Beauty pageant winner wears Black Lives Matter-inspired dress to raise awareness: 'We can all be equal'

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2021 Mar 31, 1:22pm   665 views  19 comments

by MAGA   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

I wonder what would happen if another contestant wore a dress that said "I am very proud to be white."


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1   RWSGFY   2021 Mar 31, 1:24pm  

2   Onvacation   2021 Mar 31, 4:46pm  

She's not that pretty.
3   Bd6r   2021 Mar 31, 5:09pm  

Not woke enough. Xe is not a transgendered crippled incontinent midget.
4   theoakman   2021 Mar 31, 7:24pm  

Yes, nothing screams beautiful like wearing an image of a drug addict career criminal who held a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach.
5   richwicks   2021 Mar 31, 7:30pm  

MAGA says
I wonder what would happen if another contestant wore a dress that said "I am very proud to be white."

We all know there is a double standard. No point in continually pointing it out.
6   clambo   2021 Mar 31, 8:15pm  

I feel almost sorry for the ones like her who are so confused, picking a lousy role model like George.
7   richwicks   2021 Mar 31, 8:53pm  

clambo says
I feel almost sorry for the ones like her who are so confused, picking a lousy role model like George.

Don't be silly. I guarantee she was paid to put that on. The question is, who paid her.
8   Tenpoundbass   2021 Mar 31, 8:56pm  

She didn't win a Beauty Contest, She was used for Political message.
9   MMR   2021 Mar 31, 10:23pm  

She is Ghanaian and aside from skin color, her experience isn't the same as the American descendant of slavery, especially since she is 27 and didn't even come to the US until she was 21 years of age. In all likelihood, she is still carrying her Ghanaian passport.

Black Lives Matter in Ghana too. I mean, the message there is modified to say simply that "life matters"
10   KgK one   2021 Apr 1, 11:42am  

Lot of my friends sisters had lot of requirements n so they never got married.

Overall tons of women aged n are above 35 n trying to find a man. obviously it is men's fault ;)
All these woke women are going after businesses that use pretty girls in hope that men will opt for older chicks.

Victoria secret - parent company limited brands only allowed hot people to work in store and their RnD site in Ohio. I laughed hard when they said ugly people work in back of the store n were only allowed briefly in front store for cleanup. I was lucky while ago to visit their site in Ohio. Looked like college campus with only hot people.
They only offered petite size .

After they cancelled or modified Victoria secret show n catalog, they are not doing well.

Ultimately woke war is between young chicks who want to use their beauty n older chicks who can't find rich guys who only date younger girls.
11   RC2006   2021 Apr 1, 1:58pm  

I'm starting to think ugly women are the root problem of a lot of things.

Edit: we already know women on average cause most of societies problems, half of which have to do with feminism and victim mentality.
12   Bd6r   2021 Apr 1, 8:52pm  

RC2006 says
I'm starting to think ugly women are the root problem of a lot of things.

and woke incels
13   Karloff   2021 Apr 1, 10:37pm  

If we were all equal, there could be no winner in the beauty contest. Or everyone is a winner.

Hmm, these participation trophies they've been handing out to kids for the past 20 years or so sure seem to fall in line with this commie "equity" agenda.
14   MMR   2021 Apr 2, 11:15am  

KgK one says
Overall tons of women aged n are above 35 n trying to find a man. obviously it is men's fault ;)

Feminism is about opportunity; equal opportunity, not equal outcomes; women control sex and men control access to relationships. Women are free to ride the cock carousel throughout 20s and then think that they can slow down and find a guy who is more 'beta' and make him wait for sex when she gave it up to Chad and Tyrone for free.

With the 50% divorce rate (20% for those making 250k or more), even beta simp manginas are having a hard time reconciling the value of marriage. Another issue is that women are brainwashed into believing that they are 9s because they once hooked up with such a guy. they are all converging on 8,9,10 level guys and they simply don't qualify for these men (delusion). Then they are fed a bunch of BS about how they can 'have it all'.

while being on CC, many women are also focused on careers and stuff and education and have masculine energy; the only area in which such women are willing to be submissive is the bedroom. Many do not have the basic skills to be a wife.

35 is the end of the 'danger zone'. All these unmarried women asking 'where are all the good men at'. struck out years ago and hit the wall and didn't realize it and are too picky with impossible to achieve standards. High value, higher earning men with less debt person has options and often want to have kids, why should they go for a 35 y/o female who is argumentative and masculine in energy when they can get a 25 y/o who is less jaded?

Women these days cannot reconcile the fact that they actually have to bring something to table other than high-mileage p-sleeve.

the third wave feminism is spreading worldwide like a plague and the internet is making it easy for others to take note, so going to other countries with a strong paternalistic culture doesn't ensure quality to the same degree that it might have before.
15   MMR   2021 Apr 2, 11:16am  

Rb6d says
and woke incels

Well, they are responsible for nearly 100% of school/mass shootings.
16   MMR   2021 Apr 2, 11:19am  

KgK one says
allowed hot people to work in store

I would think that from Ohio to Nebraska, that even Victoria secret would have a high preponderance of heifers. Maybe less than their respective communities but definitely not zero and definitely not relegated to the back of store.

I've seen some shapeless overweight girls wearing substantial makeup working at Victorias secret
17   MMR   2021 Apr 2, 11:24am  

KgK one says
older chicks who can't find rich guys who only date younger girls.

They get used up. Why should a guy in late 30s to mid 40s earning enough money settle for an older woman who isn't surprised by anything.

by the time she is 30, she has been taken to Fleming steakhouse or equivalent 100 times. Its a big deal for the guy taking her out but common for the female. Nothing is surprising new or fun.

Women in 40s who are well kept think that dates = demand or value in the social/sexual marketplace. They can get dates but no one will put a ring on it and cetrtainly not someone with multiple options.

Cat food manufacturers as a dividend stock is and remains a good bet.
18   Wanderer   2021 Apr 2, 1:29pm  

MMR says
Women these days cannot reconcile the fact that they actually have to bring something to table other than high-mileage p-sleeve.

Your message isn't really palatable but it's accurate. Feminists should do their sisters a favor and explain a few things:

1) there are very few careers that require all your time, energy and youth to be lucrative. Do you really need to be a doctor or would a giant physicians assistant's salary be good enough?
2) you should be able to support yourself because you can't really trust a man to do it for you. It's acceptable to take time off to raise a family and plenty of fantastic jobs support this. Keep your skills current so you can return to work. Recognize that your husband may not be an equal contributor to the household chores and outsource them when necessary. Money spent on a housekeeper is better than becoming a harpy.
3) you seriously break down at 35 because nature is cruel and I'm sorry. But now that you know that your beauty and fertility are totally finite, please make the right choices in your youth. If you want a man, be someone a man wants. You might not know what that is but you can find out.
4) men seriously don't break down at 35 because nature is cruel and I'm sorry. But now that you know that your stock trades lower than your husbands, you can be someone your husband still wants at 45. You might not know what that is but you can find out.
5) feminism has given you the right to say fuck all that if you want, it's great! You truly do not need a husband and kids to survive and even prosper. But don't think you can change your mind and find a unicorn later. And congratulations, by not having kids you've broken the gender wage gap.
6) don't have kids without a husband. Kids need a father and study after study after study has shown this. Shit happens but don't deliberately create a shitty situation for you and your offspring.
19   Patrick   2021 Apr 3, 11:00am  

@Wanderer I totally agree with you.

I think a lot of women have been mislead by militant feminism into a false view of human biology. There is a limited window of youth and fertility for women. This is just a fact. Blow past that window and you probably won't get a husband you really want, or kids at all.

Men have a lower sexual marketplace value than women until about age 30, when the lines cross as men start to advance in their careers and women start to lose their beauty. Dating sites proved this objectively.

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