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zzyzzx saysGrades:
San Diego public schools find alternatives to traditional grades in order to be anti-racist
Removing all the obstacles on the road to college admissions by melanin level.
zzyzzx saysGrades:
San Diego public schools find alternatives to traditional grades in order to be anti-racist
Removing all the obstacles on the road to college admissions by melanin level.
A bunch of unqualified kids go to MIT or Berkeley or whatever, they do crappy or drop out.
Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin? It's already done with HS in CA: you'll get your HS diploma no matter how crappy you do in school because reparations.
Eric Holder saysPffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin? It's already done with HS in CA: you'll get your HS diploma no matter how crappy you do in school because reparations.
The result is that people who are perceived to have been socially promoted are confined to entry level jobs to fill a quota. Basically a black candidate won't want to have a degree from such a school when entering the work force.
This doesn't help smart, "minority", students.
richwicks saysThis doesn't help smart, "minority", students.
Who said that was the goal in the first place?
So what? There are plenty of government positions to be filled. And who's to say they have to stay at entry level? Affirmative action works for promotions just as good.
I wonder how many people know the other name for Brazil nuts?
Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin?
"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."
richwicks says"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."
Definition please. Urban Dictionary did not seem to have NBG.
You explained that the national debt doubles in 8 years. But you didn't explain how the GDP roughly does as well.
Any way you slice it, I think, as a species, we are consuming way beyond the earth's renewable rate.
We may need a new thread now that they have started labelling everything as "terrorist".
You explained that the national debt doubles in 8 years. But you didn't explain how the GDP roughly does as well.
Patrick saysrichwicks says"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."
Definition please. Urban Dictionary did not seem to have NBG.
I suspect the "BG" in NBG is "Be-Gone" The "N" is what you think it is.
The district's arts department has decided to change its name, "VAPA" (visual and performing arts) to "SFUSD Arts Department" because they say "acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture,"
Because of course, SFUSD isn't an acronym (San Francisco Unified School District). Sadly you can't make this stuff up... were living in Bizarro world.
BLM is an acronym...
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