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Booger saysCeffer saysDoctor pressures patient big time to get vax or be terminated as patient.
I'd tell the doctor to fuck off and immediately walk out. I'd then contact my insurance company and try to get them in as much trouble with them as I could.
This is true. My mom's doc gave her hell for not getting the jab. Shes 73.
Her response was "the treatment you gave me for menopause was what gave me cancer... You told me that was safe 20 years ago."
fella that wears his boots Hopalong Cassidy style.
Maybe only 40% of the population has really submitted to the jab. Could be selection bias for this guy's feed though.
More gaslighting:
"There's so much misinformation out there," said Tiya Curtis-Morris, an emergency and intensive care nurse in southeastern Louisiana. "Maybe if I tell people, and they understand what we deal with everyday ... but they don't want to hear it."
Louisiana's governor reinstituted a mask mandate this week as the state set new daily hospitalization records and Curtis-Morris has been urging Facebook friends to wear them.
She is more careful discussing vaccines, saying she understands why some people are hesitant. The 46-year-old single mother of four daughters is vaccinated but held off until recently in having her younger children inoculated, in consultation with their pediatrician. Her mother has thus far refused, citing fears of side effects.
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
"The largest decrease in hesitancy between January and May by education group was in those with a high school education or less. Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a Ph.D.); by May Ph.D.’s were the most hesitant group."
Researchers Identify Groups Hesitant About COVID-19 Vaccine
Pitt and CMU researchers found that COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy decreased by one-third this year, but some groups remain strongly reluctant.
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
Based scientists
Nancy4 🆃🅸🅼🅴🅻🅴🆂🆂 🇺🇸
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
Not hesitant in any way—dead set against it.
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
PharmD candidate here. What's happening is complete madness...
Not hesitant at all, it is a big NO!
Amber Shute
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
An MIT study also found the majority of the hesitant are educated and basing decisions on reliable data.
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
Finally, I'm not being labeled as an idiot. A BIG FAT NO for me - I did my research!
Weary Times
Replying to @jacleena @RWMaloneMD
Makes sense.
I haven't seen a single white paper, video conference of doctors or link to VAERS from the so-called "heroes of science" this whole time. It wasn't until I finally dove into the vax hesitancy side of things I started to see hard science being shared.
@richwicks there are actually 2 Delta variants. The company I work for just made panels for both of them.
As has been discussed on patnet before: There are lots of bugs that we can't culture but you can tell they are there by sequencing their genomes.
Think of it like this: You can't SEE a micro computer but you can READ it's software.
That being said, I'm inclined to believe the Ds area result of mass vaccinations with leaky (non-sterilizing) vaccines. RNA viruses are instable as hell and mutate like motherfuckers. I think there are ~4K variants out there right now. The vaccines are a monumentally stupid (evil-greed more likely) idea.
We should have kept them for the very old and the very sick, not locked down, let the younger people go back to their lives early on, then after reaching herd immunity and after we have REAL vaccines include them in childhood vaccinations. We also should have rolled out cheap existing repurposed antivirals.
This says the numbers include international reports. I thought Europe alone had over 20,000 deaths.
@richwicks there are actually 2 Delta variants. The company I work for just made panels for both of them.
As has been discussed on patnet before: There are lots of bugs that we can't culture but you can tell they are there by sequencing their genomes.
Think of it like this: You can't SEE a micro computer but you can READ it's software.
That being said, I'm inclined to believe the Ds are a result of mass vaccinations with leaky (non-sterilizing) vaccines. RNA viruses are instable as hell and mutate like motherfuckers. I think there are ~4K variants out there right now. The vaccines are a monumentally stupid (evil-greed more likely) idea.
We should have kept them for the very old and the very sick, not locked down, let the younger people go back to their lives early on, then after reaching herd immunity and after we have REAL vaccines include them in childhood vaccinations. We also should have rolled out cheap existing repurposed antivirals.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.