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The Facts:
Michigan State University has announced that its indoor basketball stadiums will drop mask and vaccine mandates.
Inside its classrooms, mask mandate will continue.
The president is an infectious disease physician.
I think we have reached a new low.
The university’s policy cannot be explained by caring about COVID19 spread. If you truly cared, you could ban basketball games entirely. Or hold them in dramatically reduced capacity. You could even mandate n95 mask wearing inside the stadium. The players could also wear masks, just like we ask school kids to at recess in several California cities. After all, many believe these do not impair exertion in any way. These actions however would cost MSU massive revenue, so would never be entertained. Moreover, I would never advocate for this.
The policy can’t be about protecting faculty. Because faculty’s greatest risk comes from outside of work: their vacation, dining, cocktail party, travel and conference habits. MSU is not suspending all work related gatherings and advising faculty not to go on vacation/ leave their homes. Most faculty I know are living large.
The policy is not about science, but worse: it flunks the common sense test. It shows only that MSU can enforce mask mandates on a population that has little recourse (students in class), and little ability to push back.
At least one reason Americans are fed up with COVID-19, and unlikely to be favorable towards public health going forward are naked contradictions like this. If people with power to set policy punish only the powerless, and have policy that is clearly self-defeating, why should they even have power? Why should anyone take them seriously?
I feel bad for rational folks left at MSU, and I know there are many. Sadly, the leaders have lost your trust.
Now that the CDC has acknowledged the reality that cloth masks were ineffective to stop the spread of airborne COVID…
Now that entertainment elites write and perform little skits making light of the very mask-abuse they promoted and amplified against…
Now that the same governmental leaders who authored the unnecessary laws and enforced the harmful guidelines have now themselves demonstrated on national television they no longer see them as useful…
Now that Hollywood stars and music moguls have dropped their own charade and paraded through packed stadiums without the masks they so frequently endorsed on social media…
Now that the president has gone silent after using his bully pulpit to hang guilt and shame around the neck of everyone who dared to point to evidence questioning his administration's mitigation decrees…
Now that the architect of so many of these rigid yet inconsistent, intrusive yet arbitrary policies, who crowned himself the personification of science itself has seemingly been intentionally removed from the public eye entirely…
Isn't it time for some heads to roll? Isn't it time for fair-minded people with any shred of moral conscience to forget criticizing the governor who tells kids to stop wearing pointless and harmful masks and start holding the governors, legislators, mayors, superintendents, and school boards who bullied vulnerable kids into strapping them to their faces?
Get rid of masks on planes
There isn’t a single study with a control group that shows they work. Follow the science!
March 10, 2022
It was bad enough in the early days of COVID lockdowns to treat people to the indignity of being declared “essential” or not. Then the mask orders began and with them an avalanche of absurdities, with the “actively eating and drinking” exception being one of the most risible. They stuck them on cooks sweating in hot kitchens. High school athletes gasped through them up and down the court. Greeters and receptionists had to try to welcome you with a muffled burble or frustrated gestures.
Worse than all that, however, were the repeated revelations that political leaders, the super wealthy, elite celebrities, and a select few others enjoyed permanent exemption from coerced masking. Social media was filled with pictures of the mandaters and maskier-than-thous enjoying life as normal. They seemed like moralizing TV preachers caught with their pants down, except they gave no tearful mea culpas.
This behavior didn’t hail from hypocrisy, it stank of privilege. Hypocrisy was the point; it reinforced their higher social standing above the cloth-covered proles. You must comply because you’re subject to our rules; we, of course, are above all that.
US Senate Votes 57-40 to Pass Rand Paul’s Bill to End Transportation and Airplane Mask Mandate
By Jim Hoft
Published March 15, 2022 Senate Votes 57-40 to Pass Rand Paul’s Bill to End Transportation and Airplane Mask Mandate
By Jim Hoft
Published March 15, 2022
Plain and simple, this has been an unforgivable assault on freedom. A crime. An inhuman and satanic ritual. In a natural environment, heads would be on pikes...if MEN and masculinity were revered.
WineHorror1 saysPlain and simple, this has been an unforgivable assault on freedom. A crime. An inhuman and satanic ritual. In a natural environment, heads would be on pikes...if MEN and masculinity were revered.
I'm convinced it's a food additive (or combination of them) or all the Pharmaceuticals in the water. They might study trace chemicals singly, but seldom do they do them together. Birth control is pregnancy mimicking hormones, which are often peed out, and most public water filtration doesn't block anything close to most of it. Youth exposure is the key, pre- or during puberty. Poison is the dosage, and while they feed rats many times their body weight of something, scientists seldom do 10-20 year studies of constant low dose exposure.
See also COVID vaccine and Roundup. Monsanto reps used to go around and browbeat people that Roundup was fine and dandy, not l...
Christina Berndt, SZ Journalist: "If Germany lifts mask mandates and I keep masking, people will think I'm a strange eccentric, therefore Germany should not lift mask mandates."
Brief notes on masking psychology.
Mar 20
Boycott The Airlines, Hit The Open Road
Instead of subjecting yourself to mask mandates and TSA pat-downs, consider taking a road trip instead.
In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in the United States District Court in the Middle District of Florida that names the Centers of Disease Control as a defendant, 21 states are seeking an end to mandates on public transportation.
“Faced with a government that displays outright disdain for the limits on its power – especially when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic – plaintiffs seek vacatur of that mask mandate and a permanent injunction against its enforcement,” said the suit.
On the one hand, there are many biomedical faculty who are passionately arguing why 2-4 year olds should be forced to wear cloth masks. (NY City is fighting this in the courts). Even though there is no randomized data, even though cloth masks failed in adults (let alone toddlers), even though it contradicts the WHO, even though it fails common sense, we must keep doing this!
On the other hand, doctors post pictures of them attending industry sponsored academic conferences. Getting drinks and partying. Packed in tight rooms. No masks. Praising each other for their work. Drenched in financial conflict of interest and pro-new and pro-costly bias.
How can both these things be true?
We are facing such a health emergency that we have to mask toddlers by force of law AND we can continue to enjoy entirely superfluous medical gatherings that risk viral spread.
Don't say it's vaccines.
Because the vaccinated, boosted 50 year old, elevated BMI doc with comorbidities has far higher risk than the healthy, unvax'd 4 year old.
Don't say it's about spreading the virus.
Both can spread the virus to others.
Don't say it's about the activities importance.
The adult's entirely excessive medical conference is less important than the child's early education.
COVID-19 policy reveals the selfishness of adults, the indifference to kids, and the hypocrisy of medicine. It's disgusting to witness and history will judge it poorly.
Lack of Evidence to Support Claims That Face Masks Stop Virus Transmission, Unsealed Expert Testimonies Say
Alberta's college of chiropractors is holding disciplinary hearings against a chiropractor for not following mask requirements
By Lee Harding March 29, 2022 Updated: March 31, 2022
The story is bizarre:
Everyone will remember that Corona astrologers and public health authorities, from Anthony Fauci to Christian Drosten, advised against masks early on. They pointed to longstanding public-health guidelines against community masking, which they claimed was powerless against viral infection. Then, beginning in April 2020, these very same people started singing a different tune. They had only played down the utility of masks to preserve their availability for healthcare personnel, they said. In fact everybody should wear masks; they would prevent infections, perhaps even make lockdowns unnecessary.
They proceeded to impose mask mandates upon the better part of the world. Lungs everywhere filled with new microplastics, oceans accumulated a new kind of trash, all of it to no effect whatever. Older public health doctrine against masking, it turns out, was totally right. Mandates plainly have no effect on infection curves. This is because SARS-2 is primarily transmitted by aerosols; it works like a gas that fills indoor spaces. Only N95 or FFP2 respirators have any chance of stopping the inhalation of these microscopic particles, but the discipline required to fit and seal a respirator properly is both inconsistent with the low quality of commonly available models, and incompatible with use outside of a controlled hospital environment. Thus, even respirators are totally worthless.
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