Election is over.

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2020 Oct 23, 6:16pm   47,880 views  820 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

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781   Rin   2020 Nov 11, 5:49pm  

HeadSet says
Are those pics supposed to be a Philly Cheesesteak? I thought they had more cheese and oily meat, not so many condiments.

Well, since there's no such thing as an eastern Mass/greater Boston area cheesesteak, the title goes to Philly.

But yes, we strive on quality sandwiches not garbage.
782   HeadSet   2020 Nov 11, 5:55pm  

But yes, we strive on quality sandwich not garbage.

Maybe so, but a Philly Cheesesteak has distinct qualities, more meant to be worn than healthy. Maybe the Cheesesteak can take on regional variances, like how barbecue branched off into Carolina, Amarillo, Memphis, and KC styles.
783   Rin   2020 Nov 11, 6:03pm  

HeadSet says
a Philly Cheesesteak has distinct qualities, more meant to be worn than healthy. Maybe the Cheesesteak can take on regional variances

Well, throwing tons of extras like sausage, salami, bacon, or 'roni on a cheesesteak doesn't make it healthy.

Instead, it gives the sandwich a blend of flavors whereas in Philly, they dowse it with Cheese Whiz which in my book, is pure garbage because once the mouth sensation is gone, it sits in the stomach like a rock.

As for the condiments, in Philly, the onions which sit on the low heat side of the grill become mushy and slimy over time. The best are fresh onions, nicely sauteed, and that's what I get, every time in Boston.

And no one in Boston uses Whiz, aside from school cafeterias. The standard is American cheese and then, ppl can opt for Provolone, Cheddar, or whatever else the store sells.
784   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 11, 6:16pm  

NoCoupForYou says
FuckCCP89 says
PA law mandates preservation of all voting material, no?

Sure does! Also, Alito personally told PA to hang on to the late or unpostmarked mail ballots. If they tossed the envelopes, that's the part you need to tell if late or unpostmarked.

Can the SCOTUS invalidate the whole PA election based on this if a lawsuit filed asking for it?
785   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 11, 6:36pm  

Chair of the Federal Election Commission Trey Trainor says, the law is not being followed, "making this an illegitimate election"!

(roughly at the 1:50 mark)...

786   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 11, 6:38pm  

Eric Holder says
Can the SCOTUS invalidate the whole PA election based on this if a lawsuit filed asking for it?

Yup. They sure could. Judges have ordered entirely new elections before, happened just a few months in Patterson, NJ.

They'll probably kick it back to the State Legislature with a command that the Governor not interfere.
787   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 11, 8:22pm  

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing [sic] the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.


Article II (and Bush v. Gore) says State Legislatures (and nobody else can interfere, inc. State Supremes or Gov) have the ultimate power to choose electors.

The US Constitution says nothing about requiring a popular vote within the state at all. Our country was about 100 years old before Senators were required to be voted in by popular vote in a Federal Constitutional Amendment (one of the worst things ever; Senators no longer beholden to the state per Federalism; too independent) - but the President is still not subject to such a requirement.

The deadline the electors must be picked by states is December 14th per Congress' determination.

If the Election in PA isn't conducted according to Harrisburg's satisfaction, they can simply pick the electors. Remember, the Governor has no say per Article II and Bush vs. Gore, so no Veto and probably no ability to stop the Legislature from rescinding any state law other than a constitutional amendment, requiring a popular vote.
791   Ceffer   2020 Nov 11, 10:46pm  

Barr promises to clear all this up as soon as he is finished with the Jeffrey Epstein investigation in 2030.
792   zzyzzx   2020 Nov 12, 6:58am  


Biden Chief of Staff Designate Ron Klain Said in 2014 That Elections Are Rigged
793   mell   2020 Nov 12, 8:11am  

Yeah but these irregularities are pervasive in the swing-states only. When it smells like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck. This is beyond ridiculous, so they want the proles to believe that only in the swing-states bi-den over-performed the senate vote regularly by 100k? cmon man! Are you a joanie?!
794   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 13, 3:11pm  

ABC chief legal analyst and SiriusXM radio host Dan Abrams warned that he thinks that there is now a “tiny chance” that President Donald Trump could “steal this election.”

During a discussion on his SiriusXM POTUS radio show, Abrams explained how he has grown more alarmed by Trump’s ongoing efforts to undo his 2020 election loss.

“I have been saying for a week now that there’s nothing to worry about,” Abrams said, brushing off questions from friends and family who ask if Trump could really prevail. “My answer is always no.”

But no longer.

“I am starting to think that there is a tiny chance that he will successful steal this election, tiny, less than five percent,” Abrams conceded.


“Language from Pennsylvania lawmakers makes me very nervous,” Abrams explained, citing a report that two of the state’s top legislators are now mulling a more assertive role in choosing the state’s electors which would disregard Biden’s state popular vote win and back Trump instead because they consider the vote totals to be in dispute. “If Pennsylvania can get thrown into disarray, then the game changes.”

“Here’s the problem,” Abrams warned, noting that the same legislators who had previously sworn off any state legislative role in appointing electors were now caveating their previous declaration with the disclaimer “under normal circumstances.”

“That is astonishing,” Abrams said. “Why are you hedging? President Trump and his allies are getting to these guys. This is pure corruption. This would be an all-out effort to steal the election.”

“I am concerned for the first time that an effort to steal the election going into the Electoral College could theoretically succeed,” he concluded. “I think it very unlikely, but last week I would’ve told you here was no chance. This week, I will say that it’s very, very unlikely.”


795   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 13, 3:14pm  

Yeah, see the Georgia thread, Lin Wood is on the case.
796   mell   2020 Nov 13, 3:18pm  

All for it. This whole covid hypocrisy is only adding fuel to the fire. We can't do anything while the fuehrers go party with ample people. And they've got the gall comparing Trump to Hitler. And I've put AF and xirs incessant TDS on ignore finally. Wake me up when xir's funny again.
797   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 13, 3:24pm  

Who is Xir? haha. I put all the Gloomers and TDSers on ignore, it's age, @mell. Past few years, been getting out the Icy Hot more often and losing my tolerance for Permabears.

Some good news:
798   mell   2020 Nov 13, 3:30pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Who is Xir? haha. I put all the Gloomers and TDSers on ignore, it's age, @mell. Past few years, been getting out the Icy Hot more often and losing my tolerance for Permabears.

Some good news:

Nice! I'm still for freedom of speech and against censorship, but the hypocrisy these days is brutal. Newsom goes partying again with plenty of households while telling the rest to keep their voices down. And Trump is supposedly the asshole? Fuck this leftoid shite
799   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 16, 4:19pm  

Nearly 3,000 Additional Votes Discovered in Hand Recount in Floyd County

With members of both the local Democratic and Republican parties observing hand counting of presidential votes in Floyd County it appears that close to 3,000 ballots were not counted on election night.

According to Board of Elections Chairman Tom Rees, “the hand count added 2,631 more votes than were registered by computers.” That number was released on Monday after nearly 20 hours of hand counting over the weekend.

It appears that the votes did not come from day of voting or absentee, but rather early voting.

According to Luke Martin, Floyd County GOP chairman, “It is scary that this happened in Floyd County. Imagine what the numbers could look like in places like Fulton County.” Martin added, “It appears that our elections office did not misplace any ballots, rather it appears as if this is a computer software mishap with the Dominion system.”

Wendy Davis, Rome City Commissioner. “I am proud of the wonderful people who came in and worked tirelessly for two days. What we discovered that the count that the elections office turned into the secretary of state was wrong. “

Of the 2,631 votes sources at the elections office told CVN that it appeared that between 1,600 and 1,900 were cast for President Trump.

Reports stated that early votes cast on October 24 were not counted due to a scanner error. Officials said that after a scanner broke the ballots were taken to a second scanner where they were wrongly scanned.

It was also reported that several provisional ballots were counted more than once. There should have only been 141 ballots cast but 216 were counted.

By calculations; 38,588 votes were cast in the presidential election in Floyd County, meaning the ballots found equal 6.8% of votes not originally counted.


More than 2,600 ballots in Georgia’s Floyd County that have not been tallied were recently found during a recount in the state for the 2020 presidential election, according to reports.

Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger blamed the problem on Floyd County election officials failing to upload votes from a memory card in a ballot-scanning machine.

801   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 8:54am  

Raffensperger or whatever the name is of the GA Sec of State had a phone call with Miss Lindsay, then ran to CNN and complained that Graham wanted to know what he was doing to get rid of unverified, unsigned ballots. Uh, tossing those is routine and legal.

Then SOS Raffensperger started bitching about Kelly Loeffler, the GA Senate candidate, saying she was just a "bad candidate" and was "Whinging"

So the GA Secretary of State is actively trying to throw the election, at least through neglect of his duty. The Governor is nowhere to be found.

Heard this from John Fredericks (Talk Show Guy) on Bannon's Warroom, collaborated with this article:

802   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 3:19pm  

2nd memory stick found in Georgia, mostly for Trump
803   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 3:21pm  

15,000 dead or non-Nevada voters found to have voted, in addition to Clark County throwing out an entire city councilman race.

No way just one race was subject to fraud and all the other races on the same ballot are above suspicion and no need to investigate further, though FakeNews will try to argue that.

Nevada Democrat Party is full panic mode.

Clark County throws out an entire race because of fraud.

The entire County’s ballots are now suspect - and the Democrat Party is freaking out. https://t.co/QM0YpuANsQ— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) November 17, 2020

804   RWSGFY   2020 Nov 17, 3:33pm  

500 votes here, 15,000 votes there...
805   richwicks   2020 Nov 17, 3:48pm  


I think that was clever.

Hey @Patrick, you should have ever post on here have a little blurb underneath it contesting any claim randomly. I think that would be funny.
806   mell   2020 Nov 17, 3:51pm  

richwicks says

I think that was clever.

Hey @Patrick, you should have ever post on here have a little blurb underneath it contesting any claim randomly. I think that would be funny.

She's a hottie
807   mell   2020 Nov 17, 3:55pm  

NoCoupForYou says
15,000 dead or non-Nevada voters found to have voted, in addition to Clark County throwing out an entire city councilman race.

No way just one race was subject to fraud and all the other races on the same ballot are above suspicion and no need to investigate further, though FakeNews will try to argue that.

Nevada Democrat Party is full panic mode.

Clark County throws out an entire race because of fraud.

The entire County’s ballots are now suspect - and the Democrat Party is freaking out. https://t.co/QM0YpuANsQ— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) November 17, 2020

The thing is they're all still young and fuckable - such a shame - give them 5 more years in the Demonratic party and xirs will be unrecognizable. What a waste of such beautiful creative life force.
808   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 17, 4:03pm  

mell says
richwicks says

I think that was clever.

Hey @Patrick, you should have ever post on here have a little blurb underneath it contesting any claim randomly. I think that would be funny.

She's a hottie

(!) WARNING: Gender assumption. Patriarchal beauty standards.(!)
809   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 4:04pm  

Wayne County (Detroit) deadlocked on certifying their election totals.

The fear of prosecution has set in. Now the fun begins.

810   Ceffer   2020 Nov 17, 5:06pm  

This asinine, deluded, idiotic, politically unacceptable, panic inducing truth is disputed.
811   Booger   2020 Nov 17, 6:23pm  

Eric Holder says
mell says
richwicks says

I think that was clever.

Hey @Patrick, you should have ever post on here have a little blurb underneath it contesting any claim randomly. I think that would be funny.

She's a hottie

Unzips pants...
812   SoTex   2020 Nov 17, 6:47pm  

Eric Holder says
She's a hottie

Yup, she has a cute smile like a beaver. Early on in her career on fox she used to keep her upper lip up showing two buck beaver teef even while not smiling. It was cute. I think someone trained her not to do that. It used to hypnotize me.

Which reminds me:


Aaand cute beaver pose:

Okay crows foots. But you get the idea, this is the typical 'sitting there, stare', beaver toof thing she's done in the past. I still think she's hot.
813   Patrick   2020 Nov 17, 7:01pm  

richwicks says
you should have ever post on here have a little blurb underneath it contesting any claim randomly

Could have a dropdown:

- this claim is contested
- disinformation
- RUSSIAN disinformation
- our owners don't like this kind of talk
814   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 7:20pm  

Ha, 2 Wayne County Republicans just forced all of MI State to do an audit explaining where all the "more votes than voters" came from.
816   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 17, 7:28pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Ha, 2 Wayne County Republicans just forced all of MI State to do an audit explaining where all the "more votes than voters" came from.

Does it mean it's not certified until the audit is done, or it is certified and audit is to happen sometime in the future on a pinky promise?
817   SoTex   2020 Nov 17, 10:25pm  

This does sound sketch.
818   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 17, 10:29pm  

Eric Holder says
Does it mean it's not certified until the audit is done, or it is certified and audit is to happen sometime in the future on a pinky promise?

Nebulous. Of course it's the Sec of State... but then again, the State Leg makes the rules... hard to say
819   richwicks   2023 Mar 25, 4:42am  

Nebulosious says

Good overview of the irregularities and why they are collectively significant:


@Nebulosious - you've been signed up to this since Nov 6, 8:53am, 2020 - I see you're online right now:

I see one post of yours. What do you think would be a reasonable conclusion for me to draw knowing you read this site, but have only posted once, nearly 2 years ago - apparently?
820   richwicks   2023 Mar 25, 4:49am  

Eric Holder says

richwicks says

Depression 2.0 is up next.

You think Biden will be the 2nd FDR?

He's more Herbert Hoover, or perhaps Woodrow Wilson - Wilson was the greatest traitor to our nation we've ever seen as prezdident.

Can you see it yet?

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