Things that are racist

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2020 Jul 9, 2:33pm   118,106 views  1,063 comments

by Bd6r   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

Keeping in line with current year, I will post here things that are known to be RACIST! so we all here can become more enlightened Biden/Democrat voters, e.i. antifa/progressives/etc.
Feel free to add if you find something interesting.

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218   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 10:41am  

Eric Holder says
zzyzzx says
San Diego public schools find alternatives to traditional grades in order to be anti-racist

Removing all the obstacles on the road to college admissions by melanin level.

Don't you understand what happens with this? You're "aw, whites and Asians are facing discrimination with this!!" Well, it's actually the opposite.

A bunch of unqualified kids go to MIT or Berkeley or whatever, they do crappy or drop out. A bunch of overqualified kids go to lesser schools, and they excel - then they do their masters and PhDs at MIT or Berkeley or whatever.

Affirmative action based on quotas don't work. Do you think people implementing these programs are stupid? No, they are protecting themselves, and their progeny. They are purposely hurting minorities and holding them back.
219   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 10:41am  

Eric Holder says
zzyzzx says
San Diego public schools find alternatives to traditional grades in order to be anti-racist

Removing all the obstacles on the road to college admissions by melanin level.

Don't you understand what happens with this? You're "aw, whites and Asians are facing discrimination with this!!" Well, it's actually the opposite.

A bunch of unqualified kids go to MIT or Berkeley or whatever, they do crappy or drop out. A bunch of overqualified kids go to lesser schools, and they excel - then they do their masters and PhDs at MIT or Berkeley or whatever.

Affirmative action based on quotas don't work. Do you think people implementing these programs are stupid? No, they are protecting themselves, and their progeny. They are purposely hurting minorities and holding them back.
220   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 20, 10:52am  

richwicks says
A bunch of unqualified kids go to MIT or Berkeley or whatever, they do crappy or drop out.

Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin? It's already done with HS in CA: you'll get your HS diploma no matter how crappy you do in school because reparations.
221   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 12:17pm  

Eric Holder says
Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin? It's already done with HS in CA: you'll get your HS diploma no matter how crappy you do in school because reparations.

The result is that people who are perceived to have been socially promoted are confined to entry level jobs to fill a quota. Basically a black candidate won't want to have a degree from such a school when entering the work force.

This doesn't help smart, "minority", students.

This is well known. Again, the people implementing these policies are doing it intentionally to harm the people they are claiming to help. I feel badly for the victims of it, but that's the result.

I think for college admissions and interviews, that you should be using a randomized number in earlier interviews, and not even see the interviewer. Professors shouldn't even know who submitted a paper but I know it will never be a meritocracy. It's easy to fix a lot of these problems, but the reality is they don't want to fix actual racism and disparities.

For a bank loan, why do you even have to let the people know you're black, or Asian, or Jewish, or white? Submit your forms and wait for a response. They shouldn't even be able to identify you.
222   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 20, 12:21pm  

richwicks says
Eric Holder says
Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin? It's already done with HS in CA: you'll get your HS diploma no matter how crappy you do in school because reparations.

The result is that people who are perceived to have been socially promoted are confined to entry level jobs to fill a quota. Basically a black candidate won't want to have a degree from such a school when entering the work force.

So what? There are plenty of government positions to be filled. And who's to say they have to stay at entry level? Affirmative action works for promotions just as good.
223   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 20, 12:23pm  

richwicks says
This doesn't help smart, "minority", students.

Who said that was the goal in the first place?
225   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 12:52pm  

Eric Holder says
richwicks says
This doesn't help smart, "minority", students.

Who said that was the goal in the first place?

The people implementing these policies are making this claim.

I didn't say it was the goal, it's not.

Some fools might think that's the goal. I'm saying people that are promoting these policies know they are lying. The Democratic party really has become what it used to be back in 1920.
226   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 12:57pm  

Eric Holder says
So what? There are plenty of government positions to be filled. And who's to say they have to stay at entry level? Affirmative action works for promotions just as good.

Government will collapse soon enough. I explained it here:


I've explained it numerous times. Figure we have 10 years left, maximum. Could be as little as tomorrow though.

Nothing matters at this point. There's no way to fix the system - the only thing that can be done is have somebody competent handling bankruptcy when the US finally has to admit it. Trump is the best person to be in office as the US goes through a complete economic reset. If somehow this is avoided for another 4 years and we have President, I dunno, Pelosi/Adam Schiff/Hunter Biden - whatever, start thinking about becoming an expatriot.
227   brazil66   2020 Oct 20, 5:53pm  


I wonder how many people know the other name for Brazil nuts?
228   Tenpoundbass   2020 Oct 20, 5:55pm  

brazil66 says
I wonder how many people know the other name for Brazil nuts?

My black friend knew the name. I had a can of mixed nuts, and I handed one to him and said "N-n-n Mixed Nut Tim?!"

He said "Oh you was going to say "nigger toe nut" weren't you?"
229   richwicks   2020 Oct 20, 9:31pm  

I have a friend that lives in Oakland. He was giving me a ride in his car home after I bought a few beers from work (for both of us, but I drink more) - and he had a baseball bat in his front passenger seat.

"Why do you have an aluminum baseball bat in your car?" I asked.

"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."

A second later I burst out laughing. He's said everybody that's rode with him gets it eventually.
230   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2020 Oct 20, 9:47pm  

Eric Holder says
Pffff, if we admit them by melanin who says we can't let them graduate based on melanin?

I did undergrad at a crank-em-out pre-med school. UTSA. Tutored a LOT of my classmates who were getting low grades. My Tex-Mex peers were okay with that. They told me they'd get in with a C-level grade because they were Hispanic. They were correct.

Fortunately one failed, ended up at a tiny local biotech the year before I graduated. When I did he threw me a rope and the rest is history.
231   Patrick   2020 Oct 22, 8:29am  

richwicks says
"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."

Definition please. Urban Dictionary did not seem to have NBG.
233   HeadSet   2020 Oct 22, 11:57am  

Patrick says
richwicks says
"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."

Definition please. Urban Dictionary did not seem to have NBG.

I suspect the "BG" in NBG is "Be-Gone" The "N" is what you think it is.
234   SunnyvaleCA   2020 Oct 22, 1:06pm  

TrumpingTits says
You explained that the national debt doubles in 8 years. But you didn't explain how the GDP roughly does as well.

“How did you go bankrupt?"
Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
― Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises

• Population keeps growing exponentially, but the land and natural resources aren't increasing at all.
• The percentage amount borrowed increases relative to the percentage amount collected in taxes.
• Actually, the debt seems to be rising a bit faster than inflation, contrary to TT's statement that I quoted.
• Two words: Unfunded liabilities.
• Really bad demographics that go hand-in-hand with the unfunded liabilities.
• Consumption of one-time resources such as coal, oil, aquifers (that take 100 years to fill), and mined materials used to make fertilizer needed to boost food production

Any way you slice it, I think, as a species, we are consuming way beyond the earth's renewable rate.
235   Onvacation   2020 Oct 23, 6:50am  

SunnyvaleCA says

Any way you slice it, I think, as a species, we are consuming way beyond the earth's renewable rate.

Said Malthus.
236   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Jan 24, 7:28pm  

"The Wheels on the Bus" song.

(The driver of the bus says 'Move on Back')


As well as a few other childhood nursery rhymes and songs.

237   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Jan 24, 7:40pm  

Keeping schools open is racist
Also closing schools is racist

All at the same time.
238   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Jan 24, 9:37pm  

239   Patrick   2021 Jan 24, 10:10pm  

We may need a new thread now that they have started labelling everything as "terrorist".
240   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Jan 25, 10:22am  

Patrick says
We may need a new thread now that they have started labelling everything as "terrorist".

Proper term is: "Domestic Terrorist". I'm not giving up that title so easily.
241   Patrick   2021 Jan 25, 6:32pm  


Maybe you should make business cards with that title!
244   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Feb 2, 5:14pm  

The district's arts department has decided to change its name, "VAPA" (visual and performing arts) to "SFUSD Arts Department" because they say "acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture,"

Because of course, SFUSD isn't an acronym (San Francisco Unified School District). Sadly you can't make this stuff up... were living in Bizarro world.
245   Booger   2021 Feb 2, 5:17pm  

Bicycle locks?

246   Eric Holder   2021 Feb 2, 5:25pm  

Booger says
Bicycle locks?

Any kind of lock, really.
247   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 Feb 2, 6:42pm  

His Fraudulency
248   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 2, 6:54pm  

Booger says
Bicycle locks?

Is that Jimmy Fallon in blackface?
249   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 2, 7:03pm  

250   Patrick   2021 Feb 2, 7:06pm  

251   richwicks   2021 Feb 2, 7:25pm  

HunterTits says
You explained that the national debt doubles in 8 years. But you didn't explain how the GDP roughly does as well.

First, if this was the case, we wouldn't have a debt to GDP ratio of over 1 and we do.

Second, GDP is the most worthless metric. It simply measures how much money is exchanged in a year. If I give you a dollar to make me a meal, and you give me a dollar to clean your bathroom - the GDP just went up $2.

Likewise, if the government spends a trillion dollars to blow up Iraq, and then spends $2 trillion dollars in "aid" to hire a bunch of useless contractors to build shitty infrastructure, the GDP just went up by $3 trillion dollars over the time frame.

If I get ass cancer, and spend $100,000 trying to cure it, I just increased the GDP by $100,000.

GDP is not a measure of the health of the economy which is why it's used constantly by our propaganda as a measure of the health of the economy.
252   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 2, 7:36pm  

Patrick says

Written word was obviously created to promote white privilege at the expense of POC.

If someone has not written xir dissertation on it, they will, it is only a matter of time.
253   richwicks   2021 Feb 2, 7:39pm  

HeadSet says
Patrick says
richwicks says
"Oh, that's just my NBG. I've never had to use it though."

Definition please. Urban Dictionary did not seem to have NBG.

I suspect the "BG" in NBG is "Be-Gone" The "N" is what you think it is.


It's probably easier if you hear it rather than read it to figure it out. I heard "That's my N be G bat." and my friend HAS been mugged by an N. There's a BIG difference between a black man and an N, just like there's a huge difference between a white guy and a white supremacist of the aryan brotherhood.
255   Kepi   2021 Feb 4, 8:56am  

GreaterNYCDude says
The district's arts department has decided to change its name, "VAPA" (visual and performing arts) to "SFUSD Arts Department" because they say "acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture,"

Because of course, SFUSD isn't an acronym (San Francisco Unified School District). Sadly you can't make this stuff up... were living in Bizarro world.

FuckCCP89 says
BLM is an acronym...

I suppose, in a non-bizarre, meaningful way, they can reason that they are not using acronyms

"An abbreviation formed by (usually initial) letters taken from a word or series of words, that is itself pronounced as a word, such as RAM, radar, or scuba; sometimes contrasted with initialism."

which perpetuate white supremacy culture.

But, rather, are using and promoting initialisms

"A term formed from the initial letter or letters of several words or parts of words, but which is itself pronounced letter by letter."

which, of course, do not perpetuate white supremacy culture.
256   georgeliberte   2021 Feb 4, 9:26am  

Acronyms are racist?
257   richwicks   2021 Feb 6, 2:31am  

georgeliberte says
Acronyms are racist?

Everything is racist according to the propaganda.

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