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Lol, and that is how young female white liberal interviewers get awakened.
We've come a long way from "Whatcha' talkin' about, Willis?"
Barking While Black in Davenport, Iowa.
Dog was wagging its tail the whole time. Now we have a couple of kids who will grow up hating the cops.
So, what’s going on? Are children in these non-Western nations seriously delayed in their mirror self-recognition. The researchers don’t think so. First of all, they deliberately tested a wide age range – in Kenya up to age six – and they think it’s highly unlikely mirror self-recognition could be delayed that far. ‘Our impression,’ the researchers said, ‘was that they [the children] understood that it was themselves in the mirror, that the mark was unexpected, but that they were unsure of an acceptable response and therefore dared not touch or remove it.’
That sounds like some hard cope, as they say.
The percentage of Black students in Harvard University's freshman class dropped by more than a fifth following a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling that barred colleges from using race as a factor in admissions, according to data released by the school on Wednesday.
The Class of 2028 is 14% Black, compared with 18% last year, Harvard said...
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