Comrades are after "Hindooo Nazis" in big way. I hope they take turns to expose both their dirty cults of Hindooo and Communism.
We can replace above shit with constitution republics(Based on US constitution) + Khalsa principles of equality and freedom of religion/speech. Incorporate christian(Abrahamic) concept of giving.(Already part of US constitution to great extent). Once Bhartis free from hindoo cult, they can contribute from their traditional value based system before invaders.
While at it free Christianity from stupid proselytize(by freer or money) disease and free Islam from ISIS cult to replace with moderate Sufi teachings.
Comrades are after "Hindooo Nazis" in big way.
I hope they take turns to expose both their dirty cults of Hindooo and Communism.
We can replace above shit with constitution republics(Based on US constitution) + Khalsa principles of equality and freedom of religion/speech.
Incorporate christian(Abrahamic) concept of giving.(Already part of US constitution to great extent).
Once Bhartis free from hindoo cult, they can contribute from their traditional value based system before invaders.
While at it free Christianity from stupid proselytize(by freer or money) disease and free Islam from ISIS cult to replace with moderate Sufi teachings.