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...the good news is that 50% of “vaccinated” subjects possibly received a “placebo” with non-functional mRNA; the bad news is, the other 50% became long-term S-spike generating machines. How is this possible? Only two ways, according to the study authors: either the mRNA code gets imbedded in your cells’ DNA, or in the DNA of the bacteria that you permanently host. Either way, you have a lasting (or permanent?) fountain of PP-Spike inside of you.
North Dakota Senator Doug Larsen Was Just Killed In A Utah Plane Crash Along With His Wife & 2 Kids
Senator Larsen Advocated & Supported A Bill for The Long Term Health Effects of mRNA vaccines. Here He Is Sharing A Story Of Cardiac Death From The Vaccine
Just A “Coincidence”
The COVID-19 mass vaccination campaign, which was implemented in the midst of an active pandemic, has placed great sub-optimal1 population-level immune pressure on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. ...
This suboptimal population-level immune pressure is responsible, predictably, for the natural selection and dominant propagation of a vast array and continuing succession of increasingly infectious new “immune escape” variants---e.g. the many Omicron variants. As the COVID-19 vaccines are directed at spike protein and as spike protein is responsible for viral infectivity, highly vaccinated populations exert immune selection pressure on viral infectiousness. This explains why these newly emerging variants are more and more infectious.
When individuals received COVID-19 vaccination prior to experiencing productive natural infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus, their immune status became abnormal, particularly if a mRNA vaccine was used. ...
The suboptimal population-level immune pressure will inevitably (and soon) lead to the natural selection and rapid propagation of an immune escape variant (or variants) that is able to overcome the key virulence-inhibiting measure that the immune system of vaccinated individuals has been using to protect vaccinees from severe disease and death...
In the case of highly vaccinated individuals, especially if they did not experience productive natural infection prior to vaccination, we should be prepared for the possibility that the illness will unfold as follows: Because their immune system will have very little capacity (at either the cell-based innate immunity level or the adaptive immunity level) to control the virus, they will probably quickly become overwhelmingly infected, in the upper respiratory tract (URT), lower respiratory tract (LRT), and possibly other internal organs. ...
COVID Vaccines Damage ALL Hearts, Study Finds
Mold infested air where Covid "vaccine" ingredients are made for Moderna and Pfizer
Mold infested air where Covid "vaccine" ingredients are made for Moderna and Pfizer
Toxicologist Dr. Janci Lindsay: "These are contaminated, dangerous, lethal products"
Oct. 1st, 2023 12:52pm
SC Senate Hearing - Dr. Janci Lindsay
DESCRIPTION: "Dr. Janci Lindsay testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC."
Hat tip: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/sc-senate-hearing-dr-janci-lindsay
SENATOR TOM CORBIN: Next is Dr. Janci Lindsay. I hope you can—
DR. JANCI LINDSAY: I hope you realize what a hero this man is [referring to previous speaker, Dr. Phillip Buckhaults]*
DR. JANCI LINDSAY: I have spoken with many scientists about checking for this months and months and months ago. None of them would do it. I spoke at the U.S Senate in December of 2022 about the risk of this being passed to our children because of it being reverse transcribed simply from the RNA, before we knew that there was DNA in the shots. As soon as I found out there was DNA in the shots, I went all over every social media platform I could get to and started ringing the alarm bell.
[Loud Music]
[to woman assisting with the set up of the audio visual presentation] Exactly, don't, you don't have to play that at this point. I have little time so I'm going to follow up to what he said, well just show the one, the one slide.
So I disagree with Dr. Buckhaults in that I think that this is the most dangerous platform that has ever been released on mankind. That is very easy to see in the VAERS** database where you have more deaths in just the couple months after the roll-out than you have in the past 30 years for all the other vaccines combined.
[to woman assisting with audio visual presentation] You would have to shrink that and go up. So there we go.
[away from microphone, pointing to slide on screen which is off camera] So these are all the other vaccines for the past 30 years combined. This is what happened, sorry— [back at microphone], and this is what happened during covid to deaths from vaccines.
[SLIDE: Bar chart, reports of death following vaccine by year, 1990-2023.]
[screenshot of slide]
Do you see? We're at over 35,000 deaths. Typically you would get no more than 200 deaths in a year for all 30 vaccine— or for all of the vaccines combined.
This is the past 30 years of deaths from vaccines reported into the VEARS database. You've already heard earlier that this represents only 1 to 13 percent of the cases that are normally reported. This is a safety signal. This is a safety signal. This is the platform itself, OK?
In the clinical trials we saw deaths. We definitely had deaths. That was used in Process 1, without the contamination, OK? What may not have been clear is that the, the shots tested on the people in the clinical trials were vastly different than the shots tested or given to people released on the population. I'm short on time so I'm trying to fit this in. Basically, people were given in the clinical trial a clean shot. People, everybody else was given these contaminated shots. Every single vial that's been tested by every scientist around the world is contaminated with these plasmids.
And there can, just, some are contaminated when, when Kevin McKernan* first tested the vials, he found that one of the vials contained up to about 30% of the nucleic acid material was in fact DNA. So this is not some residual contamination that's carrying over. This is significant contamination.
Why does that matter? Gene therapy was never brought to market even though it's been over 40 years in development because in the past it caused latent cancers that developed two to four years after these were given, because it caused lethal autoimmune reactions, even when you were producing human proteins, not viral proteins, not bacterial proteins that you are displaying on the surface of your cells.
Think about the logic of this. In traditional gene therapies, and these are gene therapies, they would be classified as gene therapies, in traditional gene therapies you send in a genetic message to make a missing protein. That protein is identical to the protein that should have been in your body, but you're missing. This time we're sending in a sequence and asking it to make a piece of a viral protein and we're displaying it on our cells and then our body is attacking it and killing those cells. It doesn't stay in your arm, they said it would stay in your arm, it goes to every single cell in your body, every tissue in your body, it goes to your brain, it goes to your bone marrow, where then your body is able to attack these cells.
It is not a healthy platform for this. There's a difference between using this technology for cancer or for fixing inborn errors and metabolism, as compared to using it in a vaccine. There you understand the risk. Here the risks were not told to people. What this DNA being present, what Phillip [Buckhaults] did not touch on, is that there are sequences within these plasmids— I personally feel that this is an intentional, I believe that there is nefarious intent.
And I'm going to tell you why, and it's something that he didn't touch on. There are SV40 sequences [clears throat], excuse me, there are there are SV40 sequences within the plasmids that were not disclosed to the regulators. The SV40 sequences, if you'll recall, the SV40 virus was a contaminant of the polio vaccines. It is thought that that contamination of the virus, which is on—, oncogenic, caused many of the cancers for the next several decades from the people, in the people that receive these vaccines.
Now the whole the whole SV40 virus is not in the shots, but what is in the shots is a special sequence, it's called a nuclear localization sequence, which is in the shots to take the plasmid DNA directly to the nucleus of human cells. It is not needed to grow these in bacteria, you would not have to use this to grow it in bacteria for the purpose that they said it was for, to make lots of copies. This sequence takes the DNA to the nucleus of human cells where it can then be integrated or where, as Phillip said, it is most likely to be integrated.
So all this about there's no DNA in the shots, they will not go to the nucleus, they will not integrate with your DNA, is not true. And they knew it from the beginning because they knew the plasmids were there.
That's a problem.
There's also an SV40 promoter only designed to be expressed in human cells, not bacteria cells.
Now Phillip has checked in something he didn't say, which is good news for people— Dr. Buckhaults, I keep saying Phillip— which is good news for people, is that most of the sequences were broken. Had they been intact, and if there are any that are intact, and this is something he should have said, we have to check, they can infect the E. coli in your gut. That's what they're designed to do, to infect the E. co—, to, to infect E. coli, which means you can be a perpetual spike factory because they're self-replicating and they would self-replicate in the bacteria of your gut and then make spike over and over and over again.
That's a problem.
They also carry an antibiotic resistant gene cassette to kanamysin and neomycin. Kanamycin is the main antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis. Neomycin is another antibiotic that's widely used. People that receive these, if it transfects the E. coli in your gut, it can make the, your gut and other bacteria not just that, it can make them resistant to those antibiotics. That is a huge, huge risk. And it's something that's known for plasmids, it's something that they've, they're careful to make sure that you don't have these antibiotic resistance genes if they're making something that should go into gene therapy. And now it's here, now it's present.
I've worked for several months to try to get these shots recalled. Completely recalled. They're dangerous. Excuse me I need to get a drink of water but, um, they're dangerous we're injecting these in our kids. We don't inject contaminated medical products in our kids.
Something Dr. Buckhaults didn't touch on as well, is if there's that much plasmid in the shots, there's a very good chance that there's bacterial endotoxin in the shots, which means bacterial proteins which can cause anaphylaxis and even death. And that may be what caused some of the, the rapid deaths that occurred right after people got these shots.
There's so much more to touch on. We've seen massive cases of miscarriage and stillbirth. Normally during years we wouldn't see more than 25 cases of miscarriage or stillbirth for all the vaccines combined. In 2021 we saw 3,428 cases of stillbirth and miscarriage reported into the VAERS system. Remember, no more than, than 25 typically in a year is normal for all the vaccines combined.
3,428 in 2021. In 2022 we saw 1,525 stillbirths and miscarriage. And in halfway through that year, the FDA, or the CDC said they would stop reporting on, they would stop making all their information public because they did not want to encourage vaccine hesitancy or misinformation or misinterpret—, misinterpretation of the data. So all of a sudden we saw what was, what was going like this [holds hand up, slant up], go like this [hand up, slant down] in February. That's artificial. We can't even trust the data coming out of the, the CDC anymore.
The FDA, the FDA knows about this contamination, they're not doing anything.
I'm sorry this is so rushed, I just wanted to address what Dr. Buckhaults was not able to. He and I have the same degrees, I have a degree in biochemistry and molecular biology and I'm a toxicologist and an expert witness as a profession nationally and internationally.
This is outrageous. I've never seen anything like this in my entire career. We have got to pull these shots and restrict them from our children. We cannot inject these into babies and children. These are contaminated, dangerous, lethal products. I don't agree with Dr. Buckhaults. But I believe that he's just seeing a lot of this data, I feel like he is where we were three years ago.
So that's basically [looks at wristwatch] if I don't leave now, I won't catch my plane. I may not catch it anyway. So.
SENATOR BILLY GARRETT: You had said earlier nefarious. You felt like this was more nefarious than Dr Burkhaults. In what sense are you saying that?
DR. JANCI LINDSAY: The SV40 sequences, they should not be there. They don't need to be there to grow this into bac—, to grow this in bacteria. I don't think it's an accident, they could have chosen another plasmid that did not have the SV40 sequences. If these sequences sit above an oncogene and, and they're promiscuous, that means they are likely to, to integrate in places more likely than other genetic inserts.
[taking a bottle of water] Thank you so much. [drinking water]
Then they can cause cancer. Insertional mutagenesis anyway causes cancer. And that's the risk, that's why gene therapies were not brought to market for so many years, because there was a risk of causing cancer from the insertional mutagenesis.
We never needed these vaccines. We had treatments that worked. One of our doctors here is going to tell you about that. Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, I can tell you, as a toxicologist, they are not toxic. They are, they are some of the safest drugs you can use.
I— There's no reason once the FDA found out about this contamination, OK? And we looked to see endotoxin levels, but they've got them all redacted. Why would you redact them if you were trying to be transparent? Why would you hold the data for 75 years, all of the clinical data for 75 years from these if you were trying to be transparent? Tell me why.
There is something very unusual going on here that is being done differently than it's ever been done before. We don't give experimental products to pregnant women. We don't give experimental products to babies that have a death profile like this. It's not done. It's never been done before.
Please protect your citizens. Please. I am begging you to protect your citizens. We've got to get one state to stand up and do the right thing. Do whatever you can so that other states will follow.
Please protect your citizens. Please. I am begging you to protect your citizens. We've got to get one state to stand up and do the right thing. Do whatever you can so that other states will follow.
National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA) joins the ‘Ban the Jab’ movement and takes a stand against biological warfare against American citizens. Shout out to Brant Frost and the patriots at the National Federation of Republican Assemblies (NFRA). In Orlando Florida on Saturday October 14th, NFRA passed an abbreviated version of the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution that was added to their platform. The text reads as follows:
Ban the Jab: We call on the states to prohibit the sale and distribution of Covid injections and all mRNA injections as they meet the criteria of biological and technological weapons according to 18 USC 175 Ch. 10, as well as state biological weapons laws, and for the various state Attorney Generals to immediately seize all Covid injections and mRNA injections in their respective states and have a forensic analysis conducted.
Founded in 1934, NFRA is the first national political organization to declare C19 and mRNA injections to be biological and technological weapons and call for their ban. The Florida Republican Assembly (FRA) had also passed the ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution back in March. The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida also passed the Ban the Jab resolution a few weeks back.
The first ‘Ban the Jab’ resolution was passed by the Lee County Republican Party on Feb 21st. To date, Lee, Collier, Lake, Santa Rosa, Seminole, Saint Johns, Hillsborough, Brevard, Franklin, and the Indian River County Republican Party have passed the resolution. Counties as far away as Oregon parties have passed it, as has the Idaho Republican Party.
NFRA describes itself as:
a grassroots organization committed to helping our state Republican Assemblies reform the Republican Party to achieve their goal of a constitutional government. If you believe in small government, lower taxes, free market capitalism, a strong defense, the right to life, and Constitutional values, then the NFRA is for you.
Our aim is to Reclaim the Republican Party for Conservatives, Reform the Party back to its Conservative Values, and Restore Republicans faith in the GOP. We don't need a third party. We need to return the Republican Party to its pro-Constitution roots.
💉 The Hill ran an unintentionally hilarious bit of backfiring pharma propaganda yesterday while desperately trying to short up Pfizer’s stock, capped with a blithely ironic and self-parodying headline, “Why do I feel sick after getting the flu shot, COVID booster?”
The answer to the headline’s rhetorical question suggests itself. Because it MAKES you sick, that’s why. But that article was even funnier than that and ultimately could even have been a stealth anti-jab piece. Sadly for the Hill, to maintain credibility it was forced to use all kinds of weasel language, and admit some uncomfortable facts, since everyone now knows the shots are perfectly awful, and their ever-waning efficacy can only be detected using the Hubble Telescope on a good day.
The article starts by answering its headlined question — by posing another question, presumably something that dark government propagandists surfaced in some CIA focus group. The Hill thinks some folks might be wondering why they get sick after the shots, but not their friends, who brag on social media they didn’t even need a band-aid or have a sore arm.
This will shock you. But the simple answer to the puzzle of why the shots make some people sick but not others is: they have no idea. The establishment scientists, once so confident about everything covid and 100% sure about the safety and efficacy of the jabs, now find themselves suddenly and regretfully helpless as vaccine-injured babies. ...
As if we all haven’t heard it a hundred times now, their ridiculous lie is that the shots are working when they give you symptoms of the disease — but the benefit is it’s not the actual disease. It’s kind of like taking the polio shot and becoming paralyzed. The good thing is you weren’t really paralyzed by polio, not per se. Your frigid, motionless body proves the polio shot is working.
Of course, here in the real world, on Planet Earth, we perceive that the symptoms are just what we are trying to avoid. The pro-pharma scientists’ finer distinctions about degrees of severity are quite lost on most of us, which may be part of the reason uptake is only 2%.
Or, it could be all the side effects they are willing or required to admit at this point. ...
And even though the so-called doctor claimed the shots “make sure” you don’t get seriously ill, the Hill immediately followed that quote clarifying the shots only “reduce a person’s risk” of getting seriously ill. You might have to look at it twice to notice what they did there, but a reader’s subconscious easily notes the discrepancy.
They wrote a whole pro-jab article and those few sentences were all they could stitch together to try to sell us on the damned things. They can’t say it will keep you from catching covid or the flu. They can’t say it will help create herd immunity. They can’t even say it will stop you from getting very sick or dying. The best they got is it will “reduce your risk” of getting sick or dying. They can’t even say by how much. It will reduce your risk by a mysterious, unknown and unknowable amount.
I think this might be why booster uptake is only 2%.
The once-heralded vaccine biotechnology officially died last week after a long illness. Maybe myocarditis or Type 1 diabetes. Could have been a shingles infection. Or possibly just a mix of uselessness and nasty side effects.
Dr. Mandy Cohen, the director of the Centers for Disease Control, accidentally announced mRNA’s passing on Friday on X (aka Twitter). Wearing a blue dress and her trademark vapid smile, Dr. Cohen admitted barely 1 out of 50 Americans have received the new mRNA Omicron booster.
Hours later, Pfizer confirmed the death, saying it will write off nearly $1 billion in mRNA jab inventory because of weak demand. Pfizer expects the market for shots to be one-third smaller than it predicted just weeks ago - though its new estimate still appears too high.
💉 The Hill ran an unintentionally hilarious bit of backfiring pharma propaganda yesterday while desperately trying to short up Pfizer’s stock, capped with a blithely ironic and self-parodying headline, “Why do I feel sick after getting the flu shot, COVID booster?”
The answer to the headline’s rhetorical question suggests itself. Because it MAKES you sick, that’s why. But that article was even funnier than that and ultimately could even have been a stealth anti-jab piece. Sadly for the Hill, to maintain credibility it was forced to use all kinds of weasel language, and admit some uncomfortable facts, since everyone now knows the shots are perfectly awful, and their ever-waning efficacy can only be detected using the Hubble Telescope on a good day.
The article starts by answering its headlined question — by posing another question, presumably something that dark government propagandists surfaced in some CIA focus group. The Hill thinks some folks might be wondering why they get sick after the shots, but not their friends, who brag on social media they didn’t even need a band-aid or have a sore arm.
. . .
I think this might be why booster uptake is only 2%
My sister in law just got her first case of COVID-19. Rabid masker and jabber she got infected anyway. Her husband, who has had the virus, took the latest booster in an attempt to avoid re-infection. He caught it anyway.
I made the comment, "looks like the vaxx doesn't work!" I got the expected, "It would have been worse if I hadn't been jabbed."
Will they ever learn?
💉 The Epoch Times ran a story last week headlined, “COVID-19 Vaccines 'May Trigger' Rheumatic Inflammatory Diseases: Study.”
The story reported on a new meta-review study published in the journal Vaccines titled, New-Onset Rheumatic Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Following SARS-CoV-2 Vaccinations until May 2023: A Systematic Review.
The study tried to downplay the significance of meta-review of 190 published case studies including 271 patients, mostly by invoking the large number of total shots given and noting that a lot of vaccine injured people responded to treatment. But Epoch searched VAERS and found that RIMID (Rheumatic Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases) cases were second only to myocarditis in the volume of reports.
RIMID happens when joints, tendons, muscles, and bones are inflamed due to an unknown cause. Common types include arthritis, lupus, and vasculitis. Vasculitis was the most common post-jab type in the study, and presented in all kinds of ways. For instance, one patient developed inflamed arteries in his head and went blind in his left eye from restricted blood flow to his optical nerve.
The evil genius of the shots is the vast array of ways it injures people, which allows it to hide like a family of deadly vaccine lions creeping around in a sea of data grass. No one type of injury amounts to a clear proportion of recipients, allowing medial liars to claim injuries are rare. The awful significance of the aggregate risk only becomes obvious once you start adding the different categories together.
That’s about when the white-coated pretenders suddenly start pretending they can’t do basic addition.
Anyway, the most significant finding in the RIMID meta-study was the authors conviction that the new auto-immune injuries were probably caused by the shots. "The short time span between COVID-19 vaccine administration and the onset of R-IMIDs suggests the potential possibility of a cause-and-effect relationship," the authors carefully concluded.
The researchers were left baffled at what the mechanism of injury from the safe and effective shots might be. They were baffled, even though everyone knows the mRNA transfects billions or trillions of previously healthy cells causing the body to start nuking itself from orbit. The horrible lottery jab takers play seems to be related to where the mRNA mostly winds up, and how much they still needed those transfected cells.
The researchers were left baffled at what the mechanism of injury from the safe and effective shots might be.
CDC Says Some People Might Need a Longer Needle For Their Next Vaccine
CDC Says Some People Might Need a Longer Needle For Their Next Vaccine
After Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot has been found to be contaminated with foreign DNA, researchers and scientists around the world are sounding the alarm
In September of 2020 it was well known and advertised that BioNtech intentionally chose lipid nanoparticles that would migrate away from the injection site and into the lymph nodes and beyond.
In 2020, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin proudly announced, "...we chose lipid nanoparticles that promote migration from the muscle cells into the lymph nodes."
After Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot has been found to be contaminated with foreign DNA, researchers and scientists around the world are sounding the alarm
Patrick says
After Pfizer’s mRNA Covid shot has been found to be contaminated with foreign DNA, researchers and scientists around the world are sounding the alarm
IMO, it is important to understand if ALL Phizer shots were contaminated. In the history of shot taking, am I supposed to believe no other shots have ever been contaminated? Also, if someone is using the word "contaminated", I assume it means not purposeful.
Dr. Peter McCullough Gives Expert Testimony on the Safety and Efficacy of the COVID-19 Vaccines
"Not safe for human use."
Renowned cardiologist Peter McCullough, MD testified before the Arizona State Senate on Friday, October 20, 2023, regarding the safety and efficacy of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. McCullough concluded that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are not safe for human use. Here are a few other talking points from Dr. McCullough's one-hour testimony:
FDA Approval Process Concerns: Dr. McCullough believes the FDA approval process for the Pfizer vaccine was flawed and failed, especially with regard to cardiovascular risks.
Organizations Against Vaccines: Dr. McCullough highlighted that the World Council for Health and the Association of American Physician and Surgeons have both called for the removal of all COVID-19 vaccines from the market.
State Action: Dr. McCullough noted that states like Idaho and Florida are considering actions to address vaccine concerns if the federal government does not. He advocated for states' rights and responsibilities in handling vaccine safety in their own hands.
Long COVID Syndrome and Vaccine Concerns: Dr. McCullough believes that a majority of long COVID cases are a result of the vaccine rather than the virus itself, and criticizes the Biden administration's approach and research spending on long COVID, calling it the biggest waste of a billion dollars on medical research he's ever seen.
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.