Civil War

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2021 Jan 15, 5:44pm   1,520 views  25 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

I haven't seen proof of the fraud they claim. But if it were true, the way adults deal with corruption is to make their case in the public square, fight in the courts and -- if every door closes and they lose -- regroup for the next battle.


They won't see proof of fraud because they won't look.

The country is like a sealed pot on the fire building pressure. The last four years of injustice is being smashed into our face by the unjust treatment of the capital protesters after four years of no justice and no peace with the BLM rioters. The double standard is infuriating.

I don't want to fight. I also don't want to be called a racist Insurrectionist just because I question what's going on.

Remember when they said a couple of months ago that right wing terrorists are the biggest threat to America? We laughed. It's not funny anymore.

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1   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 15, 5:47pm  

Onvacation says
They won't see proof of fraud because they won't look.

They won't see proof of fraud because they think they are Civil Rights heroes who just defeated Hitler & the KKK. They don't want their fantasy interrupted. Per that amazing analysis tweetstorm that Patrick posted.

The Trump Camp used every known legal avenue and was denied at every turn. Not adjudicated and rejected, just refused.

Florida National Guard left this afternoon for DC. That's yet more troops.

The 182nd USAF Security Squadron is also in and around DC now... they are just loading up DC with Guardsmen.

Just what you need to show the world that Joe Biden is definitely the free and fair elected President. This isn't for MAGA, and it ain't for Biden.

Elon Musk's cryptic tweet a few days ago: "The most entertaining outcome is the most likely"
2   Onvacation   2021 Jan 15, 5:49pm  

Never ending hopeium.

Everybody knows something is wrong.

Has Kamala resigned yet?
3   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Jan 15, 5:50pm  

To laugh at myself, my Hopium Addiction is so strong that moving vans don't phase me. It would be suspicious if he didn't load his stuff up with only hours to go before Biden.
4   Onvacation   2021 Jan 15, 5:54pm  

A metaphorical opiate inhaled when faced with loss, failure or defeat, especially in sports, politics and other tribal settings.

The effects of copium include, but are not limited to: extreme rationalizations for the defeat, outlandish theories of conspiracy supposedly perpetrated by the opposing side, extreme rage directed at the other side, unconvincing allegations of fraud and abuse in the system, and rejection of the system as a whole.
-Supporters of the losing candidate claim they didn’t legitimately lose the election; they say it was due to foreign interference and election fraud. They’re clearly high on copium.
5   Onvacation   2021 Jan 15, 5:56pm  

1. An addiction to false hopes.

2. The state of wallowing in self-pity combined with the delusion of potential fame/greatness. One in this state will hope for others to pity or save them, yet paradoxically romanticize their own struggle, pitying themselves and never moving on to achieve their dreams.
She thought that, if she wanted to, she could write the next great american novel, but because of Hopium, she remained the same alcoholic cat lady until her dying day.
6   Karloff   2021 Jan 15, 9:43pm  

The only non-violent way I can currently think of to avoid what's quickly coming down the pipe would be to:

1. Shut down the news media. You can't proceed with the clean up if you have them lying to the people about what's going on.
2. Shut down Big Tech. Same reason. This would require you to hit the Internet kill switch to take everything offline.
3. Arrest all traitors. There will be thousands. Rapid trial process. Any guilty would need to face execution otherwise any missed traitors in politics may release them all at a later date.
4. Inform the public as to what transpired and why. Complete transparency as well as accurate, conclusive evidence must be provided. This may still spark massive riots and unrest among those who are fervent believers of the lies, and you still have a problem with captured news agencies in other countries, but it may still be possible to "deprogram".
5. Big Tech and the news media are completely broken apart before being allowed to function once again with entirely new leadership.

Chances of this happening: approximately 0%. Which leaves only traditional options..
7   richwicks   2021 Jan 15, 10:00pm  

Karloff says
Chances of this happening: approximately 0%. Which leaves only traditional options..

Isn't it unfortunate that we are in the same position of people in 1938 of Germany, and 1916 in Russia?

I have some hope this is 1990 in the USSR still.
8   Onvacation   2021 Jan 15, 10:15pm  

Karloff says
4. Inform the public as to what transpired and why. Complete transparency as well as accurate, conclusive evidence must be provided. This may still spark massive riots and unrest among those who are fervent believers of the lies, and you still have a problem with captured news agencies in other countries, but it may still be possible to "deprogram".

Most of these people won't fight.
9   GreaterNYCDude   2021 Jan 16, 6:46am  

I find it ironic that the author flat out said that if the results had been overturned and Trump was declared the victor there would be a civil war, started by Biden supporters. Go figure.
10   Onvacation   2021 Jan 16, 7:46am  

GreaterNYCDudeIsLookingForAJob says
there would be a civil war, started by Biden supporters.

AND they got fireworks and pepper spray. They dang dangerous!
11   richwicks   2021 Jan 16, 7:49am  

GreaterNYCDudeIsLookingForAJob says
I find it ironic that the author flat out said that if the results had been overturned and Trump was declared the victor there would be a civil war, started by Biden supporters. Go figure.

If Biden supporters start a civil war, it won't last more than 7 days.

In the last election, 40% voted for Gary Johnson, 40% for Trump, 16% for Hillary Clinton, 4% for miscellaneous. Such a large number for a libertarian is an expression of people sick of war. They will kill to stay out of it at this point and I don't blame them.

I can't see any other reason for the military to vote for Johnson. Can you? The fucking Neocons are assholes, screw them. I think the military woke up first. They had a HUGE protest vote.


I don't believe that just after 4 years, that the military rank and file have much support for that cunt Joe Biden or that slut Kamala Harris.
12   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 20, 8:28pm  

Thomas Chittum's book Civil War 2 lists 36 items on a checklist to watch over.

Most have come true: https://sonar21.com/civil-war-two-review-prophetic-warnings-from-three-decades-ago/

But here's the kicker: HE WROTE THIS THIRTY YEARS AGO

He didn't write about then, either. He was predicting things coming to head in the 2020s.

He served in mercenary armies in both Rhodesia and Croatia. Based his analysis comparing what he saw then and what was aleady signs he was seeing in the 1990s. Hence the book.

He came out with a follow up in 2021. I just found out and ordered it. Should be interesting reading.
13   Tenpoundbass   2024 Mar 21, 8:45am  

The coming Civil war will be fought on our streets by the CIA and FBI. While the citizens rights get stripped away, and all law abiding citizens are to remain indoors at all time. Your RINO voting uncle will believe the news reports that it's the MAGA supporters trying hunt down ANTIFA and BLM members.
When it's over, it will be a crime to not support the one party state.

There's just no way America can ever have a symmetrical Civil war. Our divisions are not divided by State's borders or even Streets. Enemies and Allies living on the same street, aren't conducive to Civil War. There could be unrest and upheaval. But from a Federal level, it should be a revolt or insurrection. But I'm sure they would use that unrest to paint it as a full blown Civil War, leading to the scenario described above.
14   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 21, 8:46am  

Tenpoundbass says

There's just no way America can ever have a symmetrical Civil war. Our divisions are not divided by State's borders or even Streets. Enemies and Allies living on the same street, aren't conducive to Civil War.

See Rwanda & Yugoslavia.

Big part of the problem here is when Americans are using the term, they aren't talking about civil war but secession - which is entirely a different thing.

Civil War is when one or more groups in a polity fight to take over that polity from other groups it is hostile to and those groups in control resist. Ethnic cleansing or outright genocide is involved. The Mau Mau uprising in Kenya. What happened in Rhodesia and Rwanda. Shining Path in ...Peru was it? Sandanistas. Castro in Cuba. Good examples.

A coup detat is when they accomplish the same thing that w/o nation-wide bloodshed.

Eritrea breaking away from Ethiopa is a war of secession, like what the South tried to pull off here.

The nation being seceded from almost always calls it a civil war tho. Semantics works better for them. So in the cases where secession fails, the victor calls it civil war in their high school history books.

To complicated matters, some civil wars end up being resolved by secession anyway in the end. Korea and Vietnam are two that I can think of.
15   GNL   2024 Mar 21, 9:42am  

The ruler of the media can play it any way they want.
16   RWSGFY   2024 Mar 23, 9:20am  

GNL says

The ruler of the media can play it any way they want.

Twatter has been in free speech mode for how long now? How come nothing of consequence has been published there? With that bird having been liberated claiming some kind of "media control by the ruler" doesn't hold much water...
17   Tenpoundbass   2024 Mar 23, 9:45am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Shining Path in ...Peru was it?

Was a terror cell, there was no opposing group where the two were vying for power to overthrow the government.
And Rwanda was a perfect example of what I was talking about. The Hutu and the Tutsi were not neighbors on the same streets.
That's why in the aftermath, they restructured their government into provinces, sectors, regions and took away rights and autonomy from local villages and tribes. Our press likes to call every civil unrest and upheavals Civil War. By conditioning Western citizens into believing that every upheaval is Civil War, it has kept us docile from rebelling against or flat out rejecting the direction our country has been going over the last 70 to 80 years. It has brought us to where we are today.

The closest thing to a Civil war America could have, would be if the Maga people were to actively engage BLM and/or Antifa to put an end to them once and for all. And visa versa if they sought out Maga. The only difference there would be, if the MAGA instigated that, the Government would brand the MAGA faction as terrorist and would fully back the Liberal political tool that are the BLM and ANTIFA. Obama might even import ISIS to deal with MAGA.

But I can't see Republican and Democrat voters having at each other, when they live right next door to each other.
18   richwicks   2024 Mar 23, 9:56am  


GNL says

The ruler of the media can play it any way they want.

Twatter has been in free speech mode for how long now? How come nothing of consequence has been published there? With that bird having been liberated claiming some kind of "media control by the ruler" doesn't hold much water...

There's isn't 95% consensus that Israel is just a poor little group of Jewish people being unfairly attacked by monsters for no reason at all. That's one example.

Twitter is NOT a free speech platform, far from it, but it not like YouTube or Facebook which are as worthless as television for information. There's limited information on Twitter, for the normies that continue to use it.

People simple don't understand, the first 20 years was getting people to simply understand what was going on, and it gained traction, and that's when censorship started showing up, around 2010. We've always had censorship to varying degrees, but they lied about it for 5 years, continued to lie about it from another 5 years often ridiculously (we don't shadowban, we don't mess with our algorithms, etc), and now they are blatant about it.

There was a LONG TIME that on the Internet that if you told the actual truth about something that contradicted "the narrative" you were just tin foiled hat nutcase off your meds - you'd be dismissed and ignored but you could post it, and there would be SMALL amount of people that would verify what you wrote was actually correct, and they'd collect the information and pass it on. This was a slow process but it continued to gain momentum over years. Today, there needs to be outright censorship, and the sheep and cows live on YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, and all the actual thinking people have abandoned them. It's pretty easy to figure out what is actually going on if you just spend time on Rumble, Odysee, Substack, etc. If it's on legacy media, and that includes Google, Facebook, and still Twitter, it's POSSIBLE it's truth, but don't waste your time there - any true information posted on those sites, will certainly be in the "alt-tech" sites. There's a desire to know, and also a desire to spread information, and to have points of view challenged.
20   Onvacation   2024 Apr 13, 7:51pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Thomas Chittum's book Civil War 2 lists 36 items on a checklist to watch over.

Most have come true: https://sonar21.com/civil-war-two-review-prophetic-warnings-from-three-decades-ago/

But here's the kicker: HE WROTE THIS THIRTY YEARS AGO

Here is a selected sample of the author’s predictions:

Item 3: The abolition of the right to bear arms. Democratic-controlled cities like dystopian Philadelphia and Baltimore have the strictest gun laws to deter gun ownership. It’s no surprise those cities suffer from the highest murder and crime rates. Defunding the police and promoting social justice compounds the violence.

Item 4: Watch for racially split juries. Progressives promoting social justice encourage jury nullification to fight “unfair and racist laws.” Jury acquittals can’t be overturned. The most infamous example was the black solidarity jury acquitting NFL star O.J. Simpson of murder.

Item 7: Watch for Washington D.C. to increasingly resemble the capital of some banana republic under siege by revolutionaries and mobs. Mob mentality went nationwide with the violent riots over George Floyd’s death, with the upward trajectory continuing last week with the massive anti-Israel demonstrations at the White House and Joe Biden’s Delaware home.

Item 9: Watch for further replacement of individual rights by group rights, group rights based on ethnic group. The latest brainwashing is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion dogma, a Maoist struggle session, which incentivizes the formation of employee hierarchal groups around sex, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation at the expense of the qualified.

Item 11: Watch for real political power to shift from our elected officials to the courts, and thus away from the American people. Colloquial, known as lawfare (government harassment), is now used by the Democrats to smear, financially destroy the opposition, and deny an individual’s legal rights.

Item 12: Watch for more instances of real political power flowing from American institutions to international bodies, thus again flowing away from American citizens. Usurper Joe Biden uses the World Economic Forum’s blueprint and motto, “Build Back Better,” as his administration’s North Star, meaning American last.
Item 29: Watch for growing geographic segregation and its increasing mention in the establishment press. The news covers progressive states like New York, Illinois, and California, with the population escaping to conservative, tax-friendly states like Texas and Florida.

Civil War can be purchased through Amazon or a PDF floating on the internet.
21   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 14, 8:32am  

I read his 2020 sequel and didn't know whether to take it seriously or not. I think he's Bidenized over the years.
22   Onvacation   2024 Apr 14, 8:45am  

Maybe he sees the writing on the wall and doesn't want to be canceled.

I sometimes wonder if I'm on a list of undesirables to be liquidated when the new world order takes over.
23   stereotomy   2024 Apr 14, 3:07pm  

When it comes, it's just a matter of how many I take out before they take me out.

Civil war is about settling scores, at least at the local level. Marauding militias are another thing - maybe they'll respect my marksmanship.
24   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 14, 4:27pm  

Onvacation says

Maybe he sees the writing on the wall and doesn't want to be canceled.

What I meant by 'Bidenized' was a reference to senility.

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