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Ok, yeah I'm def not against this technology, it's just very untested and early (and unnecessary for most for Covid). I think they are already using mRNA in modern cancer research and treatment trials in the immunotherapy line. It may actually prove quite beneficial there.
If I had cancer and I was running out of options I'd try just about anything lol.
I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.
WTF does "Corona-Positive" mean anyway? Ya got a cold? Sniffles? Are you on the edge of viral pneumonia and you'll need a ventilator soon? Or did a nose swab tell you you were sick?
exposed to DNA and RNA generally by eating. Both from plants and animals.
AAAAAAAAAANNNDDD... I am corona-positive! Which means that vaccine sucks.
If I'm forced to take the J&J one, to be able to attend conferences,
If asked, you already had the shots. If asked for proof, you have a computer and a printer.
@Rb6d So how do you feel? Ill or not?
Some experts predict that in the coming years there is going to be a massive die off of those who took the jab.
Get well soon @Rb6d!
I was the only person there who has taken a university course in biochemistry, organic chemistry, physiology, anatomy, etc. , before working in science.
I don’t think that they were aware that the shot was 1. A new kind of vaccine 2. Not actually FDA approved (it has “emergency approval”)
Patrick saysI had it too back in December.I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.
now you know someone
FuckCCP89 saysGet your pins now!
Fuck Amazon!
FuckCCP89 saysGet your pins now!
Fuck Amazon!
It's a fucking gold mine for everyone involved
BTW, did you know how much a "free" Covid test really costs? $225 for the collection of the sample and doing the necessary manipulations and another $225 to the doctor who "interpretes" the results. So $450 per test. It's a fucking gold mine for everyone involved, no wonder they are so keen on keep the shit going.
now that I am vaxxed, we can finally invite a shit ton of people to our house! Pool party! It was a shame to not share our nice backyard during this beautiful sunshine weather!
Thank you Johnson and Johnson!
Rb6d saysPatrick saysI had it too back in December.I still do not know a single person who got sick from Wuhan flu, much less anyone who died.
now you know someone
One: is there a corona pandemic, or is there only a PCR test pandemic, specifically, does a positive PCR test result mean that the person tested is infected with COVID-19, or does it mean absolutely nothing, in connection with the COVID-19 infection,” he said, unafraid to mention alleged corporate greed in his lawsuit.
How can you be sure it wasn't just an ordinary flu?I suppose I can't be 100% sure but I've never lost my taste and smell completely like that. This hit me in a way that seemed different than a typical flu. Plus, I had the flu shot and I haven't been sick with the flu in years, just to coincidentally get it the same year as Covid. I dunno man...I'm open-minded but that's a long shot.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.