Riots in west:::Justify Sikh genocide in India by creating troubles in west: Plans of Hindoo rape/riot cult

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2021 Feb 17, 11:17pm   1,330 views  32 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  


Hindooo Nazis RSS(Hindooo Hitler wannabes) wants riots/rapes in IndIa.
Their plan to loot farmer lands for globalists and CCP is completely exposed.
Large segment of Bhartis now know that traitor Modi is CCP pet installed by China to enslave Bharat.

Only Khalsa(Sikh Regiment) is standing between Bharat and Chinese occupation.
To weaken Khalsa ,Traitor Modi/Hindooo(Turkic thug blood) ilk wants to create riots/rapes as Economy is ready to collapse and they have promised splintering of Bharat to China.
Nasty divide-and-rule Hindooo have hired Khalistani instigators in west to create disturbances in west to find justification of Sikh genocide in India.


I think police in west should take a strong legal action against Hindooo/Khalsitani instigators and throw them back to Hindooo shithole of India.
I think west is better without anyone who believes in discrimination and cruelty based Hindooooo cult.

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1   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 17, 11:22pm  

If khalistanis harm any hindus abroad, there will be retaliation. Guaranteed.

This person in California have been reported and likely legal action will be taken for practicing rape/riot Hindooo cult practices in USA.

India as I have pointed earlier has spent billions of dollars in last few year to "tag" Sikhs as terrorists. They have hired lot of like minded "lose characters low on ethics" politicians by bribing them.
Here is one such loser:
2   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 17, 11:29pm  

Here is a Christian crusader against Hindooo Rape/Riot cult.
He helped defeat a democratic Hindoo joker in Texas.
3   Patrick   2021 Feb 18, 12:38am  


Who did this vandalism and why?


I don't understand. Is Ghandi hated by some groups?
4   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 8:25am  

To understand what is happening, We need to understand the four political streams which are vying for influence.

Hindoo: The hate Gandhi. They killed Gandhi for giving land to Muslims, Which is ironic as Hindooo is purely Turkic thugs creation. They organize regular Anti Gandhi campaigns and may be responsible for destroying Gandhi statue.They were "ass kissers" of british colonialists and were against freedom of India from Britain.If you need a "traitor" or "Anti-National" this group can easily provide.

Khalsitanis: They hate Gandhi as they feel "backstabbed" as He tricked Sikhs to join India rather than separate country for Sikhs. Khalistanis are also likely to have destroyed this bust.

Khalsa(Sikhs and admirers): Khalsa is pro nationalistic Bharat. It believes in unity of Bharat but also federalism and common welfare.
You can take Khalsa as:
Khalsa = American constitution + Christian charitable organization.
This group gave 90% sacrifices for independence and feel Gandhi was fake freedom fighter and responsible for pushing Sikhs in 2nd world war.They won't destroy gandhi statue though as they are not insecure. For this group their community father is always "Guru Gobind Singh", The founder of Khalsa. I associate with this group and we have no intention of dividing Bharat. We just want equality for everyone and destruction of Hindoo criminal regime.

Left : More communist in India, they are against all religions, But will use different religions for their own benefit. When in power they will be against kHALSA as It oppose their shitty communist corrupt ideas, Now they are fighting hindooo and try to align with khalsa and khalsitanis.

You have to remember one thing that Hindooo and Khalsitani are joined in hip as their end goals are aligned.
Khalsitani want destruction of India to establish khalistan.
Hindooo traitor have taken money for CCP+Globalists to make it slave again.
Left aligns with CCP, So they won't mind Chinese rule either.

Khalsa is the only force standing between Bharat and slavery.
All other three have CCP connection.

With Trump gone and none to twist Traitor Modi's hand on China matters. CCP/Globalists have reestablished their proxy control over India and not need strong arm military tactics. Now they have both "Traitor Joe" and "Traitor Hindoo Modi" in pocket.

Globalists want to "push" china like urbanization in India.
By destroying rural economy, They gain two things:
1) Fighting capability of masses against Globalists by breaking generations old ties between villagers.
2) Create a cheap desperate labor for factories "packed like sardines" to create cheap slave labor pool.

Hindooo traitor elite meanwhile is busy selling "Bharat" public properties at cheap and transferring Wealth of London and Swiss banks.
But now it is Brave nationalist Khalsa uniters VS Traitor coward HIndooo dividers fight for "soul" of Bharat. Let us see who wins, It will decide the fate of Bhartis. Only danger to khalsa is from "lefties" to do internal sabotage.

Sikhs have to fight continuous propaganda by Hindoooo(& their turbaned fake sikh lapdogs) to kill their nationalistic spirit and make them "traitors" and anti-nationals like Hindooo to serve the purpose of elite.
5   Patrick   2021 Feb 18, 9:56am  

Thanks, I had no ideas there were four groups involved.
6   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 11:07am  

Dirty propaganda by Hindooo.
What is police waiting for to arrest these people?
No they won't.. Because these are paid actors of Rape/Riot Hindoooo to spread hatred so that they can do Sikh Genocide as instructed by CCP/Globalists.

Hindooo traitors are curse of world.

Sikh mob forces Hindu man to pull his own ears, abuse Indian PM while they chant #sikh supremacist slogans. Imagine vidhwa vilap, display of kripaans and stabbings if it was a Hindu mob.

Indian govt should lean on other countries to process visas of these sutiyas faster.
7   indc   2021 Feb 18, 11:29am  

Patrick says
Thanks, I had no ideas there were four groups involved.

If you believe in his rants I pity you. election2020 keeps bringing up why india doesnt arrest these anti-nationals. Indian govt is too enamored to western media. They are so afraid what kind of ramifications they will face. Still have that slave mentality.

Till now they did not fire even 1 shot even after 400 policemen were injured.

There are only 2 groups those that hate India and those that love India.
8   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 12:22pm  

indc says
Patrick says
Thanks, I had no ideas there were four groups involved.

If you believe in his rants I pity you. election2020 keeps bringing up why india doesnt arrest these anti-nationals. Indian govt is too enamored to western media. They are so afraid what kind of ramifications they will face. Still have that slave mentality.

Till now they did not fire even 1 shot even after 400 policemen were injured.

There are only 2 groups those that hate India and those that love India.

I pity people who defend Hindoooo and dig their own graves.

There are only two groups : Khalsa and Hindooo traitors.

Hindooo : Selling everything and moving assets to London/Swiss. Modi's dirty Hindoo traitor ilk have zero contribution in India independence or defense forces.
Khalsa : Nationalist defending borders on China and 90% contributions in pushing British colonists out.

Khalsa at Borders(To save Bharat) and At Jerico-Delhi borders(To save farmers).
Hindooo terrorists preparing to riot/rape innocent Bhartis to help CCP capture India.

9   indc   2021 Feb 18, 3:24pm  

election2020 says
There are only two groups : Khalsa and Hindooo traitors.

Yeah. we know what are khalsa. Killing innocents.

Someone called Modi as saint just like guru gobind ji and they started abusing the person. Khalisthani sikhs are not sikhs but few fringe hindus represent all hindus. Chuthiy*.
10   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 3:39pm  

indc says
election2020 says
There are only two groups : Khalsa and Hindooo traitors.

Yeah. we know what are khalsa. Killing innocents.

Someone called Modi as saint just like guru gobind ji and they started abusing the person. Khalisthani sikhs are not sikhs but few fringe hindus represent all hindus. Chuthiy*.

Fringe. Let me get it correct. Here are Hindoo Rape/Riot criminals worship and send at top:
1) Indira Gandhi : Mass murderer. Established emergency and genocide of Sikhs for resisting dictatorship.
2) Rajiv Gandhi : Mass murderer of innocent Sikhs to satisfy Hindoo urge for Rape/Riot of innocents.
3) Modi : Mass killer of Muslims to satisfy blood thirst of dirty Hindoooo.

Here are Nazis is billions walking to oppress the normal Bhartis to terrorize them:

Hindooo needs to be banned in west.
I am against lawlessness. The Hindooo wanted to create hatred, But he should be legally punished.
(Again Dirty Hindooo land is wholly lawless, So no trust in authorities to do the right thing.. But still Sikhs should try legal avenues only).
11   indc   2021 Feb 18, 4:15pm  

election2020 says
3) Modi : Mass killer of Muslims to satisfy blood thirst of dirty Hindoooo.

This is funny. What is your definition of mass?

I checked your video. Why do khalisthani piss in their pants when they see boy scouts with sticks. HAHAHA.

This video is in hindi you check it out:

Talks about khalsa aid and their illegal activity. Also talks about khalsa and why they started hating RSS.
12   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 4:47pm  

indc says
election2020 says
3) Modi : Mass killer of Muslims to satisfy blood thirst of dirty Hindoooo.

This is funny. What is your definition of mass?

I checked your video. Why do khalisthani piss in their pants when they see boy scouts with sticks. HAHAHA.

This video is in hindi you check it out:

Talks about khalsa aid and their illegal activity. Also talks about khalsa and why they started hating RSS.

Khalsitani are created by Hindoo to help with thier fight with KHALSA.
KHALSA has called these chicken legs in skirts to come and challenge Nihung Singh , the forces of Guru Gobind.
Nobody showed up:

Hindooo RSS cowards are only good at rape/riot of innocents.
He asked the "chicken legs" to bring their body bags.

khalsa should throw them on China border for Huns to BBQ them for meat.
13   KgK one   2021 Feb 18, 4:50pm  

Guys don't give audience to election 20, he is totally brain washed. He does not speak for all sikhs. May be few misguided.

Sikhs are happy n growing at 10% population per year in India. Compared to complete annhilTion in muslim Pakistan, about 20 million died. Khasla couldn't protect any. Any one with common sense would be concerned about what happened in pakistan n not few thousand who died during riots.

-India is most tolerant of any country.
-It has most religious diversity of any country.
-Most of new religion started in india. Budhhism, many versions of hindu , Sikhs , jain, parsis(migrated) They even say Buddhists monks were in Italy pre Jesus. And Jesus may have been to India 17 years when he was missing.
- women r literal gods, n many r relreated such. Rape ratio is low compared to even rich country such as usa. Some say 25% of college women get molested in usa. India has hugh protests for rape n strictest laws.
-Tons of churches, mosques, temples. Some temple old as 2500, n some churches 500 yrs. While they destroy Buddhists statues in Afghanistan, mostly all historic religious monuments are preserved.
-only massecare happened during muslim invasions. Muslim killing all other religion. Even now when muslim do riots, deaths happen on both sides.
-cast system is very minor n decreasing. similar to social levels in every country. Priests, n kings, n rich have always been treated better than laborers.

Overall when USA has left politician they prefer left political party in India. Lot of funding is going there to create riot like antifa so they can replace current govt which won by landslide.

People in india r sick of staying poor n they want want reforms so they can process like china in democratic way. More roads, bathrooms, military weapon, brand new organized cities r built there than ever before.
14   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 5:00pm  

KgK one says
Guys don't give audience to election 20, he is totally brain washed. He does not speak for all sikhs. May be few misguided.

Sikhs are happy n growing at 10% population per year in India. Compared to complete annhilTion in muslim Pakistan, about 20 million died. Khasla couldn't protect any. Any one with common sense would be concerned about what happened in pakistan n not few thousand who died during riots.

-India is most tolerant of any country.
-It has most religious diversity of any country.
-Most of new religion started in india. Budhhism, many versions of hindu , Sikhs , jain, parsis(migrated) They even say Buddhists monks were in Italy pre Jesus. And Jesus may have been to India 17 years when he was missing.
- women r literal gods, n many r relreated such. Rape ratio is low compared to even rich country such as usa. Some say 25% of college women get molested in usa. India has hugh protests for rape n strictest laws.
-Tons of churches, mosques, ...

Cow dung Hindoo brain calling others misguided... What a Irony.
Sikhs are leaving Hindooo land in droves. Hindoos killed 1/2 million Sikhs:
Khalsa will put resistance at its own terms and punish the modern Aurangzeb Hindooos.

Hindoooo dirty cult criminality:

Hindooos are primary beggars of Visas worldwide... So much for peaceful country and no caste system issues.
Just yesterday 3 girls raped and killed just for fun by Hindoooo to show caste superiority.

More shameless Hindooo chivalry.

No Sikhs don't move to Pakistan or feel comfortable. it is hard to put resistance to brutal government with few numbers.
If Sikhs were 10% of Indian population, There would have been Khalsa Raj and prosperity established in India by now ending Hindooo criminal cult.Bhartis would be enjoying very peaceful existence like Sikh Empire.
15   indc   2021 Feb 18, 5:02pm  

election2020 says
KHALSA has called these chicken legs in skirts to come and challenge Nihung Singh , the forces of Guru Gobind.
Nobody showed up:

Ok I gave my view to it also. Only 17 views maybe RSS did not see it. Ask some news channel to show it with subtitles.
Idio*, when muslims were killed you were crying Modi killed them. Now if khalsa are killed you will cry Modi killed sikhs why would anyone do that. Do you think this is tribalism. I really find it funny when I read your comments. I really hated when people were making sardar jokes. Now I think there is some truth to it.

Again another video in hindi.

It busts the myth of sikhs saving hindus.
16   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 5:06pm  

indc says
election2020 says
KHALSA has called these chicken legs in skirts to come and challenge Nihung Singh , the forces of Guru Gobind.
Nobody showed up:

Ok I gave my view to it also. Only 17 views maybe RSS did not see it. Ask some news channel to show it with subtitles.
Idio*, when muslims were killed you were crying Modi killed them. Now if khalsa are killed you will cry Modi killed sikhs why would anyone do that. Do you think this is tribalism. I really find it funny when I read your comments. I really hated when people were making sardar jokes. Now I think there is some truth to it.

Again another video in hindi.

It busts the myth of sikhs saving hindus.

Khalsa never cries for death in war, It takes revenge,
Hindooo chicken shit is only good at killing innocents.

Why don't you call your Hindooo masters and show the video. Let them give some sacrifices. Once there ass was fried by China they were begging for Sikhs to come to border.

Hindoo is backstabbing, We know that. Hindooo have Turkic thug DNA:

By the way make up your mind cow dungers. Half Hindoooo assholes say Khalsa is Hindoo and created to protect hindooo from muslims.. and idiots like you say sikhs never saved Hindooo.Too much cow soda?

17   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 5:52pm  


There should be worldwide ban on Hindooo rape/riot cult.They just gather together for riots. Hindoo is poor quality thug DNA.
Dirty Hindooo is preparing for another Sikh genocide.
Every Sikh should have AK47,Grenades, Modified vehicle with Gun turret. Hindoos are coming for Sikh homes soon like 1984. This cult is too blood thirsty and lacks any humanity.
Manjit Singh GK: Sikhs Are Being Targeted in India Due to Propaganda by State Media

“Today, I received a call around midnight regarding thrashing of a Sikh youth named Arshdeep Singh in the Rani Bagh area of Delhi. He, along with his wife were thrashed brutally at a traffic intersection.”

“Media is reporting that weapons are being found at the homes of Sikhs. But sadly, they are hiding the fact that these weapons are kirpans, which are holy to the Sikhs. If they won’t find kirpans from our homes, what else do they expect to find?” he questioned.

18   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 18, 6:46pm  

With India's ruling party turning to Hindu supremacist sentiments to crush #FarmersProtest, we can expect to see yet another upward surge in religious motivated hate crimes.

Expect more violence and deaths if this trend continues

It seems like the Indian government wants to start a civil war by promoting Hindu nationalism, while coming up with policies to systemically discriminate minorities

19   Patrick   2021 Feb 21, 8:32pm  

I was in Davis, CA over the weekend with my wife, and we found the Gandhi statue which has been removed by vandals. I took that picture through a gap in the plywood around it.

An older Hindu guy saw us and asked us why we were taking the picture. I said I just wanted to understand the situation.

His explanation is that some Sikh separatists want their own country, and so they vandalized the statue thinking that would somehow help. He said that only half of Punjab is Sikh, and there are more Sikhs outside of Punjab than within it, and those Sikhs would all be massacred if Punjab became independent (he sounded pleased by the thought of a massacre, which I found disturbing).
20   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 21, 9:04pm  

Patrick says

I was in Davis, CA over the weekend with my wife, and we found the Gandhi statue which has been removed by vandals. I took that picture through a gap in the plywood around it.

An older Hindu guy saw us and asked us why we were taking the picture. I said I just wanted to understand the situation.

His explanation is that some Sikh separatists want their own country, and so they vandalized the statue thinking that would somehow help. He said that only half of Punjab is Sikh, and there are more Sikhs outside of Punjab than within it, and those Sikhs would all be massacred if Punjab became independent (he sounded pleased by the thought of a massacre, which I found disturbing).

I wish you could have taken the video of this guy.
Many Sikh organizations are trying to collect evidence and rat out Hindooo Genocide Nazis for deportation to their hell hole.
Expect massive lawsuits coming Hindooo way soon including "illegal interference" in west by Hindooo Genocide state agencies.

See some lawsuits against Hindooo agencies to "target" Sikhs as Terrorists. Bribery prone WESTERN officials are biggest target of Hindoo as this is their usual modus operandi.
@patrick You also may have seen Indian outsourcing companies bribing US corporate executives to encourage outsourcing.


Sikhs are very low in numbers , But they are trying to fight Hindooo tyrant with no state support.
21   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 21, 9:09pm  

There are all indications that mostly Hindoo origin(Some Sikhs with Hindooo thug thinking) are main fulcrum of "Medicare"/"Medi-Cal" frauds in USA:

Hindooo is a rape/riot cult. This is the only community which dances on bodies of "tortured" victims.
In 1984 Sikh Genocide , They put burning tires in necks of Sikhs and said really enjoyed the dance.
You can see many Hindooo on twitter reminding Sikhs that they will repeat Sikh genocide of 1984. Sikhs would be filing cases soon.

I suggest this book for readers interested in learning more about Sikh Genocide:

Please see this website, They are creating websites of all victims (Similar to holocaust victims). All the fair minded people should fight the genocide cults of world.
22   TechBrosWon   2021 Feb 21, 9:33pm  

"My four sons were set on fire and they made us watch them burn. I watched as my children screamed "Haye Mummy, Haye Papa" and we were screaming and crying too but the mob didn't stop. The pain and horror never leaves, won't leave me till the day I die" #NeverForget1984
24   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 1, 10:26am  

Outrage after 16-year-old girl tied to her rapist and paraded through Indian village
25   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 1, 10:33am  

Hindooo(Born from dirty turkic thug semen) rape/riot cult must be destroyed and Bharat returned to Bhartis and Khalsa.

his needs Global attention.

Sikhs are being harassed by Nanded Police. Many youth and children have been detained arbitrarily. Sikh women are harassed in their houses by search parties of police. Kids are beaten in police in jails.
26   KgK one   2021 Apr 1, 9:35pm  

Sikh are in sad state.

Plagued with drugs

They literally got killed n kicked put of west Punjab in millions. Pakistan is ready to clean them up n put in islamic state if Punjab ever looses indias support.

Whenever Pakistan or Islamic terrorist attack, both sides of mostly sikh kill each other.

Most were converted from Hinduism, n lived in peace n grew in india from inception to 1984. after cia propaganda , some of sikh true friends became enemies.
It's like bad child trying to hurt parents.

Its.well known fact that most gurdwara got destroyed in Pakistan, yet Sikhs are spending 500 million to put more there just so they will get destroyed again.

As for Gandhi, he preached pure ahimsa- non violence for 40 years. British used Indians in ww1 n 2 with promise of independence. His peace.methods didn't work.
They were indirect puppet of british.
27   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 1, 11:13pm  

KgK one says
Sikh are in sad state.

Plagued with drugs

They literally got killed n kicked put of west Punjab in millions. Pakistan is ready to clean them up n put in islamic state if Punjab ever looses indias support.

Whenever Pakistan or Islamic terrorist attack, both sides of mostly sikh kill each other.

Most were converted from Hinduism, n lived in peace n grew in india from inception to 1984. after cia propaganda , some of sikh true friends became enemies.
It's like bad child trying to hurt parents.

Its.well known fact that most gurdwara got destroyed in Pakistan, yet Sikhs are spending 500 million to put more there just so they will get destroyed again.

As for Gandhi, he preached pure ahimsa- non violence for 40 years. British used Indians in ww1 n 2 with promise of independence. His peace.methods didn't work.
They were indirect puppet of british.

Stupid analysis by low IQ=~72(average for Hindooo) after high on cow soda:
1) Sikhs have lowest poverty rate in every country they live in.
2) Hindoos men are highest tobacco users in world and among the highest alcohol consumption.
3) Half million Sikhs have opioid issues, Which is higher than Hindoo.. But not very different from US/Canada.
.5/22 = ~2% for Sikhs and 10M/340 = 2.9% , So better than US. It is no solace.. But this is the only measure where Sikhs have segment which is worse off.
Sikh woman unlike Hindooo woman have 0% addiction rate.
Sikh community has 0% addiction for tobacco.
Hindoo just can't afford opioids which is blessing in disguise for them.But they dirty the walls of hell hole Hindoo land with addictive material they chew.
4) Sikhs have 1/3rd of population baptized and core of Sikhi which takes no drugs/alcohol etc. including alcohol at all.
5) Geo political I don't know what is going to happen, Sikhs is global community.( 25% Sikhs already lived outside Hindoo land and ratio is changing very fast.).. At some point Hindoo land would become less important to Sikhs beyond pilgrimage.
Already Punjab GDP has almost no bearing on Sikh income as majority of Young has moved out.

Sikhs have bright future as a global community and chance to be loved everywhere for their humanitarian worked.
Hindoo is dead end dirty cult and will cease to exist by end of this century.

Nothing is certain but here is likely scenario:
Sikh Empire will be protectorate of US/Canada/UK like South Korea/Taiwan.The security agencies of these countries are already doing the ground work.

Raj Karega Khalsa!

Maps:(Punjab alcohol consumption quite moderate compared to Hindooo)

Maps:(Sikh men 0% Tobacco, Hindoo high on tobacco all the time)

232M Hindooo take tobacco every day.
Oral cancer is a highly lethal disease and one of the most debilitating and disfiguring of all malignancies in the world. According to Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2010 report, 60% of tobacco users in India use only smokeless tobacco. Among 206 million smokeless tobacco users, 65.1 million are consuming gutkha. In recent years, gutkha is recognized as a life threatening disorder with the serious health consequences. The aim of this review is to increase the attention to complete ban of tobacco use, awareness, knowledge, and beliefs of public about the harms of not only gutkha but also all other tobacco products and also to promote the intentions to quit the habits.

High IQ Punjab handles mental ANXIETY better:

Hindoo is trying Sikh defamation and genocide for long time, But It is having opposite effects. Sikhs are becoming stronger by day and building good relationship with global communities. We are also showing the truth and in the end Hindooo will be destroyed as it should for their crimes against humanity.
28   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 2, 1:05am  

Hindoo rape/riot cult:

The Interpol has issued a red notice against Virendra Deo Dixit, a self-styled godman who is accused of sexual exploitation and confinement of several girls over a period of time in a fortress-like ashram in Delhi’s Rohini area
29   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 4, 9:22pm  

Here you go see your Hindu Nationalist baman gunda giving threat to Sikhs in Canada
30   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 4, 9:24pm  

Actually It was Indian agents(Illegal to have agents in Canada, Hindooo is rouge nation) threatening Sikhs.
Police report filed.

Khalistani elements attack hindus in brampton parking lot. Same group of ppl that attacked tiranga rally last time where Guru was khalistani gang leader he has to be jailed!!! @enigma_logician
31   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 7, 1:15pm  

Genocide in India by using "fake sikhs" as front.
US people can expect same kind of genocide if Govt continue to become rogue.
Would it be poetic justice if Hindooo got genocided in US?... No, Sikhs believe in "Sarbhat da Bhala", Welfare of all.
For those who need a refresher on who KPS Gill was & what horror he created in Punjab can refer to my piece below which was written as a rebuttal to @HartoshSinghBal
’s KPS defending piece in @scroll_in
32   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 9, 11:43am  

Hindoooooo is new Mughal for Sikhs.
Sikhs must work to end this cult like Mughal.

From advocating for “Operation BlueStar 2”, calling Sikhs a “virus”, cheering for the destruction of Pakistan and appearing alongside neo-nazis — this is my profile of Hindu Nationalist provocateur, Ron Banerjee.

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