San Francisco's slide into hell under extreme violent leftism

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2021 Apr 15, 9:51pm   157,207 views  1,026 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


‘Hey, where are you?” Hannah Ege texted her husband, Sheria Musyoka. He’d left on a morning jog and had been gone for an hour and a half. Hannah was home, taking care of their three-year-old son. She began to freak out. She called and texted and called again. He never answered.

Speeding and drunk — at just shy of eight in the morning — Jerry Lyons barreled through a red light at an intersection in a stolen Ford Explorer. Lyons struck and killed Musyoka, a 26-year-old Dartmouth grad who had moved to San Francisco only ten days earlier with his wife and their son. After clipping Musyoka, Lyons collided with another car, causing an eight-car pileup that sent several other people to the hospital.

The San Francisco police arrested Lyons on multiple charges that morning in February, but this was not the first time he’d been arrested for drunk driving in a stolen car. On December 3, he had been arrested for driving under the influence, driving a stolen vehicle, and driving without a license. Before that, he’d been released from prison after serving time for a grand-theft conviction; in fact, Lyons had been arrested at least seven times in the Bay Area since his release from prison, and his rap sheet goes back a decade. Still, San Francisco’s district attorney, Chesa Boudin, delayed pressing charges against Lyons until a toxicology report confirmed that he had been inebriated, which, more than a month and a half later in January, it did. Lyons then had 14 days to turn himself in to the DA’s office. On the 13th day, he killed Musyoka. While COVID-era difficulties might have accounted for the medical examiner’s slow speed in returning test results, a different DA could have chosen to move forward sooner — taking necessary precautions — and charged Lyons with a DUI based on observable factors alone, such as the results of Lyons’s field sobriety test, his erratic driving in a stolen vehicle, and close scrutiny of his behavior.

Hannah Ege expressed her grief and pain to a local TV news station, railing at the district attorney’s reluctance to lock up repeat offenders. Whom does she blame for her husband’s death? “The DA,” she said. “This freak accident was no freak accident. It was someone who was out in the public who should not have been out in public.”

The Lyons mayhem is not an isolated case in the city by the bay. On New Year’s Eve, a parolee on the run from a robbery — also in a stolen car — sped through a red light, striking and killing two women, 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe, who were in the crosswalk. The driver, Troy McAlister, had been released twice by the district attorney in the previous year: the first time because Boudin refuses to pursue three-strike cases, of which McAlister’s was one; the second — as recently as December 20, when the SFPD arrested McAlister for driving a stolen car — because Boudin kicked the case to the state parole officers, who did nothing.

Welcome to San Francisco’s latest idiocy, a new experiment in governance where everything is allowed but nothing is permitted. A paradox, you might say, but take a walk down Market Street, down that great avenue in a great city in a great nation, and note the desolation of the empty streets, the used needles tossed on the sidewalks, and the boarded-up windows on storefronts. Consider that, at various unpredictable times in the last year, it has been illegal — for the sake of public safety during COVID — to run a mom-and-pop corner shop or to serve food at sidewalk cafés. Reflect for a moment that, since time immemorial, it has been illegal to build any new housing, because of the most onerous and confusing zoning laws in the known universe. Mark Zuckerberg can apparently influence national elections by tweaking algorithms, but he is powerless before the planning commission when it comes to building apartments for his employees. The city has banned plastic straws, plastic bags, and McDonald’s Happy Meals with toys. And yet, all the while, drug dealers sell their wares — COVID or no COVID — openly and freely at all hours of the day and night, users shoot up or pop fentanyl in public and defecate on the street, robbers pillage cars and homes with the ease of Visigoth raiders, and the district attorney frees repeat offenders who go on to sow disorder, pain, devastation, and grief. A profound melancholy hangs in the air of this city, punctuated only by the shrieks of a junkie dreaming of demons or by the rat-tat-tat-bam of the occasional firework. (Or was that a gun?) ...

How did it come to this? On January 8, 2020, Mayor London Breed swore in Chesa Boudin as the new district attorney of San Francisco in front of a packed house at the Herbst Theater. Boudin won the election by a nose in a runoff, with oily promises to feel the pain of all parties to a crime, both victims and perpetrators. He made pledges to enact “restorative justice” and prison reform through “decarceration.” U.S. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor recorded a congratulatory video message, which was played at the swearing-in ceremony for Boudin and the crowd. “Chesa, you have undertaken a remarkable challenge today,” the justice said. “The hope you reflect is a great beacon to many.”

The task before Boudin was already monumental. Before he assumed his office, San Francisco ranked No. 1 in the nation in property crime. On average, thieves broke 60 car windows per day, with impunity. In 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, a reform measure that reduced many felonies to ticketed misdemeanors, such as theft of less than $950 and hard-drug possession. There were more drug addicts on the streets than there were students in the schools. Tent encampments of homeless people had sprouted in every nook and alley and under every highway overpass. Commuters faced a daily gauntlet in the form of an appalling humanitarian crisis in the streets.

But Boudin immediately refused to take any responsibility for these issues. Among his first acts was to fire seven veteran prosecutors who were not on board with his radical views. (Over 30 prosecutors have left during his tenure because they don’t want to work for him.) Next, Boudin abolished the cash-bail system, so offenders are able to walk free after arrest. He rarely brings a case to trial: Out of the 6,333 cases to land on his desk since taking office, he has gone to trial only 23 times. This is one-tenth the rate of his predecessor, George Gascón, who was hardly tough on crime. Since the killing of George Floyd, there has been a shortage of cops, as officers retire in record numbers. San Francisco has also moved to defund the police, with plans to shift $120 million in law-enforcement funding to restorative-justice programs, housing support, and a guaranteed-income pilot, among other ideas.

To where does Boudin’s “great beacon” point? Over the last year, there have been more deaths from drug overdoses in San Francisco than from COVID-19. Walgreens has closed ten of its drugstores in the city because its shelves were being pillaged freely by shoplifters. According to SFPD’s CompStat, compared with last year, arson has increased 52 percent, motor-vehicle theft is up 21 percent, and burglaries have seen a 59 percent increase. One largely Asian neighborhood, the Richmond district, has reported a 342 percent spike in burglaries this year compared with last. Admittedly, some numbers are down, such as those for larceny and robbery. But police attribute these declines to the pandemic, since there are fewer opportunities for would-be criminals to commit such crimes as people shelter in place. One neighborhood association sent a letter in February to Boudin and Mayor Breed, begging them to restore public safety. The association also posted it on the Internet. “Our neighborhood can’t wait another day,” they wrote. “Our homes are repeatedly broken into and robbed. Our merchants suffer unsustainable losses from theft and smashed windows. Employees are threatened with guns. Residents are robbed at gunpoint on our own streets. The sound of gunshots is no longer unusual.” ...

Now, what rough beast slouches its way towards San Francisco? With a district attorney who won’t prosecute crimes, how long will it be until an anxious Google engineer defends himself from being harassed by a madman? Will envious arsonists light the Salesforce Tower on fire as a jacked-up mob courses through the streets burning and looting the Painted Ladies?

A desperate sun struggles through the fog. There may be one ray of hope. The city has recently approved the effort to recall Chesa Boudin from office. Locals could begin downloading signature-gathering petitions on March 12. If 10 percent of registered voters sign the petition, all voters may get the chance to vote the bum out. But even if they do, it will remain tragic for Musyoka, Platt, Abe, and others like them that the day did not come soon enough.

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661   Patrick   2023 Jul 28, 12:52pm  


NAACP Urges ‘Whites, Asians, and Latinos to Speak Out Against Crime – It Is Not Racist to Want to Be Safe’

In a damning letter, Oakland’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) branch called for a state of emergency to end the California city’s “intolerable public safety crisis.”

The organization cites “failed leadership, including the movement to defund the police.”
662   Ceffer   2023 Jul 28, 1:39pm  

NAACP lacks all compassion, and is clearly racist.
663   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 7:21pm  


A San Francisco Safeway with new receipt-scanning security gates continues to see high rates of daily theft despite the increased shoplifting measures, staff say.

“I’d say 60 to 100 [thefts] on my shift alone,” said a security guard at the 3350 Mission St. Safeway, who spoke anonymously because he is not authorized to speak to the press.

A worker at the Bernal Heights location said people commonly steal laundry detergent. At that Safeway, like many others, the Tide pods are under lock and key, along with toothpaste, shampoo and vitamin supplements.

“It’s a lot worse at night. During the day, it’s OK,” another Safeway employee said, also speaking anonymously because staffers are not authorized to speak to the press. The worker said shoplifters usually target items that are not food. ...

The San Francisco Police Department and Safeway did not respond to requests for comment by publication time.
664   Ceffer   2023 Jul 31, 11:25pm  

Bum fight in SF. I wonder who was victorious and walked away with the drugs. They have these bum fights all the time in Santa Cruz.
665   Ceffer   2023 Aug 1, 7:41pm  

So, we see the slow, painful awakening process at last in the local blogs. Shockingly, it wasn't censored yet. It might still, but the censors were fast and furious just a few months ago. Also, you see the knee jerk LibbyFucks still defending the ramparts against all observation. This is from the Tri Valley local blog. I would say a year ago, you would have only heard from idiotic CaliFuck Libtards. Used to be anybody suggesting Soros or rigged elections were removed right away.

667   Patrick   2023 Aug 2, 12:08pm  


Thousands of Bay Area residents' mail is at risk after three postal workers were robbed in separate incidents last week in San Francisco, the East Bay and South Bay, according to the U.S. Postal Inspection Service.
671   REpro   2023 Aug 11, 6:59pm  

Found this California red in store outside of California.
It's not that difficult to imagine how it taste.

672   SoTex   2023 Aug 12, 10:34am  

REpro says

It's not that difficult to imagine how it taste.

Like MadDog (MD) 20 20

In high school my pal got wasted off that, puked on my balcony and it ate the finish clean off.
673   richwicks   2023 Aug 12, 10:44am  

just_passing_through says

REpro says

It's not that difficult to imagine how it taste.

Like MadDog (MD) 20 20

In high school my pal got wasted off that, puked on my balcony and it ate the finish clean off.

Have you actually tasted MadDog 20/20 ?

I bought a bottle as a joke. I drank, possibly a shot glass of it, and couldn't drink anymore. I poured the rest down the toilet and went to bed. The next day I met up with a friend and the first thing he asked was "were you drinking last night?". I only had that shot, and the liquor in it is so bad, that you will reek the next day.

It is the most undrinkable alcohol on the planet.
674   SoTex   2023 Aug 12, 10:59am  

richwicks says

Have you actually tasted MadDog 20/20 ?

Yeah, I drank some of what he was drinking but not very much and never again. Alcohol is a tight commodity when you're a sophomore in high school.
675   Patrick   2023 Aug 13, 10:04am  


An emerging scandal surrounding a San Francisco narcotics officer has put dozens of criminal drug cases in jeopardy.

NBC Bay Area investigative reporter Hilda Gutierrez has been looking through the dismissed cases in San Francisco and Alameda County and has more on why they’re suddenly being dropped.
676   RC2006   2023 Aug 13, 10:13am  

Didn't even know they had any sort of drug enforcement there.
678   richwicks   2023 Aug 13, 4:29pm  

just_passing_through says

Yeah, I drank some of what he was drinking but not very much and never again. Alcohol is a tight commodity when you're a sophomore in high school.

Mouthwash is contains drinkable alcohol and I would say it's no worse than Mad Dog 20/20
679   Patrick   2023 Aug 13, 4:40pm  

In a documentary about homelessness there was an emergency room where the nurses talked about treating an old homeless alcoholic guy over and over for various accidents. They called him "minty fresh" because the drink he preferred to get drunk on mouthwash, or maybe he couldn't afford anything else. So he always smelled minty fresh.
681   Patrick   2023 Aug 14, 11:11am  

Some of these are literally across the street from a place I worked on Market Street near 3rd.

684   EBGuy   2023 Aug 15, 3:23pm  

You know things are bad when the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building has fallen...
Workers in the Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco were told to work from home indefinitely given conditions in the downtown area.
The building, at the intersection of Seventh and Mission streets, is home to the office of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as the local branches of several federal agencies, including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The area around the building has also become a notorious hotspot for open-air drug dealing.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, building workers received a memo penned by Cheryl Campbell — an assistant secretary with the Department of Health and Human Services — on Aug. 4. It advised workers to stay home “for the foreseeable future” because of crime in the area.
685   Ceffer   2023 Aug 15, 3:57pm  

You know things are bad when the drug packets sold on the street are embossed with Nancy's face and/or Paul's homo erection with the LBGQT flag.
686   Onvacation   2023 Aug 15, 5:00pm  

1337irr says

HeadSet says

1337irr says

East Bay...doesn't count...not news.

When you say "East Bay," does that mean easter SF bordering the bay, or the area between Oakland and Fremont on the eastern bay shore?

The latter.

Plus Contra Costa County and the Vallejo Benicia are of Solano County.

687   Patrick   2023 Aug 15, 7:45pm  


Man Accused of Stripping Naked, Flooding San Francisco High-Rise To Face Felony Charge
Written by Kevin Truong
Published Aug. 14, 2023

A San Francisco judge denied a motion to reduce the felony vandalism charges against a man accused of getting naked in his high-rise apartment building and intentionally flooding the property, causing millions in damages and leading to the evacuation and relocation of hundreds of his neighbors.

In addition to the felony vandalism charge, Michael Nien also faces a misdemeanor charge of tampering with a fire alarm. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

In explaining her decision, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Rochelle East cited the “scope of the damage and the impact on the other victims.”

“It would be hard to imagine what felony vandalism would be if not a case like this,” East said.

Early in the morning of Oct. 11, 2022, Nien allegedly got naked and ran up and down the hallways of his 418-unit apartment building at 100 Van Ness Ave. banging on the doors of his neighbors, according to a police report of the incident.

He then went down to the 11th floor and allegedly opened high-pressure pipes meant for use by firefighters and sent water pouring down on the lower floors. Emergency responders found Nien in what they describe as an altered mental state. He was naked, drenched in water and standing next to an open pipe.

Oz Erickson, the chairman of Emerald Fund, which owns 100 Van Ness, said the vandalism caused upward of $14 million in damage and meant that more than 200 residents of the property were forced out of their homes for months during the holidays.

Hey, I know that building! I went to a meetup there once on their nice rooftop. I think it was some language exchange thing.
688   HeadSet   2023 Aug 16, 6:05am  

Patrick says

Emergency responders found Nien in what they describe as an altered mental state.

Altered mental state? What, "stoned" is now a protected class that requires a euphemism?
689   AD   2023 Aug 16, 11:28am  

Another business close to shutting down in San Fran




John Chachas, the owner of luxury department store Gump’s San Francisco, wrote an open letter to Governor Newsom, Mayor London Breed, and the city’s Board of Supervisors, pleading for them to act on what he describes as the city’s worsening downtown conditions.

“Today, as we prepare for our 166th holiday season at 250 Post Street, we fear this may be our last,” Chachas wrote in an open letter, published as a paid ad in the Sunday edition of the San Francisco Chronicle.

Gump’s, which sells luxury furnishings and jewelry, was acquired by Chachas after the retailer filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2018. The high-end retailer, founded in San Francisco in 1861 and born out of the famed California gold rush, has only one physical location, which is one block from the city’s Union Square.
690   Patrick   2023 Aug 16, 6:58pm  


How bad have things gotten in San Francisco?

A local guide now offers a “Downtown Doom Loop Walking Tour,” to “start at City Hall, and continue through Mid-Market, the Tenderloin, and Union Square. We will view the open-air drug markets, the abandoned tech offices, the outposts of the nonprofit industrial complex, and the deserted department stores.”

It’s no joke: Thanks to the woke policies adopted by the bulk of the city’s electeds, the “doom loop” — i.e., a vicious circle where bad conditions breed taxpayer and business exodus that clears the way for even worse conditions — is all too real.

Take crime. Under woke former DA Chesa Boudin, convictions for serious crimes and quality of life offenses dropped.

One jaw-dropping figure: Just 6% of those charged with dealing drugs from 2018 to 2022 have been convicted.

Now, Whole Foods has shuttered its flagship location, retail goods are regularly locked or chained up, and small business owners are assaulted for daring to stand up to street thugs.

Things have gotten so bad that Uncle Sam is officially scared: The Department of Health and Human Services office in downtown SF recently advised its employees to work from home rather than risk falling victim to street crime.

San Francisco ‘doom loop’ walking tour gets visitors ‘close and personal to the squalor’ — and it’s already sold out
That the building these workers will now be avoiding is named after Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would be a hilarious irony, if it weren’t a tragedy.

Homelessness? Another massive problem. It’s up 35% since 2019, with about 38,000 individuals homeless on any given night.

The progressive response? A lawsuit by the Coalition for the Homeless that resulted in a federal injunction against clearing encampments.

Combine that with the city’s lax drug posture (a new diversion program by new DA Brooke Jenkins, for example, has been a miserable failure) and the result?

Open-air drug markets where dealers hawk fentanyl and other poisons as they prey on the vulnerable in total safety from real consequences.

No wonder famed comedian Dave Chappelle asked, “What the f— happened to this place?” in a recent show.

You don't really need to pay for a tour to get close to the squalor in SF.
691   Patrick   2023 Aug 16, 7:42pm  


Iconic San Francisco Hotel Has Lost 90% of Its Value, Owner Says

The Chase Center. The Westin St. Francis Hotel. The Transamerica Pyramid.

These properties are among the most iconic in San Francisco, but what they also have in common is their owners are applying for dramatic cuts in their assessed values in a worrying sign for the city’s fiscal health.

At Chase Center, property owners are attempting to cut the city’s assessed $1.48 billion value for the stadium by some 58% to $635 million.

The owner of the Transamerica Pyramid, New York developer Shvo, which purchased the building in 2020, is seeking a 53% reduction in its assessed value from $485.5 million to $227 million.

The Westin St. Francis Hotel owners are applying for a more than 90% decrease in its assessed value of $787 million all the way down to $76 million.
692   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 10:08am  

I was just thinking that all of SF's problems flow directly from the attitude and ideology of the residents.

Once while biking to Caltrain after work in SF, I got stuck in a "Critical Mass" mob of bicycles. They were deliberately blocking traffic by biking in a large group. They were just pissing off the drivers and making nothing better at all. They assumed I was one of them but I just wanted to get out of their group as quickly as possible. They had an attitude of vengeance for something, but I'm not sure what.

That same attitude of vengeance is the engine for BLM, Antifa, militant feminism, trannyism, and Chesa Boudin's disastrous prosecution policies, which continue destroying SF even though he is no longer there.

It's an emotional war, not one about rationality or facts, so it cannot be fought with rationality or facts.

The core emotions need to be addressed for anything to get fixed, but how does one do that? The self-conception of SF residents is bound up in the pleasure of seeing themselves as "good people" seeking vengeance. They will not give up that pleasure without another pleasure to replace it. It's almost mechanical.
693   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 17, 11:59am  

A Los Angeles hotel sustained $11.5 million in damages while the city used it as a federally sponsored homeless shelter.

The city included the Mayfair Hotel in Project Roomkey, a federal initiative to turn California hotels into temporary homeless shelters. At the end of the hotel's time in the program, the city quietly paid the hotel's owner to cover damages from residents. Social workers assigned to the hotel lamented its condition in emails obtained by the Los Angeles Times.

"Participant in 1516 Threatened staff, Security, destroyed property. Screamed. Yelled cursed. Everything went wrong with her. Inside and outside the building," one social worker wrote. Another recounted how "a male in 1526 assaulted another resident in Room 726."

The Mayfair represents the latest instance in which state and local governments have paid a huge price to address the homelessness crisis in California.

San Diego in April requested state funds to buy three hotels at $383,000 per room to house its homeless population. The city saw homelessness hit record highs in the months leading up to the purchase.

Between September 2021 and June 2022, the city of Berkeley alone removed 75 tons of garbage, drug paraphernalia, and human feces from homeless encampments. With an estimated 535 people living on the street at the time, the city removed roughly 500 pounds of waste per homeless person per year.

In July, President Joe Biden's Department of Housing and Urban Development announced its investment of $3 billion into Housing First programs across the country.
694   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 1:03pm  


It has come to this. San Fransisco is becoming such a crime-ridden hellhole that even the government is throwing in the towel. Just The News ran the very ironic story yesterday headlined, “* Workers at Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco told to work from home due to crime.”

Welcome to 2023, where satirical websites like the Babylon Bee are forced to compete with real-life headlines that that one.

Earlier this month, officials at HHS advised hundreds of federal employees to work from home indefinitely rather than risk commuting to the downtown federal building, which has become a hotspot for street drug deals in recent months. There’s some kind of metaphor here, but I can’t quite put my finger on it. Help is welcome in the comments.

“In light of the conditions at the (Federal Building) we recommend employees … maximize the use of telework for the foreseeable future,” HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration Cheryl Campbell wrote in an August 4th memo obtained by the San Francisco Chronicle.

If even the federal government is fleeing San Fransisco, what hope do the residents have? Get out while you can!

Ironically, the HHS memo reportedly was issued the very same day that Joe Biden called on his cabinet to “aggressively execute” plans for federal employees to return to their offices after working remotely since the COVID-19 pandemic first began. But not in San Fransisco, apparently.

So that’s the federal government’s plan to keep its employees safe. Evacuate San Fransisco.
695   Patrick   2023 Aug 17, 7:26pm  


Lenders have taken back a newly constructed condo project in Mission Bay by a prominent local architect that has sat vacant since its completion, an apparent victim of sluggish city processes and San Francisco’s challenging real estate market.

Avid Bank has assumed control of the building at 603 Tennessee St. from developer Sol Properties, according to property records, which listed the amount of unpaid debt on the property at $15.4 million.

Arcon Construction Group, the building’s general contractor, had previously filed a lien on the property claiming around $1.07 million in unpaid construction fees. ...

According to data from real estate brokerage Compass, median condo prices in San Francisco peaked in 2021 and have fallen annually since then. Median prices have still not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Additionally, federal interest rates have dramatically increased over the last year, making financing prohibitively expensive for many.
698   Patrick   2023 Aug 19, 2:10pm  


San Francisco refuses to arrest criminals. San Francisco refuses to get the homeless off the street. It makes the coffee business difficult — because if you think a $4 coffee is theft, you haven’t seen what owners go through here.

The list of closed San Francisco businesses is an ever-growing document. In June, a beloved coffee shop called HRD Coffee in SoMa (South of Market) closed. It has been in San Francisco since the 1950s. Guy Fieri visited in 2010.

Again, the pandemic didn’t help. But neither did the city. The owner says he was refused permission to create a parklet for outdoor dining. The office-working lunchtime crowd disappeared in 2020 and never returned.

The owner said it better than I can show it: “I would love to remain in San Francisco as a business. But the question is, would any sane person?"

On a nearby street in SoMa, the Bay Area’s own Blue Bottle Coffee shut down its second oldest location in the city. Whole Foods — another favorite in the Bay Area — closed its massive Market St. location after just a year being open.

Most Starbucks cafes in the City by the Bay have done away with chairs. Starbucks can’t admit the cause of this outright (for political reasons) but everyone knows why: chairs in the cafe are an invitation for drug-addicted homeless people to indefinitely occupy the space. The same is true with bathrooms.
699   Patrick   2023 Aug 21, 2:55pm  


Council meeting in affluent San Francisco neighborhood descends into chaos as residents protest turning hotel into homes for 100 homeless people
San Mateo officials want to place 100 homeless people in La Quinta hotel
Hundreds of Millbrae residents packed out a meeting to protest the plans
They drowned out speakers with booing in scenes akin to a sports stadium

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