American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   126,770 views  1,235 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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171   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 12:47pm  


Can We Really Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers?

Maybe this was posted before, but it's good.
172   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 2:03pm  

After weeks of explaining there was no Fake White House set, Factcheckers grudgingly admit it's a set, but it's only on the other side of the White House, which somehow makes it more ... explicable?

173   Patrick   2021 Oct 7, 10:56pm  

How can we tell where it really is? I don't think we can.
174   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 7, 11:23pm  

I think Steven Miller and Peter Navarro have said they've been in the room many times, it's a building next to the White House.

The rumor is that the WH is basically run by Klain, Jarrett, and Obama (remotely by consultation), and Biden is pretty much exiled out of the building.
175   Patrick   2021 Oct 8, 9:31pm  


The New York Times issued a massive correction Thursday after the liberal newspaper severely misreported the number of COVID hospitalities among children in the United States by more than 800,000.

A report headlined "A New Vaccine Strategy for Children: Just One Dose, for Now," by science and health reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, was peppered with errors before major changes were made to the story. The Times initially reported "nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized" with COVID since the pandemic began, when the factual data in the now-corrected version is that "more than 63,000 children were hospitalized with Covid-19 from August 2020 to October 2021."

So now we have Fox News kicking the NYT's pants with the truth.
180   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 11:00pm  


A western citizen is being brainwashed much more than a soviet citizen ever was during the era of communist propaganda. In ideology, the main thing is not the ideas, but rather the mechanisms of their distribution. The might of the Western media, for example, is incomparably greater than that of the propaganda mechanisms of the Vatican when it was at the zenith of its power. And it is not only the cinema, literature, philosophy – all the levers of influence and mechanisms used in the promulgation of culture, in its broadest sense, work in this direction. At the slightest impulse all who work in this area respond with such consistency that it is hard not to think that all orders come from a single source of power.
As quoted in Alexander Zinoviev on Stalin and the dissolution of the USSR

And this from a guy who died in 2006.
181   Patrick   2021 Oct 19, 9:59am  


16 Common Phrases In The News And What They Actually Mean

As everyone knows, the news media knows what's best for us and they always tell the truth. The only problem is that they use really big and complicated words that we simple folk just don't understand. How will you ever keep up? Well, don't worry! We prepared this special translation guide just for you, so the next time you're watching the news you'll be able to follow along!

1) "Debunked conspiracy theory" = a completely factual event that is 100% true and we don't like it

2) "This is dangerous misinformation" = we don't really agree with it but people are still sharing it

3) "Farm animal bacterial infection treatment" = penicillin

4) "Conservative panelist" = guy who once voted for Ronald Reagan, possibly by mistake

5) "Super-spreader event" = gatherings of people we don't like

6) "This is the end of democracy" = Trump said a thing

7) "Settled science" = a non-reviewed study by a possibly fictitious organization that just came out this morning

8) "Widespread outrage" = 3 people on Twitter got mad

9) "Racist statements" = literally means nothing

10) "Informal gathering of like-minded people that fosters a sense of camaraderie and community among friends and neighbors" = bread lines

11) "Zero" = anywhere from zero to several trillion

12) "Republicans pounce" = uh oh... a Democrat raped someone

13) "Mostly peaceful" = it was hyper-violent but we agree with it

14) "Racist dog whistle" = a super-secret whistle that only racists can hear and only we heard it

15) "Anonymous sources" = we totally made this up

16) "This is an apple" = this is a banana
182   Patrick   2021 Oct 20, 5:06pm  


WaPo: Bread Lines Aren't So Bad, Puny Citizens 🤡

Joel Abbott

Oct 19th, 2021 1:56 pm
What the heck kind of article is this?
183   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 20, 5:15pm  

Patrick says
16 Common Phrases In The News And What They Actually Mean

Brilliant List.

17) "White Fragility" - Doomed Sinners without the Grace of POC who deny their Original Whiteness Sin of Racism.
185   AmericanKulak   2021 Oct 21, 6:44am  

Yes, they're out and bold, and that's a good thing.
186   Patrick   2021 Oct 26, 10:16am  


The wall between journalism and activism is badly corroded. Increasingly, journalists — particularly younger ones — see themselves as serving an ideological mission. I often think back to a late-2020 New York magazine article by Reeves Wiedeman about how this conflict has played out within the Times. During the paper’s internal brouhaha over a controversial op-ed piece the talented journalist and commentator Liz Bruenig uploaded a PDF of a John Rawls essay and argued to her colleagues in an online staff forum that it raised philosophically difficult questions about liberalism that require serious thought.

‘Philosophy schmosiphy,’ responded a researcher, whose avatar was the logo for the hamburger chain Jack in the Box. ‘We’re at a barricades moment in our history. You decide: which side are you on?’ Bruenig was subsequently poached by the Atlantic. I have no inside knowledge but I suspect there is a connection between this moment and her departure.

I can’t say for sure why The Daily botched the whip issue. I can say that ‘which side are you on?’ thinking is endemic in journalism right now, and it rears its head most perniciously when the ideological stakes are high. ‘Are we going to include that whipping thing because everyone says it’s true, or are we going to fact-check it?’

Who wants to be seen, in a business dominated by liberals, as the journalist who doesn’t take racism seriously, and ‘downplays’ the horror that everyone thinks they’ve seen? I’d offer a different version of Mr Jack in the Box’s Manichaean choice: are you an activist or a journalist? Which side are you on?
188   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 2, 8:51pm  

Bill Who?
190   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 5, 11:28pm  

191   richwicks   2021 Nov 5, 11:33pm  

Patrick says
Some "journalists" these days actually are robots:


Haha, good luck trying to feed in false information to an AI and expect it to work properly. It doesn't matter much anyhow, nobody reads papers.
192   Blue   2021 Nov 6, 2:22am  

Patrick says
Some "journalists" these days actually are robots:


There are some APIs available to generate and publish articles on any topic in real time. I know someone who did it for some time. It looks like a real news paper and showed up at google news but far below the stack. All are generated including journalist pictures, names and content. The content generator needs some hints like sample content and bias etc. Its hard to believe the look and feel like any other major "news" paper.
193   richwicks   2021 Nov 6, 2:31am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
Bill Who?

I'm so goddamned happy to have lived long enough to see republicans hate Bill Kristol. He is such a terrible person. Neocons are so awful.

I just hated seeing any human being defending the Neocons 15 years ago. Then I was like "these people are stupid not to see how evil these people are" but today I'm just freaking happy people can see what I have been able to see for so long. They are just terrible people.

I view them in the same way as most "conservatives" would have viewed somebody to the FAR LEFT of Bernie Sanders.
194   seesaw   2021 Nov 6, 6:59am  

CBS has been a leftist company... it will not change. They are deep into the swamp, and are stuck into the shit that has settled to the bottom. even if you drained the swamp, you will still see CBS in it like a beached whale.
195   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 6, 11:27am  

It's great seeing THE "Conservative" Columnist Rubin with only less than half again the followers of Kurt Schlichter

Compare the relative exposure of the two. Rubin is on MSM fairly often; Kurt never. Rubin is in a "Paper of Record", WaPo, as a regular columnist; Schlichter writes for far smaller TownHall.

I'd bet at around 2/3 of Rubin's "Followers" are probably Bots and Paid South Asians, but almost all of Schlichter's are Genuine.

This goes back to the disappearance of commentary on most News Sites starting around 2014-2015. They want to disappear the True Consensus, and create a Fake Consensus.

They don't want to run articles on Transkids on Yahoo! or the Guardian and have 80-90% of the comments be negative, talking about child abuse, Munchausen's Disease, and Trans Empire.
196   Patrick   2021 Nov 6, 6:43pm  


We have entered the Substack era

Toby Rogers
21 hr ago
Twenty years ago, Craigslist captured the classified ads that were the lifeblood of the newspaper business model. Ten years ago social media captured the remaining corporate ads that newspapers relied on. Newspapers shrunk, consolidated, and went bankrupt. They tried to move online, first as a free offering for paid print subscribers and then as an online only subscription model. But only a few newspapers are making it financially. Owning a newspaper is now like owning an NFL team or a racehorse — a hobby for billionaires like Jeff Bezos or Carlos Slim.

Cable news profited from the chaos of the Trump era but now that the Orange Man is gone, their fortunes are slumping as well. CNN and MSNBC no longer report the news, instead they just have a host plus a few guests discussing the reporting done by the NY Times. Television news is now wholly dependent on advertising from the pharmaceutical industry and their coverage reflects that.

So for the last two years the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the Atlantic, the Economist, New Yorker, etc. have lied to us every single day about the coronavirus pandemic. They committed mass murder by denigrating treatments that are safe, inexpensive, and effective. And they exaggerated the benefits and minimized the harms from coronavirus vaccines. The entire bourgeois news industry now works directly for the cartel.

For a while Twitter hosted a thriving conversation where a wide range of critical thinkers posted data and analysis that were better than anything in the mainstream press. But then Jack Dorsey went full Nazi and deplatformed anyone who questioned the Pharma narrative. And Zuckerberg gleefully implemented Stasi-like censorship on Facebook and Instagram because it fulfilled his totalitarian fantasies.

Now the conversation has moved over to Substack and it is extraordinary. The combination of no censorship plus a way for the best writers to monetize their work has led to a flourishing of original reporting and brilliant critique. I am grateful to everyone who has subscribed to my account since I launched a month ago and I am enjoying the intellectual freedom of writing on this site.

I subscribe to 25 accounts. Substack reader (still in beta) organizes posts chronologically in a newsfeed so that one can read them like a newspaper. I want to direct your attention to a handful of accounts that are better than anything in the mainstream press. One literally cannot understand the coronavirus pandemic unless one is reading their work right now:

Alex Berenson should win a Pulitzer Prize for his investigative reporting:

Unreported Truths
On the Pfizer study that caused Twitter to block me
On July 28, Pfizer researchers offered updated results from the company’s pivotal Covid vaccine clinical trial - the 44,000-person study providing the key data supporting use of the vaccine worldwide. Last week’s report is the final clean update we will…
Read more
3 months ago · 350 likes · 151 comments · Alex Berenson
I’m envious of the scholarly accounts that were smart enough to make themselves anonymous from the beginning. Eugyppius is amazing:

More on Original Antigenic Sin and the Folly of Our Universal Vaccination Campaign
To review: We have now had ten months of mass vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. Nearly 7 billion doses have been administered worldwide. This unprecedented campaign has not eradicated Corona; it has not even suppressed infections. Instead, case statistics have ballooned almost everywhere. While the vaccinated appear to enjoy some protection against severe……
Read more
11 days ago · 688 likes · 547 comments · eugyppius
El Gato Malo was one of my favorite accounts on Twitter (he’s a genius and hilarious too) and I’m so glad that his writing has found a home on Substack:

bad cattitude
are leaky vaccines driving delta variant evolution and making it more deadly?
one of the great fears in any vaccination campaign is that the vaccine can wind up becoming the driver viral evolution and making the virus more dangerous. this is a special concern around imperfect (so called “leaky”) vaccines that are non-sterilizing. such vaccines do not stop spread or contagion of the virus. this means the virus will have lots of……
Read more
a month ago · 244 likes · 454 comments · el gato malo
Aaron Siri just joined Substack. He’s one of the finest attorneys in the country. He will make a great Attorney General one day:

Injecting Freedom
Study Destroys Justification for Vaccine Mandates
Civil and individual rights are only meaningful if they continue to protect individuals during difficult situations. It is why the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the right of neo-Nazis to march through Jewish neighborhoods. It is why it upheld the right to burn the American flag. Protecting these rights when it is difficult protects us all. It assures th……
Read more
17 days ago · 185 likes · 63 comments · Aaron Siri
just launched a week ago and he is doing brilliant work:

's newsletter
15 things everyone needs to know about COVID and how to treat it
If I could only tell you 15 things, here’s what I’d say… Avoid all the COVID vaccines, even Novavax. Just say no. It’s not for anyone. No exceptions. The data shows that these vaccines kill more people than they save. You can end up dead or disabled or with a compromised immune system for the rest of your life. For kids, for example, we will kill over 10……
Read more
a day ago · 124 likes · 112 comments ·
The original reporting by James Lyons-Weiler is extraordinary:

Popular Rationalism
An Evolutionary Explanation on Why Natural Immunity is Vastly Superior
SARS-CoV-2 uses all of the weapons it has in its arsenal. Why aren’t we? I have been waiting for some time to write this article, in part because it involves complex ideas from evolutionary theory that most people will have little reasons to immediately understand, and in part due to the need for data to emerge to determine whether the predictions suppo……
Read more
a month ago · 24 likes · 2 comments · James Lyons-Weiler
I highly recommend these accounts as well:

Rounding the Earth Newsletter
Pandemic, Bitcoin, education, finance, economics, statistics, and other topics that need attention.
By Mathew Crawford

Putting the Boss in Quack
Miraculous pharmaceutical inventions
By Levi Quackenboss
Mindset Shifts—Essays by Barry Brownstein
Awareness of your mindset is the portal to change

Tessa Fights Robots
Staying coherent in a crazy word.
By Tessa Lena

Charles Eisenstein
Essays on civilization. myth, politics, ecology
Igor’s Newsletter
Independent thoughts
By Igor Chudov
The Vaccine Court
Updates from the NVICP, The PREP Act and CounterMeasures Injury Compensation Program
By Wayne Rohde
Kids, Covid, and Covid Vaccines
how children and teens are affected by Covid, Covid policies, and Covid vaccines
By Darby Shaw

Outside Voices
Featured writing from independent journalists, brought to you by Glenn Greenwald Substack.
The market for independent truth telling is massive and the market for Pharma lies shrinks by the day.

In the comments, please let me know who you are reading and what accounts you would recommend! 🙌
197   Patrick   2021 Nov 7, 6:39am  


Mass containment cannot be enacted at the whims of medical bureaucrats. Not even in China. Nationwide house arrest requires vast popular support, and so it is unsurprising to find that lockdowns and Corona alarmism travel together.

In late January, as the WHO pondered whether to declare a public health emergency, social media filled with videos of people collapsing in the streets of Wuhan. In a curious pattern that we’ll see repeated over and over, these videos were immediately picked up by the press. The world has now witnessed almost 90 million Corona infections. Nowhere in the West has anyone experienced sudden, incapacitating Covid symptoms like these. What is more, all of these videos appeared on or just after 23 January, the exact day that the Chinese locked down Hubei province.

These videos were all fake. They strike us as farcical today, because we have been sold a very different Corona mythology. Our stories are more about how Corona will kill our grandparents, overwhelm our hospitals, reinfect the recovered, and cripple the healthy. They are part of a much different information campaign, and yet they belong to the same
general playbook: First, a government opts into mass containment. Then, alarming information fills the airwaves to justify the restrictions.

The iconic March 2020 cell-phone photograph by Emanuele di Terlizzi, of a military convoy in Bergamo transporting the corpses of Corona victims. One of many curious and well-timed pieces of viral internet content that served to further pandemic hysteria—lending it in an organic, authentic feel.
199   richwicks   2021 Nov 7, 8:49am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
This goes back to the disappearance of commentary on most News Sites starting around 2014-2015. They want to disappear the True Consensus, and create a Fake Consensus.

Yeah, that's not going to work.

It's quite obvious our news media is just propaganda. Their mistake was opening up comments in the first place. I learned more about what was going on in the world reading comments than I would ever get out of reading the article itself. I don't think I'm alone either. When comments disappeared, so did the readership.

In the infrastructure bill the government is pushing though is direct support for our "news" media.

Patrick says
Wow, the outright fraud in the media is even worse than I suspected.

Come on - you should realize by now the media is complete BS.
200   HeadSet   2021 Nov 7, 11:04am  

richwicks says
Come on - you should realize by now the media is complete BS.

Yes, but now it is shockingly blatant.
201   richwicks   2021 Nov 7, 11:20am  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
Come on - you should realize by now the media is complete BS.

Yes, but now it is shockingly blatant.

It's always been blatant, people just couldn't accept it.

I watched the "news" media keep calling Ron Paul an "isolationist" and a "racist" for a very long time. I'm just happy more people can recognize what the media really is.

Back in the early naughts (I guess that's what they are) I was so fucking arrogant that I thought journalists didn't know enough about a situation to properly report on it, so I'd try to contact them to correct their "errors". I knew our media lied before sometimes, but I didn't think they ALL did.

They all did and they still all do. That is their job.
202   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 8, 5:20am  

richwicks says

It's quite obvious our news media is just propaganda. Their mistake was opening up comments in the first place. I learned more about what was going on in the world reading comments than I would ever get out of reading the article itself. I don't think I'm alone either. When comments disappeared, so did the readership.

In the infrastructure bill the government is pushing though is direct support for our "news" media.


Hence the "Misleading" crap on Social Media... What I love about Misleading is that the censors aren't saying the fact is wrong, but the conclusion the writing is drawing from it is "unapproved" - it "leads away" from the Peddled Narrative.
203   richwicks   2021 Nov 8, 5:26am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says

Hence the "Misleading" crap on Social Media... What I love about Misleading is that the censors aren't saying the fact is wrong, but the conclusion the writing is drawing from it is "unapproved" - it "leads away" from the Peddled Narrative.

The only result of this is to further destroy the credibility of the media for those that no longer trust it. What is outright censored, IS true. Flat Earther's aren't censored. People like Steve Pieczenik aren't censored. Who is obviously full of crap, but not censored, those are psyops, and not everybody in a psyop realizes they're part of it.
205   Blue   2021 Nov 8, 9:00am  

seesaw says
CBS has been a leftist company... it will not change. They are deep into the swamp, and are stuck into the shit that has settled to the bottom. even if you drained the swamp, you will still see CBS in it like a beached whale.

NBC is much worse than C'BS' at when I am at.
206   richwicks   2021 Nov 8, 9:18am  

Blue says
NBC is much worse than C'BS' at when I am at.

It's honestly a waste of your time to keep ahead of the BS coming from NBC and CBS. The primary point of "mainstream news" is propaganda but secondary, it's to waste your time.

The only reason we talk about transgendered bathrooms and transgendered kids, is because THEY constantly do. Have either of these issues effected you? My bet is they haven't. I am in Silicon Valley, and I remember hearing about BLM and Antifa constantly but it only effected me once in San Jose. It was really a small handful of people running around and making it impossible to drive through the city. I wouldn't say it was more than 100 people. For that, we had national coverage of them.

The media makes small things seem huge, and huge things seem small all the time. For example the "crowds" for Clinton versus "the few fanatics" that showed up for Trump. MSM isn't credible but it still drives the conversation - now mostly about what they are lying about. It doesn't occur to a whole lot of people they are entirely fabricating issues, but they are. They do it all the time. "White nationalist racism" is another example. Does anybody really know any white guy that's really racist?
207   Patrick   2021 Nov 8, 10:35am  


Whipping up a crisis
The wall between journalism and activism is badly corroded

October 18, 2021 | 8:30 pm ...

I can’t say for sure why The Daily botched the whip issue. I can say that ‘which side are you on?’ thinking is endemic in journalism right now, and it rears its head most perniciously when the ideological stakes are high. ‘Are we going to include that whipping thing because everyone says it’s true, or are we going to fact-check it?’

Who wants to be seen, in a business dominated by liberals, as the journalist who doesn’t take racism seriously, and ‘downplays’ the horror that everyone thinks they’ve seen? I’d offer a different version of Mr Jack in the Box’s Manichaean choice: are you an activist or a journalist? Which side are you on?
208   AmericanKulak   2021 Nov 8, 11:22am  

richwicks says
The only reason we talk about transgendered bathrooms and transgendered kids, is because THEY constantly do. Have either of these issues effected you? My bet is they haven't. I am in Silicon Valley, and I remember hearing about BLM and Antifa constantly but it only effected me once in San Jose. It was really a small handful of people running around and making it impossible to drive through the city. I wouldn't say it was more than 100 people. For that, we had national coverage of them.

Disagree here. The Culture War IS the War.

If Culture can convince people that guns are the badz, goodbye 2nd Amendment, it'll be whittled away and slowly disposed of. Just like if you can convince enough people through the Culture War that gay marriage is okay, it will happen, even if the entire State of California (California!!!) votes against it in a clear majority. It will simply be imposed by the Judiciary "finding the law", despite all evidence to the contrary.

Or that Immigration is an unmitigated good, and those against it are barbarian haters. Not only will the law be changed, but it won't be enforced long before that, as we see now.

Or that criminals are really mostly the victims of an inherently racist system, which is what the US is really based on. Therefore, criminals shouldn't be arrested or at least subjected to great understanding and lenience.

Transgendered bathrooms are deliberate Antinominan Goals & Demoralization Efforts, it's designed to dishearten normal people and empower freaks and fanatics. It's designed to remove protections from Girls, since it is imposed UNdemocratically in K12. In fact, when parents hear about it and complain, they are attacked by propaganda. There have already been several attacks that we know of, not totally concealed by EduAdmins or the Juvi Justice System, in just the past year, on Girls.

Since Bad Actors often have Paraphilias, you can no longer say "Of course the Socialist is up to no good, Rachel is really Richard. C'mon!"

When the Leftists normalize "Intergenerational Attraction", you'll no longer be able to say "Of course there's something wrong with Biden, he sniffs the hair of underage girls!"
"So? Some people are attracted to underage girls. It's a harmless attraction, you bigot!"

"High Ground" tactics have repeatedly failed. When non-Socialists say "Whatever's Clever" and abandon the field, Socialists win a default victory.

Nature abhors a vacuum, and Socialists flood it with bullshit.

The reason we are where we are is because of the Media, Hollywood, the Tyranny of Experts changing Culture, and thus winning politically.

Politics are downstream from Culture. Lose the Culture, and no Rational Arguments will win in the Political Arena, irresistably so.
209   Blue   2021 Nov 8, 11:24am  

richwicks says
It's honestly a waste of your time to keep ahead of the BS coming from NBC and CBS.

agreed, watch one a while for few minutes to know the subject not the BS content. (Fake)"News" is targeted to sheeple to promote their underlying business.

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