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Bohemian Atmosphere
Feb 25, 2022
Marvin Gaye would be asking what’s going on, Amy Winehouse would be asking what kind of fuckery is this and the Velvet Underground would be beginning to see the light. And what do we have now? Vaccine passports for a Foo Fighters gig ffs, Kurt must be turning in his grave.
Patrick says
Just to be fair, I think this was fabricated.
There's people warning that going to the dentist will lead to mrna injection.
A renowned biochemist has testified before the South Carolina Senate that he has uncovered evidence showing that every dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine is spiked with billions of pieces of DNA.
The explosive testimony was given by cancer genomics expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults. ...
“This DNA, in my view, it could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest.
“This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix … we do this in the lab all the time; we take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex like the Pfizer vaccine is in, we pour it onto cells and a lot of it gets into the cells.
“And a lot of it gets into the DNA of those cells and it becomes a permanent fixture of the cell.
“It’s not just a temporary thing,” Buckhaults warned.
“It is in that cell from now on and all of its progeny from now on and forever more …
He recommended that some vaccinated people be tested to see if the plasmid DNA is integrating into their genomes.
This harm you can prove, he said.
Other vaccine harms can be difficult to prove due to the timing.
Since vaccines seek to provoke the immune system into creating an immune response, unintended immune responses to vital human tissues are one of the most common significant side effects of vaccination
When the COVID-19 vaccine campaign started, many were concerned that the experimental mRNA injections had a variety of unique risks for autoimmunity. Rather than require the manufacturers to properly assess that risk, the vaccines were instead brought to market and then mandated upon the world
Autoimmune complications (like Kelly’s) have become one of the most common side effects of the vaccine, and data shows it afflicts vaccine recipients at a dramatically higher rate than normally seen from a pharmaceutical
This wave of autoimmunity is causing an immense degree of suffering and appears to be inflicting profound damage on the entire economy due to the how many people are being forced into disability because of their new autoimmune disorders
A renowned biochemist has testified before the South Carolina Senate that he has uncovered evidence showing that every dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine is spiked with billions of pieces of DNA.
The explosive testimony was given by cancer genomics expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults. ...
“This DNA, in my view, it could be causing some of the rare, but serious, side effects like death from cardiac arrest.
“This DNA can and likely will integrate into the genomic DNA of cells that got transfected with the vaccine mix … we do this in the lab all the time; we take pieces of DNA, we mix them up with a lipid complex like the Pfizer vaccine is in, we pour it onto cells and a lot of it gets into the cells.
People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees
Study: With each Covid vaccination, healthcare workers get sicker – applying for progressively more leave and taking more analgesic medication after each dose ...
The authors conclude that “COVID-19 vaccination has a non-negligible impact on the staff availability in the health sector” and that it is likely the enhanced immune response to each subsequent jab that is responsible for the escalating symptoms. We’re looking only at acute, immediate reactions to vaccination here – not at injuries or other more serious adverse events. The results of the study are clearly confirmed by the overwhelming disinclination of the general public to accept further vaccination after the booster campaign. Even when everything goes right, the vaccines make a lot of people feel sick, and the effect grows more pervasive and more powerful with each successive jab.
Pathophysiologic Support for the Observation of "Turbo Cancer" after Vaccination ...
As we point out in our book Courage to Face COVID-19, it took over 40 years from when Sir Austin Bradford Hill causally associated smoking with lung cancer until there was capitulation by the medical orthodoxy. Let’s hope the world wide exposure of mRNA and alacrity of modern research can shorten this timeframe.
Here are some reasonable first steps:
Remove all COVID-19 vaccines from human use to reduce any additional exposure
CDC should link vaccine administration data with all government cancer registries
The National Cancer Institute should urgently fund mRNA COVID-19 vaccine cancer research
Vaccinated with prior histories of cancer should make a specific post-vaccination oncology clinic visit to consider reassessment or restaging
Vaccinated with no prior history of malignancy should check to see they are up to date on routine cancer screening (prostate, lung, breast, ovary, uterus, colon).
All vaccinated patients and their doctors should be alert to any change in health status and have a low threshold for clinical investigation
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.