San Francisco's slide into hell under extreme violent leftism

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2021 Apr 15, 9:51pm   157,284 views  1,029 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


‘Hey, where are you?” Hannah Ege texted her husband, Sheria Musyoka. He’d left on a morning jog and had been gone for an hour and a half. Hannah was home, taking care of their three-year-old son. She began to freak out. She called and texted and called again. He never answered.

Speeding and drunk — at just shy of eight in the morning — Jerry Lyons barreled through a red light at an intersection in a stolen Ford Explorer. Lyons struck and killed Musyoka, a 26-year-old Dartmouth grad who had moved to San Francisco only ten days earlier with his wife and their son. After clipping Musyoka, Lyons collided with another car, causing an eight-car pileup that sent several other people to the hospital.

The San Francisco police arrested Lyons on multiple charges that morning in February, but this was not the first time he’d been arrested for drunk driving in a stolen car. On December 3, he had been arrested for driving under the influence, driving a stolen vehicle, and driving without a license. Before that, he’d been released from prison after serving time for a grand-theft conviction; in fact, Lyons had been arrested at least seven times in the Bay Area since his release from prison, and his rap sheet goes back a decade. Still, San Francisco’s district attorney, Chesa Boudin, delayed pressing charges against Lyons until a toxicology report confirmed that he had been inebriated, which, more than a month and a half later in January, it did. Lyons then had 14 days to turn himself in to the DA’s office. On the 13th day, he killed Musyoka. While COVID-era difficulties might have accounted for the medical examiner’s slow speed in returning test results, a different DA could have chosen to move forward sooner — taking necessary precautions — and charged Lyons with a DUI based on observable factors alone, such as the results of Lyons’s field sobriety test, his erratic driving in a stolen vehicle, and close scrutiny of his behavior.

Hannah Ege expressed her grief and pain to a local TV news station, railing at the district attorney’s reluctance to lock up repeat offenders. Whom does she blame for her husband’s death? “The DA,” she said. “This freak accident was no freak accident. It was someone who was out in the public who should not have been out in public.”

The Lyons mayhem is not an isolated case in the city by the bay. On New Year’s Eve, a parolee on the run from a robbery — also in a stolen car — sped through a red light, striking and killing two women, 60-year-old Elizabeth Platt and 27-year-old Hanako Abe, who were in the crosswalk. The driver, Troy McAlister, had been released twice by the district attorney in the previous year: the first time because Boudin refuses to pursue three-strike cases, of which McAlister’s was one; the second — as recently as December 20, when the SFPD arrested McAlister for driving a stolen car — because Boudin kicked the case to the state parole officers, who did nothing.

Welcome to San Francisco’s latest idiocy, a new experiment in governance where everything is allowed but nothing is permitted. A paradox, you might say, but take a walk down Market Street, down that great avenue in a great city in a great nation, and note the desolation of the empty streets, the used needles tossed on the sidewalks, and the boarded-up windows on storefronts. Consider that, at various unpredictable times in the last year, it has been illegal — for the sake of public safety during COVID — to run a mom-and-pop corner shop or to serve food at sidewalk cafés. Reflect for a moment that, since time immemorial, it has been illegal to build any new housing, because of the most onerous and confusing zoning laws in the known universe. Mark Zuckerberg can apparently influence national elections by tweaking algorithms, but he is powerless before the planning commission when it comes to building apartments for his employees. The city has banned plastic straws, plastic bags, and McDonald’s Happy Meals with toys. And yet, all the while, drug dealers sell their wares — COVID or no COVID — openly and freely at all hours of the day and night, users shoot up or pop fentanyl in public and defecate on the street, robbers pillage cars and homes with the ease of Visigoth raiders, and the district attorney frees repeat offenders who go on to sow disorder, pain, devastation, and grief. A profound melancholy hangs in the air of this city, punctuated only by the shrieks of a junkie dreaming of demons or by the rat-tat-tat-bam of the occasional firework. (Or was that a gun?) ...

How did it come to this? On January 8, 2020, Mayor London Breed swore in Chesa Boudin as the new district attorney of San Francisco in front of a packed house at the Herbst Theater. Boudin won the election by a nose in a runoff, with oily promises to feel the pain of all parties to a crime, both victims and perpetrators. He made pledges to enact “restorative justice” and prison reform through “decarceration.” U.S. Supreme Court justice Sonia Sotomayor recorded a congratulatory video message, which was played at the swearing-in ceremony for Boudin and the crowd. “Chesa, you have undertaken a remarkable challenge today,” the justice said. “The hope you reflect is a great beacon to many.”

The task before Boudin was already monumental. Before he assumed his office, San Francisco ranked No. 1 in the nation in property crime. On average, thieves broke 60 car windows per day, with impunity. In 2014, California voters approved Proposition 47, a reform measure that reduced many felonies to ticketed misdemeanors, such as theft of less than $950 and hard-drug possession. There were more drug addicts on the streets than there were students in the schools. Tent encampments of homeless people had sprouted in every nook and alley and under every highway overpass. Commuters faced a daily gauntlet in the form of an appalling humanitarian crisis in the streets.

But Boudin immediately refused to take any responsibility for these issues. Among his first acts was to fire seven veteran prosecutors who were not on board with his radical views. (Over 30 prosecutors have left during his tenure because they don’t want to work for him.) Next, Boudin abolished the cash-bail system, so offenders are able to walk free after arrest. He rarely brings a case to trial: Out of the 6,333 cases to land on his desk since taking office, he has gone to trial only 23 times. This is one-tenth the rate of his predecessor, George Gascón, who was hardly tough on crime. Since the killing of George Floyd, there has been a shortage of cops, as officers retire in record numbers. San Francisco has also moved to defund the police, with plans to shift $120 million in law-enforcement funding to restorative-justice programs, housing support, and a guaranteed-income pilot, among other ideas.

To where does Boudin’s “great beacon” point? Over the last year, there have been more deaths from drug overdoses in San Francisco than from COVID-19. Walgreens has closed ten of its drugstores in the city because its shelves were being pillaged freely by shoplifters. According to SFPD’s CompStat, compared with last year, arson has increased 52 percent, motor-vehicle theft is up 21 percent, and burglaries have seen a 59 percent increase. One largely Asian neighborhood, the Richmond district, has reported a 342 percent spike in burglaries this year compared with last. Admittedly, some numbers are down, such as those for larceny and robbery. But police attribute these declines to the pandemic, since there are fewer opportunities for would-be criminals to commit such crimes as people shelter in place. One neighborhood association sent a letter in February to Boudin and Mayor Breed, begging them to restore public safety. The association also posted it on the Internet. “Our neighborhood can’t wait another day,” they wrote. “Our homes are repeatedly broken into and robbed. Our merchants suffer unsustainable losses from theft and smashed windows. Employees are threatened with guns. Residents are robbed at gunpoint on our own streets. The sound of gunshots is no longer unusual.” ...

Now, what rough beast slouches its way towards San Francisco? With a district attorney who won’t prosecute crimes, how long will it be until an anxious Google engineer defends himself from being harassed by a madman? Will envious arsonists light the Salesforce Tower on fire as a jacked-up mob courses through the streets burning and looting the Painted Ladies?

A desperate sun struggles through the fog. There may be one ray of hope. The city has recently approved the effort to recall Chesa Boudin from office. Locals could begin downloading signature-gathering petitions on March 12. If 10 percent of registered voters sign the petition, all voters may get the chance to vote the bum out. But even if they do, it will remain tragic for Musyoka, Platt, Abe, and others like them that the day did not come soon enough.

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943   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 7:42pm  


Bought for $949M, 2 San Francisco offices have been marked down to zero ...

The owner of two iconic San Francisco office properties is likely to give them up as major tenants pull out and the final due date for debt payments draws nearer, according to an earnings call with the New York real estate firm the Paramount Group.

One of the properties is known as the Market Center, a 770,000-square-foot brutalist office complex split across two buildings at 555 and 575 Market St. in the middle of the Financial District. The complex used to serve as the headquarters for Standard Oil and Chevron.

The other is a neo-gothic structure a block away at 111 Sutter St. that was the fictional address of private detective Sam Spade’s office in the noir novel The Maltese Falcon, which in 1941 was made into a classic film starring Humphrey Bogart.

Paramount executives said in the Feb. 15 earnings call that they are in negotiations with their lenders on the two properties, but both investments have already been marked down to zero on company books. Executives say debt on the buildings far exceeds their current market value.
944   Patrick   2024 Mar 21, 8:22pm  


State Farm's California exit could cause headache for Bay Area home, business owners

State Farm Insurance's decision last week to cease accepting new applications — including all business and personal lines property and casualty insurance — has potential consequences for both homebuyers and small business owners in the Bay Area.

The company — the largest property and casualty insurance provider in the state as of 2021 — said it was necessary to take the actions now to improve the its financial strength. But it could spell trouble for some local real estate transactions by limiting the buyer pool in heavily wooded areas. Buyers getting a mortgage typically are required to have insurance that covers losses from fire, and brokers have said this had already gotten more difficult before State Farm's announcement.
945   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 26, 5:56pm  

Patrick says

and brokers have said this had already gotten more difficult before State Farm's announcement.

All part of the Great Reset.

Large corporations that can self-insure will buy up all the houses.

You'll still be allowed to eat whatever roaches in 'your house' than you can catch, tho.

That's part of what thru mean by 'Let zem eat zee bugs'.
946   Patrick   2024 Apr 5, 7:54pm  


The Empty Storefronts of Downtown San Francisco
San Francisco vacancy ‘is probably worse than 37% right now’
947   WookieMan   2024 Apr 6, 10:10am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Many illegals use real tax ids of actual citizens.

Yeah, I know. I don't like signing up for services/subscriptions, but I have to unlock my SS # any time I need a credit pull. Also prevents my CC temptation to play the points game. Slight pain in the ass, but no one can use my SS # without me being there to unlock it. I 2 step the F out of everything password wise and financially. Again a pain, but guess what, I get to use the same password without fear everywhere where it's important. So in that way it makes life easier with fraud protection.
950   Patrick   2024 Apr 13, 8:42pm  


'San Francisco has lost some of its appeal post-pandemic. A lot of tech employers and big-name retailers have moved out of the city, and some of my clients have reported they're leaving the area because they don't feel as safe as they used to.'

San Francisco's Westfield, once a thriving mall home to the largest Nordstrom in America in the city's downtown area, is now a shell of its former self after a string of departures from big-name stores.

Occupancy was at a measly 25 percent in January, and staff and shoppers told DailyMail.com how they were left 'scared' by 'rising crime, drug-taking and homelessness' in the area.
951   SoTex   2024 Apr 13, 8:50pm  

@patrick I left the bay area 13 years ago. Do people out in public that you know discuss the downtrends there? Or maybe they are in denial or maybe it's faux pas to discuss.

Just curious...

San Diego was trending down too in my opine but not like that. Mostly just the schools indoctrinating kids with critical race garbage that had some of my friends move out of CA. And too many foreigners...
952   Patrick   2024 Apr 13, 9:24pm  


Yes, that article was sent to me by someone I know here, for example.

But he rents, like I do. People who own a house never mention the downtrend around here. The psychology is amazingly consistent that way.
953   Patrick   2024 Apr 13, 9:25pm  

You know, it's very much like the vaxx thing. Most people who took it refuse to believe that it's really as bad as it provably is.
954   richwicks   2024 Apr 13, 10:28pm  

Patrick says

You know, it's very much like the vaxx thing. Most people who took it refuse to believe that it's really as bad as it provably is.

People would rather potentially die than accept they made an error.

I know I can be propagandized, it's the first thing you learn about propaganda, nobody is free from it, even if they are 100% aware of how it works. You can only correct it later, what I'm shocked by is nobody seems to care about being correct. I never appreciated that. I was never aware of it. I want to be corrected, most people seemed to be locked into a rigid set of beliefs. I wonder if this effects our "upper class" as well. If it does, we really do live in a society of madness.
955   mell   2024 Apr 14, 8:28am  

There's no doubt that the entire bay area, esp. SF are in a downtrend, but house prices are maybe down 5%-10% from the peak, in SF maybe 10-15%, so pretty much only people who bought 2019-2022 during the plandemic or just before are under water. But builders have stopped building pretty much and inventory is tight, so prices have actually stabilized and in better areas reversed the trend
956   SoTex   2024 Apr 14, 10:34am  

Patrick says

Yes, that article was sent to me by someone I know here, for example.

But he rents, like I do. People who own a house never mention the downtrend around here. The psychology is amazingly consistent that way.

I had a feeling...
957   Ceffer   2024 Apr 14, 10:43am  

My hood prices dropped around 200k then bounced back up rather quickly. The cash is out there in somebody's' pockets, interest rates be damned.

At the rate things are going, the Asians will probably make us a neighborhood Caucasian museum and throw peanuts and bananas at us. That, and surrounded by inheritors.
959   richwicks   2024 Apr 15, 11:40pm  

Ceffer says

My hood prices dropped around 200k then bounced back up rather quickly. The cash is out there in somebody's' pockets, interest rates be damned.

At the rate things are going, the Asians will probably make us a neighborhood Caucasian museum and throw peanuts and bananas at us. That, and surrounded by inheritors.

Large cash flush corporations are buying up inventory. Blackrock is one of them.

When the WEF said you will own nothing and be happy, they were 1/2 right, that is their plan.
960   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 8:07pm  


Crime-Ridden San Francisco Wants To Punish Grocery Stores For Fleeing Said Crime

Unpunished crime is so out of control in San Francisco that the city now wants to punish grocery stores who want to leave.

Under the 'Grocery Protection Act' introduced by city Board of Supervisors member Dean Preston (Democratic Socialist), stores that want to flee all the crime and other increased liabilities will have to provide the city with six months advanced notice, and make efforts to find a replacement supermarket for the location being vacated, Benzinga reports.

The move comes after While Foods shut down its flagship store in San Francisco after being open for just over a year, citing employee safety concerns.

The reports show how workers at the store were routinely threatened with weapons, while vagrants would throw food at staff, engage in fights, and even defecate on the floor.

One incident saw a homeless man with a knife spray an employee with a fire extinguisher.


There were also cases of drug overdoses with one man dying in the bathroom after overdosing on fentanyl and methamphetamine. Thefts were also common with large quantities of alcohol stolen from the store. -Daily Mail

Nearly 570 emergency calls were logged from the location, including one call with desperate pleas to the police saying "male [with] machete is back," and "another security guard was just assaulted." ...

Preston's proposal would allow anyone impacted by a noncompliant store closure to initiate legal proceedings.

As Benzinga further notes, "It’s not just grocery stores that have had enough of the city. Other large businesses that recently closed their downtown San Francisco locations include Adidas, AT&T Inc., Nordstrom and Lego Group."

Maybe start punishing crime?

The 'Grocery Protection Act' would mean that no new stores will open. What business would want to be forced to remain open at a loss?
961   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 17, 6:53am  

How can you force a store to be open? If it's open but not restocked, is it really open? If all workers (except security guards) were fired or quit and management is looking for replacements but having trouble finding suitable candidates, is the store really-really open?

Demon rats are living in imaginary world.
962   HeadSet   2024 Apr 17, 7:36am  


How can you force a store to be open?

True, a judge should immediately throw this out. And if not, just do like you said and just run out of stock and employees.
963   SoTex   2024 Apr 17, 10:24am  

Great way to grow a food desert lol.
964   Ceffer   2024 Apr 17, 12:28pm  

The ocean is better because the skid mark skies will at least blow off occasionally to reveal the firmament blue. Today, it's all chemtrail skid marks where I live, almost like a brush fire. Of course, closest to the oceans is where it costests the mostests, more like the one half percenters.

965   Patrick   2024 Apr 25, 10:16pm  


Lol, Pavel Durov was thinking of locating Telegram in SF, but got mugged outside of Twitter headquarters, so decided against it.
966   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 25, 10:41pm  

Adam Schiff got mugged today. Stole his suit or suit jacket?
967   Patrick   2024 Apr 26, 9:17am  


The San Fransisco Chronicle ran a shifty story yesterday breezily headlined “Thieves snatch Rep. Adam Schiff's luggage in S.F. He gives dinner speech without a suit.”


I’ve been turning it around in my head for hours, and I still can’t quite make the details work. According to the story, Schiff was in San Fransisco for a few days campaigning for the Senate. During that time he was keeping his clothes in his bags in his car in a San Fransisco parking garage.

Why change in the car? Wouldn’t it be more convenient to bring your bags into the hotel like a normal, non-reptilian homo sapien does? Here’s how the Chronicle described the story, you tell me. Maybe I’m missing something:

Thursday, thieves swiped the bags from his car while it sat in a downtown parking garage. Schiff’s car had been parked in the garage while he visited the area for a couple of days of appearances, which included a jaunt south to Burlingame for the dinner at Ristorante Rocca.
“Yes, they took my bags,” Schiff said calmly. “But I’m here to thank Joe.”

Yes, yes, thanks Joe. We get it. But still. What about those bags? Was Adam distrustful of the housekeeping staff? Were all his credit cards over the limit, and he was living out of the car waiting for Georgie Soros to send a new one? Where was he ironing his suits? In the car garage?

Let’s be honest. Was Adam thrown out of his hotel?

Wait! Were there any classified files in the bags??

But I digress. The point is, thanks to excessive liberal governance, sometimes also called “bad luck,” San Fransisco is looking a lot less “Golden” and a lot more like a third world you-know-what-hole. Schiff might be politically biased, but this story proves that at least the criminals in San Fransisco don’t discriminate.

Well. The independent criminals. The ones who don’t work for the government. Those ones aren’t biased.

Laughably, the Chronicle earnestly informed its gullible readers that car burglaries are down a whopping 35% just in the first three months of 2024. It was bad luck for Schiff. He must have run into some of the City’s few remaining burglars. And — 35%! What a law enforcement miracle! Or a reporting miracle, anyway.

But wait! There’s more.

Amidst the Golden State’s rapidly declining crime statistics, another prominent California political figure also encountered bad luck. On Wednesday, the day before Schiff’s garage pilfering, Politico ran the story under the headline, “Suspect arrested in break-in at Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass’s home, police say.”

Around 6:40am Sunday, a burglar broke into the mayor’s official house, known as Getty Mansion, while Bass, her daughter, son-in-law and newborn grandson were all at home. You bet the police quickly caught a suspect. The suspect was upstanding LA city resident Ephraim Matthew Hunter, 29, who served 7 years at his previous address in Massachusetts for assault with a deadly weapon.

Maybe Matthew was just trying to pay a parking ticket and got confused? Well, it seems there might be more to the story than U.S. corporate media is reporting. The Daily Mail added the curious fact that Matthew tried to break into the bedroom while calling out the name of “one of the occupants.”

So … they knew each other.

During her term, Mayor Bass has helped push progressive policies across LA, including no-cash bail. But ironically, Matthew is being held on an astounding $100,000 bail. Have fun in the comments.

Also curiously, LAPD’s Interim Chief Dominic Choi said the break-in happened during a security shift change, so nobody was guarding the home at the time of incident.

Tone-deaf Politico predictably connected the Bass break-in to the wild October 2022 Pelosi break-in, back in San Francisco. Politico oddly wondered whether public officials are enjoying enough security.

It kind of had a point. Sunday's incident was the second time lately that Bass fell victim to a break-in. Back in 2022, while running for office, Mayor Bass experienced more bad luck when two men robbed a pair of handguns from her Baldwin Vista home.

But I don’t think the problem is security. Um, hello, Politico? It’s all well and good to give public officials private security armies, but what about the rest of us? Maybe a more probing question would be something about California’s crime wave?

I’m just asking.

Why is it so hard for them to recognize the real problem, which is literally smashing them in the head with a hammer?
968   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 26, 9:28am  

Yeah, the whole suit situation is bizzare. The only sane explanation could be he decided to check out on the day of the dinner&speech because he's too cheap to pay for another night he's not going to fully use. But it's a bit undignified for a congresscreature, methinks. Heck, even lowly me would ask for a late checkout instead of donning a suit in the fuckig garage.
969   Ceffer   2024 Apr 26, 10:10am  

Intel dead drop kind of thing, which is why he is peacocking the incident with civvies as a victim? He was on the House Intelligence Committee before the boot. Whenever there are 'luggage incidents' with Guv figures like this, it is likely an Intel scam. He is already a traitor. Master plans for the next false flag atrocity on the People?

You really think he is wandering around without some goon(s) to prevent this kind of thing?

This perverted dynastic scum is who gets elected through our election fraud apparatus.
971   Patrick   2024 Apr 26, 4:12pm  

Not sure what city, but all California cities are like that.
973   Ceffer   2024 Apr 26, 6:02pm  

The 'security guard' looks like he was taking the worst of it from the likely drug chuffed ferile street valiant. I think he should be looking for another job, or they should find somebody more capable.

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