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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   391,965 views  5,707 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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1268   NDrLoR   2021 May 10, 8:49am  

Onvacation says
That haunting tune, Clair de Lune, is from a movie but I can't think of its title.
1271   Ceffer   2021 May 10, 5:50pm  

Gates, Klaus, Charles and Warren: "It's not killing them fast enough! More spike proteins! They CAN'T outbreed our vaccines!"
1273   Eric Holder   2021 May 10, 6:23pm  

Booger says

They look fugly in both pics, imo.
1275   Booger   2021 May 10, 6:32pm  


Distracted nurse gives woman 6 doses of COVID vaccine in a single shot
1276   RWSGFY   2021 May 10, 8:05pm  

Booger says
Free beer!

Who said forging a vax card was not worth it?
1277   Onvacation   2021 May 10, 10:38pm  


I have been hearing about a lot of grandparents dying lately.
1278   Ceffer   2021 May 10, 10:45pm  

Maybe Social Security won't become insolvent after all.
1279   Onvacation   2021 May 11, 6:20am  


1280   Patrick   2021 May 11, 9:38am  


There is a massive lack of honesty about what’s fact and what’s policy in public health

The Seychelles has become a place to watch. Known as the world’s most vaccinated nation, ahead of even Israel, a third wave of COVID is hitting the archipelago despite the fact that over 60 percent of its population has been fully vaccinated — and nearly 70 percent have received at least one shot. In April the Seychelles was hopeful it was soon to reach herd immunity. But now 456 new cases reported over three days (the population is approximately 98,000) has cooled optimism there — especially since a third of the new cases were fully vaccinated (the remainder had received only one shot or were unvaccinated).

It’s perhaps too soon to draw conclusions, but it doesn’t look like good news for those hoping widespread vaccination will bring about herd immunity...

But a fact that remains puzzling is that in public health discussions about how to reach herd immunity, there is very little talk of natural immunity developed by people who have had COVID and recovered. Why are they not considered immune, but people who’ve never been exposed to the real virus, only vaccinated, are thought to be immunized? Isn’t this a little odd?

People with natural immunity didn't pay the vaccine companies, so they must be ignored or demonized. That's all there is to it.

And I'm starting to think that the "vaccine" really does nothing at best, and is killing people at worst.
1281   Ceffer   2021 May 11, 11:17am  


Bill, Klaus and Charles: "It works, it really, really works!" Clapping hands and dancing.
1282   porkchopXpress   2021 May 11, 5:23pm  

Infection and Immune Memory: Variables in Robust Protection by Vaccines Against SARS-CoV-2

Good science article on proof that naturally-acquired Covid-19 immunity appears to be better than that created by a vaccine. The summary is that natural immunity is more comprehensive and induced strong T-cell response that will likely last for over a decade, whereas vaccines are more one-sided in their induced immune response and it's unclear what kind of durable T-cell immunity they generate.
1283   Patrick   2021 May 11, 5:44pm  

Ceffer says

@Ceffer Which of the thousands of vaccine deaths was that? Got a link?
1284   Ceffer   2021 May 11, 6:06pm  

Patrick says
@Ceffer Which of the thousands of vaccine deaths was that? Got a link?

No, just the vid taken at face value. Compensatory fake news? Possibly.
1285   Onvacation   2021 May 11, 9:33pm  

1286   Onvacation   2021 May 11, 9:35pm  

We are approaching the point where anecdote is becoming statistics.
1287   mell   2021 May 11, 10:06pm  

Also fuck these MDs and pediatricians! Their first question MUST be did he take the shot recently? Esp. right now w/ the mass experimentation there is no excuse not to ask this question.
1288   WookieMan   2021 May 12, 7:26am  

mell says
Esp. right now w/ the mass experimentation there is no excuse not to ask this question.

I don't even know why anyone would take the shot. My sister has lupus, so I guess I get that, so she took it. But even an older and healthy person will likely do just fine. I don't know, the stats and anecdotal data still makes zero sense to me why this is even considered a pandemic. We're now shutting down oil pipelines with manual controls because they were hacked by Russians. WTF? Up is down I guess?
1289   Onvacation   2021 May 12, 10:47am  

1290   Onvacation   2021 May 12, 11:28am  

1291   Onvacation   2021 May 12, 11:30am  

So, instead of injecting weakened virus to stimulate your immune system like traditional vaccines, the MRNA "programs" your cells to produce pathogens to stimulate your immune systems.

Does anyone think this is a good idea?
1292   Ceffer   2021 May 12, 11:33am  

"How to turn useless eaters into valuable fertilizer with vaccines!"
1293   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 11:56am  

Onvacation says
So, instead of injecting weakened virus to stimulate your immune system like traditional vaccines, the MRNA "programs" your cells to produce pathogens to stimulate your immune systems.

Does anyone think this is a good idea?

Another question is "why?". It's not the speed - other, more traditional vaccines, were developed in approximately the same time frame as the mRNA ones. It's not the cost - the shit is expensive AF. More unknowns wrt long-term effects, same speed, same or bigger cost.... Why?
1294   mell   2021 May 12, 12:18pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump, Biden, Fauci, pretty much everyone in congress is vaccinated. The useless eaters turning into fertilizer seem more likely to be the intellectually chalenged that buy every conspiracy theory that comes across their screen.

It may be fine for old people, there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70 (depending on your overall health). It's a crime to vaccinate kids and healthy young to middle-aged adults have more risks than benefits from it.
1295   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 12:41pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump .... is vaccinated.

Not so long ago Trump was "a pathological liar", "not to be trusted on anything". And now you believe he's been vaccinated because he says so? LOL.
1296   Onvacation   2021 May 12, 12:51pm  

ThreeBays says
conspiracy theory

Term created by the CIA to belittle anyone evening QUESTIONING the Warren report or Oswald's incredible marksmanship skill. The newer term is "Flat earther".
1297   Booger   2021 May 12, 12:57pm  

ThreeBays says
Trump, Biden, Fauci, pretty much everyone in congress is vaccinated.

With fake needles, at least some of them.
1298   Patrick   2021 May 12, 1:19pm  

ThreeBays says
Ok I'll make you a deal. 1 in 1000 chance you die. 999 chance in 1000 you get to keep living, no other upside. Good deal?

If not, then why the frick are you arguing that people should gamble their life to covid for nothing?

Again, it's a question of trust. After four years of continuous lies from the media, why would anyone trust a word the media says? Remember "Russian collusion"?

I don't trust that the "vaccine" was developed to help people. I think the virus was deliberately created in order to suppress democracy and basic freedoms in the name of "public health". Not to mention the billions going to vaccine companies or the tech oligarchs.

Daszak is referring to the fact that once you have generated a novel coronavirus that can attack human cells, you can take the spike protein and make it the basis for a vaccine.


So Fauci approved funding to create the CCP Virus in Wuhan, knowing that there were billions, maybe trillions of dollars to be made in selling the public a "vaccine" created by using part of the very same virus. And knowing that the virus could be deployed as a weapon. I believe it was deployed as a weapon against Trump and his excellent economy.

It stinks. From the beginning it stank. I think there is a far higher chance of bad effects from taking the "vaccine" than not taking it.
1299   WookieMan   2021 May 12, 1:36pm  

Patrick says
It stinks. From the beginning it stank. I think there is a far higher chance of bad effects from taking the "vaccine" than not taking it.

It's not even a comparison. Without the vaccine, anyone that gets it won't die. This is data and truth. So if you're not going to die, WTF take something that "potentially" could kill you. The risk is almost zero for most people either way. So why take it or worry about getting the virus?

You'll eventually get covid, vaccine or not. And you almost certainly will live from an infection. This isn't complicated. It's the flu. Why is this so hard for people to understand? (not you Patrick)
1300   ChauvinsKnee   2021 May 12, 1:41pm  

ThreeBays says
Eric Holder says
ThreeBays says
Trump .... is vaccinated.

Not so long ago Trump was "a pathological liar", "not to be trusted on anything". And now you believe he's been vaccinated because he says so? LOL.

Trump IS a pathological liar, but this is a question for your Trumpist friends not for me. Is Trump to be trusted or not?

Why is this not a question for you? Do you believe him or don't you believe him? It seems you do believe him while still claiming he's a liar. Isn't it what fancy people call "cognitive dissonance"?
1301   GNL   2021 May 12, 1:54pm  

mell says
there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70

I'm 55. Last night I was feeling really shitty. Rising fever, headache, whole body ached, no energy and constant chills. I figured I was likely to have the onset of Covid. I took Ivermectin and today I feel a ton better. Just sharing my recent experience. Take from it what you will. Me? I don't trust the media or the government about ANYTHING. They prove themselves to be liars every time they open their mouths. About 12 months ago, I decided to trust what made sense to me. So far, so good.
1302   porkchopXpress   2021 May 12, 1:56pm  

WineHorror1 says
mell says
there is a certain breakeven point risk/benefit wise if you're over 50, 60 or 70

I'm 55. Last night I was feeling really shitty. Rising fever, headache, whole body ached, no energy and constant chills. I figured I was likely to have the onset of Covid. I took Ivermectin and today I feel a ton better. Just sharing my recent experience. Take from it what you will. Me? I don't trust the media or the government about ANYTHING. They prove themselves to be liars every time they open their mouths. About 12 months ago, I decided to trust what made sense to me. So far, so good.
Thanks for sharing. May I ask where you got your Ivermectin? I stocked up from All Day Chemist online and plan to do the exact same thing as you if I feel any onset of symptoms. How much of a dose did you take?

P.S. I had Covid back in Dec 2020.
1303   Eric Holder   2021 May 12, 2:11pm  

ThreeBays says
ChauvinsKnee says
Why is this not a question for you? Do you believe him or don't you believe him? It seems you do believe him while still claiming he's a liar. Isn't it what fancy people call "cognitive dissonance"?

I can believe he got a shot, and also believe he lied about a lot of things like the big lie. I also listed other people beside Trump. Any other questions?

No more questions: the clinical picture is complete.
1304   Ceffer   2021 May 12, 2:25pm  

If you want to assess 'net truth' as a proportion of truth to convenience puffery, gray or white lies, Trump is probably the most forthright President we have had since Truman.

If you want pure 'black lies', look no further than Biden. Yes, black lies are purposeful misdirections designed to do you harm or lead you to harm.
1305   GNL   2021 May 12, 4:17pm  

porkchopexpress says
Thanks for sharing. May I ask where you got your Ivermectin? I stocked up from All Day Chemist online and plan to do the exact same thing as you if I feel any onset of symptoms. How much of a dose did you take?

P.S. I had Covid back in Dec 2020.

I took half a pill last night around 8pm and the other half around 9am this morning. I'm feeling very good compared to last night.
1306   GNL   2021 May 12, 4:24pm  

porkchopexpress says
May I ask where you got your Ivermectin?

The place I got it from is now a dead link. I've heard ivermectin can be prescribed from www.myfreedoctor.com.
1307   Patrick   2021 May 12, 6:00pm  

ThreeBays says
That's "cognitive dissonance", but there's little point in trying to teach the blind how to see.

Lol, pot and kettle.

The whole reason the elite had to remove Trump with help from the gullible is that Trump was speaking far too many truths about China, illegals, and why.

Sure, Trump has the mien of a con-artist, but he was the best thing that ever happened the current generation of working people. Lowest black unemployment rate EVER. Remember that?

No Islamic terror attacks in the US. Remember that?

Low energy prices. Remember that?

I could go on and on. I'll take Trump over any politi-whore like Biden any day. And you should too.

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