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G36 saysyou cant possible have beaten Bitcoins performance.
I have
Everyone with a brain. DF seem to not have one.
And you DF talk about Sp500 performance. lol f.ing lol, you must be the dumbest DF.
G36 saysAnd you DF talk about Sp500 performance. lol f.ing lol, you must be the dumbest DF.
He's not the one who thinks bitcoin is better than gold.
He hasnt shown a single screenshot of any of his investments.
G36 saysHe hasnt shown a single screenshot of any of his investments.
I'm not a moron.
Just know what you are buying
I'm surprised they're able to breath.
Onvacation says
Just know what you are buying
yep, Digital gold / gold 2.0
commenting on his own posts.
We got one more fuckin dumb comment
"no x axis"
we wont run of fuckin stupid comments. the list will grow, for sure!
now he seems to have lost it completely. Maybe time for beddy bye, DF?
lost it :) it only took me a few posts to get him so riled up
I do need a break sometimes to spend some of my money. Can't take it to the grave, so might as well use it and enjoy my stress free life not having to worry about shady investments
Bitcoin might hit 500k per coin
G36 saysBitcoin might hit 500k per coin
This could happen
WookieMan saysG36 saysBitcoin might hit 500k per coin
This could happen
according to the article yes. It'd be nice for sure. I think the probability of Bitcoin going above 100k is higher than it going to 1k. Sorry DF.
G36 saysWookieMan saysG36 saysBitcoin might hit 500k per coin
This could happen
according to the article yes. It'd be nice for sure. I think the probability of Bitcoin going above 100k is higher than it going to 1k. Sorry DF.
@Patrick - Is this not a bot??? Doesn't answer questions. Literally just called my post of a video about a hurricane an article. Addresses nothing from any regular user that doesn't fit its narrative or objective. Might be a real person (foreign) but I think it's a bot.
Rarely if ever does it comment on other threads outside of the BTC realm. There are other forums for that (sorry, not trying to push traffic away). Seems like a crypto scripted bot. This response makes zero sense.
Definitely a fucking bot with sole purpose to pump that BTC crap.
Answer this. What foreign country did you last travel to? And when? Prove you're not a bot or an awful troll.
his BS is a what I call a libtard move. Its pathetic
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