Bitcoin Misinformation

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2020 Nov 10, 10:01am   143,711 views  2,191 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

In my opinion, it’s a colossal pump-and-dump scheme, the likes of which the world has never seen. In a pump-and-dump game, promoters “pump” up the price of a security creating a speculative frenzy, then “dump” some of their holdings at artificially high prices. And some cryptocurrencies are pure frauds. Ernst & Young estimates that 10 percent of the money raised for initial coin offerings has been stolen.

The losers are ill-informed buyers caught up in the spiral of greed. The result is a massive transfer of wealth from ordinary families to internet promoters. And “massive” is a massive understatement — 1,500 different cryptocurrencies now register over $300 billion of “value.”


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361   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 2:17pm  

WookieMan says
I'm surprised they're able to breath.

I guess dip shits do. lol. Was hoping the beating being delivered would have to stop at some point. I'll keep going though.
362   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 10, 2:41pm  

now DF starts commenting on his own posts. He truly is the biggest DF.
363   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 3:35pm  

G36 says
Onvacation says

Just know what you are buying

yep, Digital gold / gold 2.0

Can't even quote right.

G36 says
commenting on his own posts.

Lol, not my post. Jesus....
364   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 10, 3:40pm  

We got one more fuckin dumb comment

"no x axis"......DF is too dumb to open up the source thats listed on the chart. He's too fuckin dumb to get that the x axis is time in years. no shit!
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
365   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 3:46pm  

G36 says
We got one more fuckin dumb comment

Lol. At least you're finally realizing it. Takes courage to admit stupidity. Didn't think you had it in you. Maybe there is hope for you.
366   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 3:49pm  

G36 says
"no x axis"

In all seriousness brilliant one, please explain to me how the comment was wrong? You present a graph that a retard could have screen grabbed better. Take the lazy route and say "look up the source." How about just fucking screen shot it like a normal functioning human.
367   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 10, 3:49pm  

we wont run out of fuckin stupid comments from DF. the list will grow, for sure!
368   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 3:52pm  

G36 says
we wont run of fuckin stupid comments. the list will grow, for sure!

Huh? "We won't run of"

What the hell does that mean? It's more evident with every post you cannot read and now write. Or is it right? Lol. There's a G in fucking, but I know you wouldn't know that because you don't get any.
369   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 10, 4:00pm  

now he seems to have lost it completely. Maybe time for beddy bye, DF?
370   WookieMan   2020 Dec 10, 4:05pm  

G36 says
now he seems to have lost it completely. Maybe time for beddy bye, DF?

Gotcha. Lol. Nice edit. It's kind of cute that you care that much. But considering you don't get any fuckinG, maybe it's sad.
371   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 10, 5:34pm  

yep, DF lost it :) it only took me a few posts to get him so riled up :)


"no x axis"......DF is too dumb to open up the source thats listed on the chart. I guess he really is too fuckin dumb to get that the x axis is the timeline.
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%? Not a surprise, DF.
372   Onvacation   2020 Dec 10, 9:17pm  

373   WookieMan   2020 Dec 11, 1:52am  

G36 says
lost it :) it only took me a few posts to get him so riled up

Riled up? You fucked up and made an edit after being called out. By default users that do that shouldn't be trusted with anything they post because it is assumed they'll change it after being wrong. Which you are frequently.

Of current active users you now hold the dubious distinction of being the most dishonest. You sit here spouting off god awful financial advice that you clearly know anything about. You are a danger to other people that come to this site and I'll continue to call you out for it. Like I said, I can do this all day while we have rona around and I'm not traveling for fun.

I do need a break sometimes to spend some of my money. Can't take it to the grave, so might as well use it and enjoy my stress free life not having to worry about shady investments. As I've said before, jealousy is not a good look for you.
374   Onvacation   2020 Dec 11, 6:50am  

WookieMan says

I do need a break sometimes to spend some of my money. Can't take it to the grave, so might as well use it and enjoy my stress free life not having to worry about shady investments

Some bitcoiners know it's a scam and hope to capitalize on the FOMO and are attempting to time the greater fool..

Other bitcoiners are convinced they holding "digital gold" and will HODL long after the scam essentially crashes.
376   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 3:54am  

G36 says
Bitcoin might hit 500k per coin

This could happen too... lol

377   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 7:56am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
Bitcoin might hit 500k per coin

This could happen

according to the article yes. It'd be nice for sure. I think the probability of Bitcoin going above 100k is higher than it going to 1k. Sorry DF.
378   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 9:59am  

G36 says
WookieMan says
G36 says
Bitcoin might hit 500k per coin

This could happen

according to the article yes. It'd be nice for sure. I think the probability of Bitcoin going above 100k is higher than it going to 1k. Sorry DF.

@Patrick - Is this not a bot??? Doesn't answer questions. Literally just called my post of a video about a hurricane an article. Addresses nothing from any regular user that doesn't fit its narrative or objective. Might be a real person (foreign) but I think it's a bot.

Rarely if ever does it comment on other threads outside of the BTC realm. There are other forums for that (sorry, not trying to push traffic away). Seems like a crypto scripted bot. This response makes zero sense.
379   Eric Holder   2020 Dec 18, 10:12am  

WookieMan says
G36 says
WookieMan says
G36 says
Bitcoin might hit 500k per coin

This could happen

according to the article yes. It'd be nice for sure. I think the probability of Bitcoin going above 100k is higher than it going to 1k. Sorry DF.

@Patrick - Is this not a bot??? Doesn't answer questions. Literally just called my post of a video about a hurricane an article. Addresses nothing from any regular user that doesn't fit its narrative or objective. Might be a real person (foreign) but I think it's a bot.

Rarely if ever does it comment on other threads outside of the BTC realm. There are other forums for that (sorry, not trying to push traffic away). Seems like a crypto scripted bot. This response makes zero sense.

Definitely a fucking bot with sole purpose to pump that BTC crap.
380   Onvacation   2020 Dec 18, 10:40am  

Eric Holder says

Definitely a fucking bot with sole purpose to pump that BTC crap.

Not necessarily a bot. It's hard to tell a brainwashed idiot from a bot.
381   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 10:55am  

Patrick, I have posted on many other threads (political, stocks, housing related).

Last time I posted on a thread, Wookie posted this:

Now, he complains, I am not posting on other threads.
This has been my experience with him. He posts one thing, just to contradict himself shortly after:

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"8k by year end"
"its going to land in the 1000-2500 range"

I mentioned this before, he sounds a bit like a Biden speech. He also shows behaviors that we have seen from libtards. When they cant win, they try to cheat/play unfair. Now he claims I might be bot or from a foreign country. Very pathetic IMO.
382   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 10:58am  

You literally just played into my theory you're a bot. lol. Didn't think it work out that well. Legit, lol.
383   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 10:59am  

Answer this. What foreign country did you last travel to? And when? Prove you're not a bot or an awful troll.
384   Bd6r   2020 Dec 18, 11:06am  

WookieMan says
Answer this. What foreign country did you last travel to? And when? Prove you're not a bot or an awful troll.

If a = 1, b=2, c=3, etc, then how much is aa + dd?
386   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 12:04pm  

Patrick, I agree. But Wookie calling users to be bots just because they call him out on his BS is a what I call a libtard move. Its pathetic.

Wookie never adds anything useful to the Bitcoin conversations. He just posts garbage and contradicts himself.
I get he's pissed that BTC hit all time highs since he bitched about BTC for many years now but really, he's got nothing else going in his life?

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"8k by year end"
"its going to land in the 1000-2500 range"
387   Patrick   2020 Dec 18, 12:08pm  

G36 says
his BS is a what I call a libtard move. Its pathetic

@G36 Please don't make personal comments like that. It just causes more personal comments, and everything goes to shit.
388   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 12:13pm  

Patrick, no problem!

I worry about their health though. If crypto assets reaching a certain price causes wookie to post his anger outbursts day and night, I wonder what will happen to him next year if BTC's rally continues? Well....on the other hand, who cares. lol
389   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 12:17pm  

Patrick says
and everything goes to shit.


G36 says
Wookie never adds anything useful to the Bitcoin conversations.

Knowing multiple people that have lost their asses means nothing to you. Does to me. You don't answer questions and go all personal. You post nonsense. Sorry, can't sit by idly knowing what I know. You'd be wise to take some of the advice from multiple posters here instead of dragging it into the ditch and posting nonsense. Almost no one here is buying BTC and if they do, they just do it. They don't talk about it all day every day, only when it goes up and change usernames. You're the only one doing that.
390   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 12:24pm  

"nonsense"....yep, thats right,....nonsense is all we got from you. And contradictions.

"I dont trade. Its a losers game"
"I'd actually consider trading BTC"
"Fuck no on holding though"
"8k by year end"
"its going to land in the 1000-2500 range"
"no x axis"......cant open up the source thats listed on the chart.
"Wait, wait, wait. I thought it was 9,000,000%. Is it 17,918.98% or 9,000,000%?"
"Basic index funds have outperformed BTC"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%?
"an unregulated market"
"Nuclear EMP goes off"
"Would have sold everything at 18k"
"I am good with 9%"
"Bitcoin is not backed by anything"
"artificial scarcity"
"I only care about 6 figure gains"
"wake up at 6am and your money is all gone"
>>>>REALLY? missed the fact that its up by 9,000,000%?

again, you are bitter. You cant stand that Bitcoin hit new all time highs. Thats all. And you post day and night about it ......in all those years you havent managed to accumulate a single Bitcoin. Its still over 22k as of today....sry, wookie :)
391   Onvacation   2020 Dec 18, 12:44pm  

Dbr6 says
aa + dd?

They have good drugs to cure that!
392   Bd6r   2020 Dec 18, 1:11pm  

Onvacation says
They have good drugs to cure that!

393   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 1:56pm  

G36 says
You cant stand that Bitcoin hit new all time highs

I don't care about the price. lol. You do. Clearly.

G36 says
in all those years you havent managed to accumulate a single Bitcoin.

Don't need a bitcoin. I have the equivalent of 50 for now. Likely will end up being 10,000. But who's counting? Hope you get the joke there ;)

G36 says
again, you are bitter.

Not bitter at all. I just address nonsense. I've specifically addressed you and said I hope you make money. You're still butt hurt from your previous username and want some sort of revenge. Have at it. I can do this all day and night. Unless one agrees with you, they're wrong. That's a sad approach.
394   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 2:04pm  

wrong for sooo long and now bitter and angry. You really should focus on something else. None of your comments will crash the price of Bitcoin :)
You have been dead wrong ("price will land in the 1k range") and cant handle that Bitcoin hit new all time highs.....its sad and funny at the same time. Sry wookie. Bitcoin is at 23k :)
395   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 2:22pm  

G36 says
None of your comments will crash the price of Bitcoin :)

This is where you're dense and cannot read. I don't want BTC to crash. It would hurt a lot of people, including you if you're being truthful. I have no vested interest in it and never will. Ever. Multiple users here have explained why it's bad and have told you it's fine to trade it, but holding is stupid. Look at the damn charts! Even Cash said he's sold or planning to sell and buy the dips. All you do is say BTC is going to $100k-$500k. Good prediction.

It's a trading vehicle. It's not a currency or investment. You're telling people otherwise. That's dangerous. I'd have a beer with you as I'm not a petty person, but I'm going to call a turd a turd when it's a god damn turd. You're clearly younger or an oldie that failed and is chasing get rich schemes. Either way, the stuff you post is toxic to other people that don't know what they're doing. Which is what you want. So I'll fight it. I've got nothing to lose.
396   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 2:25pm  

So Wookie,
your prediction has been sooooooo wrong.
We are looooong ways from 1k.
Trading between 22k and 23k today. Keep hoping for your crash :) Just dont get too angry about it if it doesnt happen. You missed out and thats okay!

All those years bitching about it......for nothing! Sad!
397   Eric Holder   2020 Dec 18, 2:26pm  

G36 says
You cant stand...

G36 says
...you havent managed ....

G36 says
again, you are bitter.

You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You! You!
398   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 2:34pm  

"it's fine to trade it, but holding is stupid."
you cant afford a single Bitcoin. All you can do is bitch about Bitcoin.
399   WookieMan   2020 Dec 18, 2:36pm  

English is not your first language. I should have figured that out by now. Sorry for making fun of your reading skills. My apologies.

Lol. Nice file name too. Cleary I've won. lol.
400   Bitcoin   2020 Dec 18, 2:38pm  

So, he doesnt trade:

But holding is stupid:


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