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I've taken the J&J shot. One and done. I am alive and well and are scheduling pool parties at our house!
Bitcoin saysI've taken the J&J shot. One and done. I am alive and well and are scheduling pool parties at our house!
Isn't the J&J one the least objectionable one?
Why do you think vaccine is more dangerous long term than covid?
Please don't turn this thread into yet another G36/Bitcoin vs WookieMan battle royale.
Bitcoin - stop trolling dude or more and more people will just keep ignoring you, including me, and I share your passion for crypto.
Bitcoin vs WookieMan
" Literally injecting foreign genetic material to take over the machinery of your body has never been done on a mass scale before."
That's the definition of a virus. That's literally what covid is... it's even more sinister than that. It's mutated to sneakily bypass our bodies natural foreign body barriers. This is what I mean about the virus is literally worse than the injection, and by definition, it is subject to replication mutation. These are all ways in which actually viruses are worse and bad, which is why I'm trying to understand if people are forgetting this.
Both things are risks, and are taking over your body's machinery to produce a design of its choice. In the human case, it is non-replicating, and generating a protein to illicit an immune response to fight the one that actually takes over machinery and self replicates, causes respiratory damage, potentially mutates, and spreads to other potentially vulnerable people just by getting close to them...
That's the definition of a virus.
I wanted to pause for a bit after tpb s announcement about his mom. You guys keep bringing up that you dont know what side effects there may be from this potentially nefarios biological agent. Im trying to understand if you all think it is more likely unintended vs intended side effects you are worried about. And the other thing im trying to understand is no one knows long term side effects of covid either. Why do you think vaccine is more dangerous long term than covid??? Covid may have come from a chinese lab too!!!We're all getting Covid regardless of whether you get the vaccine or not. It's endemic to the world population. So, we'll all be dealing with any long-term issues that Covid may create. Now the question is, do you trust your natural immune system (plus therapeutics) to fight Covid adequately, or do you want the vaccine to help you fight it? I've already had Covid and recovered just fine, so I know my body can handle it. If you don't think you're body can handle it and think the risk of the vaccine will be less, go for it. Everything is a gamble right now.
So the vaccine may have a 1 in 40000 fataliry rate vs covid w 1 in 1500... why wouldnt side effect chances follow this pattern? Dont need science... just what is your take on that...?
It's already mutating, so we know that more mutations are coming the more people are infected... why not reduce yourself as an infection pathway with a chance of mutation?Granted, I'm no scientist but wouldn't a strong natural immune system that is more comprehensive in its response to a virus provide less of a pathway to mutation than a very one-dimensional vaccine that makes it easier for a virus to mutate? We should be giving people immunity packs like they have in India to boost natural responses. The vaccine does not stop infection...I already know several people who have been infected, gotten sick and infected others with more than 2-3 weeks of their 2nd dose. It is NOT some silver bullet that so many people think it is. If people loaded up on Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, Ivermectin, etc., I bet their ability to handle the virus would be as good or better than some experimental vaccine.
This is very different from a deliberate mass injection of foreign mRNA by piercing your skin and shooting it directly into your bloodstream.Spot on, especially when the FDA, CDC, etc. were demonizing real therapeutics just so they could get emergency FDA authorization, which requires no viable therapeutics to obtain. The fact that they pulled that bullshit makes me VERY skeptical as to why they're pushing so hard to inject everyone for a virus that we can easily manage with the proper supplementation/medication.
It just feels very very wrong to me, especially because I there is a large profit motive and very little testing.
We're all getting Covid regardless of whether you get the vaccine or not. It's endemic to the world population. So, we'll all be dealing with any long-term issues that Covid may create.
Why would you want Covid (just a question of when not if) and not the vaccine?Because millions of people already had Covid and most got through it just fine and have natural immunity. If you haven't had Covid, then it's up to you as to which path carries more risk.
If you don't think you're body can handle it and think the risk of the vaccine will be less, go for it. Everything is a gamble right now.
This thing could easily mutate to a form not covered with current vaccines.. and then it can get deadlier as wellAs I've mentioned earlier, I believe natural immunity has less of a chance of causing a virus to mutate than a one-dimensional vaccine that only attacks the Spike protein. I'm not saying don't do the vaccine, but I believe only "at risk" people should do it and then we bolster health people's immune systems with therapeutics and supplementation to allow nature to fight the virus. Just my belief.
If this was the case, we wouldn't have 500k oldsters dead
Bitcoin saysWhy would you want Covid (just a question of when not if) and not the vaccine?Because millions of people already had Covid and most got through it just fine and have natural immunity
Aids is just a virus too, right? What did it mutate from before it was AIDS?
Although you are right in that there is strong evidence that the initial viral load exposure seems to have an impact on the severity of a given infection due to the replication multiplier getting that many more times of the virus into your system for your immune cells to deal with... With mRNA.. yet another problem that doesn't exist....no replication...
Bitcoin saysThose people that push that BS also believe in 9/11It was an inside job lol
Sure, there are many viruses and always have been.Exactly. We’re not anti vaxx, just anti experimental vaxx.
But there has never before been a mass experiment on the public with non-FDA approved injection of foreign genetic material for profit.
What should we be more afraid of is the question.
If it were a proper vaccine (just fragments of protein) I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it.
In a word, no. That's why we get the flu still. That's why AIDS exists. Look what we did with Polio.. Now people are refusing polio vaccine, simply because they don't see first hand what polio actually did to people.Apples and oranges. Different kinds of viruses.
"Also the antibodies produced against the spike protein deteriorate quickly"
I appreciate that you're looking at the data and actual information around this. I'm glad we can actually have refreshing and engaging conversations on topics like this, and get different viewpoints where people are "constructively arguing". It's one of the things I love about patnet ...
On this particular point you are correct. The same thing happens though with normal viral antibodies, or "normal vaccine" antibodies. The antibodies themselves deteriorate, but memory T cells seem to encode the antibody encoding for long term defense. Initial results seem to be promising that the mRNA sourced antibody response shares this property.
But you're 100% right, and there isn't yet long term efficacy data.. so I appreciate what you are saying is a possibility...
But it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.
mell saysBut it seems paramount to me to defeat this via natural herd immunity first and foremost as it will almost guaranteed become endemic and linger.
You can't make money doing that though. It's coming to an end in my opinion, hopefully around June. Masks are here to stay in urban areas unfortunately. Vaccines are here to stay. It will mostly go back to normal though I think.
Mission was accomplished. Got the puppet in and Trump out.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.