Criminal Alien Admits He Came to US Because of Biden, ‘Definitely’ Would Not Have if Trump Were President

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2021 Mar 23, 5:34pm   97,117 views  1,015 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


A migrant An illegal A criminal alien (no person is illegal!) who is seeking asylum in the United States admitted in an interview that aired Sunday that he would not have attempted to travel to the U.S. if Donald Trump were still president.

In fact, the migrant illegal said specifically that he decided now was the right time to seek asylum here because of President Joe Biden.

ABC News anchor Martha Raddatz recently spoke with a Brazilian man — just one of the tens of thousands of migrants illegals who are traveling to the U.S. in search of asylum — who admitted that Biden's presidency was a motivating factor for coming to America.

"Would you have tried to do this when Donald Trump was president?" Raddatz asked.

"Definitely not. Definitely. We have a chance, you know. The same environment that's been going on today wasn't there last year," the man responded. "We used to watch the news and I definitely wouldn't do this."

Raddatz followed up," So did you come here because Joe Biden was elected president?"

"Basically, basically," the man said. "The main thing was the violence in my country. And the second thing, I think, was Joe Biden."


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597   Patrick   2024 Feb 15, 10:53am  


More than anything, the video — and O’Keefe’s previous ones in the same series — leaves us with two overriding impressions. First, these so-called “charity workers” are obsessed with secrecy. One lady in this clip explicitly said, “we are all paranoid,” and admitted she only wears her covid face mask “when the white people show up, so they won’t take my picture.”

What are they hiding from the white people?

The second, secure impression one gets watching these clips is that the U.S. government is dumping billions of dollars into the cartels. Quite obviously, the pallets of cash attracting all these shady groups to help border jumpers jump the border are being washed through federal grants, probably through HHS or Homeland Security.

Take a close look at the ‘facility’ shown in O’Keefe’s video. Does that look like something a US-based charity group set up? Or does it look more like something thrown together by a Mexican cartel?

I’m going with cartel. Give me one reason why I shouldn’t conclude the cartels are creating front groups to grab all the federal grant money by relocating illegals into America.

This is the problem with big government. There’s too much power routed through one bottleneck, and too few effective checks and balances. All our enemies had to do was capture the decision maker.
605   Patrick   2024 Feb 21, 8:07pm  


An Amazon delivery driver has been charged by New York City police after he was forced to defend himself during a lewd attack from a drunk, naked illegal alien who tried to steal packages from his van.

The drunk foreign criminal reportedly exposed himself and tried to rob the worker, according to police and the New York Post.

The worker, who identified himself as Abu to the Post, said he was making a delivery in Clinton Hill in Brooklyn at around 4:45 p.m. on Sunday.

He said he noticed the illegal border crosser clutching a beer bottle and masturbating on the street.

The incident took place near 9 Hall Street, a taxpayer-funded shelter where the 26-year-old migrant, identified as Yeison Sanchez, lives, police said.

Abu said he told Sanchez to stop what he was doing, and that was when the situation started to escalate.

The confrontation resulted in the Amazon worker hitting the migrant in the head with an icy snowball.

“I was unloading my stuff, and a guy – he was like a pervert, he had his penis out,” Abu told the Post on Monday.

“He’s in the corner of the street j—ing off and I told him, ‘Hey, what are you doing?’

“And he went into my van where all my mail and everything was at, and I pushed him away, and he ran towards me like he was going to aggressively hit me.”

Abu said he then picked up a piece of ice from the ground and used it to hit the flashing illegal alien in order to protect himself.

“I picked up a piece and I socked him with it and he went down on his butt,” said Abu.

Abu said he then spotted police nearby and called on them to help him.

However, while the police responded to the scene, Abu said he ended up being charged with third-degree assault.

He said he was later released on a desk appearance ticket, the Post reported.

Police claim Sanchez was left with swelling and bruising on his face.

“[Sanchez] was telling [the police] in Spanish that I punched him in the face,” Abu told the Post.

“I told them there’s cameras around, you can probably find something.

“They said there were no cameras.

“After a while, it turned into a ‘He said, she said’ thing and that’s how it went.”

The NYPD confirmed the charge against the Amazon worker in a statement.
606   Patrick   2024 Feb 21, 8:33pm  


Just give me ten more Attorneys General like Ken Paxton, and I’ll turn this whole thing around. Fox News ran an exciting and encouraging story yesterday headlined, “Texas AG Paxton sues NGO aiding migrants, accuses it of encouraging illegal immigration.” Finally.

The so-called “Annunciation House” is a shady migrant-assistance NGO claiming to follow a poorly-defined ideology called “Catholic social justice.” I’ll go out on a limb and guess that “Catholic social justice” looks exactly the same as regular social justice. You can search the group’s shake-and-bake website all you want, but you won’t find the name of a single real person anywhere, which is the very first red flag that a “charity” is actually a front for something illegal, unethical, or at least shameful.

Legit charities are proudly run by people, and they don’t hide. Instead, they proudly name their directors, boards, volunteers, and major donors. Whereas shady front groups usually have polished-up websites with zero personally-identifying information on them. They are ashamed, or they should be.

Yesterday, Attorney General Paxton sued the so-called charity for human trafficking conspiracy. He promptly demanded documents, asked the court to revoke Annunciation’s state charter, and asked for a receiver to liquidate its assets. And what do you know, a bunch of lawyers and PR people suddenly popped up defending the ‘volunteer’ group.

One wonders how the hardworking, religious-minded Annunciation volunteers knew all these legal and marketing professionals ready to jump in at a moment’s notice. But I digress.

In a statement about Paxton’s suit on its website, Annunciation House gamely vowed it would resist turning over documents! Never! And it promised a press conference on Friday. And, in yet another red flag, it bragged it "does its work of accompaniment out of the Gospel mandate to welcome the stranger."

Haha, “mandate.” Marxists sure love that word, don’t they?

That phrase, the Gospel mandate to welcome the stranger, is all over Annunciation’s website. But you know what isn’t all over the “Catholic” charity’s website? Any Bible verses or even any Bible citations. It’s almost like the person who created the website knows nothing at all about the Bible except the word “Gospel.”

They were hardly even trying. Chalk up another red flag this NGO is really a shady front group and not a legitimate Christian enterprise.

Paxton issued his own statement, deploying the catchy phrase ‘astonishing horrors’ to describe the so-called charity group’s unethical and illegal activities:

"The chaos at the southern border has created an environment where NGOs, funded with taxpayer money from the Biden Administration, facilitate astonishing horrors including human smuggling," Paxton said in a statement. "While the federal government perpetuates the lawlessness destroying this country, my office works day in and day out to hold these organizations responsible for worsening illegal immigration."
Music to my ears. This has been a long time coming. The Biden Administration is dumping cash on all these NGO’s to do things that would be illegal for Biden to do. It’s a similar tactic to how the feds bribed and cajoled the social media companies to censor Americans, because it was illegal and unconstitutional to do it directly.

Hopefully Paxton’s lawsuit will set an example for other states to follow. Let’s drag more of these cockroaches out into the harsh daylight and find out what — and who — we are really dealing with.
614   HeadSet   2024 Feb 23, 7:20am  

Patrick says

Because the US is more socialist, giving them housing, spending money, transport, and even driver's licenses.
615   Patrick   2024 Feb 23, 11:48am  


The Hill ran a very encouraging elections story on Wednesday headlined, “Appeals court rules NYC law allowing noncitizens to vote in local elections violates state constitution.” Ruh-roh! If they can’t even vote, now what is New York supposed to do with all those extra migrants?

Bless the diligent plaintiffs, including state representative Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY), who challenged “Local Law No. 11 of the City of New York, which created a new class of voters eligible to vote in municipal elections who are not United States citizens.”

Appeal Court Justice Paul Wooten struck down the insane law, writing that, “We determine that this local law was enacted in violation of the New York State Constitution and Municipal Home Rule Law, and thus, must be declared null and void.”

The goofy, irrational 2022 law, supported by New York City Mayor Eric Adams, also lost at the trial court level. The City appealed that earlier decision, and has now lost again. Back in 2022, the Associated Press estimated Local Law 11 would create over eight hundred thousand new non-citizen voters.

Who knows how high that number has now climbed?

The Hill reported the City is carefully considering its next move. In other words, despite crying in public about all the illegal migrants infesting the City, behind the scenes it is doing everything it can think of to turn them into low-information voters.
623   richwicks   2024 Feb 25, 3:24pm  

Patrick says

If the US stopped attacking Venezuela, it might not be such a mess. It MIGHT be a mess still regardless, but US interference prevents us from ever finding out.

If communism worked, and I have no faith it does, the US would attempt to destroy it. Free market economics works, and the US ruthlessly attacks that. Commodity currencies work, and the US will go to war to prevent that from happening.
624   Patrick   2024 Feb 26, 10:07am  


While the grotesque parody of incompetence that is Secretary Mayorkas was busily reassuring credulous reporters that the border is totally secure, corporate media was spinning like a psychotic top, throwing sparks, billowing black smoke, desperately racing against the clock to concoct a coherent cover narrative that could possibly distract the public from concluding Joe Biden’s many failures are going to get us all killed — or worse — after an illegal Venezuelan migrant was arrested Friday for the horrifying rape and brutal murder of Laken Riley, 22, a young UGA nursing student slain while she was out for a jog on campus.

The accused, José Antonio Ibarra, 26, jumped the border back in September 2022, without showing any papers or passing through customs. That kind of First Class free entry is, apparently, a privilege reserved for ganged-up criminals. You try entering the U.S. without showing your papers sometime and let me know how it works out. You know, in a few years. After you get out of jail.

Anyway, that we know of, U.S. authorities were given at least three chances to stop José before he killed somebody. They failed every single time. The feds first found José near El Paso, Texas, but released him into the general population citing poorly-defined “further processing” under loose Biden asylum rules. José was then arrested at least twice while he was hanging out in New York City, including for a very serious charge of endangering a child, but each time was immediately released without bail, with authorities rushing under local sanctuary-city rules to get José out before any federal deportation process could start up.

Athens police also arrested José’s brother, Diego, charging him with having a fake green card. The University of Georgia had hired Diego to work in the school cafeteria, in spite of his fake green card, his face tattoo, and in spite of the the awkward fact that he’d been arrested in September for drunk driving without a license and separately for shoplifting, and then skipped all his court dates. Guess what happens if a citizen skips their criminal court date?

But it was almost like Diego was sure nothing would happen. For some reason.

The University of Georgia apparently had no problem with any of Diego’s red flags and hired him anyway where he was well positioned to closely observe students just like Laken.

All these sad facts are well known, or else they will be soon, although you have to push through a lot of corporate media noise to find them. Yesterday, Elon Musk called out the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for burying the lede by blandly referring to José as an “Athens man.”

Perhaps in self-defense, albeit weakly, the Journal-Constitution published an online op-ed this morning headlined, “OPINION: Death of student in Athens highlights America’s lax immigration policies.”

You don’t say.

A bigger story is developing; a story about the shameful and reprehensible way the corporate media is handling these sad facts. The big papers — the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post — are simply ignoring Laken’s murder, hoping to wait it out until all this offensive anti-immigrant racism is obscured as the news cycle trundles onward. The young nursing student’s horrifying death is being better covered by the alphabet networks, but you can still scour the headlines until your eyes bleed without discovering anything about Jose’s immigration status, his criminal record, or his government-granted immunity from ordinary prosecution.

In some truly shocking examples of irresponsible journalism, some platforms are twisting themselves into politically-correct pretzels in a desperate effort to avoid mentioning the inconvenient immigration facts. Like the Associated Press, which even tried to spin Laken’s murder as sports news:

Now remember, this is the same exact corporate media that mercilessly mocked President Trump in 2018 for correctly warning it was a bad idea to let undocumented illegal migrants run around because it increases the risk of violent crime. At the time, media lampooned Trump’s warnings, labeling them as Trump’s racist “Mexican Rapist Claim”:

President Trump probably should not hold his breath waiting for any apologies. But he was obviously right. And all of corporate media was badly, murderously wrong.
628   Patrick   2024 Feb 28, 8:29am  


ATHENS, GA — Following the murder of a Georgia college student at the hands of an illegal immigrant, police issued a statement warning women to avoid jogging within 2,000 miles of an open border, particularly the southern border the U.S. shares with Mexico.

"We know this is a tough time for our local community," Police Seargent Dan Jackson told reporters. "Due to the nature of the situation, we highly recommend women avoid jogging by themselves within at least 2,000 miles of any open border."

"In fact, to be extra safe, women should just avoid going outside by themselves altogether for the time being."

Jackson said police are still trying to determine what is causing the spike in crime in Athens and around the country but just to be safe they recommend women who wish to go jogging by themselves avoid the area within a 2,000-mile radius of the location where millions of people are streaming into the country completely unchecked.

"Again, we refer the public to mainstream media reports reassuring the public that this incident had nothing to do with illegal immigration and that it's mostly the fault of women who think they can just leave their houses without putting themselves in danger. It's definitely not the stream of who-knows-who coming across our southern border."

As of publishing time, newly released police reports identify the race of the alleged assailant in the USA murder as "white" and his occupation as "just looking for a better life."
630   Patrick   2024 Feb 28, 11:31am  


I am not exaggerating when I say that the way the media and Democrats have tried to sweep the cause of Laken Riley's death under the rug is the most shameful and embarrassing thing I've seen in my life.

Laken Riley was murdered last week, allegedly by an illegal alien from Venezuela who had been detained at the border, released into the US, arrested then released after a violent crime in New York, then made his way to the "sanctuary" city of Athens where he stalked and killed Laken Riley while she was jogging on a Georgia college campus.

Since then, the Fake News media and the Democrat Party have been working overtime to make you forget everything about this case.

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