Best evidence of likely, actionable fraud.

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2020 Nov 16, 7:32pm   7,004 views  141 comments

by Cdon2   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

All – you may remember me, but my firm is working on an amicus (i.e. friend of the court) brief in support of POTUS. I in particular am tasked with mining "bullshit mountain" aka the internet for some actionable, provable fraud, and thought of you guys. So with that in mind, can you all direct me to what you all may have found which may be useful to the campaign?

Use your best discretion of what you think is useful, just understand that our time for filing is limited and I may give you a bit of pushback because, the threshold for fraud in elections is incredibly high. After its clear they lost, losing sides often like to allege fraud or other malfeasance, but historically, these claims are a waste of time. Also, if you allege fraud and you cannot present credible evidence of it, detailed in particulars, not only will your client lose, the attorney likely will be sanctioned, and if the pleading is egregious, the attorney will lose their license. Thus, you may have noted that while Trump's team has often claimed procedural errors in the vein of due process and equal protection, to my knowledge they have not even alleged fraud because unless you can "bring the goods" you as the attorney are putting not just your reputation, but your actual livelihood on the line.

I will take whatever you can give me, but 2 things I dont want to hear:

WE WERENT ALLOWED IN TO WATCH!!! While this is a good talking point for TV, this happens every time in every election, and proves nothing. Typically, a county allocates say 50 republican watchers, 50 democrat watchers, 10 non partisan and this is agreed upon by all months in advance. However in highly contested elections, EVERYONE and their brother descends upon one location, eventually the building gets overloaded at 2X capacity, and then the massive overflow of partisans cries foul as they believe their not being there is fraud. In other words, just because your guy cant get in doesn't mean that any partisans on your side werent there. You may have noticed that (when pressed) trump's counsel has repeatedly had to to admit there was at all times at least one republican in the room. *Caveat, if you find someone who was on the INSIDE and can claim that the number of republican watchers was less than the agreed upon amount, we may have something. * FURTHER CAVEAT, I am revising my earlier statement here. I assumed and I dismissed the early claim "I wasnt allowed in" because that turned out to be false in Philadelphia when trumps counsel admitted to the "non zero number" of R side people there. There may very well be other areas in other states where no one from the R side was there. However, it will never be proven by some random person who said, I wasnt allowed in. Just because you werent allowed in, doesnt mean that no R side parties were allowed in. It will be proven by a R election challenger or similar person who cannot certify or is willing to say in an interview "there was no one in the room from the R side".

DEAD PEOPLE VOTED!!! No matter what the MSM says, this IS fraud, but in my experience, not actionable. Often times, it is a ledger of say 15 or 20 dead people who got ballots but not necessarily an indication someone filled them out and sent them back in. Also, when these votes are filled in and returned, they often vote not just for "the other guy" but your guy as well. In other words your hoped for swing of 15 or 20 becomes 4 or 5 once you net them all out and that is not what we are looking for here. Caveat, I do want to hear of egregious roles of say 500+ dead people were sent ballots, but for anything less than this, the juice isnt really worth the squeeze.

I know this is a long shot, but as you all may know, it was the National Enquirer which broke the story of presidential candidate John Edwards love child 10 months before the MSM would address it. So please give me whatever you got and let me at least take a cursory look at it. Thanks in advance for your help!

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63   mell   2020 Nov 17, 7:22pm  

The data on the Donald site has all been downloaded from Edison with timestamps and those "glitches" have been verified. Of course some people are saying well it's from a data company and not the official data but if it's official enough for major networks to rely on it and call a winner based on it, it should be considered official. The fraud is there. If anybody disputes the legitimacy of that data flow showing pretty good evidence of fraud then all networks need to recant and say no winner has been called. Can't have it both ways.
64   Cdon2   2020 Nov 17, 8:37pm  

Tenpoundbass says
The impetus has been on the Democrats all along to do due diligence to instill confidence in their unprecedented, bordering on unlawful election.
They should have welcomed any and all poll watchers, if for no other reason than to crush them, if the thought their Blue Wave mail in vote was going to crush it on Tuesday night. Why wouldn't they have wanted a wider audience to witness such and unprecedented historic event?

Respectfully, if you believe R was not allowed proper access, you should explain this to POTUS as they apparently believe they got all the poll watchers they need. On Nov 9 in PA they filed a 109 page,seven count complaint, leading off in counts I and II Styled:

U.S. Const. Art. I § 4, cl. 1; Art. II, § 1, cl. 2; Amend. XIV, 42 U.S.C. § 1983
Denial of Due Process On The Right to Vote
Invalid Enactment of Regulations Affecting Observation and
Monitoring of the Election


Yet 2 days ago, they "amended" that complaint dropping 40 pages, 5 of the 7 counts, and most notably, the two counts related to their inability to "Observe and Monitor the election"


Thus despite the repeated public claims from the R side of "we werent allowed in to see" the question is why is POTUS unwilling to make that claim in court?
65   Cdon2   2020 Nov 17, 8:42pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Cdon2 says
Coup - sorry that other post is truncated (im obviously not a coder). I meant to ask for your follow up on all of those batches you cited. Thanks

I charge $50/hr to assist in records research with a $500 retainer.

I saw that above and posted it, no link. From thedonald.win, which is your best resource for evidence if you search.

Holy shit, that site is totally over the top. If you are serious, let me see if there is room in the budget, as I need some help mining Monut Olympus of BS for the nuggets of gold.

In any event, no worries about those batches of ballots. Per my colleague:

1. Duplicates from these batches are likely to be elimated before the certification process.
2. If they are not eliminated, it arguably helps POTUS in that (a) on the whole if you assume the recipients are college students (heavy D voters) and (b) if the undelivered votes were returned by “organic” fraud, from area residents those areas on balance skew toward POTUS.

In other words, unless this was organized mafia style fraud, any fraud which occurred likely benefitted POTUS so its best to let them stand.
66   Onvacation   2020 Nov 17, 9:03pm  

This might be important.
APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
Here's how elections work. Everyone in the news business waits for the Associated Press. A handful of strange guys at the AP throw darts at a board with random numbers on them and shout out GLOBOHOMO! scores for the candidates and ask each other questions like, "BIDEN - not homo enough?" or "TRUMP - dump?" - until it get close to the time the pizza parlor closes and they they rush out numbers for all the candidates. Once it's on the wires, it's a "fact" and no one can question the Associated Press because they're exactly like God but with 10,000 newspapers believing in them.

Then Fox News and everyone else picks this stuff up and claims it's real.

In 1976, most of the AP had the Hershey squirts after a company GLOBOHOMO bumblasting orgy and the only non-gay guy on the staff - the hunting reporter in For Du Lac - who didn't go to the party and was in work during the election just decided it would be nice if Jimmy Carter to win because they were both in the Navy.

67   Bd6r   2020 Nov 17, 9:09pm  

Patrick says
Anal warts and early death is nothing to be praised, or even to be called normal.

more chicks for us
68   Onvacation   2020 Nov 17, 9:24pm  

APOCALYPSEFUCKisShostakovitch says
The people in the counting rooms are just random homeless people who will do anything for the donuts and cocoa and no one checks their maths.

Now you know what Q knows.

OOPS! Missed the end. That MIGHT be the most important part.
69   Patrick   2020 Nov 17, 11:31pm  

Might be interesting to review evidence of fraud in the 2016 Dem primary:

70   Onvacation   2020 Nov 18, 5:43am  

Grill Biden in a sworn congressional testimony. This would be over in an afternoon.
71   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 18, 5:56am  

Cdon2 says
In other words, unless this was organized mafia style fraud, any fraud which occurred likely benefitted POTUS so its best to let them stand.

With all due respect and in danger of violating Pat's one and only rule on this forum.

You are Full of SHIT!

Fraud benefiting POTUS. That's Rich!
74   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 19, 9:12am  

If the exit polls had Trump keeping the non-college Whites, including a majority of females...
getting the plurality of college-educated Whites, and actually slightly MORE females than males...
Increasing his 2016 margin with Hispanics, and getting more of the Black Vote than any GOP Candidate in 50 years.

The Republicans picked up about a dozen house seats, and defended the Senate that was 2/3 defending Republicans.

Yet he lost?

Highly unlikely.

And exit polls are a PRIMARY tool for detecting election fraud.
75   mell   2020 Nov 19, 10:03am  

Agreed. Why on earth were they using all these rigged machines and ballots in the first place? Where was the oversight? They should have never carried out this election in the first place.
76   Eric Holder   2020 Nov 19, 10:08am  

mell says
Agreed. Why on earth were they using all these rigged machines and ballots in the first place? Where was the oversight? They should have never carried out this election in the first place.

I don't understand the reason too. It's not for speed for sure - it still takes them days and weeks to count votes.
77   Cdon2   2020 Nov 19, 2:30pm  

CBOEtrader says
The question is what can we do w forensic evidence alone? Even if massive anomalies are identified, i assume a court couldn't throw out those votes w/o evidence of the actual wrongdoing.

Thats correct. The problem with the anomalies is on their own, they do not prove anything. The votes reported to the media may or may not be linked to the unofficial tallies provide to them. A sudden jump in votes, can be explained by skullduggery, or something as simple as the guy who updates the data was out on a smoke break. Also, are these anomalies due to the "blue shift" we understood was likely? Can you demonstrate that no similar anomalies have happened in 2016 or 2012? If the fraud was so pervasive, in county X why did biden do worse than hillary did 4 years ago? I am not saying I believe any of these things. However, you as the plaintiff better be ready to answer each and every one of these questions in court, and do so in a clear and convincing fashion.

CBOEtrader says

Unless trump and powell have texts and voice-mails and emails proving coordination AND the forensics showing the scale of that coordination, I am assuming this whole thing is a no go.

Pretty much. They do have affidavits, from Mr. X who saw ABC. However, you have to back that up with (a) forensics of ABC receiving materials/payments/communications with third parties. (b) Detailed logs of all the parties who had access to the machines or data (c) good provenance of the data or hard paper ballots showing errors between points X and Y, etc, etc etc.

Great example everyone will remember was Jussie Smollett. It wasnt just the testimony of the two brothers that proved Jussie was a fraud. It was the corresponding payment records, video evidence of them going to the store to buy the goods to "beat him up", receipts showing that they did indeed buy those goods, etc, etc.
78   TechBrosWon   2020 Nov 19, 2:35pm  

How about a report that ballots can't be physically processed in given time on available hardware?
How will defenders wish away that?
How about if it is proven that votes are stored as "floating point" numbers?
How about "more votes than people"?

Slam dunk that somebody testify that he switched the algorithm.May be they already have that person.

Bottom line is that fraud has happened based on stats and How you prove or disprove it.I believe if it was easy to disprove, Old slim Biden would have already sang.
79   Cdon2   2020 Nov 19, 2:41pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Fraud benefiting POTUS. That's Rich!

See attached.


As noted, GA found over 1,000 "overvotes" similar to the possible event coup was describing. The state determined:

60% double voted D
40% double voted R

This sort of possible fraud happens every election and when it is "organic" like this you get a lot of fraudulent D votes and a lot of fraudulent R votes. Often the fraudulent vote percentages being near identical to the true vote percentages in various counties. As my colleague noted (a) the double votes in this thread likely were caught at certification and (b) even if they were not, they where mailed disproportionately to areas that historically vote more R, its best not to challenge them unless you know they will be in POTUS favor.
80   Bd6r   2020 Nov 19, 2:42pm  

Onvacation says
Grill Biden in a sworn congressional testimony. This would be over in an afternoon.

Doubt it. Biden genuinely can not remember what happened an hour ago.
81   Rin   2020 Nov 19, 2:43pm  

zzyzzx says

All it is says is that there's proof that Vampires have existed all this time ...

And that they're Big Govt types!
82   Onvacation   2020 Nov 19, 3:24pm  

Dbr6 says
Onvacation says
Grill Biden in a sworn congressional testimony. This would be over in an afternoon.

Doubt it. Biden genuinely can not remember what happened an hour ago.


But he might be able to tell us some great stories.
83   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 19, 3:39pm  

Cdon2 says
As noted, GA found over 1,000 "overvotes" similar to the possible event coup was describing. The state determined:

60% double voted D
40% double voted R

This sort of possible fraud happens every election and when it is "organic" like this you get a lot of fraudulent D votes and a lot of fraudulent R votes. Often the fraudulent vote percentages being near identical to the true vote percentages in various counties. As my colleague noted (a) the double votes in this thread likely were caught at certification and (b) even if they were not, they where mailed disproportionately to areas that historically vote more R, its best not to challenge them unless you know they will be in POTUS favor.

So you disappear for all of two days, then rush back here to do damage control after the Legion of Lawyers of Doom gave their damning press conference.

You know we're talking about systemic fraud, and collusion between organizations, agencies, departments, companies and foreign actors? You know that you're a fucking smart guy(I assume you could be a shitty lawyer who knows) We're not talking about the people who are passionate about their guy winning and double voting or voting for their mom. Go back and look at all of my posts from the first day about my fears of Trump's team going down the rabbit hole looking for onesies and twosies of "PEOPLE" violating election laws. I maintained the Political machine in both parties have the system rigged ten ways to Sunday, and they always send people seeking the truth down a dead end. Just like the Recount canard. Recounts always find more votes for both parties so it appears on the up and up. But to point to individuals committing voter fraud, is not the same conversation here. So don't frustrate the topic by sending it down dead end.

Look at this point Patriots don't give a fuck if we get 'er done the easy way (Through proper legal channel and Democracy prevails) or the hard way.
(we've been looking for a way to get rid of people who hate America anyway.)

That commie pant shitter and his prison porn fluffer VP bitch will not be president.

Or as Rapaport likes to day, that Dick Stain will not be inaugurated.
85   MisdemeanorRebel   2020 Nov 19, 6:11pm  

So many are going to realize that agreeing with the "Consensus" won't make them look smart forever.
86   Tenpoundbass   2020 Nov 19, 6:54pm  

Booger says

I totally agree, Microsoft is what it is because Microsoft wanted it that way from the get go. It's not accident by not by a long shot that Microsoft support is based in India and the same Call centers house the Call center when you've been hacked, or the phone number behind a pone or phishing scam.
87   Cdon2   2020 Nov 20, 8:31am  

Editing my thread via the boldface above.
88   rocketjoe79   2020 Nov 20, 10:35am  

Onvacation says
Dbr6 says
Onvacation says
Grill Biden in a sworn congressional testimony. This would be over in an afternoon.

Doubt it. Biden genuinely can not remember what happened an hour ago.


But he might be able to tell us some great stories.

89   Cdon2   2020 Nov 23, 6:36pm  

Well, given the shakeup of the last 72 hours or so looks like we are regrouping a bit. Its a bit remarkable in that (when pressed by the court), not a single attorney fo POTUS has yet to plead any act of fraud or similar. If they are unwilling to plead any sort of fraud, I obviously cannot attach an amicus brief to a claim not made.

Client is now seeing to focus more on Article 14 Equal Protection claims, and (procedural) Due Process. Not exactly my forte, but there is at least plenty here to research.

In any event, I may be back in a few weeks when the dust settles, but I do want to thank those who made an effort to help the cause. Cheers.
91   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 24, 7:10am  

Great interview with Patrick Byrne, founder of Overstock.com. He has been funding a group of cyber experts for 2 years on election security.

93   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 24, 8:19am  

Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.
94   Patrick   2020 Nov 24, 1:08pm  

I love it, but still waiting for the hard evidence and prosecutions...
95   richwicks   2020 Nov 24, 1:16pm  

porkchopexpress says
Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.

Robert David Steele is nobody you should trust. He has said some crazy crap, like there's a martian base filled with children to be used by pedophiles.


So, the guy is either disinformation or a nutbag. One propaganda technique is send out some person to say obviously crazy stuff, like Judy Wood does for 9/11, and use that to discredit everybody else actually looking into something. So if I were to express doubts about the official story of 9/11, I can be easily associated with Judy Wood who is more educated than I am, almost certainly smarter, but talking complete nonsense about 9/11.
98   porkchopXpress   2020 Nov 28, 7:35am  

richwicks says
porkchopexpress says
Former CIA agent says "we have it all" because of the NSA.

Robert David Steele is nobody you should trust. He has said some crazy crap, like there's a martian base filled with children to be used by pedophiles.


So, the guy is either disinformation or a nutbag. One propaganda technique is send out some person to say obviously crazy stuff, like Judy Wood does for 9/11, and use that to discredit everybody else actually looking into something. So if I were to express doubts about the official story of 9/11, I can be easily associated with Judy Wood who is more educated than I am,...
Haha, wow. That is far out there, but then again a ton of normal people believe in God and other extreme things when viewed by an objective outsider, so I don't necessarily discount everything he says. Regardless, it's good to know.
100   RC2006   2020 Nov 28, 8:14am  

porkchopexpress says
THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

Just like roaches, where ever you find 1 there are another 100 you didn't see.
101   HeadSet   2020 Nov 28, 10:08am  

porkchopexpress says

THOUSANDS of Fake Votes Found at Wisconsin Recount in Dane County — Photos and Report from GOP Observer

This Gateway Pundit is the only place reporting this. Even a DuckDuckGo search on Dane County does not bring this up.
102   AD   2020 Nov 28, 10:19am  

Its not hard for the Democrats to conduct voting fraud in cities that have poll workers which are Democrat activists also such as Atlanta, Detroit, Milwaukee, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Philadelphia. All the poll worker have to do is accept invalid mail in ballots such as not having a signature, or a signature matching what is on file, etc.

You can have enough of these social workers and Democrat activists that are paid or volunteer to engage in the voting fraud.


That is why Lindsey Graham is right to warn Republicans that this is just the start of the Democrats stealing future national elections, as well as the Georgia runoffs for Senate seats.


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