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A press conference was held in front of Kaiser Gender Pathways Clinic in Oakland, California, on Thursday afternoon — the same clinic where Cole received part of her treatment as a minor. Cole, alongside Dhillon, gave an impassioned speech accusing Kaiser of "victimizing thousands of children" with "Mengele-style experiments."
"I was fifteen when you cut into my body, ripped out my breasts and stitched me back up like I was your rag doll," Cole charged. "You are on the wrong side of history and will always be remembered as child butchers."
LA DA Gascon suspends prosecutor for misgendering and 'deadnaming' trans child molester accused of murder
Hannah Tubbs went by James Tubbs when she attacked a 10-year-old girl in a Denny's bathroom
In the study, people with gender dysphoria who had ever used hormone replacements saw nearly seven times the risk of ischemic stroke (a blockage in a vessel supplying blood to the brain), nearly six times the risk of ST elevation myocardial infarction (the most serious type of heart attack) and nearly five times the risk of pulmonary embolism (a blockage in an artery in the lung), compared with people with gender dysphoria who had never used hormone replacements.
richwicks says
Patrick says
Everyone involved in sexually mutilating children is profoundly evil.
I don't know. There's a blurry line between evil, stupid, incompetent, and insane.
Either way, if it were up to me, I would mandate the death penalty for such acts.
Calvin Robinson takes on Drag Queen Story Hour: "Ask not why your children need to spend time with drag queens. Ask why drag queens are so keen to spend time with your children." ...
Yeah, they're trying to sexualize kids. That's exactly what's happening. They're not hiding it.
Eliza Cox, vice-chairman of Isle of Man’s Marown Parish, revealed the drag queen incident at Queen Elizabeth II High. Cox recounted that the drag queen was teaching children as young as eleven years old, and informing them that there are not two, but 73 genders. According to Fox News, “one student responded that there were only two genders, which prompted the drag queen to say, ‘you’ve upset me,’ and ask the student to leave the class.” Remember the days when children were told to leave class for talking excessively, not paying attention to the lesson, cheating on tests, and the like? Now you get sent out of class for not bowing to the dominant Leftist insanity.
A 5th-grade student in New York says she’s suicidal after allegedly being forced to “identify” as transgender by her “woke” teacher.
Debra Rosenquist, a teacher at Terryville Road Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station on Long Island, is accused of forcing a 9-year-old girl to “identify” as a boy at school.
The family of the child, who is now 10, is suing the school and the teacher for forcing transgenderism onto the unidentified young girl during the 2021-2022 academic year.
According to a lawsuit from the child’s parents, she was failed by the school system at every level.
The suit says administrators made a concerted effort to keep the family in the dark about what was happening to the young girl.
Debra Rosenquist, a teacher at Terryville Road Elementary School in Port Jefferson Station on Long Island, is accused of forcing a 9-year-old girl to “identify” as a boy at school.
Imagine, just imagine, that these "professionals" are allowed to come to work with blue hair. Aposematism is NO JOKE. It's funny, but it's not.
It's the fault of parents in my opinion.
The older kids get, the easier it is but with young kids who can't stay alone, it's hard to work a FT and do adult things like attend school board meetings.
Look, in 1950, if this shit was going around, the teachers would simply be fired, replaced, and that would be the end of it. The entire town would show up, protest, demand the teacher be fired, and they would be.
The problem is people are LAZY
We're a sexually dimorphic species, get over it.
LA DA Gascon suspends prosecutor for misgendering and 'deadnaming' trans child molester accused of murder
Hannah Tubbs went by James Tubbs when she attacked a 10-year-old girl in a Denny's bathroom
So let me see if I understand the psychopathy of LA's district attorney Gascon: Gascon suspended prosecutor Shea Sanna who correctly said the freak Tubbs, a convicted pedophile, is really a man, so he 'misgenderedd' Tubbs, who is pretending to be a woman; ok, I think I have it down now, so DA Gascon, how about this; Tubbs is a man, man, man, freaking man, pedophile man, male, man, man, man, man!!
Colorado elementary school is exposed for secretly transitioning student, as damning leaked internal emails reveal administrator telling assistant principal to LIE to parents
FDIA stands for Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, which is also known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy. It is a mental health condition in which a caregiver intentionally causes or fabricates illness or injury in another person, typically a child, in order to gain attention, sympathy, or admiration for themselves. ...
The WEF are doing FDIA in support of ‘trans’ in order to destabilize the social order and break inter-generational cohesion. The mental illness that is FDIA needs a victim to be ‘cared for’ and ‘protected’ by the ‘brave caregivers’ who are the actual source of the illness. The ‘trans child’ effect is totally necessary.
Antifa, the global organization of paid stooges and wanna-be terrorists, is an outgrowth of decades long abuse as the child victims of FDIA.
FDIA is very powerful, but fades, in a shocking fast way, when there is opposition to the ‘reinforcement’ phase of the collective delusion. That is why all the ‘trans’ people, and their supporters (part of the FDIA collective) will ALL demonstrate mental illness when the delusion is confronted.
They will ‘act out’.
We have all seen the videos of the ‘trans activists’ having a mental breakdown. It is the reaction of a mind trapped in a disease state, unable to extricate itself, in total rebellion against the intrusion of reality.
Reality also has intruded on the WEF. The ‘great thinkers’ of the WEF came up with an idea to transfer the ‘victim’ role to someone who could be a perpetual victim, never to be cured, and thus always to be used for control in their world domination plan. They tried to make the planet ‘trans’. They said that earth had ‘climate crisis disease’.
The WEF was having the collective FDIA that they are engineering focused on the ‘victim’ of Planet Earth.
It’s been a difficult swap. People just are not buying it. The number of committed FDIA enablers for ‘climate crisis’ is falling by the day.
People are just not buying into the WEF’s ‘crisis’ of climate. Sure, some media, and others, brainwashed or paid, still mouth the platitudes, and the true believer groups still glue themselves to roads, BUT, the trend is down, and the populace is expressing revulsion.
Climate Crisis as the next ‘victim’ mode of the FDIA from the mother WEF is just NOT happening.
All they have left is ‘trans’.
Trans ‘movement’ is failing now. The push back is here. Disease insurance codes are being brought up. A very bad sign for the ‘trans acceptance’ push by the WEF. They cannot have the engineered FDIA investigated. The WEF cannot have the trail of how they weaponized FDIA from the time of Mao’s Cultural Revolution against humanity exposed. They cannot have the [KM] involvement in the formation of the CCP exposed. The WEF cannot have the [KM] revealed as the global center of the ‘trans’ disease.
There are so many problems for the mother WEFfers in their Planetary Takeover Plot, but what is truly crushing to their social-mental engineering is to have it brought out that the FDIA ‘disease’, either ‘climate crisis’, or ‘trans crisis’, is not an actual disease, is in fact weaponized FDIA, and is not ‘organic’ in reality.
Revelations of the reality of FDIA being used against them are devastating to the ‘enabler’ class for the FDIA who acts as the ‘social enforcer’ in this psychodrama. It breaks the conditioning, and distorts the delusion.
It is for this reason that the social order victims of the weaponized FDIA must NOT have either the nature of the FDIA disease openly discussed, nor can they have ‘officialdom markers’ being applied to it. These markers are such things as the ICD-10 and other official designations that provide any form of proof, or support for the ‘trans’ being a disease of mind manipulation, not an ‘organic body’ disease. It breaks their conditioning.
PRINCETON, NJ — Despite being armed with respectable PhDs, published papers, and bowties, historians remain stumped that kids throughout history didn't commit suicide despite having no access to gender surgery.
They expressed astonishment that high rates of child suicide only exist in the country graciously offering gender surgeries to minors.
"We've pored over manuscripts, scrolls, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs, and really old tweets," said Professor of Old-Timey Children's Studies, Dr. Richard Pritchard, "But we've been left perplexed that both gender surgeries and child suicides were practically nonexistent in civilizations past."
Dr. Pritchard had caused a stir in academia after claiming to have stumbled upon a centuries-old North American society that appeared to have offered gender-affirming surgery for minors. After peer review, however, his work was discredited with the discovery that the Aztecs were simply mutilating and sacrificing their children to the gods.
"It's a common misunderstanding to confuse child gender surgery and ritual child sacrifice, as the two practices have such striking similarities," said Pritchard, "For example, in both cases, the parents seek to trade their children's lives for increased status in the eyes of their community and their gods."
At publishing time, historians had announced confusion that past governments did not immediately collapse despite having no obligatory staff diversity quotas.
Maxime Bernier
It’s not “anti-transgender hate” @JustinTrudeau. Stop labeling everything you disagree with as hate.
It’s just that “trans women” are actually NOT women. They’re men who cross-dress and mutilate their bodies to look more like women. But that doesn’t change biological reality. Men can NEVER become women. And vice versa.
It’s too bad some people feel they’re in the wrong body. But their mental disorder does not justify transforming our society and destroying the rights of real women.
It now serves as the basis for an ideology that is spreading perversion and irrationality on all of society, and most worryingly on our children. Our governments and media must stop promoting it.
Justin Trudeau
Mar 8
Officiel du gouvernement - Canada
And with a disturbing rise in anti-transgender hate here in Canada and around the world recently, I want to be very clear about one more thing: Trans women are women. We will always stand up to this hate – whenever and wherever it occurs.
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So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.