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2021 Mar 30, 8:11am   393,278 views  5,718 comments

by joshuatrio   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Anyone get vaxxed?

I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.

Anyone else?

Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?

And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?

I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.

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5552   richwicks   2024 Feb 19, 5:10pm  

Patrick says


I think this is just empty threat mongering. There's no money in making a vaccine of any sort that works in food, so there's no incentive to do it. If it's designed to kill off the population, there's easier ways to poison the population and this wouldn't just poison people, it would poison animals as well and it wouldn't be controllable.
5555   Patrick   2024 Feb 20, 8:03pm  


Covid mRNA Vaccinated Emit Strange Fluorescent Glow under UV Light

New research has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after it revealed that people who have received Covid mRNA shots emit a strange fluorescent glow under certain ultraviolet (UV) light.

The glow appears as tiny dots on the skin that appear to move around on their own.

The disturbing discovery was made by Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea.

Her work is shown through scientific testing and backed up by government and NGO documentation.

New research shows that those who received the Covid shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nano-meters.

Those who have been exposed to shedding emit this glow around their nose, the research reveals.

After his wife was coerced into getting the Covid shot, PhD Justin Coy began his own research.

He found that the more shots a person received, the more they glowed under UV light.

The glow can be seen initially around the nose, and over time spreads throughout the entire face and into the neck.

After a hot shower, filaments are expelled through the skin of the vaxxed.

These filaments also emit a glow under UV light.

These filaments not only glow but they have been shown to move on their own in spastic movements.

And they are also attracted to people.

In videos, they can be seen trying to latch onto a finger.

And when a person who has received the shot has dry skin, these expelled filaments will become airborne.

This could explain how shedding occurs from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed.

The Pfizer trial documents stated that an unvaxxed individual in close proximity to someone who’s been vaxxed can be infected by inhalation and skin contact.

According to a report from Infowars, the evidence shows that humanity has been infected with cutting-edge surveillance nanotechnology through the mass vaccination of the public with Covid shots.

In 2008 a biological nanotechnology pesticide designed to kill the Brown Moth in the state of California was deployed and appears to have included the same sort of fluorescent invisible microdye that we see in scientific research.

Doctor Hildegarde Staninger tested individuals exposed to this nano-tech pesticide and found that a glow could be detected in their eyes under UV light.

Dr. Staninger called this the Eye of Horus effect due to its similar appearance.

Staninger claimed it was due to the use of fluorescent thiocyanate in the pesticide.

According to the literature, thiocyanate would have been used to track the effectiveness of the dispersal.

This idea has been around for decades.

The Institute for National Security Studies, Nonlethal Weapons: Terms and References, published in 1997, discusses an invisible infrared dye that is visible under UV light so that rioters can be later identified.

Justin Coy points out how the genetic code for Luciferase, a bio-luminescent enzyme found in nature, is included in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines along with SV40, which could theoretically allow the Luciferase to be written into the genetics of the recipient.

OK, this sounds completely nuts. But who knows? It was so damn weird they way that the evil powers that be demanded that everyone get injected.
5556   richwicks   2024 Feb 20, 8:58pm  

Patrick says

Covid mRNA Vaccinated Emit Strange Fluorescent Glow under UV Light

I'm very doubtful. This is the source:


If this was true, the spectrum would be reported on, and people would be able to verify themselves, for one. The quality of the video is very low, and it is presented in the same what that other bullshit is.

Alex Jones has sold out the last of his soul a while ago with the 1 trillion dollar or whatever judgement he was given. He's gone over entirely.
5558   Patrick   2024 Feb 24, 11:52am  


Leading clinicians have announced that, despite claims from top health officials and the corporate media, documents from the FDA and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have provided proof that “vaccine shedding” is “unfortunately real.”

Vaccine shedding is a process of the body releasing viral particles from their own shot and spreading it to others.

This issue has raised concerns that people who have chosen not to be vaccinated are having the Covid mRNA shots passed onto them from vaxxed people, against their will.

The topic of COVID-19 vaccine shedding has long been controversial.

The corporate media, pharmaceutical, and health officials have long insisted that vaccine shedding is just a “conspiracy theory.”

However, doctors have now come forward and alleged that the authorities have long been aware of it.

“Shedding is unfortunately real,” Dr. Pierre Kory said this month at the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) conference in Phoenix, Arizona.

“The FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) knows that.”
5559   stereotomy   2024 Feb 25, 10:09am  

Patrick says

Leading clinicians have announced that, despite claims from top health officials and the corporate media, documents from the FDA and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have provided proof that “vaccine shedding” is “unfortunately real.”

Vaccine shedding is a process of the body releasing viral particles from their own shot and spreading it to others.

This issue has raised concerns that people who have chosen not to be vaccinated are having the Covid mRNA shots passed onto them from vaxxed people, against their will.

I experienced this myself once the "back to work" drive started happening. I, a pureblood, had to sit in a room with nearly a hundred vaxxed coworkers. The next day, I started feeling symptoms.

Now that I'm back 3 days a week, I start the Q + zinc cocktail a day before I have to go in, maybe with a little ivermectin thrown in if it's flu season.

The VAIDs population is huge, there's been cold/flu after cold/flu, interspersed with some nasty GI bugs just for good measure. I'm rapidly depleting my ivermectin horde.
5563   richwicks   2024 Feb 27, 5:32pm  

stereotomy says

The VAIDs population is huge, there's been cold/flu after cold/flu, interspersed with some nasty GI bugs just for good measure. I'm rapidly depleting my ivermectin horde.

It's easily obtainable as a dewormer for horses. It's the same drug, just be very careful with dosage.
5565   GNL   2024 Feb 28, 1:17pm  

Patrick says

5568   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 2, 5:26pm  

GNL says

Science says that men can get pregnant? How?
5569   GNL   2024 Mar 2, 6:08pm  

The_Deplorable says

GNL says


Science says that men can get pregnant? How?

Yes, I was being sarcastic.
5570   richwicks   2024 Mar 2, 6:35pm  

The_Deplorable says

GNL says


Science says that men can get pregnant? How?

Our "news" media says men can get pregnant, and our "news" media claims scientists make this claim.

People need to differentiate what the "news" claims people say, and what people actually say.
5572   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 4:49pm  


A Spike in Heart Disease Deaths Since Covid Is Puzzling Scientists. Mortality data of the past four years show a wave of deadly cardiovascular and metabolic illness. From 2020 to 2022, a quarter of a million more Americans over 35 years old succumbed to cardiovascular disease than predicted based on historical trends, according to Bloomberg analysis of data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2023, age-adjusted stroke mortality was almost 5% above pre-pandemic levels, according to preliminary data, while rates from deaths related to hypertensive heart disease, rhythm abnormalities, blood clots, diabetes and kidney failure were 15-28% higher.

5578   mell   2024 Mar 19, 11:04am  

He doesn't get that you don't have to know, just the principle of scientific skepticism should have been enough to stay away.
5579   richwicks   2024 Mar 20, 5:18am  

Patrick says

Pity he posted that on Twitter, there's not enough space to explain it. It was pretty simple for me

  • 2 weeks went on for months.
  • I didn't hear sirens constantly of people being taken to the hospital
  • Churches, small businesses and general gathering places were closed, but not big box stores or fast food shitholes.
  • I don't own a television, but all the panic came from that infernal fucking box.
  • I didn't know people dropping dead unless they already had severe comorbidities.
  • I looked at the excess death rates, it was unchanged except for I think May and June.
  • Questioning it on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube was banned - that was a HUGE red flag.
  • Celebrities weren't dying. I know it's not a random group, but IF they were dying, I'd damned well hear about it.
  • Politicians ignored their own rules, Nancy Pelosi getting her hair blown out. Gavin Newsom going to a posh dinner, etc.
  • Politicians would only wear masks in front of cameras, then take them off immediately after
  • There was a lot of staged photos in the press.
  • There was a lot of lies in the press, like Ivermectin poisoning cases preventing treatment of gunshot wounds and the couple that took "fish cleaner" for hydroxycholorquine - really just a woman that poisoned her husband and got away with it
  • I know airborne viruses attenuate, if they kill people, people flee the area, so the virus through natural selection becomes less deadly over time or it cannot replicate, we've seen this countless times with ebola.
  • hospital staff were fucking around making dumb dance videos on TikTok during "the worst crisis ever".
  • Masks obviously don't work and can't work and were known they wouldn't work from the 1917 influenza. They actually increase the likelihood of getting sick because the mask collects pathogens.
  • The 1917 influenza pandemic killed a lot of people, EVERYBODY alive then knew SOMEBODY that died.
  • Hand sanitizers don't prevent airborne viruses.

And after the "vaxxine"..

  • People still continued to get ill even after taking it, usually because of taking it
  • Vaccines cannot be developed that quickly
  • mRNA vaccines never were used in humans before, and previous trials failed. There is one used for horses that sterilizes them, I think for mares.
  • Fauci contradicted himself multiple times, and that mother fucker was pushing AZT during the "AIDS crisis" in the 1980's - that drug only kills people, that drug never helped.
  • They wouldn't allow experimental treatment and prevented use of Ivermectin which is a VERY safe drug and also prevented hydroxycholorquine.
  • No opposition voices could be heard, they were all censored.
  • It became political, you had to be a dirty filthy moron not to take the vaccine, obvious propaganda tactics were used to try to increase uptake.
  • There were no central outbreaks that I could find in the world.
  • The 3rd world wasn't experiencing mass deaths
  • The media constantly hyped the number of deaths, but flu disappeared. It didn't change excess death rates leading me to conclude they were mischaracterizing cause of death.
  • There's no effective vaccines against ANY respiratory virus that I'm aware of.

It took me a good 3 months before I thought it was complete bullshit, I never thought there was a serious problem though, if there was I would have heard about mass deaths somewhere, and never did. I suspect it was a cover for a banking bailout, that's where most of the "covid relief" went to.
5580   zzyzzx   2024 Mar 20, 6:59am  

richwicks says

It took me a good 3 months before I thought it was complete bullshit

Why so long? I mean after the first 2 weeks was over it should have been obvious.
5581   GNL   2024 Mar 20, 7:14am  

That is a very good list Richwicks. I would say it took me about 3 months also. Maybe a little less. Although, I NEVER thought it was serious. I remember the first time I was offered a mask while entering a grocery store and laughed right in the woman's face. This was before masking was being taken seriously by others. I NEVER took masking seriously at all. I was convinced pretty quickly that if it was an airborn issue and it was as serious as the TV was saying then we'd all be dead no matter what we did since masks don't work. I'd say what convinced me the most was the pushing of the masks.

My wife and I almost divorced over it. I eventually turned her 180 degrees. We finally agreed that if either of our jobs/business was threatened in any serious way, we would pick up and move to Florida.
5582   The_Deplorable   2024 Mar 20, 10:37am  

Note to Scott Adams: This is common sense because we knew from 2005 that Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) cures Covid and therefore a vaccine is not needed. And this from a scientific study from the CDC.

In addition Dr. Didier Raoult (MD, a Ph.D Virologist and Professor of Medicine), was the first to employ HCQ against Covid in France. "Dr. Raoult... had such spectacular success using HCQ to treat victims of Covid that he said back on February 25, 2020 that "it's game over" for coronavirus. This was 10 months before the toxin mRNA vaccines.
5584   Patrick   2024 Mar 20, 10:17pm  

mell says

He doesn't get that you don't habe to know, just the principle of scientific skepticism should have been enough to stay away.

Right when the vaxx came out, I was at a dinner with some relatives and friends. They were astonished when I said I wasn't going to take it and wanted to know why. I said "Two reasons: 1. The disease is not that bad. 2. There has not been enough time to know if the vaxx is safe."

They all seemed to move away from me a bit after I said those things.
5586   richwicks   2024 Mar 21, 1:11am  

zzyzzx says

richwicks says

It took me a good 3 months before I thought it was complete bullshit

Why so long? I mean after the first 2 weeks was over it should have been obvious.

I was never worried about it, but I didn't think the government would lie so blatantly. I'm sure a disease went around and I figured the elderly were at risk, but not the young, but after 3 months, it was quite clear there was no justification for any of the measures they took.

I'm naive in thinking people are smarter than they are. I continued going into work after the 2 weeks, and I would get shit for not wearing a mask at my desk from some people, like 1/2 year into it. I figured there would be absolute outrage once it was obvious the government just lied, but nope - I made the same error with the Iraq War, and Libya, and Syria - but there was an excuse for the last 2, most people didn't know anything about those. This effected them directly. I struggled for a while trying to understand it, and my conclusion is that more than 70% of the population are just dumb animals, subhuman.
5587   stereotomy   2024 Mar 21, 1:18am  

I suspected something was up early on, when reports started coming out about how whacked the severity of illness was across age ranges. Everyone under 70 that didn't have 4 or more co-morbidities didn't even notice the infection other than possibly a runny nose, while the elderly were getting severe flu-like symptoms. Now, very elderly people are constantly dying of pneumonia that starts as a head cold, so that told me that whatever the pathogen was, it was probably engineered, but that it only contained the vector (infectious property) and not the payload; i.e., a lab leak.

Back at the start of the poke 'n croak rollout, my GP was trying to get me to take it (fuck her). I said the 'rona was a big nothing burger, and she said that she had people die from it. Then I asked "Yes, but did they have multiple co-morbidities?" At that comment, her face screwed up in hate and frustration, and she said "Yes." Later on I learned that the look she gave me was the one doctors give patients who "do their own research."
5588   GNL   2024 Mar 21, 5:44am  

Both of my 86 year old parents (between the 2 of them, they've had and/or have diabetes, overweight, cancer twice, heart attack, organs removed, high blood pressure etc) survived covid unjabbed twice. Twice.
5589   porkchopXpress   2024 Mar 21, 6:17am  

Besides common sense, I remember John McAfee (before he "died") telling the world NOT to take whatever vaccine comes out for Covid.
5590   Patrick   2024 Mar 21, 3:42pm  


Kate Middleton is the new Tiffany Dover

My theory is that Kate Middleton is vaccine injured. But one cannot speak about vaccine injury without getting banned from polite society. So the British royal family does dumb sh*te like hiding her for months and then badly photoshopping a picture to make it look like everything is okay. Nothing is okay. Vaccines are wrecking humanity.

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