Greta links to her Master's Instructions

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2021 Feb 3, 8:17pm   3,478 views  82 comments

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33   indc   2021 Feb 4, 3:10pm  

election2020 says
There are 0.7M drug addicts in Punjab. I have sources in Punjab government.
The population of Punjab is 28M.

WTF man, 2.5% of the population is druggie and you are complaining of cow dung brain hindus? If they are getting and high and having shitty life it would not bother other parts of the country. But they send the money to other parts of the country bastra**.
34   indc   2021 Feb 4, 3:13pm  

Patrick says
election2020 says

Ha, I love the comparison! I think there are indeed some similarities between Scots and Sikhs, a border-region value of independence and self-defense.

My dad was Irish as far back as I know, but genetic testing showed my male line to be from Scotland before that. My Y chromosome matches Scottish men much more closely than Irish men. There were Scottish mercenaries called Gallowglass who were hired to be protection forces for Irish kings. They stayed and married Irish women, so I could be descended from one of them.

Understandable that scots atleast can find their own lineage. If you check the lineage of sikhs it will be all hindu. I will bet election2020(sikhguy) will be 100% hindu. HAHAHA
35   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 3:15pm  

indc says
election2020 says
There are 0.7M drug addicts in Punjab. I have sources in Punjab government.
The population of Punjab is 28M.

WTF man, 2.5% of the population is druggie and you are complaining of cow dung brain hindus? If they are getting and high and having shitty life it would not bother other parts of the country. But they send the money to other parts of the country bastra**.

It is worldwide menace. India has much higher rate and US is even higher.
Practicing Sikhs the addiction rate is close to zero. It is like 50% of Sikh population.

“Drug use is on the rise in this country and 23.5 million Americans are addicted to alcohol and drugs. That’s approximately one in every 10 Americans over the age of 12 – roughly equal to the entire population of Texas. But only 11 percent of those with an addiction receive treatment. It is staggering and unacceptable that so many Americans are living with an untreated chronic disease and cannot access treatment,” said Dr. Kima Joy Taylor, director of the CATG Initiative.
36   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 3:23pm  

Propaganda to cause another Sikh genocide.
Khalsa Vs Hindooo hopefully results in victory for Khalsa this time.
Khalsa will ensure prosperous united Bharat by getting rid of evil Hindoooo discriminatory system.

/**** Hindooo government has lots their collective mind.. They are seeing farmers with pikes during sleep ****/
Wow.. who hired him to Private Investigate? He charged too much
who knew you’ve been funding global pop culture, climate change and adult films all at the same time? And one poster of One Academic Discussion on Khalistan got this man shook? #askindiawhy
37   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 3:36pm  

indc says
Patrick says
election2020 says

Ha, I love the comparison! I think there are indeed some similarities between Scots and Sikhs, a border-region value of independence and self-defense.

My dad was Irish as far back as I know, but genetic testing showed my male line to be from Scotland before that. My Y chromosome matches Scottish men much more closely than Irish men. There were Scottish mercenaries called Gallowglass who were hired to be protection forces for Irish kings. They stayed and married Irish women, so I could be descended from one of them.

Understandable that scots atleast can find their own lineage. If you check the lineage of sikhs it will be all hindu. I will bet election2020(sikhguy) will be 100% hindu. HAHAHA

Guru Nanak rejected Hindooo superstition, discrimination and criminality.
Hindoo is just colonialism like British.
I have no problem in calling Pre Hindooo as our ancestors, when unlike Hindooo Gods, The saints had ethics.
38   indc   2021 Feb 4, 3:53pm  

Flag of Ranjit singh maharaj. I guess you hate your only and greatest king.
39   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 4:04pm  

indc says

Flag of Ranjit singh maharaj. I guess you hate your only and greatest king.

A tiger when see your Hindooo "cow mother" will eat it.
I have no problem for Bhartis to worship tiger and freedom, But allergy to worshiping cow and be slaves of Persian thugs.

Sikhs worship weapons unlike brain washed Hindooo which teaches "being slave to others" by repeating "ahimsa" or some crap like that.
In chandi di war, Guru Gobind Singh says that "You(God) created Durga to kill the devils"..
40   indc   2021 Feb 4, 4:30pm  

election2020 says
Sikhs worship weapons unlike brain washed Hindooo which teaches "being slave to others" by repeating "ahimsa" or some crap like that.

Like I said before civilized societies do not need civil war. In your stupid brain you think fighting always is the right way. That is what black panthers thought.

That is what BLM, antifa and capitol riots people thought. You need soldiers on border not inside the country. I think that is the philosophy of USA. Which I respect.

When the troops are within the country is when the country is ready to die. 'Ahimsa' doesn't mean you dont fight. It means you fight righteously. You can't expect people filled with hatred to change though.
41   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 4:54pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Sikhs worship weapons unlike brain washed Hindooo which teaches "being slave to others" by repeating "ahimsa" or some crap like that.

Like I said before civilized societies do not need civil war. In your stupid brain you think fighting always is the right way. That is what black panthers thought.

That is what BLM, antifa and capitol riots people thought. You need soldiers on border not inside the country. I think that is the philosophy of USA. Which I respect.

When the troops are within the country is when the country is ready to die. 'Ahimsa' doesn't mean you dont fight. It means you fight righteously. You can't expect people filled with hatred to change though.

Ahimsa has only made Hindooo coward and they are only good at riot/rape of innocent people.
Civilized societies do riot and rapes of innocents of minority community or overrule over their eating/dressing habits.... Give me a break Hindoooo.

Sikhs fight with tyrant.Hindooo are good at using tricks to keep people divided and fighting with each other while try to serve the tyrant.

According to you, Your God Ram etc. must be idiots too for "hunting" and eating meat.
Main point is Hidoooo is enslaved by persian thugs to serve their needs and make them cowards. The Bhartis must go to roots if they don't want to be enslaved again.
42   indc   2021 Feb 4, 5:19pm  

election2020 says
According to you, Your God Ram etc. must be idiots too for "hunting" and eating meat..

Abey chuthi**, where did I say hunting or eating meat is not right. And do you hunt cows too. what is the saying stupid is as stupid does. If you dont know the meaning please dont talk.

And stop your stupid lies of minorities being raped. It is muslim bastards in India who do majority of rapes. Hindu kings even after winning wars on muslim kings gave respect to their women. Not like muslims who were necrophiliacs and hindu women preferred to burn themselves.

What is the picture shared by greta say. "Stop killing farmers". How many farmers did govt kill. You and your bloody propaganda.
43   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 5:26pm  

indc says
election2020 says
According to you, Your God Ram etc. must be idiots too for "hunting" and eating meat..

Abey chuthi**, where did I say hunting or eating meat is not right. And do you hunt cows too. what is the saying stupid is as stupid does. If you dont know the meaning please dont talk.

And stop your stupid lies of minorities being raped. It is muslim bastards in India who do majority of rapes. Hindu kings even after winning wars on muslim kings gave respect to their women. Not like muslims who were necrophiliacs and hindu women preferred to burn themselves.

What is the picture shared by greta say. "Stop killing farmers". How many farmers did govt kill. You and your bloody propaganda.

Hindooo ahimsa crap(Read cowards who couldn't save their woman from Muslims) raped 10k Sikh woman.
Sikhs were out numbered and and were killed before woman were raped.
It was backstabbing of historic proportion. Hindooo are just pathetic liars.

See Hindooo animals and some in police uniform running after poor woman.

44   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 5:35pm  

Ahimsa crap Hindooo would leave their woman to be captured and run away.
Fighting for righteousness ...my foot.
Bharti thinking DNA was destroyed by Hindoooo Persian thugs. I am sure that Sanatan would have died before they left their woman to be captured.

Sikhs are real hier of Sanatan Religion and They must again be in power in Bharat and crush the Hindoooo Persian thug DNA.

In April 1761, Abdali was returning triumphant having destroyed the Maratha army at the third battle of Panipat. His booty included 22,000 Hindu women (some were also Muslim) being taken to Afghanistan to be sold into slavery.
45   indc   2021 Feb 4, 6:36pm  

election2020 says
Sikhs are real hier of Sanatan Religion and They must again be in power in Bharat and crush the Hindoooo Persian thug DNA.

In April 1761, Abdali was returning triumphant having destroyed the Maratha army at the third battle of Panipat. His booty included 22,000 Hindu women (some were also Muslim) being taken to Afghanistan to be sold into slavery.

You keep bringing it up. Did they save woman any other time? In third battle of panipat the maratas became cocky. They thought they can easily finish abdali and took their whole families for pilgrimage. That is the reason they got so many captives. And once maratas found about they asked sikh kings to help as they were confederacy of maratas.
46   Blue   2021 Feb 4, 7:14pm  

indc says

You keep bringing it up.

Why don't you stop arguing half Sikh half Muslim khalisttani brainwashed s*t. Let him post his BLM India version on his own thread.
47   indc   2021 Feb 4, 7:25pm  

Blue says
indc says

You keep bringing it up.

Why don't you stop arguing half Sikh half Muslim khalisttani brainwashed s*t. Let him post his BLM India version on his own thread.

I dont want to reply to him. But sometimes he talks so much shit that I just have to reply to him. Did you see the document from greta it just shows how deep these khalisthanis are spread and how they are in cohorts with george soros.


Here they are explaining how these khalisthanis are making life difficult to ordinary hindus in western world, and how the bills are "farmers freedom bills"
48   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 7:33pm  

indc says
Blue says
indc says

You keep bringing it up.

Why don't you stop arguing half Sikh half Muslim khalisttani brainwashed s*t. Let him post his BLM India version on his own thread.

I dont want to reply to him. But sometimes he talks so much shit that I just have to reply to him. Did you see the document from greta it just shows how deep these khalisthanis are spread and how they are in cohorts with george soros.


Here they are explaining how these khalisthanis are making life difficult to ordinary hindus in western world, and how the bills are "farmers freedom bills"

Hindooo life is hard everywhere except Bharat, Where they had made life hard for everyone.
All Hindooo are only good at is rape & riots of innocent people and world is waking up to their dirty discriminatory policy.

Ask people in technology.
They will also tell how they discriminate Americans out of jobs.
49   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 7:36pm  

indc says
Blue says
indc says

You keep bringing it up.

Why don't you stop arguing half Sikh half Muslim khalisttani brainwashed s*t. Let him post his BLM India version on his own thread.

I dont want to reply to him. But sometimes he talks so much shit that I just have to reply to him. Did you see the document from greta it just shows how deep these khalisthanis are spread and how they are in cohorts with george soros.


Here they are explaining how these khalisthanis are making life difficult to ordinary hindus in western world, and how the bills are "farmers freedom bills"

No farmer wants stupid Hindooo discrimination bill.
It will go down and along with it, It will end of Hindooo RSS.
Today i will highlight Andhra pradesh.
50   Blue   2021 Feb 4, 7:52pm  

Sikhs are new Muslims. They attack on basic human characteristics like Religion, gender, tribe, geographical location,political bias etc. to continue their on going loot. They are not easy to change for many and forcing to feel guilty to make their loot easy. Some of them moved to counties who don't have any clue about their terror outfits.
51   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 8:12pm  

Blue says
Sikhs are new Muslims. They attack on basic human characteristics like Religion, gender, tribe, geographical location,political bias etc. to continue their on going loot. They are not easy to change for many and forcing to feel guilty to make their loot easy. Some of them moved to counties who don't have any clue about their terror outfits.

Sikhs are same as they are always been.
"Welfare of all" and stand up against Tyranny.

Hindooo are feeling the heat as they have become "New Mughals" and trying to oppress people using "Aurangzeb" methods.
52   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 8:37pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Sikhs are real hier of Sanatan Religion and They must again be in power in Bharat and crush the Hindoooo Persian thug DNA.

In April 1761, Abdali was returning triumphant having destroyed the Maratha army at the third battle of Panipat. His booty included 22,000 Hindu women (some were also Muslim) being taken to Afghanistan to be sold into slavery.

You keep bringing it up. Did they save woman any other time? In third battle of panipat the maratas became cocky. They thought they can easily finish abdali and took their whole families for pilgrimage. That is the reason they got so many captives. And once...

Yes there are many everyday instances. The Mughals became very violent and considered Hindu woman as their property.
(Sikhs were hunted so they along with family lived in forests and woman were armed too).

The purpose of bringing this is to show that "ahmisa" crap doesn't work and we should always honor second amendment.
Govt can break down any moment. Sikhs could help Hindooo as they rejected their aversion to weapons.
Here is good video. Sorry he died but he has nice video series on "basics of Sikhi".
53   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 8:50pm  

Jarnail Singh Bhindrawale like our great gurus always recommended being armed.
This is how he died facing Hindooo terrorist army bravely in war.
Whereas ordinary Sikhs who didn't arm killed mercilessly by Hindooooo mob.

54   indc   2021 Feb 4, 9:12pm  

election2020 says
Today i will highlight Andhra pradesh.

I checked he is ex-minister in TDP govt. They hate BJP. your lies have no limit.

Is that brindran wala's picture with khalisthanis holding guns around him? Of course he should be killed if he does anti-govt activity. There are naxals in other parts of India they do get same treatment. It is not USA where second amendment gives them right to carry arms.

And you keep sharing pictures of atrocities on sikhs after 1984 mostly. I shared how hindus were targeted and killed before 1984 and sikhs killed PM of India. You think people will be calm if they bring up religion. Hindus had to keep quiet after 1947 as a supposed RSS activist killed gandhi.
Although I dont condone what happened. The sikhs were innocent bystanders. Khalisthani's and their families should have been eliminated for taking funding from pakistan.
55   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 9:45pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Today i will highlight Andhra pradesh.

I checked he is ex-minister in TDP govt. They hate BJP. your lies have no limit.

Is that brindran wala's picture with khalisthanis holding guns around him? Of course he should be killed if he does anti-govt activity. There are naxals in other parts of India they do get same treatment. It is not USA where second amendment gives them right to carry arms.

And you keep sharing pictures of atrocities on sikhs after 1984 mostly. I shared how hindus were targeted and killed before 1984 and sikhs killed PM of India. You think people will be calm if they bring up religion. Hindus had to keep quiet after 1947 as a supposed RSS activist killed gandhi.
Although I dont condone what...

So farmers are idiots and only listen to leaders.
Hindooo discriminating is very pathetic. 800 years of being spitted on face have made them really "ugly mentally".
Their comments on "twitter" to farmer agitation really show their low quality slave DNA.

Except traitor Modi of CCP is smart, all others are idiots. Hindoooo is going down. Bhartis will reject Hindooo and accept Khalsa... Enough of Hindooo bullshit.
Indian farmers' protest resonates with US agriculture
Rural economies in the Midwest that had been declining for decades were devastated by the farm crisis. Researchers fear the same could happen in India if New Delhi refuses to repeal the law that favours corporate farming.
56   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 10:00pm  

indc says
election2020 says
Today i will highlight Andhra pradesh.

I checked he is ex-minister in TDP govt. They hate BJP. your lies have no limit.

Is that brindran wala's picture with khalisthanis holding guns around him? Of course he should be killed if he does anti-govt activity. There are naxals in other parts of India they do get same treatment. It is not USA where second amendment gives them right to carry arms.

And you keep sharing pictures of atrocities on sikhs after 1984 mostly. I shared how hindus were targeted and killed before 1984 and sikhs killed PM of India. You think people will be calm if they bring up religion. Hindus had to keep quiet after 1947 as a supposed RSS activist killed gandhi.
Although I dont condone what...

Anybody talking about Hindoo Rashtra and his family should be immediately killed.
All the RSS and Hindooo guys should be eliminated.

There will be no Khalistani left as the problem will be solved by removing Hindooo garbage.

How does this sound Hindooo Nazi? But one little problem is that civilized society needs to have due process accorded and it will be in place when Khalsa take over lawless country.
Bro send me quality of Hindoooo government towards woman. I can't read but he told be what it means.. it is beyond shameless.
I am not big fan of elites jumping into farmer protest, But the Hindooo is really characterless.
57   indc   2021 Feb 4, 10:07pm  

election2020 says
So farmers are idiots and only listen to leaders.
Hindooo discriminating is very pathetic. 800 years of being spitted on face have made them really "ugly mentally".
Their comments on "twitter" to farmer agitation really show their low quality slave DNA.

What kind of shit if filled in your brain if not cow dung. Politicians talk shit against any opposition party.
In the article you shared he did not explain what are positives and negatives about the farm bill. He just repeated same talking points you have been telling here. Just stupid lies.
All he said was mandis will be removed eventually. I complete agree with that. and it should be done. I dont want farmers in India to die poor. where as farmers in USA and CANADA are living like kings because they have more freedom on where to sell their produce.
58   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 4, 10:16pm  

indc says
election2020 says
So farmers are idiots and only listen to leaders.
Hindooo discriminating is very pathetic. 800 years of being spitted on face have made them really "ugly mentally".
Their comments on "twitter" to farmer agitation really show their low quality slave DNA.

What kind of shit if filled in your brain if not cow dung. Politicians talk shit against any opposition party.
In the article you shared he did not explain what are positives and negatives about the farm bill. He just repeated same talking points you have been telling here. Just stupid lies.
All he said was mandis will be removed eventually. I complete agree with that. and it should be done. I dont want farmers in India to die poor. where as farmers in USA and CANADA are living like kings because they have more freedom on where to sell their produce.

I have 100s of family members in farming in US/Canada.
It took them years where they are today. Starting years are tough.
Farming in US still have lot of Govt help, otherwise many wouldn't survive.

The government protects farmers against fluctuations in prices, revenues, and yields. It subsidizes their conservation efforts, insurance coverage, marketing, export sales, research, and other activities. Federal aid for crop farmers is deep and comprehensive.
59   MisdemeanorRebel   2021 Feb 5, 6:10pm  

The question is: Who is giving Greta & Rhiana their talking points? Are they being paid?
60   Patrick   2021 Feb 5, 6:19pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The question is: Who is giving Greta & Rhiana their talking points? Are they being paid?

Will anyone on the inside crack and admit that they have been part of the psy-ops war against the public?

They would probably be killed immediately, and their confession never published.
61   PeopleUnited   2021 Feb 5, 7:11pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The question is: Who is giving Greta & Rhiana their talking points? Are they being paid?

62   richwicks   2021 Feb 5, 7:15pm  

NoCoupForYou says
The question is: Who is giving Greta & Rhiana their talking points? Are they being paid?

Do you know what a "cutout" is?

In intelligence it's a person that doesn't know where they get their instructions from, and therefore cannot betray the person giving them instructions. It's a willing puppet. Greta Thunberg I'm certain believes in what she is doing, because she's just a child, but she's a puppet. We are all puppets and cutouts to various degrees. Do not make the mistake in thinking you cannot be made to advocate something that you otherwise wouldn't if you weren't being influenced.
63   Automan Empire   2021 Feb 5, 7:56pm  

It's being reported that Greta cutouts and effigies are being burned in India, with a message of "...not tolerate interference with internal affairs."

As for the "Master's Instructions." I hate to burst your bubble but this is standard fare in political activist circles. The same formulaic look and feel existed 30 years ago that I witnessed. Angel money and grand schemes and campaigns exist more often in the minds of the political opposition of whatever, than in the lives of average political activists. The more usual reality in local activist groups is one or a few leaders whose day job funds most of the costs, with the group using donated space and a changing, ragtag band of volunteers doing everything.

In my politically active youth 25-30 years ago, causes like the redwoods, spotted owl, marijuana, ocean health, Libertarianism, civil forfeiture, police brutality were all pay-to-play, Nobody got paid dick, outside a few nepots in big name orgs like Greenpeace. You know what did pay and came with slick materials and detailed agendas and instructions? Tobacco, and the Republican Party.
64   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2021 Feb 5, 8:28pm  

I don’t think leak was unintentional.
65   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 5, 9:26pm  


Indian media is saying that all the tweets from celebrities are sponsored by "Khalistanis".
It is possible but nobody believes Indian media as They are trying to discredit "farmer movement" as Sikh only thus "Khalistani" and has nothing to do with farmers.

Hindooo is divide are rule Turkish(Rin corrected that it is not Persian) thugs, The rejects of society.

Sikhs on the other hand are making joke of Brain dead Hindooo media.
This is the mastermind according to Hindoooo imbeciles.

All this is BS. farmers are fighting the crony capitalists.. All the other "shit" is side games played by influence peddlers to improve their rating on top of "sacrifices of farmers".
This is who matters to me and who is true hero.. simple loving,God fearing and ethical people.They are here to better their life to have basic resources, Not to make political gains.... above all political shenanigans.

66   Patrick   2021 Feb 5, 9:40pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
I don’t think leak was unintentional.

That's a nice thought!

Maybe some people on the inside of all that shit are sick of it too.
67   Blue   2021 Feb 5, 10:02pm  

US pop star Rihanna, whose single tweet catapulted the months-long farmers' protest into the global spotlight, was allegedly paid $2.5 million (Rs 18 crore) by a Public Relations firm with alleged Khalistani links, The Print reported.

Mo Dhaliwal, the founder of the Canada-based Poetic Justice Foundation (PJF) that also created the controversial ‘toolkit’ tweeted by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, is one of the Directors of the PR firm in question - Skyrocket.

68   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 5, 10:13pm  

Blue says
US pop star Rihanna, whose single tweet catapulted the months-long farmers' protest into the global spotlight, was allegedly paid $2.5 million (Rs 18 crore) by a Public Relations firm with alleged Khalistani links, The Print reported.

Mo Dhaliwal, the founder of the Canada-based Poetic Justice Foundation (PJF) that also created the controversial ‘toolkit’ tweeted by Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg, is one of the Directors of the PR firm in question - Skyrocket.


Farmers are not party to Khalistani Vs Hindoo fight.
They just want Modi to be thrown in garbage and MSP for their crops.
Hindoooo or Khalistani should have no representation in Bharat government.

Bharat should always be based on "Khalsa principles" only.
69   indc   2021 Feb 5, 10:19pm  

Here is what muslims did to hindus and sikhs in pakistani punjab. And the khalisthanis complain about hindu atrocities, instead of fighting the actual people who did genocide of their fore-fathers.
70   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 5, 10:25pm  

Here is what Hindooooo criminals + government did to innocent Sikhs.

Hindooo should be banned worldwide for backstabbing of Sikhs.

71   Automan Empire   2021 Feb 5, 10:27pm  

election2020 says
They are here to better their life to have basic resources

And to set the color saturation of their photos to either 0% or 100%.
72   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 5, 10:32pm  

I hope Hindoooo kids don't face same fate, But history repeats.
Sikhs should take over Bharat and ban dirty Hindooo criminal cult forever for the welfare of Bhartis.


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