Kamala Harris

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2021 Feb 2, 8:03pm   55,051 views  1,080 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

We need a thread for our "vice President". I'll start with when she was having cocaine fueled orgies with Montel Williams.

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10   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 8:14pm  


11   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 8:18pm  

Tulsi got my vote.
12   Onvacation   2021 Feb 3, 8:18pm  

in the primary
14   Onvacation   2021 Feb 13, 5:44pm  

Fight Fight Fighting!

original link
15   KgK one   2021 Feb 13, 8:45pm  

Libs selected simped males to lead, someone like biden but now they just want female to lead. Every movie is with female lead.

Its ok if female has leadership skills, n is better candidate. But now its seems like they are forcing a females into leadership.
16   Patrick   2021 Feb 14, 11:20am  

KgK one says
But now its seems like they are forcing a females into leadership.

They are.

This is not good for our future.
17   Onvacation   2021 Jul 11, 1:41pm  


original link

Cuz dey stoopid!
19   Ceffer   2021 Sep 18, 6:15pm  

IHLlary said that if she doesn't obey when Joe is 25th'd, she is going to pull out her clitoris ring. With her teeth.
22   Tenpoundbass   2021 Oct 10, 2:02pm  

Onvacation says
Fight Fight Fighting!

Obama's disciples be all like...

'A fight! A Fight! A POC and a White, if the POC don't win we'll all jump in!"
23   Onvacation   2021 Oct 11, 10:40am  

24   Onvacation   2021 Oct 11, 10:41am  

Montel has the tapes!
25   SunnyvaleCA   2021 Oct 11, 11:42am  

Onvacation says
If she actually believes what she is saying, then why is she on board with lowering the voting age to 16? The left proclaims the need for "free" four year collage. So, maybe the voting age should be 22, which is when people will have finished their 17 years of taxpayer-funded "learning."
26   Patrick   2021 Oct 13, 9:28pm  


LOL Biden Administration Hires Child Actors For Kamala Harris YouTube Video In Order To Make The VP Appear Likable. Let's Just Say It's Not Working.
27   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 13, 9:33pm  

I think they are/were looking for plausible deniability with Dementia Joe.

They hoped that he would finish off a year and a bit more, and stand aside for a Minority Woman of Color in time for the Mid Term Elections. Knowing that she would then be entitled to a Honeymoon period being a new President, just in time for the Midterms. And of course, any criticism of her would be RACIST! SEXIST!

It's really bad now, even in his infrequent 5-minute scripted blabber runs into 10-15 minutes because he keeps tripping over the teleprompter and losing his train of thought.

The reason I heard that we don't see Kamala is because she is distancing herself as far as possible from Dementia Joe. One of the Rules of Power! Distance yourself from unlucky people/people on a downslope.

It might still be the plan. Thanks to a Media who is giving Biden a permanent Honeymoon and, if you noticed, pivoting back to Orange Man Bad constantly again these past few weeks, they can keep the Obama-Klain-CCP government running the show.
28   richwicks   2021 Oct 13, 9:33pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
If she actually believes what she is saying, then why is she on board with lowering the voting age to 16?

You know she doesn't.


Sorry for the youtube link, but I really don't want to go through much effort tonight.
29   Ceffer   2021 Oct 13, 10:29pm  

richwicks says
Sorry for the youtube link, but I really don't want to go through much effort tonight.

Caught you shirking your responsibilities. You are no longer the hyperlink conscience of Patnet!
30   Patrick   2021 Oct 13, 10:51pm  

I wonder if there is some service that automatically looks for YouTube videos on alternate sites.
32   Patrick   2021 Nov 9, 12:12pm  

Kamala's sleeping her way to VP of the US is a role model for girls everywhere now.

33   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Nov 9, 2:06pm  

Onvacation says
She's not wrong here.


play this over and over for the next election to the young liberals just to remind them how stupid they are, that their own leader calls them stupid.
35   richwicks   2021 Nov 9, 2:41pm  

Patrick says
Kamala's sleeping her way to VP of the US is a role model for girls everywhere now.


That's something that I hate.

What is being done is non white heterosexual males are chosen specifically so any criticism directed at them can be ignored as being some sort of bigotry. This is why Donna Brazil was chosen to feed debate questions to Clinton. It's why Debbie Wasserman Schulz was chosen to sabotage the primary for Sanders.

Not only are they chosen for their minority status, but they are also chosen for their complete lack of ethics - so when we DO get some minority "leader" its the most detestable person possible within that minority group. Look at Lori Lightfoot.
36   HeadSet   2021 Nov 9, 6:47pm  

richwicks says
Not only are they chosen for their minority status, but they are also chosen for their complete lack of ethics

For Susan Rice, lack of ethics was first on the list.
37   richwicks   2021 Nov 9, 7:00pm  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
Not only are they chosen for their minority status, but they are also chosen for their complete lack of ethics

For Susan Rice, lack of ethics was first on the list.

It was the same for Condoleezza Rice. Why do you think Colin Powell was brought into the Bush administration? It's only because 1) he was a yes man that would do anything and 2) he was black - that's a bonus.

Both parties pull this shit but the Democrats are openly naked about doing it.
38   SunnyvaleCA   2021 Nov 9, 7:32pm  

Onvacation says
She also calls for lowering the voting age to 16. Yikes. I'd say it should be raised to 25.
39   HeadSet   2021 Nov 9, 8:16pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
I'd say it should be raised to 25.

40   richwicks   2021 Nov 10, 5:22am  

HunterTits says
Even more revealing: 64 percent of Americans (nearly two-thirds) don’t want Biden to run again, including a whopping 28 percent of Democrats.

I want Joe Biden to run again. I hope they steal the election again for Joe Biden.

If Trump was president today, you'd still have the endless bullshit on television and newspapers about how terrible he is. I think we're much better off in the long run to demonstrate how bad the actual establishment is. This is cutting the throat of legacy news media, and is further demonstrating the general overall corruption of the federal government, and the hypocrisy of the establishment.

Everything that Trump was accused of Biden is actually guilty of, without any exception I can think of except maybe he's not a Putin Puppet. Let the establishment put some pain into the population for 3 more years. Let them reconsider what consequences they enjoy for not paying attention and going along to get along. They've been doing this for decades, and I'm tired of it. This has to stop otherwise Americans are going to be slaves in their own country in short order.
41   richwicks   2021 Nov 10, 5:44am  

HunterTits says
richwicks says
without any exception I can think of except maybe he's not a Putin Puppet

Biden is Beijing's Puppet, only for realz.

If he is, our military is in on it.

No leader leads alone. Biden is just a puppet, just as Obama was or Bush was - Trump may have been. I think the Federal Reserve is who is really ultimately in charge. They can pull the plug any time they like by just refusing to grant any more lending to this government. If they do that, interest rates soar, economy crashes, stock market crashes, and there's a credit contraction.

The puppets in power, if they had any balls (and they don't), could preempt this by taking over the federal reserve themselves. After all, most people think it's part of the government, so it would be seen by the wider public as just a change in semantics or no change at all. Then the military could quietly deal with the people that ran the Federal Reserve discreetly.

But no, they just keep kicking the can down the road. Eventually the Federal Reserve is going to turn off the money spigot anyhow.
42   Patrick   2021 Nov 10, 7:35am  


Kamala Harris's approval rating falls to 28%, a historic low for any modern vice president
Jake Lahut Nov 8, 2021, 7:23 AM

The Biden administration's public opinion woes continue.
A USA Today/Suffolk poll from the weekend had grim numbers for both President Biden and VP Harris.
Harris hit an historic low approval rating of 28%, even lower than Dick Cheney's all-time worst.
43   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Nov 10, 9:08am  

I've followed Kamala's opportunistic career from being SF City Attorney to the present. Being an opportunist makes her no different than most other politicians, like JFK.

The US may be ready for a President Kamala Harris, but I am afraid that the world is not. Like Khrushchev tested Kennedy, some foreign dictator rival would test her. Would she be able to thread the needle as effectively as JFK did?
44   rocketjoe79   2021 Nov 10, 9:21am  

B.A.C.A.H. says
I've followed Kamala's opportunistic career from being SF City Attorney to the present. Being an opportunist makes her no different than most other politicians, like JFK.

The US may be ready for a President Kamala Harris, but I am afraid that the world is not. Like Khrushchev tested Kennedy, some foreign dictator rival would test her. Would she be able to thread the needle as effectively as JFK did?

If Kamala were to become president, it would be the perfect time for China to retake Taiwan, and gain control of the global chip market. Then they can secretly add back doors and malicious executable code into said chips. Just like our NSA does today to INTEL chips. (I would be disappointed if we weren't doing such things!!)
45   B.A.C.A.H.   2021 Nov 10, 9:36am  

rocketjoe79 says
If Kamala were to become president, it would be the perfect time for China to retake Taiwan, and gain control of the global chip market

That would be a good outcome. It would lead to a Renaissance in American chip manufacturing, where it all began. And we'd avoid World War 3.

JFK viewed the Cuban Missile Crisis through the lens of a combat veteran. Kamala cannot draw upon such experience. Coddled by everyone till now, I am not confident she would have the restraint to lose face instead of escalating.
46   richwicks   2021 Nov 10, 9:40am  

rocketjoe79 says
Just like our NSA does today to INTEL chips. (I would be disappointed if we weren't doing such things!!)

I'm certain they do. Remember the "meltdown bug"? That's when predictive pipeline branching allowed people to be able to get to Ring 0 without having the permission to do it. Basically, if you have if (a>1) {a++} else {a-1} - both instructions are computed, and whatever one should have been taken, that's actually stored in the registers.

ANYHOW - ARM doesn't need to do branch prediction because of its architecture but SOMEHOW it had the same exact bug as did AMD and Intel. Guess what chip didn't have the bug?

This chip in the raspberry pi. It's as powerful as a chip in your phone, but it's not used very often for telecommunication and it's generally used in toy computers.
47   Ceffer   2021 Nov 10, 10:52am  

Kamala is on so much MKUltra psyops meds to keep her in her skin, she's offering door knobs blow jobs.
48   SunnyvaleCA   2021 Nov 10, 11:25am  

richwicks says
SunnyvaleCA says
If she actually believes what she is saying, then why is she on board with lowering the voting age to 16?

You know she doesn't.


Sorry for the youtube link, but I really don't want to go through much effort tonight.
Hmm... that Youtube link doesn't mention Harris' position on voting age at all except tangentially when she says that she is ready to help Biden win the presidency. Presumably, lowering the voting age will help Dems win the presidency, so that reinforces her position. That said, the age comment was at a "town hall" debate, so it could be just full-on lies; however, she hasn't denied that position since. While some might argue that 16 is clearly too young to be making such important decisions (voting) and so is obviously rhetorical, we're talking about the party that sincerely and adamantly pushes lifetime "gender choices" for pre-adolescents.
49   richwicks   2021 Nov 10, 1:57pm  

SunnyvaleCA says
Hmm... that Youtube link doesn't mention Harris' position on voting age at all except tangentially when she says that she is ready to help Biden win the presidency.

I just meant her public statements are meaningless because she's completely insincere. She attacked Biden as a racist, and when Brandon made her his running mate, that all disappeared. When Colbert questioned her on that stunning hypocrisy her response was "it was a DEBATE!" meaning "what? Are you stupid? I don't believe any fucking thing I say. I just spewed that bullshit to win a debate. I went to private school in Canada".

She claimed that she was advantaged by the "busing program" which was started in 1966s.


She was born in 1964.


It would have been 1969 when she started to go to school. And guess where she went to school? Thousand Oaks Elementary School. Guess what her childhood address was? 1227 Bancroft Way Berkeley, CA. She lived 2.4 miles away from her school:


Nobody in the media picked that up, but I just did. Incidentally I lived the same distance away, I used to occasionally walk in fall and spring. Everybody in the area she was in lived in the school district - the busing program didn't help her, desegregation did and Biden I don't think ever opposed that. The busing program would MIX school districts based on race.

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