroad: https://archive.is/oZMr7

Gushers: https://archive.is/3Dju7

Habitat for Humanity: https://archive.is/B81pI

Harry’s: https://archive.is/mE4NN

HBO: https://archive.is/oiUyY

HBO Max: https://archive.is/LGsPt

Headup: https://archive.is/G8ygg

Help Scout: https://archive.is//D8DCs

Hershey’s: https://archive.is/ZQ5zD

H&M: https://archive.is/A9ONJ

Home Depot: https://archive.is/KjUtA

Honda: https://archive.is/4UYtd

HP: https://archive.is/BO2tc

Hulu: https://archive.is/4CyO2

Humana: https://archive.is/RMRmE

Humble Bundle: https://archive.is/YXDb6

HyperX: https://archive.is/ZfHYp

IBM: https://archive.is/ij3Q1

IKEA: https://archive.is/piwcs

IMAX: https://archive.is/OiCj1

Indiegogo: https://archive.is/jrDZk

itch.io: https://archive.is/UTsTi

Intel: https://archive.is/93D5q

Invision: https://archive.is/UZkK1

ITV: https://archive.is/yD1pS

Kickstarter: https://archive.is/0zwng

Lacoste: https://archive.is/T7nwc

Lego: https://archive.is/UKFhD

Levi’s: https://archive.is/KizLO

Lenovo: https://archive.is/aRuDu

Lexus: https://archive.is/71b2c

LinkedIn: https://archive.is/sX5zb

L’Oreal Paris: https://archive.is/Jfelo

Logitech: https://archive.is/vf6J7

Lowe’s: https://archive.is/V5UFz

Lucky Brand: https://archive.is/fY2Mw

Lululemon: https://archive.is/rjCRV

Louis Vuitton: https://archive.is/nGZe8

Lyft: https://archive.is/UXl3k

Madden NFL 20: https://archive.is/CTUoi

Marvel Entertainment: https://archive.is/Ptup6

Mastercard: https://archive.is/K0n1d

MATTEL: https://archive.is/bvsqN

McAfee: https://archive.is/IGXA1

McDonald’s: https://archive.is/jOZ65

Merck: https://archive.is/Uq30E

Mercedes Benz: https://archive.is/bs8y6

Met Life: https://archive.is/Dukhi

Metropolitan Opera: https://archive.fo/wecQ2

Microsoft: https://archive.is/A7Vjv

Mozilla: https://archive.is/m1aLg

Napster: https://archive.is/fVY1s

NASCAR: https://archive.is/LG2hU

Ncsoft: https://archive.is/OVPVP

Netflix: https://archive.is/UVSEr

New Balance: https://archive.is/NyGnG

New York Life: https://archive.is/HVVVk

NFL: https://archive.is/G4yq4

NHL: https://archive.is/lYbyG

Niantic: https://archive.is/UdKYR

Nickelodeon: https://archive.is/JWSPQ

Nike: https://archive.is/UXYBy

Nintendo: https://archive.is/5UOjp

Nordstrom: https://archive.is/A7mUU

North Face: https://archive.is/rq1Cb

Old Spice: https://archive.is/1UK5d

OnlyFans: https://archive.is/EFs5C

Paramount Pictures: https://archive.is/ixXHd

Paramount Network: https://archive.is/BCAX3

Patreon: https://archive.is/wzfM5

Peloton: https://archive.is/d36k7

Pepsi Co: https://archive.is/9S5ow

Pfizer Inc: https://archive.is/A6hby

Playstation: https://archive.is/52Vvl

Plex: https://archive.is/9szCf

Pokemon: https://archive.is/p9zuP

Popeye’s Chicken: https://archive.is/CzlHd

Pop-Tarts: https://archive.is/8cMGG

Pornhub: https://archive.is/nciUB

Porsche: https://archive.is/VrmlZ

Pringles: https://archive.is/1WpA1

Procter & Gamble: https://archive.is/JSMO4

Puget Systems: https://archive.is/4Zcu7

PUMA: https://archive.is/lHx9j

Pusheen: https://archive.is/71dL1

Qualcomm: https://archive.is/syYmb

Quicken Loans: https://archive.is/SmDfJ

Reddit: https://archive.is/H09M8

RedHat: https://archive.is/ObTZu

Red Lobster: https://archive.is/aIUyy

Red Wing: https://archive.is/LLCVv

Reebok: https://archive.is/v0nat

Reese’s: https://archive.is/Rc4pJ

Rice Krispies: https://archive.is/U4Zn9

Riot Games: https://archive.is/2XH97

Rockstar Games: https://archive.is/QdcPI

Salesforce: https://archive.is/t1qZB

Sanofi: https://archive.is//ErmGO

Scholastic: https://archive.is/fFmX3

Sega: https://archive.is/9YyUJ

Sesame Street: https://archive.is/5he9K

Society Generale US: https://archive.is/IoUgp

Showtime: https://archive.is/YTPVw

Sketch: https://archive.is/QvXDT

Slack: https://archive.is/gF9ym

Sephora: https://archive.is/Gm7Rc

Shopify: https://archive.is/iq5jB

Skillshare: https://archive.is/JX5em

Snap: https://archive.is/HcGGQ

Snapchat: https://archive.is/5reL4

Sony: https://archive.is/1PtlU

Soundcloud: https://archive.is/H3ZDC

Spotify: https://archive.is/ufTeo

Square Enix: https://archive.is/qmPIX

STARZ: https://archive.is/eQ4YG

Starbucks: https://archive.is/EENlS

Star Wars: https://archive.is/xnSgt

Subway: https://archive.is/D5F8H

Supreme New York: https://archive.is/KqeQs

Sysco Corporation: https://archive.is/WyXx8

Taco Bell: https://archive.is/LLY9l

Target: https://archive.is/YoIrO

TBS: https://archive.is/N0QhU

Tesco: https://archive.is/hZS7B

Thatgamecompany: https://archive.is/7po1C

Ticketmaster: https://archive.is/VkhNC

TikTok: https://archive.is/bt2vy

Timberland: https://archive.is/HZtxv

Tinder: https://archive.is/YaY2y

TMobile: https://archive.is//KB2lG

Tumblr: https://archive.is/i9fMQ

Twitch: https://archive.is/DAmR5

Twitter: https://archive.is/auIgi

Uber: https://archive.is/RrScn

Uber Eats: https://archive.is/UwwQS

Ubisoft: https://archive.is/0qMff

Ugg: https://archive.is/YZuWv

Ulta Beauty: https://archive.is/6ZESx

Under Armor: https://archive.is/WuYMM

UnitedHealth Group: https://archive.is/rzQXF

Vanguard: https://archive.is/Y12IM

Vans: https://archive.is/5nYag

VeggieTales: https://archive.is/ocjzA

Verizon: https://archive.is/hPZoJ

VERSACE: https://archive.is/wWsxK

Vevo: https://archive.is/MVtrR

Via: https://archive.is/fFIvU

ViacomCBS: https://archive.is/uCGXy

Virgin Records: https://archive.is/QiykN

Virta: https://archive.is/7e9KT

VIZ: https://archive.is/eMuIW

Vivaldi: https://archive.is/QO9do

Warner Bros https://archive.is/F1Tqn

Warner Records: https://archive.is/Mm6qb

Well’s Fargo: https://archive.is/CGA4n

Wendy’s: https://archive.is/7X4Nu

WeWork: https://archive.is/TEpa7

XBox: https://archive.is/6zdVS

Yamaha Music USA: https://archive.is/ANDkF

Yelp: https://archive.is/eU4NS

YouTube: https://archive.is/5qz6a

Zara: https://archive.is/t2QeR

Zildijian: https://archive.fo/o6Tqi

Zoom: https://archive.is/7o03X

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24   Patrick   2022 Mar 23, 9:28pm  

Complete bullshit intended to make failing people feel better about their failures.

If you worry the police are going to arrest you, maybe that's because you are a criminal.

If you don't have to worry about how to get into a store, that's because you are not crippled.

If while growing up, college was an expectation of you, you had good parents.

If you don't have to explain that your spouse is of the same sex, that's because you're normal, not homosexual.

If you can expect time off work to celebrate your religious holidays, that's because you are part of the majority, like Hindus in India, or Muslims in Pakistan, or Jews in Israel.

If you can use public bathrooms without stares, fear, or anxiety, that's because you are going into the correct bathroom for your sex.
27   zzyzzx   2023 Feb 1, 8:36am  


Home Depot co-founder blames ‘woke diversity’ for businesses failing to ‘hit the bottom line’
30   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 2, 12:04am  

Patrick says

Burt’s Bees: https://archive.is/4NbLi

Poor Burt. He got used and abused by a greedy single mom who then wrested his business away from him and turned it into a Basic Corporate Whore Company.

Quimbey, Burt's manipulator, has a foundation that has "ending White Supremacy" as a goal. She got almost $1B for selling out to Clorox in 2007.
32   NDrLoR   2023 Mar 2, 8:52am  

gabbar says

Heard on the Joe Pags show last night of woke silliness that has transpired in San Antonio over the past several years:

Durango Boulevard was changed to Cesar E. Chavez Blvd.


Crosswalks painted rainbows in San Antonio:

34   Patrick   2023 Mar 3, 12:52pm  


The BLM riot era class action lawsuit claimed, among other things that the, “police officers responding to protests frequently failed to wear masks or to assist detained protesters in covering their noses and mouths, and on occasion even forcibly removed protesters’ masks, exposing protesters to a heightened risk of contracting COVID-19.”

Family businesses lost everything and cops and civilians were badly wounded during the BLM riots, but the police officers didn’t always wear masks when trying to control those riots.
36   Patrick   2023 May 9, 7:45pm  

Patrick says

Burger King: https://archive.is/U9VzB


Bad news for fast foodies, especially in certain parts of the US.

As many as 400 BK locations might be shuttered by the end of the year. ... it's truly incredible that Joe Biden's economy is so bad it's putting 400 stores out of business.

Then again, I can't say I didn't see it coming.

Burger King is trying to dunk on Chick-fil-A by donating to LGBT causes for every chicken sandwich sold, “even on Sundays”
Burger King must not have gotten the message that it doesn't usually go well for restaurant chains that try to throw shots at Chick-fil-A (ask Popeye's).

Burger King Austria unveils "Pride Burgers" that come with "two matching buns for equal love and equal rights"
Burger King is gay. Like, super gay.

Good riddance.
37   richwicks   2023 May 10, 8:16am  

Patrick says

Burger King Austria unveils "Pride Burgers" that come with "two matching buns for equal love and equal rights"
Burger King is gay. Like, super gay.

Unfortunately, yup.
38   Patrick   2023 May 18, 2:39pm  

Someone created an index showing viewpoint diversity of various corporations:


The index puts the spotlight on corporations with little respect for freedom of faith and speech, putting Americans at risk of getting punished for their beliefs.

The index measures how tolerant a corporation is when it comes to respecting free speech and religious freedom.

Out of the 75 major corporations evaluated in the index, only two businesses scored more than 25 percent out of a maximum of 100 percent possible in terms of respect for speech and religion.


Lol, so true!
39   Patrick   2023 May 20, 9:53am  


U.S. — Wayland Corporation has proudly announced the appointment of their new Chief Diversity Officer, who just so happens to be a white woman. The company says that it values diversity above all else and made this hire to show how serious they are about it.

"Diversity is our strength! But not when it comes to me and my position as Chief Diversity Officer," said the new CDO, Sara Grace Smith. "My whiteness and privilege will serve as a glaring example of the dangers of whiteness and privilege. I'm helping!"

As the new Chief Diversity Officer, Sarah Grace will be in charge of making sure a job applicant's qualifications are never considered — only their skin color and gender. She will also be responsible for ensuring that only racial and sexual minorities are featured on the company's marketing and that all white male employees will be made to feel as hated and unwanted as possible until they ultimately leave the company.

Skeptics argued that Mrs. Smith's appointment was a glaring contradiction, akin to having an obese personal trainer or a blind taxi driver. But according to sources, those same individuals have since been let go by the company.

"I'm here to make this place diverse and inclusive and anyone that's got a problem with the company shilling out vast sums of money to hire me to send out unnecessary emails and mandatory compliance training is RACIST!" added Mrs. Smith.

At publishing time, the Chief Diversity Officer stepped down claiming "her work was done" after making sure the entire company only employed indigenous trans women with disabilities.
44   Tenpoundbass   2023 Oct 12, 8:14pm  

The morning after a BLM Riot that ended with a Trump supporter shot point black in the back of the head. The company I was working for, sent out an email saying they support BLM and pledged 150K during a time they were laying off a lot of people. It was part of the reason I went quietly when the inept feckless incompetent Indian Contractors from Dilute and Tush took over their operations. I could have went to the Owner CEO and told him they were sending his company to hell with their hairbrain plans. But I figured they deserved each other. I just heard they have reduced to 1/5th of the size they were when I left. I saved their asses once. They got hit with a ransomware virus. They hired the outfit to bring resurect the network. The CIO they had at the time, was but hurt and told me to take the week off. He didn't want me to mention that I had back up copies all of my software on a thumb drive I kept for working back and forth from home.(I'm not a login to the VPN type of guy) I would work at home, and bring the code in on my thumb drive and upload the changes. So that meant I had the latest and greatest code. I told the owner CEO what the CIO said,(He was butt hurt they brought in outside help and felt threatened), and they fired the guy. Really didn't give me extra compensation other than thank you. The company they brought in, brought in Dilute and Tush, They recommended they put everything on the cloud, and ditch the software I made. Then I spent two years explaining my processes to them, only for them to fuck it up so bad, it's totally useless. So I hear.
45   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 5:28pm  

Remember that CVS was supporting the ultra-violent and ultra-racist BLM movement.
47   HeadSet   2023 Dec 12, 6:06pm  

Patrick says

Remember that CVS was supporting the ultra-violent and ultra-racist BLM movement.

Kinda still are, in a way.
49   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Dec 17, 7:57am  

BayArea says


I don’t think there is a company out there that has the balls to say that they don’t support BLM, Imagine that.

If they aren’t on your list, it’s because they haven’t yet been pressured to make a statement.

or weren’t noticed… know other blm supporting companies who just aren’t big enough for anyone to care
56   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 12:00pm  

Patrick says

Doritos: https://archive.is/nLHv0


Doritos partnered with this social influencer in Spain ... then his previous tweets appeared...

So that's Doritos' new brand ambassador in Spain. Told you it was like Dylan Mulvaney on steroids.

Or, it WAS, until the word got out. Turns out they still fear bad PR in Spain...
58   AmericanKulak   2024 May 30, 1:01pm  

Patrick says

I think they also looted a Macy's or something in Manhattan, Flash Theft Mob.
62   Patrick   2024 Nov 6, 8:08pm  


The Riot Was Never Found

Took a little walk downtown this morning, to see what I could see. Arsons? Riots? Rainbow assassins with red dot scopes?


Not a cloud in the sky, or a looter on the asphlat. Just a sea of tranquility in NYC.

Now, obviously: that might change. I was out and about early this morning, and it’s likely the rebels of La Resistance wer still crashed out on Ambien, or nursing killer bluepill hangovers. Do the side effects for monkeypox vaccines include narcolepsy? Can you O.D. on Plan B? One can only hope. I enjoyed the peace and quiet, to be honest.

That said: I’m no rookie, ladies and gents.

I know they are gonna try to start some shit here, eventually. If not today, then tomorrow, or next week, or on Christmas morning, the dirty birds. There’s lots and lots of time until inauguration day, meaning the window of enemy action is wid eopen. And, lest we forget, they’re still gonna haul Trump into Captain Kangaroo’s magical courtroom, to sentence him to a million billion years for imaginary crimes. For all I know, their “thought leaders” are telling them to keep their powder dry till then.

Yet I suspect that, if and when they throw their futile temper tantrum, it won’t be anywhere near as lengthy, destructive, or annoying as it was back in 2020. They were mostly a no-show for the MSG rally, after all, and the ones who bothered looked more deflated than the Lebanese pound. Call it a hunch.

But for now, enjoy a little stroll with your old buddy Mark, as he scouts out ab old, orcish watering holes for, uh… the loyal opposition? Genteel disagreement? Panic-haired zombies waving crudely drawn (anti? pro?)swastika flags? I tried to keep my mind open, as usual.

Unfortunately, I was operating on basically no sleep, and forgot to dump my drive before I left. And that’s too bad, because the one and only “election” related exchange I observed today took place after my space ran out.

I was sitting on a park bench, when I saw a man approaching with his dog. The man was was white, with white hair, and was apparently made entirely out of soy. His dog was off its leash, of course, because rules are only for Nazis like me.

Anyway, as the dog jogged past my ankle, its soy master turned to a middle-aged Chicano chick who was sitting nearby, tapping on her phone.

“At least he’s happy today,” said Soyman Retardo, in the smarmiest, most presumptuous, face-punchable voice you can possibly imagine.

The woman just smiled and nodded back, in the way you do when you just want retards to leave you alone without a fuss. I could sympathize.

As the pair continued on their way, Soyman called back to the woman over his shoulder.

“Be safe!” he said.


Sorry, but we’re fresh out of Safe Space here, you absolute pussy.

From now on, we’re aiming much, much higher.

Let’s ride.

One last note:

I’ve noticed a bunch of people on Team Human have been slinging dirt at my hometown, lately. But I want you to keep this in mind:

Donald Trump won 30.45% of the vote in New York City.

That means as many as a third of us are your friends, surviving behind enemy lines. And all of us added to the popular vote victory.

What happened? Did Soros run out of the cash he used to fund the 2020 riots?

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