Hindoo propaganda to target Sikhs as terrorists

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2021 Jan 26, 12:55pm   3,287 views  98 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Bharat was a country of high morals with religion called "Sanatan Dharma".
Muslim misfits and other voilent anti-freedom invaders enslaved Bhartis and termed them Hindoo, Which means slave/thief in persian/arabic.
They were forced to call themselves Hindoo to take away their dignity.
Top traitor Hindoo made Bhartis vegetarian and superstitious at behest of pesian overloads and forced to take humiliation/cowardice of worshiping cow instead of tiger as they did before.

Khalsa was born to fight against oppression and eventually won against the Hindooo and western oppression.
In current situation hindooo are trying to also suppress Khalsa so that they can sell Bharat to globalists and CCP.
Khalsa is resisting peacefully and as needed with force, they are trying to use military against Khalsa by creating violence is their name to tag them terrorists.

Hindooo=Curse of Bharat. A discriminating cult of cowards serving their masters outside of country.

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87   indc   2021 Feb 19, 3:33pm  

election2020 says
Govt having long discussions with farmers representatives, offering to suspend laws for 2 years, Trying usual rape/riot Hindooo crime tactics and shutting down twitter/internet.. for what?

I did not know that you like modi and RSS so much.
Modi was being diplomatic about the laws since your guys were dying in the cold. And RSS is worried that it became a religious discussion instead of economic one. Like people with brains.

I checked 2 videos you shared I am not like you saying that you dont want to give your view to them. And both the videos are talking about rallies not protests.
Trump rallies happen once per city and thats it. BLM protest/riots happen months together.

election2020 says

'No link to farm stir': Narendra Tomar as BJP routed in Punjab local body polls

That is how you protest contest in polls and then change laws you dont like. Dont go on streets and block months together. Did you see how many seats BJP lost from previous elections? Previously BJP and SAD worked together now they are fighting against each and congress of course they will loose. But math and logic do not work for you as we can see in your posts.
88   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 3:38pm  

SAD had no choice as BJP is finished in farmers/Punjab.
They can try their Hindoo-Sikh rape/Riot tricks again in few years, No takers now.

I did not know that you like modi and RSS so much.
>> Cow piss SODA again today?
89   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 3:50pm  

This is what @indc idiot said with straight face:
"Modi was being diplomatic about the laws since your guys were dying in the cold. And RSS is worried that it became a religious discussion instead of economic one. Like people with brains."

Hindooo is too stupid.
They were crying their Hindooo Rashra crap for last few year. Now they are scared of sounding religious.
Give me a break!

Breaking a mosque( & promise at independence) and building "Ram Temple" is not religious to these idiots.(They are just avoiding their ass kicked by Bhartis and farmers)
I am little ambivalent about this, Ram was good guy and Babar was invader. Babar's name should be erased.
But the decision to do so should be taken by Bhartis and not Dirty Hindoo cult , which is creation of Babar and other Muslim invaders.
Ram needs to be returned to Bhartis and Hindooo can go suck Chinese or other foreign dick for crumbs providing treason services.

90   indc   2021 Feb 19, 5:51pm  

election2020 says
Breaking a mosque( & promise at independence) and building "Ram Temple" is not religious to these idiots

Hey bastard: you were supporting bindrawale bastard who was making guns and bombs in golden temple. Hindus have been fighting for 500 yrs to get that temple. Like I said why dont you go to india and try to make khalistan next day we will find your news. India did not form in 1947 it is there for more than 5000yrs just because you abrahamics want to force your stupid ideology on the world and start lying about everything doesn;t make it right. You have been bitching that khalisthan should form in India but hindus cannot get their religious places because mosques, churches were built on them.

what do you mean by ram is some guy. what did guru gobind do he is also some guy.
91   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 6:00pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Breaking a mosque( & promise at independence) and building "Ram Temple" is not religious to these idiots

Hey bastard: you were supporting bindrawale bastard who was making guns and bombs in golden temple. Hindus have been fighting for 500 yrs to get that temple. Like I said why dont you go to india and try to make khalistan next day we will find your news. India did not form in 1947 it is there for more than 5000yrs just because you abrahamics want to force your stupid ideology on the world and start lying about everything doesn;t make it right. You have been bitching that khalisthan should form in India but hindus cannot get their religious places because mosques, churches were built on them.

what do you mean by ram is some guy. what did guru gobind do he is also some guy.

Dirty treasonous Hindooo can’t be compared with great general of 20th Century Jarnail Singh.
He was bravest Sikh who fought till death against large army in Sikh tradition to take stand.

Dirty Hindooo RSS underwear army is already shitting in pants to face Farmers.
It is not my words but yours that they are afraid to sound religious now.
Pikes are waiting for RSS cowards!
92   indc   2021 Feb 19, 6:59pm  

election2020 says
Dirty Hindooo RSS underwear army is already shitting in pants to face Farmers.
It is not my words but yours that they are afraid to sound religious now.
Pikes are waiting for RSS cowards!.

RSS is not shiting in their pants it is the khalisthanis shiting in their pants. RSS dont consider sikhs separate to hindus so they want to be friendly with them.

They even saved many sikhs during the congress sikh killing riots. But they dont know about khalisthanis. If I was in RSS I would have asked them to take care of those khalisthanis because their soft nature now is going to come back and bite them.

Now you talking about sikhs treating everyone equal. ask your abbu what is this:

And which sect is more powerful than others.
93   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 7:52pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Dirty Hindooo RSS underwear army is already shitting in pants to face Farmers.
It is not my words but yours that they are afraid to sound religious now.
Pikes are waiting for RSS cowards!.

RSS is not shiting in their pants it is the khalisthanis shiting in their pants. RSS dont consider sikhs separate to hindus so they want to be friendly with them.

They even saved many sikhs during the congress sikh killing riots. But they dont know about khalisthanis. If I was in RSS I would have asked them to take care of those khalisthanis because their soft nature now is going to come back and bite them.

Now you talking about sikhs treating everyone equal. ask your abbu what is this:

And which sect is more powerful than others.

Muslim consider Hindooo their "Turkic thug branch".
Sikhs have nothing to do with Hindoo or Turkic thugs. I disagree with those who say we have nothing to do with "Old Bharat" before Turkic thugs made Hindooo... Those were our ancestors and good guys. Hindooo deliberately spoiled the image or Ram and other "Old Bharat" idols.

Ram did "hunting" and meat eating, Hindooo says no meat to make Bhartis weak and slave of Turkic invaders.

RSS sent their stone pelters and Nihang Singhs challenge them to come face to face.
Hindooo will always backstab as they did with Bhindrawale using Indian Army. He reached Mumbai to face challenge from hindooo bully and thakrey bully slipped in his mouse hole.

The letter of chief coward of RSS Savarkar tells the story of their cowardice collectively.
In their tradition of treason with Bharat, Hindooo will always backstab and kiss tyrant shoes.
Their next master is CCP, I am sure RSS traitors have started learning chinese.

The Khalsa is at border facing the bully like Bhagat Singh.
Here is some reality of RSS helping Sikhs during riots. Hindooo rape/riot cult is blood thirsty, They will never be faithful to their Sikh saviors as their birth is from Turkic thug criminals who can only be "backstabbers".

94   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 7:55pm  

Gurus never discriminated nor does Khalsa.
Anyone who discriminates based on religion or caste other than bad behavior is not Khalsa.

Modern Aurangzeb Modi will face same fate for oppressing Bhartis.
95   indc   2021 Feb 19, 8:02pm  

election2020 says
Gurus never discriminated nor does Khalsa.
Anyone who discriminates based on religion or caste other than bad behavior is not Khalsa.

Modern Aurangzeb Modi will face same fate for oppressing Bhartis.

Yeah Right. Did you pull that from your ass. Show proof that sikhi dont have those sects. And they dont discriminate between sects.
96   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 8:11pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Gurus never discriminated nor does Khalsa.
Anyone who discriminates based on religion or caste other than bad behavior is not Khalsa.

Modern Aurangzeb Modi will face same fate for oppressing Bhartis.

Yeah Right. Did you pull that from your ass. Show proof that sikhi dont have those sects. And they dont discriminate between sects.

I don't need to show anything as you blaming Sikh Gurus to promote Hindoo discrimination.
You show me where "Hindooo discrimination" is allowed in Guru Granth sahib.
If somebody doesn't follow orders of Guru Gobind and OTHER Gurus, He is not Khalsa.
97   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 19, 8:19pm  

You keep running like a little monkey to different topics and when challenged run to another one.
It is not your fault, Hindooo is just dirty cowardly discriminatory cult created for rape/riot.

I have never seen any Hindooo winning argument with Sikh(Normal guys or scholars debate). In the end they just back stab using state.
Unfortunately for them, there state is coming to an end...

The worst part is when they are enslaved, Sikhs have to come again to protect their "Freedom of Religion" , It is in our DNA like your DNA is treason and ass kissing.


Modi won't get "Sikh support" like during emergency as he has shown criminality and colored his hand with blood of innocents and have become tyrant and Khalsa never stands with tyrant.

98   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 22, 10:24am  

Sikhs have been standing up for #HumanRights in India Since the time of Guru Nanak Dev (1469)
Fearing us, Tyrants have labeled us anti nationalists
Freedom of Speech, Religion and an Honest earning is the right of EVERY Indian!

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