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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   355,198 views  5,671 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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2076   Karloff   2021 Jun 18, 9:53pm  

That video is disturbing, blatant, badly done propaganda. I'm not sure what's worse, the inhumane peddlers of this junk, or the moronic zombies that are manipulated by it.

Grande's a Party member in useful standing. No way they charge her for anything.
2077   Ceffer   2021 Jun 19, 11:23am  

It's the same as the Joker using the Macy's Day Parade balloons to distribute poison gas.
2078   Onvacation   2021 Jun 19, 12:41pm  

Karloff says
That video is disturbing, blatant, badly done propaganda.

For real!? I thought it was parody?
2079   SoTex   2021 Jun 19, 3:37pm  

porkchopexpress says
Pilots are up at 30,000 feet WAAAAY more than any passenger, so it could've been the excessive time spent at high altitude in conjunction with the vax-scene

United is close to forcing my cousin (pilot) to get the vax. Currently they are offering 4K bonuses for those that do.

Note about the 30K ceiling time: All of my family that became pilots and who continued on in the airlines, well they started to look very weathered once they reached their 60s. They get a lot of radiation up there.
2083   Patrick   2021 Jun 20, 6:51pm  

Booger says

A MAN'S leg was amputated because of a rare blood clot he suffered three weeks after his first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.
Construction worker Goran D., 50, told reporters in Austria that had severe pain in his leg and "spat blood once or twice".
2084   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 9:06am  


She wants her life back!
2085   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 9:25am  


"we have never successfully tried MRNA technology on animals". So they skipped the animal tests.
2086   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 9:28am  

2088   Karloff   2021 Jun 21, 1:45pm  

76th annual Golden Globe awards, Jan 2019. They give out "surprise" flu shots to the audience. More predictive programming.

2089   Karloff   2021 Jun 21, 5:15pm  

WHO changes stance, no longer recommends vaccine for those under 18.

"Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.

There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines."

2091   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 9:29pm  


Anecdote ends at 0:40
2093   Onvacation   2021 Jun 21, 10:31pm  


and counting...
2094   Patrick   2021 Jun 21, 11:02pm  

Given that a couple of us on here already personally know of probable "vaccine" deaths, I'd bet that the real toll from the "vaccine" is at least 50,000 dead in the US so far.
2095   WookieMan   2021 Jun 22, 2:39am  

Patrick says
Given that a couple of us on here already personally know of probable "vaccine" deaths, I'd bet that the real toll from the "vaccine" is at least 50,000 dead in the US so far.

Met two of my buddies in Denver. One got the vax. I asked why. Didn’t have a logical answer. The stats on a 38 year old dying from it are zilch.

His excuse was he has to run his business. He knows maybe 5-6 of the same people I know that got covid. Loss of smell/taste and sinus infection at worst. He said he was worried about missing 2 weeks of work. I’m like wtf are you talking about. We know the same people that got it and were totally fine.

His wife is a nurse, so that’s probably a contributing factor. Nurses piss me off lately. I ask them why they didn’t wear mask for other viruses previous to this one. Crickets. They tend to have an attitude that the general populous can’t know anything medical based on their own research and fact finding.
2098   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 12:06pm  


Man has leg amputated after suffering rare very common blood clot three weeks after first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine.

Funny how even the articles reporting the epidemic of blood clots are forced to lie and claim that they are rare.
2099   WookieMan   2021 Jun 22, 12:47pm  

Patrick says
Funny how even the articles reporting the epidemic of blood clots are forced to lie and claim that they are rare.

You have to go to alternative media sources to get any real info. Sure they could be lying too. But when the major networks are regurgitating the same thing over and over, one has to question. Which everyone should but doesn't.

I always ask people, would you take something that has never even been tested (it basically wasn't in traditional methods), and that wasn't approved by the FDA. Ignore covid existing. My answer is no outside of naturally occurring supplements that the FDA already knows about, which is generally everyone's answer in the past. I mean Vitamin D is what it is. Zinc is what it is. A known commodity. Even vitamins have been tested extensively on animals.

So people listen to the government and get vaccinated and wear masks when said government can't verify safety or effectiveness. I'm younger, but has there always been no logic with people or is this something new? Maybe I'm the wrong one. Up is down.
2100   Ceffer   2021 Jun 22, 12:48pm  

There is no such thing as 'fully vaxxed'. There is only 'preliminary vaxxed, subject to Globalist revisions'. Just like good torturers, they will release the tourniquet around your neck to revive you for more torture. They just give you a few of your stolen privileges and rights back temporarily until they decide you need more jabs for their agenda.

These 'old vaxxes', whatever they do to your body, have expiration dates and they will withdraw and dangle your freedoms again to 'vax' you and cattle tattoo you as much as they want. They have already done this serial 'relax and resume' torture in California.

As with all psychopathic, centrally mandated schemes, pilots dying mid-air of brain clots was a slightly unanticipated glitchy-poo.

Can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs. Just your bad luck, you're the egg.
2101   mich   2021 Jun 22, 12:50pm  

YIKES https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPoCAqlg35/

Dr Byram Bridle (vaccinologist, professor, physician) was censored today livestream Parliamentary Press Conference as he cautioned about myocarditis experienced by some children, the inappropriate studies and modelling pertaining to the jab, and how it behaves in the body as it is encased in ANTIFREEZE causing it to bypass the lymph nodes.
2102   GNL   2021 Jun 22, 2:48pm  

WookieMan says
I'm younger, but has there always been no logic with people or is this something new? Maybe I'm the wrong one. Up is down.

Don't lose your sanity. You're not wrong.
2103   Onvacation   2021 Jun 22, 3:52pm  

Ceffer says
dangle your freedoms again to 'vax' you

I often listen to KCBS or the "Black" Information Network on the radio while I am driving. I like to know what the communists are up to.

The way they talk vax passports are a done deal; they just have to finish the app and get the final vaccine "resisters" to take the jab.
2104   GNL   2021 Jun 22, 4:43pm  

2105   Onvacation   2021 Jun 22, 4:49pm  

I've noticed a lot of cryptic words online lately; Words like that above "VA.X!.NATED".

Does that avoid "fact checkers" or something?
2106   mell   2021 Jun 22, 5:42pm  

Onvacation says
I've noticed a lot of cryptic words online lately; Words like that above "VA.X!.NATED".

Does that avoid "fact checkers" or something?

Yep (bots mostly)
2107   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 6:11pm  

That's a pretty effective image imho.
2108   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 8:06pm  


COVID-19 Vaccine Linked to Another Rare Blood Disease: Israeli Study
Researchers stress that the study shouldn't deter people from getting the vaccine

BY JACK PHILLIPS June 22, 2021
Israeli researchers on Monday said that they discovered a link between Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and a rare blood disease called thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP).

Don't worry, all these side effects are "rare".

Or are they actually pretty common? How can we know?
2109   GNL   2021 Jun 22, 8:06pm  

Patrick says
That's a pretty effective image imho.

I'm aspiring to Boogers high quality meme standards. I hope to match his abilities one day.
2110   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 8:06pm  


Twitter Locks News Site’s Account for Report on Teen Boy Dying After Getting Vaccine
BY JACK PHILLIPS June 22, 2021

Twitter locked the account of the National File, a conservative-leaning news website, after it reported on a tweet from a woman who claimed her 13-year-old nephew died after receiving a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
2111   HeadSet   2021 Jun 22, 8:22pm  

WineHorror1 says
I'm aspiring to Boogers high quality meme standards.

Yep, Booger really knows how to pick 'em.
2112   Blue   2021 Jun 22, 10:13pm  

Some employers start discriminating if not get jab
2113   Patrick   2021 Jun 22, 10:19pm  


NFL Player Says He Would Rather Retire Than Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Buffalo Bills player Cole Beasley has made clear his stance on the NFL’s new vaccine protocols, saying he would rather give up playing than get the COVID-19 shots. ...

“I’m not going to take meds for a leg that isn’t broken. I’d rather take my chances with Covid and build up my immunity that way. Eat better. Drink water. Exercise and do what I think is necessary to be a healthy individual. That is MY CHOICE based on MY experiences and what I think is best. I’ll play for free this year to live life how I’ve lived it from day one. If I’m forced into retirement, so be it.”

Other NFL players such as Washington’s Montez Sweat and Carolina quarterback Sam Darnold have also expressed doubt over getting the shots.
2114   WookieMan   2021 Jun 23, 7:41am  

Patrick says
“I’m not going to take meds for a leg that isn’t broken. I’d rather take my chances with Covid and build up my immunity that way. Eat better. Drink water. Exercise and do what I think is necessary to be a healthy individual. That is MY CHOICE based on MY experiences and what I think is best. I’ll play for free this year to live life how I’ve lived it from day one. If I’m forced into retirement, so be it.”

Good take. They're too young to die from Covid. No guarantee if they have unknown health conditions with the vaccine that could flare up, though the NFL is probably pretty stringent on the health front. They're slaves, they just get paid.

The NFL combine before the draft has always reminded me of the slave trade. It's 80% about the physical characteristics of African American males. They then play a game for average of 3 years, get used and generally trash any wealth they gained. And who kept all the money? The owners. I used to love sports, but I see it for what it is at this point.

I prefer individual sports. Golf, tennis, etc. You have to be skilled and not rely on anyone else for your success. I don't really want to ever have to rely on a "team" in anything. There's going to be a dip shit that fucks everything up for others. And sometimes that teammate will pass blame onto others and get away with it. And I get it's necessary for certain things, but just let me do my thing and stay out of the way.
2115   zzyzzx   2021 Jun 23, 9:12am  


Athlete Who Recovered From COVID Facing ‘Very Different Future’ After Second Dose of Pfizer Vaccine Triggers Myocarditis

But, according to his mother, the 19-year-old from Ohio is looking at a very different future now, after he developed severe heart complications following his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

In an exclusive interview with The Defender, Marie Follmer said nobody warned her about the potential for increased risks of COVID vaccine-related adverse events for people like her son, who already had COVID and had acquired natural immunity.

Greyson has played sports since he was 4 years old. He was an athlete who played in the state soccer championship in high school and then went on to OSU and started college during the COVID pandemic. He also joined ROTC his freshman year and was very active — running several miles every day with heavy packs on his back.

Greyson was perfectly healthy and had no underlying conditions except for asthma — which didn’t affect his athletic abilities — and food allergies.

Like most students early on in the year, Greyson and his friends got COVID. Though most had no symptoms, Greyson experienced mild flu symptoms — though they were nothing like his post-vaccine symptoms, Follmer explained.

Greyson received his first dose of Pfizer on April 16, and a second dose on May 7. After the first dose Greyson experienced minor symptoms, but his mother didn’t connect them to the COVID vaccine.

It was after his second dose that things really changed, Follmer said. Greyson experienced significant symptoms shortly after his second dose. Three times he was taken to Nationwide Children’s Emergency Hospital.

“My son feels like he’s having a heart attack 24/7,” Follmer said. “He now has high blood pressure, severe chest pains, back pain, elevated kidney levels, hypothyroidism, inflamed lymph nodes in different areas of his body, and he can’t work or exercise.”

Follmer said Greyson feels like he’s dying and has to sleep all the time. He likely won’t be able to go back to ROTC and doesn’t know if he will be able to return to school in August. Greyson experienced broken feet from soccer and said nothing compares to the chest pain he feels now.

“A perfectly healthy kid has gone downhill,” his mom said.

Doctors initially attributed the heart problems Greyson experienced in May, after the vaccine, to the COVID he had in September 2020. Believing he was a “long-hauler,” they referred her son to the Ohio COVID Clinic.

According to the Harvard Gazette, “COVID long-haulers” is a term used to describe those who continue to feel symptoms of COVID long after the expected recovery time. Patients tend to be younger, and in some cases, initially experienced only mild symptoms.

On June 15, Greyson was taken by emergency medicine services to Ohio Health. Follmer said she knew her son’s symptoms were connected to the Pfizer vaccine, but nobody knew how to help him.

Greyson has seen numerous doctors and specialists. His family has spent more than $12,000 in one month. Lab work is covered by insurance but his other treatments are not. Greyson is doing stem cell treatments, taking Ivermectin and numerous supplements to support his condition.

Doctors project it will take him two years to fully recover, though there’s no research or information on how to treat myocarditis brought on by a COVID vaccine.

In the meantime, Greyson can’t mow the grass, work or go to school. He walks around holding his chest and is in counseling to cope with the effects this has had on his life, his mother said.

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