Surfing Branded an Extension of Colonialism: ‘Dominating’ a Wave ‘Fuels Misogyny and Homophobia’

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2020 Jul 29, 12:41pm   1,439 views  14 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

With a serious shortage of real oppression in the West, self-identified victims are forced to either fake oppression or reach for absurd extremes.

Last week, classical music was branded ‘racist’ because it’s mostly enjoyed by white people. This week, it’s riding waves.

A San Francisco paper has suggested surfing is, not only racist, but misogynistic and homophobic because the sport largely attracts straight, white, males.

SF Weekly blamed “America’s history of systemic racism” for the lack of diversity in the surfing world, suggesting housing discrimination and access to loans determines who gets to live by the beach.

Because beachfronts are more expensive and highly sought after, poorer black families have more difficulty accessing surf spots. And when they do manage to access a beach, not seeing “people who look like you in the water can be discouraging.”

“There are an estimated 2.8 million surfers in the U.S. now. With limited waves to go around, surfers can be territorial, touting an ‘if you don’t live here don’t surf here’ attitude,” the paper said.

“While the motivations behind territorial aggression may not be directly linked to the color of surfer’ skin, it often underscores issues of privilege and access,” they added.

“If the people who are already in wealthier, beachfront communities are more likely to be white, that makes it that much harder for people of color to gain their footing.”

Kyla Langen, co-founder of San Francisco based Queer Surf told the paper, that the lineup – where surfers wait for breaking waves – “is really just an extension of colonialism.”

According to the paper: “Langen described these lineups as often having a hyper-masculine energy to catch and ‘dominate’ every wave. It’s an attitude that can — and often does — fuel misogyny and homophobia.”

Langen is quoted as saying: “It’s just such a privilege to be able to go to the ocean and be at the ocean and it’s a shame that it’s a privilege that’s often reserved for straight white folks.”


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1   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 29, 12:43pm  

2   Ceffer   2020 Jul 29, 12:52pm  

It's more insane social terrorism and demoralization dialectic from the usual suspects. When you are a decerebrate parasite, you say decerebrate parasite things. It's so wonderful for the integrity of universities that they gave whole funded departments to these people.

Wet suits are men in tights. What could be more gay than that next to the Bolshoi Ballet?

I have had a few memorable cuss outs by female surfers who got mad that I was on 'their wave'. Lesbians love to surf, just don't call them Charlie.
3   socal2   2020 Jul 29, 1:18pm  

I can attest that I don't see many black dudes surfing.

But I see plenty of Asians, Hawaiians and South/Central Americans (mostly Brazilians).

Can we do this same analysis on the NBA?
4   Onvacation   2020 Jul 29, 1:37pm  

Ceffer says
you say decerebrate parasite things.

I have a "yacht"; a 27 foot sloop that I bought for $4,000. I put a lot of work and about $15,000 cash into it. It's now worth $10,000, but I would have a hard time selling it for $7,000. Boats are cheap to buy in the bay area, but not cheap to fix and maintain.

The point. I was sailing the Oakland Estuary and pulled up to a public dock only to find graffitied on the pier, "Its an insult to all poor people everytime you park your yacht here".

All of these poor people have way nicer phones and shoes than I do. None of them look like they're starving. If they really wanted to surf or sail they could adjust their priorities. My accumulated wealth was earned by my hard work.

If all these protesters put their energy into bettering themselves they too could create wealth. If they worked really hard they could accumulate wealth.

Or maybe that's just my white heteronormative privilege talking.
5   Ceffer   2020 Jul 29, 1:42pm  

I guess now we will have open ass wetsuits and tandem cornhole surfing events with Village People music.

I saw a big black Momma surfing out there a year or so ago. She could have barreled a half a dozen of the typical chicken legged honkie surfer males into the air with ease.
6   Eric Holder   2020 Jul 29, 1:45pm  

Onvacation says
I have a "yacht"; a 27 foot sloop that I bought for $4,000...
I was sailing the Oakland Estuary and pulled up to a public dock only to find graffitied on the pier, "Its an insult to all poor people everytime you park your yacht here"....

$4K? LOL! Some of these "poor people" have set of rimz on their cars that cost more than that.
7   Ceffer   2020 Jul 29, 1:48pm  

Eric Holder says
$4K? LOL! Some of these "poor people" have set of rimz on their cars that cost more then that.

The technology of sailing is racist. The spinning hubcaps are closer to the invention of the wheel.
8   HeadSet   2020 Jul 29, 2:19pm  

I have a "yacht"; a 27 foot sloop that I bought for $4,000.

Nothing is quite as exhilarating than speeding along at full sail, from a Hobie Cat up to a schooner.
9   clambo   2020 Jul 29, 2:43pm  

Boo hoo.
A lot of things seem to be reserved for straight white folks.

It only seems that way because others are toiling away in the salt mines or languishing in jail.

I know some poor black people in Florida and they thought that whites are born rich, that their parents give them money.

I explained how I got some dough and it was a surprise to them. I said that not missing an opportunity to make and save money is the key.

There are endless opportunities to spend money; ask Nick Cage or Johnny Depp.

Of course, they still have some resentment, but at least they know that I had to sacrifice to have things. I also saved on things, like fixing my clunker, have roommates, work on weekends, skip nice restaurants, and fanatically invest in mutual funds.
10   PeopleUnited   2020 Jul 29, 4:38pm  

Guess someone didn’t do their homework, Duke is the father of surfing.

11   theoakman   2020 Jul 29, 4:42pm  

Only leftists could take an activity invented by the Polynesian culture and refer to it as racists because whites enjoy it as well.
12   Onvacation   2020 Jul 29, 5:34pm  

HeadSet says
Nothing is quite as exhilarating than speeding along at full sail, from a Hobie Cat up to a schooner.

I get excited when my boat gets going over 5 knots. It's a pocket cruiser not a racer. It's still a lot of fun to sail in the bay. I have not missed fleet week for over a decade.

For adrenalin I windsurf.
13   Onvacation   2020 Jul 29, 5:38pm  

theoakman says
Only leftists could take an activity invented by the Polynesian culture and refer to it as racists because whites enjoy it as well.

You're right! Surfing is cultural appropriation!
14   brazil66   2020 Jul 29, 7:39pm  

Jesus Christ! Surfing is the only reason I still live in Southern California!

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