Election is over.

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2020 Oct 23, 6:16pm   40,431 views  820 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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646   WookieMan   2020 Nov 6, 7:43pm  

just_passing_through says
WookieMan says
Change that god damn avatar/profile pic though. It's been long enough.

Okay, okay, I'll go back to neutral.

Sorry. I was kind of joking but not too much. That guy fucking creeps me out. I have no problem with religion and I know you did not use it for that purpose. I just can't stand that fucker and I know it was a joke. But he's basically just stealing money from people that are too stupid to know it. Osteen is another fuck. All of Chicago's preachers are no different. Parting the stupid from their money.

Look at me and my leftie side coming out during Bidengate.
647   WookieMan   2020 Nov 6, 7:45pm  

NoCoupForYou says

I don't do cards/poker often, but that one is pretty damn clever.
648   SoTex   2020 Nov 6, 8:04pm  

WookieMan says
Sorry. I was kind of joking but not too much.

Nah, no big deal. I was sort of sick of it too. The fact that he was so creepy was the point though. Virtually all of my family are Christian. I used to be.
649   SoTex   2020 Nov 6, 8:06pm  

WookieMan says
Osteen is another fuck.

Buuuut I have one that is 'other' that is an Osteen fan. Brilliant guy, athletic as hell, accomplished like a mofo. Hot wife. I don't get it.
650   richwicks   2020 Nov 6, 8:35pm  

WookieMan says
This time around they cheat and still can barely get Biden in (they won't).

Haha, the entire federal government is completely criminal. They are entirely corrupt. I hope Biden "wins" just so people like you will see it. Just because the election was a blatant fraud, doesn't mean it won't be accepted as valid.

Of course there's been a ton of ballot fraud. Did you think we lived in a democratic republic? That ended 30 years ago with George H. Bush - maybe much longer - perhaps back to 1913 even. All of our politicians are puppets, with very rare exceptions. The puppeteers are our intelligence agencies and THEY are puppets themselves. They don't gather intelligence, their main job is propaganda.
651   socal2   2020 Nov 6, 9:03pm  

Right - the Russians (and Iranians) wanted to help elect the guy that pledged to make America energy independent (which would tank the cost of oil) force NATO nations to meet their defense spending commitments and rebuild the US military.

Makes lots of sense.
652   SoTex   2020 Nov 6, 9:07pm  

She's gone... Gone baby gone away!
653   Patrick   2020 Nov 6, 9:09pm  

Nomograph says
The answer to that is clear cut, Russia (and likely Iran and others) attempted to influence the election through fake social media content, and that although beneficial to Trump, Trump was obviously not complicit. Everyone is in agreement with that.

The head of advertising for Facebook pointed out that Russian ads were all aimed at dividing Americans. The Russians seem to have succeeded quite well at that.

So you think the MSM agrees that Trump was not complicit? If so, it's hard to believe you have been on earth for the last four years. Maybe you never read any mainstream media.
654   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 6, 9:14pm  

And for His Next trick...
655   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 6, 11:53pm  

As soon as Alito's orders came out, Joe Biden's handlers cancelled his evening presser, probably his acceptance speech.
656   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 12:04am  

Also, in Clark County, NV, it looks like many in person voters were mislead by SEIU poll workers into filling out provisional ballots, even though they were registered voters.

In all of 2016, there were less than 6000 provisional votes. In 2020, it's over 50,000.

The problem is provisional voters must return and show proof of signature and ID. If these were registered voters mislead by Social Justice Workers, all they needed to do was show ID and go to the first open polling machine.

Looks like a disenfranchisement attempt by UNITE HERE.
657   joshuatrio   2020 Nov 7, 8:53am  

NoCoupForYou says
And for His Next trick...

This is happening now!!
658   Booger   2020 Nov 7, 3:19pm  

The Stalin comment is priceless:

659   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 6:58pm  

Benford's Law Article on Wikipedia - Election Fraud detection use suggested for removal.

Looks like there are some pedes who not only fought it off, but got it expanded.

660   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 7:04pm  

Hey Pat, wanna try downloading this? A pede has the full, legally purchased Philly voter database, the dumbass Dems don't even restrict it by IP, so it's all good while the link lasts.

Supposedly it will only work via Internet Explorer (yes, in this day and age)

661   Patrick   2020 Nov 7, 7:19pm  

OK, downloaded it.

The most recent birthdates of voters:


The oldest birthdates of voters:


662   Patrick   2020 Nov 7, 7:21pm  

To get those results:

cut -f8 PHILADELPHIA\ FVE\ 20201102.txt > birthdates.txt
cut -f3 -d\/ birthdates.txt | sort -r
663   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 7:26pm  

Now Buzzfeed claims that 1/1/1800 is like somebody in the witness protection program as if it's 1979 and that's the only way to hide or restrict access because it's a PET terminal with no data storage or something.

But that doesn't account for 8/13/1854 or 9/20/1898 or whatever.

Spanish American War Vets for Biden! The hell with Spain! Remember the Maine! And don't build a wall!
666   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 8:48pm  

Joe Frazier, famous Boxer, voted in the 2020 election, even though he died 5 years ago.

668   BoomAndBustCycle   2020 Nov 7, 8:57pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Joe Frazier, famous Boxer, voted in the 2020 election, even though he died 5 years ago.


Is he pulling this stuff out of his ass? Why didn’t he just whip out hunter Biden’s laptop and show it to everyone live on TV while he was at it?
669   SoTex   2020 Nov 7, 9:00pm  

No, he pulled it out of your ass.
670   GreaterNYCDude   2020 Nov 7, 9:28pm  

@ Patrick - do you think the DOB's could be attributable to clerical error? What was the percentage of questionable / impossible DOB's relative to the entire data set?


I don't want to belive there was fraud, but I have seen several reports of statistical anomalies. If they are independently verifiable, especially if they tend to lean in one direction.... that is at least looking into.

This is exactly what we have the electoral college system for.
671   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 9:39pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Is he pulling this stuff out of his ass? Why didn’t he just whip out hunter Biden’s laptop and show it to everyone live on TV while he was at it?

If Guiliani was lying, Buzzfeed or Vox or other Chinese Stooges would have "Debunked it" by now. Bet your ass he can prove that Joe Frazier and Will Smiths father both voted.

In fact, there was just a download of the entire Philly Voter Database here - Philly SELLS it to marketeers for money. Another thing they forgot about because they didn't expect to have to fraud enough votes to cover an almost million point deficit, only maybe 100 or 200k.
672   Ceffer   2020 Nov 7, 10:33pm  

it seems that everybody knows already that voting fraud has been rampant in the big blue cities and California for a long time. For some reason, nobody has wanted to take a stand on it. So, what is unusual about this that it is the blatant Super Bowl of vote fraud over a Presidential election, sort of like the business as usual stuff squared. When so many politicians have gotten away with it for so long in so many venues, why would anybody think they couldn't get away with this? Bring in the hampers full of fake votes, the game is on.

Four things: 1. Were the ballots truly watermarked in such a way that the fraud can be proven? 2. Will the SCOTUS send the election to Congress for a vote? Every state has a single vote, so in the House it would be 27 to 22 in favor of Trump almost by default, with two maybes that wouldn't matter. The Senate would choose the VP. 3. If SCOTUS orders the States to nominate Electors, then Trump is also likely to win because he can campaign again, and would surely turn several of the stolen states back to him.4. Will we ever get transparent and trustworthy Presidential elections ever again, much less the lesser elections, or has voting, Stalin like, become completely nullified?
673   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 7, 10:59pm  

That's why Biden can't be inaugurated without another vote, or without any mail in not 100% verified, tossed out.

Why on Earth would the DNCCCP reform elections after winning by fraud?

If anything, AOC will write a bill "Finally Ending Voter Suppression in the USA" that mandates Ballot Harvesting, Same-Day Registration, Outdated Addresses On File, No Regular Voter Purges, And Mail-Ins Counted After In-Person Voting - if not mandating only Mail In voting in all 50 states, the House may well pass, and President Kamala will proudly sign calling it a victory against racist repression and voter suppression. And the media will cheer that "Reform"
674   richwicks   2020 Nov 8, 3:26am  

Patrick says
The head of advertising for Facebook pointed out that Russian ads were all aimed at dividing Americans. The Russians seem to have succeeded quite well at that.

Patrick. You ACTUALLY believe this?

The "Russians" that were doing "advertisement" to "divide Americans" weren't even Russian. They were some people in an eastern block nation. Here's one of the "advertisments" they were making to "divide Americans"

It was just a bunch of people making click bait and memes.
675   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 8, 4:58am  

BREAKING: Here is the signed affidavit from Erie, Pennsylvania @USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins that is now in the hands of Sen. Lindsey Graham and the Senate Judiciary Committee. #ExposeUSPS pic.twitter.com/mi993k9CAJ

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 8, 2020
676   Onvacation   2020 Nov 8, 7:41am  

Nomograph says
I get my news and information from a variety of mainstream sources that maintain high journalistic standards and which don't publish unverified stories and rumors.

Are you willing to name these confidential sources?
677   Onvacation   2020 Nov 8, 7:47am  

Nomograph says
My main sources of news are the The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Oh, those fine old standards of journalistic integrity.

Wall Street Journal - Media Bias/Fact Check
Search domain mediabiasfactcheck.com/wall-street-journal/https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/wall-street-journal/
Overall, we rate the Wall Street Journal Right-Center biased due to low biased news reporting in combination with a strong right biased editorial stance. We also rate them Mostly Factual in reporting rather than High, due to anti-climate, anti-science stances, and occasional misleading editorials. (7/18/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 08/15/2020)

So they are good except their "anti-science" stance.

New York Times - Media Bias/Fact Check
Search domain mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/new-york-times/
Overall, we rate the New York Times Left-Center biased based on word and story selection that moderately favors the left, but highly factual and considered one of the most reliable sources for news information due to proper sourcing and well-respected journalists/editors.

A fine all around liberal rag.
678   WookieMan   2020 Nov 8, 8:05am  

Nomograph says
I get my news and information from a variety of mainstream sources that maintain high journalistic standards and which don't publish unverified stories and rumors. My main sources of news are the The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. I generally due my diligence with regard to fact checking, something that some folks here could do more of.

Why do you believe your sources? How do you fact check as an individual? Do you call or message them directly? You know what you're saying is pure BS or at least I hope so.

It's all bullshit and you know it. Not a knock but I feel like I'm turning into Richwicks at this point. I don't trust a fucking thing anymore.
679   Booger   2020 Nov 8, 10:53am  

Voter ID will fix all of this.
681   richwicks   2020 Nov 8, 11:22am  

Nomograph says
Patrick says
The head of advertising for Facebook pointed out that Russian ads were all aimed at dividing Americans. The Russians seem to have succeeded quite well at that.

This was the unequivocal finding of the Mueller investigation, something we should all agree needs to be addressed. Trump, unfortunately, refused to take any action whatsoever, likely because it was largely favorable to him.


Remember Concord Management? That's the company that Robert Mueller indicted and accused of election interference, because he assumed they would never show up to defend themselves. Well, they did.


Mueller, for some reason decided not to pursue the case,


All you have to do is remember some names, and look them up 6 months later.
682   WookieMan   2020 Nov 8, 11:31am  

Booger says
Voter ID will fix all of this.

Not happening with Biden. If Trump goes lame duck, interested to see what his scorched earth method reveals. Everyone is in the crosshairs. This could be epic.
684   Ceffer   2020 Nov 8, 11:47am  

Dems and Republicans are both to blame. Over the years, corruption in voting has been documented time an again and ignored. Both Republicans and Democrats have had a 'wink wink nod nod' attitude, with the idea that beneficiaries of both parties could sometimes get away with murder. The problem is, that creates a 'broken windows' policy that drags the whole process down to a moral and ethical abyss.
The Dems just decided that since the ethical and legal bar was so low, they would industrialize and assembly line the fake vote harvests in order to hold on to one party rule. The destructive character of the 'broken windows' has come full fore. The Dems are showing they can 'wink wink nod nod' with total abandon to any rule of law or decency.

There is no law without enforcement, and lack of enforcement itself can create a kind of precedent. Can the Trump election suddenly elevate the moral, legal and ethical standard again to prevail, or is it just a 'one shot' for situational logistics? Based on law, Trump should prevail, but trust in the system will not be restored. That lack of trust can eventually bring down the country, and the Hun will win anyway.

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