It’s Time for the Samuel Adams Option

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2020 Aug 29, 11:44am   712 views  10 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


In the 1760s, the British Empire was the most powerful political and military force in the western world. The British navy, treasury, and technology were second to none. Like an anaconda, the king and parliament were slowly strangling the rights of the colonists, reducing them to second-class citizen status with their restrictions on American commerce, currency, and self-determination. They were aided and abetted by up to 30 percent of the colonists who called themselves Tories.

So what did Samuel Adams and other patriots do?

They formed Committees of Correspondence—connecting patriots to each other across the different towns and villages within individual colonies and with each other.
They developed their own media to promote “the rights of the colonists, and of this province [Massachusetts] in particular, as men, as Christians, and as subjects; to communicate and publish the same to the several towns in this province and to the world as the sense of this town.”
They protected themselves from the “cancel culture” of their era by often using pseudonyms and forming secret societies.
They used symbolic acts of resistance like the Boston Tea Party to mobilize public opinion.
They worked within the system as much as possible—petitioning allies within the British government.
They published the names and exposed the merchants who imported British goods and undermined American industry.

The conditions are not exactly the same today. Instead of a monarchy, the radical leftist ideology that has swept through the commanding heights of academia, Hollywood, the media, and big business basically aspires to establish what Tocqueville might have called a “soft despotism” through one-party rule.

Peter Leyden and Ruy Teixeira in 2018 outlined the idea of emulating California’s Democratic super-majority across the country. The project is incomplete, but the country has moved from its historic center-right orientation to one where conservative students in even a historically conservative state such as North Carolina feel the need to self-censor. Americans have to realize they are facing a different kind of anaconda.

The Samuel Adams Option has to be deployed at the ideological level first. The injustices and undermining of liberty of the Leftist Establishment have to be exposed, documented, and circulated. This entails that the manipulative Orwellian use of language and framing of the Left needs to be rejected and confronted. Concepts like “privilege,” “love,” “racism,” and “sexism,” have been weaponized. Instead of being defensive, mainstream Americans have to push back on leftists to prove their ideas will actually improve society. It is the leftists who are seeking to undermine the intellectual engines that have made the United States the greatest country in the world today.

If America is going to be free, the leftist grip on education through the teachers’ unions, Hollywood, the media, and the human resources departments of almost every major corporation needs to be broken. In some cases, this may mean the creation of new institutions and new businesses. In others, it may be through the application of antitrust law. In still others, it may be by creating a consumer union, using research by groups like Second Vote.

The comedian Greg Gutfeld recently summarized the need to confront, band together, and retaliate against leftist media trolls, not just out of self-defense, but as a matter of setting the record straight and pushing back against injustice. For too long, mainstream Americans who just want to go about their daily lives, do their jobs, love their families, practice their faith, and enjoy the blessings of this country have ignored the warning signs. They have been confused by leftists masquerading as liberals, and they have not realized that they have been targeted, manipulated, and divided in order to advance an ideology designed to transfer power and control from the people according to the dictates of an unaccountable leftist establishment.

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1   Rin   2020 Aug 29, 12:37pm  

First of all, did you know that the British tax was some 3-4% on the American colonies? It was higher within the UK.

I wish ppl, who'd write these polemics, get their facts straight. The British Empire was not the worst thing in the world, esp by the standards of the 1700s where clearly, the Spaniards, Portuguese, and others were still into slave trading and other nefarious deeds.

What happened was that the punitive acts against the City of Boston, like the closing of the harbor, as a result of Sam Adam's vandals (a.k.a the Boston Tea Party), started the commotion which was in the end ... the American Revolution.

Realize, the original race war, the King Philippe's War was fought entirely by Massachusetts locals, with only the British Empire supplying firearms by sea. The Red Coats were not involved in a state wide wave of violence which was subdued by the soon-to-become Minutemen of the future. In other words, what you have is a situation where the colonies have been living like semi-independent nation-states, long before Adams and the gang dumped the East India tea into the harbor.

In contrast, what's today's US plus state tax rate? I doubt it's anywhere near 3-4%.
2   Rin   2020 Aug 29, 12:40pm  

And don't forget, you can legally sees hoes in London but not in Boston.
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Aug 29, 1:04pm  

Rin says
First of all, did you know that the British tax was some 3-4% on the American colonies? It was higher within the UK.

It wasn't the taxes, it was the trade restrictions. American ships were tightly regulated as to where and how and for what they could trade.
4   Rin   2020 Aug 29, 1:07pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Rin says
First of all, did you know that the British tax was some 3-4% on the American colonies? It was higher within the UK.

It wasn't the taxes, it was the trade restrictions. American ships were tightly regulated as to where and how and for what they could trade.

Yes and a lot of that is because the colonies already had self-governance for several generations. With the last one, the King Phillipe's War, as the one which also learned how to militarily defend itself.

And thus, why would one take orders, either on the trade/finance line or the defensive line from the UK, when it's been handled locally for years?
5   Rin   2020 Aug 29, 5:13pm  

FYI, this is the reason why the American Revolution was successful whereas so many others were failures throughout history.

For instance, the French one was a class war where the bourgeoise class manipulated the working poor to do their deeds, eventually, resulting in their own deaths (Danton, Marat, Robespierre) and Napoleon's subsequent dictatorship.

I don't even need to get into the one in Russia and other communist nations.

And even quieter ones, as in India, which was really a transition from one foreign viceroy to a local one (Nehru, Jinnah, etc) didn't even result in a true independent nation for over a generation.

The American Revolution, starting in Boston, was the 13 (ok, 14 if you include Vermont) colonies who've been self-governing, the ability to do the same thing but w/o restraint from London. And thus, it took time from Yorktown to the First constitution as these semi-independent states where trying to resolve the issues of Federalizing things such as the currency, interstate, & international commerce.
7   richwicks   2024 Apr 22, 10:37pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says

Rin says
First of all, did you know that the British tax was some 3-4% on the American colonies? It was higher within the UK.

It wasn't the taxes, it was the trade restrictions. American ships were tightly regulated as to where and how and for what they could trade.

It was a litany of things, one that nobody hears about is that the colonists were forced to trade in script, not gold and silver. The Bank of England kept devaluing the currency, which is why the Constitution states that no states would be able to make anything other than silver and gold "money".

No state shall coin money, emit bills of credit, or make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts

We are in clear violation of the Constitution, but try to get a drone to get upset over that.
8   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 23, 9:06am  

MisdemeanorRebel says

Rin says
First of all, did you know that the British tax was some 3-4% on the American colonies? It was higher within the UK.

It wasn't the taxes, it was the trade restrictions. American ships were tightly regulated as to where and how and for what they could trade.

It was a Franco-British proxy war. Britain had no choice but intervene after French flooded the Colonies with bioWEAPONSlabs and armed the local Nazis to the teeth. It's all on that sneaky French bastard warmongers.
9   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Sep 3, 9:32pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says

It wasn't the taxes, it was the trade restrictions. American ships were tightly regulated as to where and how and for what they could trade.

...and they caused a severe depression when London banned the successful colonial scrip land banks.

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