Criminal Alien Admits He Came to US Because of Biden, ‘Definitely’ Would Not Have if Trump Were President

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2021 Mar 23, 5:34pm   96,836 views  997 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


A migrant An illegal A criminal alien (no person is illegal!) who is seeking asylum in the United States admitted in an interview that aired Sunday that he would not have attempted to travel to the U.S. if Donald Trump were still president.

In fact, the migrant illegal said specifically that he decided now was the right time to seek asylum here because of President Joe Biden.

ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz recently spoke with a Brazilian man — just one of the tens of thousands of migrants illegals who are traveling to the U.S. in search of asylum — who admitted that Biden's presidency was a motivating factor for coming to America.

"Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?" Raddatz asked.

"Definitely not. Definitely. We have a chance, you know. The same environment that's been going on today wasn't there last year," the man responded. "We used to watch the news and I definitely wouldn't do this."

Raddatz followed up," So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?"

"Basically, basically," the man said. "The main thing was the violence in my country. And the second thing, I think, was Joe Biden."


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327   Patrick   2023 Oct 2, 8:26am  


I think that one was from https://patriots.win/

It was presented without evidence, but is plausible, given that the Tiananmen Square massacre was carried out by ethnic minority groups in China because Beijing leadership knew that they would have no problem firing on the public.
329   RC2006   2023 Oct 2, 9:34am  

BeneTiberCato says

Patrick says

where does this come from? I would like to learn more, please.

This is a strategy that's been used to conquer people for a long time. Put a minority group in charge knowing that if they fail they will be destroyed by the majority being oppressed as the incentive. This makes the minority group use any means possible to stay in charge. Usually they will pick the angriest minority. All empires have used this tactic.
331   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:17am  


Speaking of illegal migrants and impassioned speeches, this one won’t be for everyone due to some extremely adult language that might offend the sensitive, but after weighing the pro’s and con’s, I decided to include it in today’s post. To set the table, Elon Musk has been encouraging “citizen journalists” to make their own reports on Twitter. Elon went to the border last week to show everyone how it’s done.

I have no idea whether this next super-spicy clip resulted from Elon’s encouragement or not, but it does show the growing frustration that regular folks have with traditional media.

In other words, if you stupid reporters won’t do your jobs, get out of the way and let us do it.

So the unidentified but totally based citizen who posted this video is today’s example. He saw something, filmed something, and it turned out to be a story. As the clip starts, a New York City resident approached a fancy hotel and asked what’s going on? Somebody said, it’s a migrant shelter. He started filming and, like a kicked-over rotten log, human cockroaches began boiling out of the lobby and trying to crawl all over him.

Watch this clip if you’re okay with the raw, but appropriate adult language.


A lifelong NY resident gets confronted by the security team at a migrant housing facility.

Funniest shit you’ll see all week.

For those who chose not to watch, what happened next is they all got into an argument over whether the guy “has the right” to film the hotel. They kept ordering him off, pushing around him, and he kept refusing to leave. More and more thugs came out of the lobby and tried to crowd him away. An NYPD officer stood by but refused to intervene. By the end of the clip, you can see at least eight people on the sidewalk representing the “shelter.”

None of them wore hotel uniforms.

We can learn a lot from this short video. We already know New York is paying luxury hotels hand over fist to house illegal immigrants. The clip evidences a conspiracy of silence between the media and the government to cover up the story. The Migrant Mafia members were too confident. They look like people who expect not ever to face any scrutiny.

A media that only covers gigantic problems when they are political problems for Republicans is a wholly worthless media.

Next, the clip showed us the uniform face of the vast migrant industrial complex. All those Migrant Mafia people are getting paid with taxpayer dollars, probably handsomely. And they all look and act like thugs. Who are these people, really? Who was the young black man in the Eastern European gangster-style track suit who spoke with authority and claimed to “own this building?”

New Yorkers, if you had an honest media, they would be all over figuring out where the money was going.

Finally, whoever they are, these Migrant Mafia people obviously do not understand basic laws of the United States of America. Otherwise they would know that the sidewalk is a publicly-owned area not subject to their jurisdiction, whatever they think that is. They seem to come from some third-world hellhole where might makes right and intimidation tactics are de rigueur.

What did we learn? The Establishment Media is a lost cause. We need a new media. New Yorkers: take up your cellphone cameras, and report!
332   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:42am  

Anyone know where this is? It's at 320 (something) street, NYC.

This building seems pretty distinct:

333   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 11:51am  

Ah, the shelter is at 320 W 31st Street, NYC, across from Penn Station.

Everyone should go visit there.
336   Patrick   2023 Oct 6, 10:51am  


I bet you didn’t have this next development on your 2023 bingo card. It’s so remarkable that I’m going to show you three of yesterday’s headlines. First, the New York Times:

... So. Trump’s useless border wall is, apparently, back, and is more useful than ever. The story started on Wednesday, when multiple outlets reported that the Biden administration issued an emergency notice waiving 26 federal laws to allow border wall construction to immediately resume in South Texas. DHS secretary Alejandro Mayorkas stated in the notice, “There is presently an acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers and roads in the vicinity of the border of the United States in order to prevent unlawful entries into the United States in the project areas.”

You don’t say.

I’ll note without further comment that the bizarre, controversial DHS border action came less than a week after Elon Musk tweeted his own trip to the border. The announcement also proved that we’re fully into election season now which, while good news for America’s border, is horrible news for Ukraine’s border problem.

It also came after the Biden administration’s January 20th, 2021, proclamation to terminate Trump’s border wall project, which then stated, “building a massive wall that spans the entire southern border is not a serious policy solution.” Then President Peters seriously ordered $300 million in border construction supplies to be auctioned off at pennies on the dollar.

In response to the news, pro-immigrant leftists predictably went berserk. They must have known that was coming. I’m guessing Team Biden believed that his support is down to the maniacal 35% of democrats who’d vote for him no matter what, and now it’s time to “pivot” to the center.

Or, Biden won’t be running and they might as well take the hit now. But it wasn’t well-planned. Super-diverse Biden press secretary Karine something-or-other was hardest hit, stumbling to explain the latest move. ...

The move raises the intriguing question, what next? Will Biden make Mexico pay for the wall?
339   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 2:18pm  


Over here in the U.S., the barbaric destruction unleashed at Israel’s failed border is raising some awkward questions about our own American border. The unrest is currently welling out of the GOP’s right wing, but I’m betting the notion will quickly spread toward the political middle, since there is really no effective rebuttal.

Here’s Representative Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) comments from Saturday:

Former Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake asked an obvious question yesterday: where are all the women?

There’s a lot I could say about this disastrous border issue, and I probably will say a lot more in coming days. But one thing the Israel attacks have proven beyond argument is that citizen fears about uncontrolled illegal immigration in the U.S. are not hypothetical, exaggerated, or fantastical, these undocumented people are legitimately a clear and present danger.

Republican governors should immediately consider two things. First, if it’s not already done, declare a state of emergency and do everything possible to thwart the federal relocation of illegal migrants into red states. Second, immediately start organizing civilian militias and training citizens how to fight back against a sudden sneak attack like Israel just endured.

There’s no time to waste.

It’s a unique political moment, and Governor DeSantis could seize it. Organize community militias in every Florida city and county and start training them. I intend to draft an open letter to the Governor today. Keep an eye on my Twitter feed.

I agree. All adult American citizens should be armed members of community militias. No non-citizen should be allowed to possess a gun.
340   Patrick   2023 Oct 9, 2:21pm  


Massachusetts is reaching the breaking point with its feel-good sanctuary laws. The Boston Herald ran a story last week headlined, “Maura Healey ‘distressed’ by migrants displacing veterans for Army-Navy game, but won’t provide specifics on migrant housing plan.”

Governor Healey is not the only one who’s distressed.

Massachusetts is running out of hotel rooms for regular citizens. Last week, veterans with long outstanding hotel reservations were shocked to discover their reservations canceled right before the Army-Navy game, since hotels had dumped them to grab the much more lucrative government largesse that is funding sleeping quarters, room service, and housekeeping for all the military-aged foreign men lacking any documentation.

It’s getting so bad that, in a clip making the rounds this week, Massachusetts officials called for volunteers to move illegal migrants into their homes: “If you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Become a sponsor family. If you’re a landlord or property owner, we can work with you to transition families into permanent housing.”

If some of the aliens are terrorists, and Massachusetts homeowners are “sponsoring” them, does that make them “sponsors of terrorism?” Just asking.

I will bet you my next paycheck that the woke, virtue-signaling “we welcome everyone” signs in Boston’s front yards will be vanishing faster than RoundUp-sprayed weeds. Rubber, meet the road.
341   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 10:59am  


Yesterday I drafted and sent my letter to Governor DeSantis calling for an organized response to our border problem. It was simple, straightforward, and got right to the point, hopefully increasing the odds our hyper-busy governor will read it. Today, whether or not you’re a Florida resident, if you agree, please email a copy of the letter to GovernorRon.Desantis@eog.myflorida.com.

So whoever reviews the Governor’s public email inbox gets the idea, use the subject line of “Letter re: Response to Attacks on Israel.” Add whatever additional thoughts you like. Hopefully, once they see how many of us are concerned about this issue, they’ll escalate the priority.

342   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 11:01am  


Of course! Israel can have its aid, as long as Ukraine gets some green, too. You can’t blame them. They have their priorities. Both conflicts are very similar, after all. Both aid packages are — facially — intended to help both countries secure both of their borders.

It’s a good thing there aren’t any other countries with insecure borders around here, or we could be in a real pickle.
343   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 10, 12:49pm  

Patrick says

Of course! Israel can have its aid, as long as Ukraine gets some green, too.

These are two prongs of the same attack on the West by the USSR-Iran-NoKo-China Axis so it's perfectly natural to link them. It won't be necessary if some short-sighted stupid cunts didn't decide to play stupid games.
347   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 10, 1:26pm  

Patrick says

They did already.
348   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 1:50pm  


A recent report from the Texas Department of Public Safety revealed that 297,000 non-citizens had been “booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011 and July 31, 2019.” So these are non-citizens who allegedly committed local crimes, not immigration violations.

The report noted that a little more than two-thirds (202,000) of those booked in Texas jails were later confirmed as illegal immigrants by the federal government.

According to the Texas report, over the course of their criminal careers those illegal immigrants were charged with committing 494,000 criminal offenses.

Some of these cases are still being prosecuted, but the report states that there have already been over 225,000 convictions. Those convictions represent: 500 homicides; 23,954 assaults; 8,070 burglaries; 297 kidnappings; 14,178 thefts; 2,026 robberies; 3,122 sexual assaults; 3,840 sexual offenses; 3,158 weapon charges and tens of thousands of drug and obstruction charges

These statistics reveal the very real danger created by sanctuary policies. In nine self-declared sanctuary states and numerous sanctuary cities and counties, officials refuse to hand over criminals who are known to be in this country illegally after they have served their state or local sentences.


Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
349   Patrick   2023 Oct 10, 2:18pm  


NEW: Internal CBP data provided & confirmed by CBP sources reveals thousands of “special interest aliens” from mostly Middle Eastern countries have been apprehended by Border Patrol while crossing into U.S. illegally over last 2 years.

Syria: 538
Yemen: 139
Iran: 659
Iraq: 123
Afghanistan: 6,386
Lebanon: 164
Egypt: 3,153
Pakistan: 1,613
Mauritania: 15,594
Uzbekistan: 13,624
Turkey: 30,830

Date range 10/1/2021 - 10/4/2023

These are Border Patrol apprehensions between ports of entry only, this data does not include CBP encounters at ports of entry.

Border Patrol sources tell me they have extreme concerns about who is coming into the country because they have little to no way of vetting people from these special interest countries. I’m told unless they have committed a crime previously in the US, or they are on some sort of federal watchlist, there’s no way to know who they are because most of their home countries don’t share data/records with the US so there is nothing to match a name to when BP agents run fingerprints.

A special interest alien is a term used by the U.S. government to refer to people coming from countries that have conditions that favor or harbor terrorism, or pose a potential national security to the U.S.

Oct 10, 2023
350   Patrick   2023 Oct 11, 9:26am  

Reports suggest Palestinians permitted to work in Israel were among those who perpetrated the massacre.

The survivors recognised some of whom had worked on the Kibbutz.

They were the ones leading the Pogrom.
5:45 AM · Oct 11, 2023

The Palestinians are the Mexicans of Israel.
351   Patrick   2023 Oct 11, 11:27am  


Tucker Carlson 🚨🚨🚨

"I've spent 35 years living in Washington; I don't even recognize these people and what they're doing"

"Letting in 7 million people from the poorest countries in the world illegally and immediately putting them all on public benefits"

"That right there will destroy the country, and they did it on purpose"

354   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 5:18pm  



Ep. 30 What's happening at the southern border isn’t just an invasion, but a crime. The politicians and NGOs responsible for it are criminals, who should be punished accordingly.

Time Code:

(3:00) Todd Bensman at the Border
(5:40) Guaranteed Entry into America
(13:20) Dominik Tarczynski
(18:50) "Not one illegal immigrant in Poland. Ever

See video in Twitter link.

I agree 100%.
355   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 12, 6:27pm  

Patrick says

Trump used Pentagon money for the wall, didn't he? So it all comes down to the political will. Besides, I don't think moving the feet to some particular area costs anything extra, because these carrier groups are constantly on the move anyway.
359   Patrick   2023 Oct 13, 11:22am  


We saw that Israel’s civilian population, well aware of the risks, was still largely unprepared to fight back, with horrifying consequences. In light of what happened last weekend in Israel, it seems entirely uncontroversial that we urgently need to get our own citizens ready to fight back if there’s a sneak attack here on soft targets with power knocked out and with local police somehow having been neutralized. If the power goes out, that should be a red alert for citizens to prepare for the worst.

Now that we’ve been warned by what happened in Israel, this kind of thing should not take us by surprise. Since the federal government will never do it, if for no other reason than that it makes their wide-open border policy look bad, the States must start preparing their citizens.
360   stereotomy   2023 Oct 13, 11:27am  

All I know is, I'm loading the magazines (empty chamber) of the 20 and 12 gauge shotguns and putting them in the bedrooms tonight.

Just #8 target loads, but if things get crazy I gots some #4 buckshot to finish things up.

EDIT: people in TX don't have to deal with this bullshit.
365   Patrick   2023 Oct 15, 4:17pm  


Twice-Deported Illegal Border Crosser Charged with Murder after 2 Bodies Found in Nashville
366   Patrick   2023 Oct 16, 8:47am  


Biden Admin Orders Banks Not to Reject Illegal Immigrants' Loan Applications

Two federal agencies have warned financial institutions not to reject illegal immigrants' credit applications based solely or mostly on citizenship status.

By Tom Ozimek

The Biden administration has warned U.S. banks and other financial institutions that they can't reject illegal immigrants' credit applications based solely or predominantly on their immigration status.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) said in a recent statement that rejecting illegal immigrants for credit cards and various types of loans just because they are noncitizens is unlawful.

The two agencies stated that they were issuing the warning "because consumers have reported being rejected for credit cards as well as for auto, student, personal and equipment loans because of their immigration status, even when they have strong credit histories and ties to the United States and are otherwise qualified to receive the loans." ...

"DOJ and CFPB tell banks it might be illegal to refuse to loan money to people [who] broke federal law to reach the bank. You gotta be kidding me. The invasion of illegal immigrants is intentional and must be stopped," he wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

According to the Center for Immigration Studies, there were roughly 11.35 million illegal immigrants residing in the United States as of January 2022.

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