So this is normal

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2021 Jan 13, 11:04pm   2,268 views  156 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

Even sight lines will be blocked off from Sleepy's Inauguration

"10s of millions have already brought tickets and reserved rooms, but security against MAGA insurgents requires they must be disappointed" - CNN

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66   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 16, 8:59pm  

I think it was really an accident. Chicoms were trying to weaponize the COVID strain but not release it. Some poor ass underpaid Chinese lab tech took the animal carcasses out and sold them to a wet market butcher to raise money for Lunar Festival gifts or something and away it went. At first they downplayed it, and if you remember Axios, Healthline, even Vox were pooh poohing it as not big deal.

It was when impeachment failed, and COVID started to get politicized with the "Only racists wear masks", that the Left and the Chicoms realized they could use it to ruin Trump's economy and get the mail in ballots adopted, sometime in Early March they made the decision. Then the DemMedia did a complete 180 degree turn on COVID and demanded uncalled for responses and I think pushed it by deliberately putting COVID recoverers in nursing homes to help spread it. That explains the huge differential in red vs. blue states in early COVID deaths.

Using a pandemic as a Great Reset excuse, as Karlof noted, was an idea put to a movie in 1979, and our own Globalists had meetings about it for at least a decade, about the great big one where the chaos would allow them to impose all kinds of shit they never could otherwise. They said "Here's our chance, what a great coincidence".

I think there's a story up here about how some ex-Obama 7th Floor deep staters were at a conference in 2019 talking about Pandemic responses and telling the audience what a Great Reset opportunity it would be.

Had H1N1 or SARS broke out instead of COVID, they'd have done the same shit.
67   mell   2021 Jan 16, 9:44pm  

Good synopsis. Makes too much sense to call it a conspiracy theory, it's in fact much closer to Occam's razor. Esp. if you think about the sudden 180 degree turnaround,when the prior strategy of calling Trump racist was clearly failing and it became clear that that new virus had some oomph to it, reversing from racist!orange!man! closing borders to orange man not doing enough! We must lock everyone down and muzzle them! And enough swallowed that huge steaming pile of bullshit to turn the tide against the orange man.
68   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 1:34pm  

Trump's demand the NSA replace their Legal Counsel with his appointee Ellis has been met today.

69   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 3:31pm  

Pence says 'the best is yet to come'. No mention of leaving office in address to 10th Mountain Div.

Sorry for youtube link.

Weird how Trump Admin is almost exclusively concerned with China and the Military right now.

Yesterday Pence gave a Rah-rah speech to the Navy at a Cali NAS
70   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 4:19pm  

"I want to convey the gratitude the entire administration and the American people have for the Citizen-Soldiers (and -Airmen) who are here in our nation’s capital, and to their families," said Vice President Michael R. Pence. "We’re very proud and grateful for work they have done, and will do, in the historic days ahead.” - Pence, yesterday.
71   FarmersWon   2021 Jan 17, 4:24pm  

NoCoupForYou says
"I want to convey the gratitude the entire administration and the American people have for the Citizen-Soldiers (and -Airmen) who are here in our nation’s capital, and to their families," said Vice President Michael R. Pence. "We’re very proud and grateful for work they have done, and will do, in the historic days ahead.” - Pence, yesterday.

Should we hope the US military will fight for us against cruel and greedy CCP and globalists?
It will be understatement to say that I have little hope based on last few months of Govt failures to uphold the constitution and only acting against people who sincerely feel that power should be returned to people.
72   Ceffer   2021 Jan 17, 4:40pm  

Nancy MIA? Anybody hear where she is, or did her beautiful evil die with a bucket of water?
73   Onvacation   2021 Jan 17, 5:02pm  

election2020 says
Should we hope the US military will fight for us against cruel and greedy CCP and globalists?
It will be understatement to say that I have little hope based on last few months of Govt failures to uphold the constitution and only acting against people who sincerely feel that power should be returned to people.

I would guess most of the Media's, Pentagon's, FBI's, CIA's leadership, and the rest of the swamp, plus all of their brainwashed supporters, are fighting against Trump and the rest of us.

And I am not sure about Trump.

The rank and file of these organizations are probably on the side of freedom and liberty. The supporters of Biden and the Congress don't know of their foreign connections and vast corruption.

The only hope is that Trump really has been collecting information that would convince most of the brainwashed that they have been being lied to for a long time. If Trump doesn't dump he's a chump.

Hopium addicts need regular fixes.
74   richwicks   2021 Jan 17, 5:46pm  

NoCoupForYou says
Pence says 'the best is yet to come'. No mention of leaving office in address to 10th Mountain Div.

Sorry for youtube link.

He never said "the best is yet to come".

Face it, coup complete in 3 days, end of Republic - we enter into a bastard version of Fascism and Communism permanently.
75   Patrick   2021 Jan 17, 9:15pm  

richwicks says

It's never over.
76   Onvacation   2021 Jan 17, 9:34pm  

I'm realistic about what we're facing, optimistic for myself, pessimistic for the masses, and cynical of our masters.
77   Onvacation   2021 Jan 17, 9:38pm  

Trump's still fucking with them. He hasn't started any new foreign wars and is the most popular man in America.

But yeah, we saw the show, Biden is our "president " elect.
78   porkchopXpress   2021 Jan 17, 10:27pm  

richwicks says
NoCoupForYou says
Pence says 'the best is yet to come'. No mention of leaving office in address to 10th Mountain Div.

Sorry for youtube link.

He never said "the best is yet to come".

Face it, coup complete in 3 days, end of Republic - we enter into a bastard version of Fascism and Communism permanently.
If this is true, States will secede from the Union and I will go move to one of them.
79   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 10:31pm  

Patrick says
It's never over.

Not to dole out the hopium, but people thought it was all over when Bloody Mary came to power and executed many. She lasted a few years and the whole situation flipped, and England got one of best monarchs ever, Elizabeth I who routed out almost every last subversive with Walsingham and the country exploded in growth and prosperity.
80   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 10:35pm  

“We will renew our land. We will renew our strength, and the best days of our nation are yet to come,” he said.

If there's anything to be done, Trump will do it. There's no way he'll not only abandon something he's built, but he won't subject his own family to the hell that is coming for them. Barron will be rejected from any and every school in the West, not just the USA.
81   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 10:36pm  

This is how batshit crazy and confused the Left is right now
82   Ceffer   2021 Jan 17, 11:03pm  

Looks like some more dotting the i's and crossing the t's on election fraud:


"The Pillow Guy" claims he has the IP address in China that comm'd with Dominion machines. Guess he thought it would be a major reveal to Trump, but Trump has had that and more. The Vatican Leonardo link was the last piece they needed. They don't need to analyze no stinkin' Dominion machines being jealously guarded and/or erased by implicated Election Boards. Pulitzer showed live in real time at an active Georgia polling station during the Georgia senate runoffs that a TLC TV (Chinese) was acting as a hub accessing the Dominion machines in the room communicating with a Chinese internet address.
83   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 11:11pm  

#1 Troops hate Donald the Dictator, they'll never obey him
#2 Troops might love Donald too much, they're all right wing fanatics, and they have to be vetted.

The only Lefty with a brain is the one doing some rough math: 25,000 troops being vetted in the next 60 hours. That won't happen, unless it's a vetting like Strzok's vetting of thousands of Hillary's Emails in 12 Hours for classified info.
84   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 11:13pm  

Because Prisoners might riot if Joe is Inaugurated.

Given his record, they actually should, but c'mon man, c'mon.
85   Ceffer   2021 Jan 17, 11:46pm  

Yeah, Joe thinks the National Guard might shoot him:

We need a betting pool about whether Joe is going to step inside the barbed wire fence or not, or whether it's going to be a ZOOM inauguration from the basement. Maybe the first in which the Pres-elect wears a bullet proof vest and helmet.

Salty says it best: "Hmm, is that a FEMA camp?"

Kamala claims to be vacating her Senate seat tomorrow. Only somebody who was dead certain the election was a total steal would have waited that long, but who knows, maybe she'll wait until Wednesday.
86   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 17, 11:57pm  

Last Hopium for the night:

The Army doesn't use Ospreys. Only the Marines do.

Allegedly taken over Virginia flying towards DC.

If Marines, then Trump has issued an EO allowing military force - scout helos leading the way, looks like a deployment.

Other sign: They're flying Nap of the Earth over crowded areas. If it was just a support mission they'd fly higher for safety.

EDIT: Fucking Fake. Check out the trees. DC is in winter. Damnit, I want my Hopium hit!
87   Ceffer   2021 Jan 18, 12:08am  

"Hopium, Hopium. Wherefore art thou Hopium?"
88   Eric Holder   2021 Jan 18, 12:15am  

NoCoupForYou says
Last Hopium for the night:

The Army doesn't use Ospreys. Only the Marines do.

Marines, Navy and AirForce. But not Army, correct.
89   Ceffer   2021 Jan 18, 12:18am  

LOL! Antsy, Guilty-As-Hell China Joe worried about Secret Service, too. Is the poor man getting paranoid? Will Trump squeeze a concession out of him through mere intimidation? Hey, Joe, you have the courage of your convictions? Afraid of a few tens of thousands of soldiers and Marines? Aren't you confident they all love you? Weren't they vetted by Dominion Voting Machines? LOLZ!
90   Robert Sproul   2021 Jan 18, 7:58am  

NoCoupForYou says
but people thought it was all over when Bloody Mary came to power and executed many. She lasted a few years and the whole situation flipped, and England got one of best monarchs ever, Elizabeth I who routed out almost every last subversive with Walsingham and the country exploded in growth and prosperity.

"If you want to know what is really happening, or about to happen, don't read the newspaper, read history"
Nassim Taleb (rough paraphrase)
93   mell   2021 Jan 18, 8:49am  

FuckCCP89 says
georgeliberte says
A fire in a homeless camp - WTF?

Are we a 3rd World shithole yet?

lol just the anticipation of bi-dens presidency is enough to take the country to instant shithole level
94   Karloff   2021 Jan 18, 9:35am  

I keeps on telling ya: commies are paranoid. When they commit so many heinous acts against people through backstabbing, infiltration, and other treacherous, dishonorable means, they know they've made a lot of enemies.

It is a great weakness that can be exploited.
95   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Jan 18, 9:49am  

NoCoupForYou says

what do those red bricks represent?
96   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 18, 9:50am  

Little Chicom flags for the Chicom infiltrating Confusius Society: I think the padlocks mean they were locked out/kicked out of campuses.
97   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 18, 9:57am  

Here's a bit of Hopium this morning:

Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a letter late yesterday to Acting Department of Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller demanding an immediate halt to the improper process of installing unqualified Trump-loyalist Michael Ellis as the new National Security Agency General Counsel 72 hours prior to the beginning of the new Administration.

In the letter, the Speaker wrote, “Public reporting indicates that Mr. Ellis, a relatively recent law school graduate with a limited resume, was selected due to interference by the White House, and was chosen over much more qualified candidates. Moreover, Mr. Ellis has been reportedly involved in highly questionable activities that are disqualifying – including the infamous 2017 ‘midnight run’ to launder intelligence information through Rep. Devin Nunes and with efforts to shield information about President Trump’s July 2019 call with the President of Ukraine.”


There's only 48 hours or less left, and this position requires no confirmation, so what is she so damn worried about? If Xiden becomes President, he can pull him out of that job in a literal minute.
98   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 18, 11:35am  

Another Hopium Hit:

Executive Order on Protecting Law Enforcement Officers, Judges, Prosecutors, And Their Families. This mostly facilitates concealed carry, including among retired personnel.


Why are Leftists so worried about vetting the Guardsmen? Why is Trump issuing an EO to protect LEOs, Prosecutors, Judges?

Also: Looks like Horowitz39 got canned from Twitter. Just yesterday he said he wasn't leaving twitter because Conservatives always quit instead of staying and fighting. Also called out NRO for being total pussies and that there was no 2022/2024. No doubt he's one of the first to the camps as a traitor to the Radical Cause.
99   SoTex   2021 Jan 18, 11:49am  

I'll add: They are deputizing 2K Nat Guard Troops to become US Marshals.

Rumor is those guys can arrest presidents.
100   Ceffer   2021 Jan 18, 12:03pm  

Maybe Trump will allow them all to form a government in exile in Beijing.
101   richwicks   2021 Jan 18, 12:09pm  

FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut says
what do those red bricks represent?

They are Chinese flags. You have to zoom in to see them.
103   SoTex   2021 Jan 18, 12:38pm  

Oh... "of" not "to"
104   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 18, 2:05pm  

Remember, we have a President who did this. And he waited until she was on her way to the airport to do it.

It's his MO.

Why the fuck would he tell us what he's planning? Every glowie and bluehaired buzzfeed bozo would report it in minutes and give them time to react.
105   RC2006   2021 Jan 18, 4:47pm  

Dems want fence around capital to be permanent.


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