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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   392,814 views  5,716 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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1914   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 9:48pm  

ThreeBays says

You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k

Of which 564,000 had one or more comorbidities and 450,000 of these people were past standard retirement age.

We could have, and should have, let these old and sick people shelter in place while the rest of the herd goes on with life.

Not expecting a cogent rebuttal.
1915   Onvacation   2021 Jun 12, 9:52pm  

mell says
what's sick is forcing people to take an unapproved, experimental biological agent for a cold/flu. That's not much different from what Mengele and the Nazis did.

One covid death is a tragedy. Thousands of experimental biologic agent deaths are a statistic.
1916   Ceffer   2021 Jun 12, 9:52pm  

LOL! 'Allegedly killed 600,000!' After taking the bribes to count everything as a Covid death, the reporting entities are now 'revising' their total downward. What are the Covid fraudsters going to do? Ask for the money back?

Italy already revised their numbers to 10 percent of the previous total, filtering out 90 percent of the Covid attributions that were on the vanguard of the panic.

Is there no honor in the world of the bribed?
1917   SoTex   2021 Jun 12, 10:07pm  

ThreeBays says
You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k people

Yet, I still have not heard of anyone I personally know dying from it but had a relative through marriage die only a few hours (3 or 5) after the jab in Daly City. She was fat, very very fat but that's still quite dubious to me! Also of note was the fact that the authorities would not relate it at all to the jab. Died of a heart attack only was the 'official' cause.

Her surviving husband is now out ambling around national parks and posting scenic pictures on Fuckbook. Good for him. He's way too fat as well.
1918   Patrick   2021 Jun 12, 10:15pm  

HeadSet says
Did she really die of Covid, or more likely died from the jab and the officials are blaming Covid.

It could easily have been both: the disease caused specifically by getting the jab and being made open to infection by the virus.

This is called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" and is exactly what Nobel Prize winner Luc Montaignier was warning about:

Antibody-based drugs and vaccines against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) are being expedited through preclinical and clinical development. Data from the study of SARS-CoV and other respiratory viruses suggest that anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could exacerbate COVID-19 through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

1919   Patrick   2021 Jun 12, 10:32pm  

Le grand scientifique Luc Montagnier expose les dangers de la vaccination qui fait croire qu’elle lutte contre la pandémie. Or, c’est le contraire, elle la nourrit ! De plus, le virus variant résiste à la vaccination : « les nouveaux variants sont créés par la sélection des anticorps produits par la vaccination ».

« C’est une énorme erreur, c’est une erreur scientifique et une faute médicale inexplicable, l’histoire fera le bilan un jour de tout ça, car c’est effectivement la vaccination qui a créé le variant. »


The great scientist Luc Montagnier exposes the dangers of vaccination which makes it seem that it fights against the pandemic. But it is the opposite, it feeds her ! In addition, the variant virus is resistant to vaccination : "new variants are created by the selection of antibodies produced by vaccination".

"This is a huge mistake, it is a scientific error and an inexplicable medical fault, history will take stock one day of all this, because it was actually vaccination that created the variant."
1921   Rin   2021 Jun 13, 7:39am  

mell says
That's not much different from what Mengele

Except that Mengele was 'allegedly' experimenting on the enemies of his country (which simply makes him a warped Dr Frankenstein) whereas this is more like the Khmer Rouge were everyone is a potential victim, friend or foe.
1922   mell   2021 Jun 13, 8:06am  

Patrick says

Sad, and yet he gets attacked for speaking truth. The marxist vaxxer sheep always argue that it's a small chance and that a person with such comorbodities would be in trouble if they caught covid. What they omit is that the chance of actually catching a symptomatic covid infection was still quite low at the peak, maybe somewhere between 1:10 and 1:500, and is now maybe anywhere between 1:1000 and 1:100000. With appropriate distancing and prophylactic supplementation this risk can be further reduced to close to zero for high risk groups. The chance of being exposed to an experimental biological agent is 100% for those who take the jab, so the occurrence of side effects can actually be much lower and it's still a very bad deal.
1923   WookieMan   2021 Jun 13, 8:55am  

ThreeBays, you keep mention 600k dead now.

Probably more as illegals don't participate in the census. FYI which was done during a pandemic, right after an impeachment attempt based on absolutely nothing. And now the gerrymandering will begin to whoever's benefit.

This pandemic is nothing. Always has been. It's not a right or left thing. It's reality. People nearing deaths door got a flu bug. Younger people that died most likely died from something else they may have not know they had, but under 20 it is almost statistically impossible to die from. Your typical influenza strains would have done them in as well anyway.

A friend of ours had a kid die from a bacterial infection at age 4. Mom was a nurse and spotted the issue right away and the kid still died. Life isn't guaranteed and we'll never be able to control nature. Sad topic, but we've had a user on this very site "supposedly" die from falling down the stairs. Shit can escalate quickly and boom, you're dead.

You being sold a narrative and you've boughten into it. Hence why I question you mentioning 600k deaths. Who cares? Seriously. The entire population of the world won't die of covid. It's a fraction. Much of the world has gotten it. It will ramp up again in the fall/winter. It's a god damn flu bug. Here to stay. I've never gotten a flu shot. I'm not dead. And there's more deadly flu strains still out there.

You've been sold a lie and you bought it.
1924   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 9:34am  

ThreeBays says
You down-play the virus that's killed over 600k people and yet post all day about risks of the vaccine. It sounds like you hope the vaccine is bad... after all you've expressed your wish that "libs" would be harmed by the vaccine. In practice it wouldn't be just "libs" but literally a billion people in the world. Pretty sick to be honest.
What's sick is the Establishment suppressing safe and effective treatments like Ivermectin for the purpose of forcing an experimental "vaccine" on people. How many of those 600K people could've been otherwise saved? 80%? more? We are witnessing multiple crimes against humanity.
1925   AmericanKulak   2021 Jun 13, 9:43am  

Biden admits that COVID is a System to finance Vaccines.
1926   GNL   2021 Jun 13, 9:50am  

WookieMan says
ThreeBays, you keep mention 600k dead now.

Probably more as illegals don't participate in the census. FYI which was done during a pandemic, right after an impeachment attempt based on absolutely nothing. And now the gerrymandering will begin to whoever's benefit.

This pandemic is nothing. Always has been. It's not a right or left thing. It's reality. People nearing deaths door got a flu bug. Younger people that died most likely died from something else they may have not know they had, but under 20 it is almost statistically impossible to die from. Your typical influenza strains would have done them in as well anyway.

A friend of ours had a kid die from a bacterial infection at age 4. Mom was a nurse and spotted the issue right away and the kid still died. Life isn't guaranteed and we'll never be able to control nature. Sad topic, but we've had a user on this very site "supposedly" die from falling down the stairs. Shit can e...

3 Bays is part of the evil encompassing the world. He is a waste of time.
1927   mell   2021 Jun 13, 10:06am  

Also what's criminal is that - if this were the worst thing ever happening to humanity - instead of making sure those responsible for creating that chimera will be tried and hung, the blame is shifted to the plebs for not taking the experimental biological agent of questionable effectiveness and major side effects without consent. How sick do you have to be to put this burden on kids and adolescents who are not affected by this? go fucking investigate the ccp and immediately pass legislation barring gof research forever under the penalty of death due to crimes against humanity! what.. crickets? Go take a hike.
1928   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 10:14am  

mell says
the chance of actually catching a symptomatic covid infection was still quite low at the peak, maybe somewhere between 1:10 and 1:500, and is now maybe anywhere between 1:1000 and 1:100000. With appropriate distancing and prophylactic supplementation this risk can be further reduced to close to zero for high risk groups. The chance of being exposed to an experimental biological agent is 100% for those who take the jab, so the occurrence of side effects can actually be much lower and it's still a very bad deal.

Can you make a logical argument without using racist math?


I didn't think so.
1929   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 10:27am  

WookieMan says
mentioning 600k deaths

How many of the 175K over 85 years old would have died anyway? How many of the 275K between 65 and 84 years old would have died anyway? 75% of the CCP virus death toll were people past retirement age. 94% had one or more comorbidities.

The Wuhan was a scam or a dud bioweapon. Now that we are getting more clear on the origins of this corona virus the reason for the overreaction would appear to be because they thought it was a manmade killer. The reason China did not get blamed from the get, besides the fact they own so many politicians, is that the US was involved in the research.

If you think Trump and congress didn't know, you probably think the Russians colluded in the election, whatever that means.
1930   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 10:36am  

The Globalist psychopaths have elected vaccines as their magic carpet to world domination. With enforced vaccinations, they can achieve what they want: medical blackmail and extortion, eugenics, social credit scores, elimination of 'undesirable' populations and lightly disguised assassinations, tracking of all people, enforced social isolations, spying in conjunction with modern computer technologies like the show 'Person of Interest', eradication of human rights, all access points to resources monitored and controlled etc. etc., establishment in perpetuity of the exempt dynastic classes.

What's not to like. There was a possible apocryphal quote attributed to Henry Kissinger for the benefit of the Davos/Bilderberg crew that vaccines held the key to population control and economic dominance. It's typical Globalist shadow boxing to present an agenda as altruistic (public health and disease control) to disguise the true agendas of population control and mass population eradications. It is their standard stunt of infiltrating sources of public institutional credibility to bleed them dry to implement deceptive, baleful agendas on a trusting public.
1931   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 11:08am  

'First' Covid vaccine postmortem (February?) shows body's organs are all riddled with spike protein mRNA. Thaks for waiting four months to let us know.
1932   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 2:49pm  

From the field: my wife talked with a lady she hasn't seen for a long time. The lady is older, and she said her family talked her into getting the jab. The first shot made her tired. The second shot caused a head to foot severe rash that lasted for two months before it started to go away, she couldn't go anywhere.

Internist from Kaiser sent a mushy, gushy letter really pushing the shot with over the top screed. Letter (probably standard from corporate) talked about what a blessing the vaccine is as a guard against 'serious illness'. Says there are only mild reactions 'for two days' in some people but that 'most people' had no reaction at all. Claims that he, his wife, and his four kids have all been 'fully vaccinated'. Maybe he meant 'fully salinated'. Of course, Kaiser is also holding raffles and prizes, too, for those who get the jab.

A vaccine for a disease that has passed through the population ages ago and doesn't kill, with a vaccine that doesn't work, but is a biological experiment, is a 'blessing'.

This shit is getting so depressingly sinister and depraved.
1933   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 3:01pm  

depressingly sinister and depraved.
1934   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 3:22pm  

Darkhorse podcast with Bret Weinstein, and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology.

Steve and Robert were already fully vaccinated, but are now blowing the whistle on how these vaccines are very unsafe for humans. In a nutshell, we now know that the Spike protein, which is toxic, doesn't stay with the cell but breaks off and circulates throughout the body including the brain.
1935   Patrick   2021 Jun 13, 3:23pm  


YouTube censors Dr Noorchashm, a retired cardiac surgeon with a PhD in immunology, for “misinformation”

The former Harvard teacher expressed dismay at the censorship. ...

Dr. Noorchashm is a retired cardiac surgeon and Harvard Medical School professor, who also holds a PhD in immunology.

According to Noorchashm, young people should not be vaccinated, because of the fact that most of them have already been infected with the virus and recovered, meaning they already have antibodies. Additionally, young people are at a low risk of dying from the virus.

“If a person does not need or stand to benefit from a vaccine, or any medical treatment, they should not be given it because it only opens the door to harm,” he said.

“In addition, we’re doing something unprecedented during this pandemic, which is that we’re vaccinating people in the middle of an outbreak where a lot of people are either asymptomatically infected or have had recent infections.

“And that’s just a recipe for disaster as the data is bearing out.” ...

“Other parents have an absolute right to know these facts,” Carlson said. “But the tech monopolies would no longer allow that discussion.” ...

He then added that “in America one can no longer express a dissenting professional opinion or a personal experience.”
1936   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 3:49pm  

ThreeBays says
porkchopexpress says
What's sick is the Establishment suppressing safe and effective treatments like Ivermectin for the purpose of forcing an experimental "vaccine" on people. How many of those 600K people could've been otherwise saved? 80%? more?

It would be good if it worked, but based on how Peru is faring with deaths, it's not clear that it really does any good. Certainly not close to a substitute for vaccination.
Are you joking?

1937   GNL   2021 Jun 13, 3:53pm  

porkchopexpress says
Darkhorse podcast with Bret Weinstein, and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology.

Steve and Robert were already fully vaccinated, but are now blowing the whistle on how these vaccines are very unsafe for humans. In a nutshell, we now know that the Spike protein, which is toxic, doesn't stay with the cell but breaks off and circulates throughout the body including the brain.

Doesn't sound credible if THEY GOT VAXXED also/anyway.
1938   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 3:55pm  

WineHorror1 says
porkchopexpress says
Darkhorse podcast with Bret Weinstein, and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology.

Steve and Robert were already fully vaccinated, but are now blowing the whistle on how these vaccines are very unsafe for humans. In a nutshell, we now know that the Spike protein, which is toxic, doesn't stay with the cell but breaks off and circulates throughout the body including the brain.

Doesn't sound credible if THEY GOT VAXXED also/anyway.
Why not? They didn't come to these conclusions until after they were vaccinated. In fact, it lends more credibility because it proves they're not anti-vaxx.
1939   Patrick   2021 Jun 13, 3:55pm  

Maybe the got vaxxed before they new the facts.

Even now, most people who got the "vaccine" are in denial about the harms of the "vaccines".
1940   GNL   2021 Jun 13, 3:58pm  

Patrick says
Maybe the got vaxxed before they new the facts.

Even now, most people who got the "vaccine" are in denial about the harms of the "vaccines".

One of them is THE INVENTOR of mRNA technology. How could he not know? Rushed?
1941   Patrick   2021 Jun 13, 4:00pm  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_NNTVJzqtY (very good, but more than 3 hours long, needs a summary - anybody want to reiterate their "three steps to save the world"?)

1 day ago
My father, mid 60s, non smoker, healthily individual 6 days after his second dose of Moderna passed out, broke teeth, split chin and head open. Rushed to ER. They found blood clotting in his lung. Coincidence? The doctors didn’t seem to see a link to his recent vaccination which blew my mind. Here are some blood thinners take care. I am reporting it to Vaers. Keep up the good work fellas!

tanya lea
3 days ago
The man who invented mRNA vaccine technology thinks the data on Ivermectin for COVID is 'very encouraging'. Your move, YouTube.
1942   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 4:10pm  

WineHorror1 says
Patrick says
Maybe the got vaxxed before they new the facts.

Even now, most people who got the "vaccine" are in denial about the harms of the "vaccines".

One of them is THE INVENTOR of mRNA technology. How could he not know? Rushed?
He doesn't think there's anything wrong with mRNA technology in general, it's that these particular mRNA vaccines allow the Spike protein to flow throughout the body....that's the kicker. Because it was rushed and there were no animal trials, it's truly still in the experimental phase and they're finding shit out as they go.
1943   Patrick   2021 Jun 13, 4:12pm  

The "vaccine" is 50 times more likely to kill children than the virus itself is.

1945   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 4:34pm  

Here is the UK report that just came out on June 10th stating that the vaccines are unsafe for human consumption and recommends to the UK government that the program should be halted for all cohorts until further investigation is performed:
1946   Patrick   2021 Jun 13, 5:16pm  

porkchopexpress says
Bureaucrats are ignoring the data while people are dying and suffering.

The bureaucrats are all captured, only slaves to industry now. Slaves to the very industries they are supposed to be regulating.


This long talk has some discussion about how regulatory capture led us into this hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_NNTVJzqtY
1947   GNL   2021 Jun 13, 5:21pm  

Patrick says
porkchopexpress says
Bureaucrats are ignoring the data while people are dying and suffering.

The bureaucrats are all captured, only slaves to industry now. Slaves to the very industries they are supposed to be regulating.


This long talk has some discussion about how regulatory capture led us into this hell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_NNTVJzqtY

Martin Armstrong just wrote a pretty good article https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/future-forecasts/ecm/may-8th-the-turning-point-the-crack-in-confidence/
...we are ruled by the unelected.
1948   Ceffer   2021 Jun 13, 6:01pm  

"Did Danish Soccer Star Christian Ericksen Take Pfizer Vaccine 12 Days Before Collapsing on Field? "

Just another happy camper enjoying the blessings of the miraculous vaccine? If he croaked and the family got no life insurance payout because he 'committed suicide with an experimental procedure', I'm sure they would have been happy, too!
1949   PeopleUnited   2021 Jun 13, 8:05pm  

WineHorror1 says
Martin Armstrong just wrote a pretty good article https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/future-forecasts/ecm/may-8th-the-turning-point-the-crack-in-confidence/
...we are ruled by the unelected.

I think Martin is right, global reset is failing due to loss of credibility by the owners. But they have many more arrows in their quiver of lies and control. Another bio weapon(s), a world war and
/or civil war is likely to be their next play.
1950   porkchopXpress   2021 Jun 13, 8:11pm  

Now if we can just fix our shitty election system so we can vote for people America wants, then hopefully we can root out this corruption and rot.
1951   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 8:26pm  

ThreeBays says
Let's ignore the fact that most of the vaers reports of people who might have died of the vax were also very old and sick.

So you want to kill your sick grandma?

That is sick! Kind of like being ok with Mengele's experiments because, "they were going to die anyway".

A lot of old people got the shot just so they could see their kids and grandkids. A lot of these adult children and coming soon the grandkids, got the jab, "So they don't kill grandma".

Sick propaganda that is going to blow up this years excess deaths. They will probably blame it on CCP mutations instead of natural effects of mRNA agents.
1952   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 8:27pm  

ThreeBays says
Oh but what about the woman who turned magnetic from the vax? So magnetic, she could even attract non-magnetic coins.

Link? Or it's more bullshit.
1953   Onvacation   2021 Jun 13, 9:39pm  


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