Masks Control People, Not Viruses

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2021 Apr 20, 8:45am   129,945 views  1,006 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Published online 2020 Nov 22.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Baruch Vainshelboim⁎

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making. ...

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

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471   Patrick   2022 Mar 16, 10:42am  


US Senate Votes 57-40 to Pass Rand Paul’s Bill to End Transportation and Airplane Mask Mandate
By Jim Hoft
Published March 15, 2022
472   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 16, 10:48am  

Patrick says

US Senate Votes 57-40 to Pass Rand Paul’s Bill to End Transportation and Airplane Mask Mandate
By Jim Hoft
Published March 15, 2022

Nice, but of symbolic value only.
474   Onvacation   2022 Mar 17, 6:02am  

My place of employment finally went mask free this week. More people were wearing masks on Wednesday than Tuesday! However, many are just wearing them on their chin.
475   GNL   2022 Mar 17, 6:25am  

Plain and simple, this has been an unforgivable assault on freedom. A crime. An inhuman and satanic ritual. In a natural environment, heads would be on pikes...if MEN and masculinity were revered.
476   Onvacation   2022 Mar 17, 6:45am  

I asked one of my, antivax anti mask, colleagues why he put his mask back on yesterday. His answer, "Because so many people are still afraid."
477   Patrick   2022 Mar 18, 11:08pm  

You could point out to your masked colleague that it exactly the masks themselves that are perpetuating the fear.

To break the cycle, as many people as possible need to show their faces proudly.
478   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 19, 2:41am  

WineHorror1 says
Plain and simple, this has been an unforgivable assault on freedom. A crime. An inhuman and satanic ritual. In a natural environment, heads would be on pikes...if MEN and masculinity were revered.

I'm convinced it's a food additive (or combination of them) or all the Pharmaceuticals in the water. They might study trace chemicals singly, but seldom do they do them together. Birth control is pregnancy mimicking hormones, which are often peed out, and most public water filtration doesn't block anything close to most of it. Youth exposure is the key, pre- or during puberty. Poison is the dosage, and while they feed rats many times their body weight of something, scientists seldom do 10-20 year studies of constant low dose exposure.

See also COVID vaccine and Roundup. Monsanto reps used to go around and browbeat people that Roundup was fine and dandy, not long ago. I'm sure you all saw the Argentinian (I think) journo asking the Monsanto Rep and him bullying the guy. Then the journo pours some in a cup and asks him to drink it and the Rep storms out.

Also why wealthy people seldom drink tap water and have expensive osmosis filters.
479   mell   2022 Mar 19, 10:32am  

AmericanKulak says
WineHorror1 says
Plain and simple, this has been an unforgivable assault on freedom. A crime. An inhuman and satanic ritual. In a natural environment, heads would be on pikes...if MEN and masculinity were revered.

I'm convinced it's a food additive (or combination of them) or all the Pharmaceuticals in the water. They might study trace chemicals singly, but seldom do they do them together. Birth control is pregnancy mimicking hormones, which are often peed out, and most public water filtration doesn't block anything close to most of it. Youth exposure is the key, pre- or during puberty. Poison is the dosage, and while they feed rats many times their body weight of something, scientists seldom do 10-20 year studies of constant low dose exposure.

See also COVID vaccine and Roundup. Monsanto reps used to go around and browbeat people that Roundup was fine and dandy, not l...

Glyphosate is nothing but toxic waste , same as fluoride, but they sell for good $$ to corrupt "officials".it's fine to have fluoride in toothpaste so people can choose, but putting it into the water is a crime. "Fun" fact many toothpastes contain triclosan, another toxic waste product to "kill germs" in the mouth. But the dental association happily "recommends" all this shite.
480   Undoctored   2022 Mar 19, 1:03pm  

Being able to go mask-free was supposed to be the reward for getting vaccinated, right? It’s funny how so many vaccinees are reluctant to claim their reward.

Now that they have their freedom they don’t want it. They’re still scared of the virus, and think that the mask will protect them. Or maybe they got used to hiding their face and just like it that way.

Still seeing a lot of mask wearers, outside even, here in Silicon Valley, where masking has been optional indoors for two weeks now. Still “recommended” though. That probably explains it.


Even though they don’t have to do it:

1. They want to be seen as doing what’s right.
2. They probably actually think it’s in fact “right,” too.
3. Beyond believing they are “stopping the virus” they also like wearing the mask.
481   Patrick   2022 Mar 22, 6:45pm  


Christina Berndt, SZ Journalist: "If Germany lifts mask mandates and I keep masking, people will think I'm a strange eccentric, therefore Germany should not lift mask mandates."
Brief notes on masking psychology.

Mar 20
483   richwicks   2022 Mar 23, 12:12pm  

Patrick says

My friend has two small children here in California. I've never seen them with masks on and the only time he, his wife, or I have them on, is when we are walking to a table at a restaurant. His wife is more tolerant of the BS of masking and so on, he and I are absolutely against it.
488   Patrick   2022 Apr 2, 6:51pm  


Boycott The Airlines, Hit The Open Road
Instead of subjecting yourself to mask mandates and TSA pat-downs, consider taking a road trip instead.
490   Patrick   2022 Apr 3, 9:26pm  


In a lawsuit filed Tuesday in the United States District Court in the Middle District of Florida that names the Centers of Disease Control as a defendant, 21 states are seeking an end to mandates on public transportation.

“Faced with a government that displays outright disdain for the limits on its power – especially when it comes to the COVID-19 pandemic – plaintiffs seek vacatur of that mask mandate and a permanent injunction against its enforcement,” said the suit.
491   Patrick   2022 Apr 3, 9:31pm  


On the one hand, there are many biomedical faculty who are passionately arguing why 2-4 year olds should be forced to wear cloth masks. (NY City is fighting this in the courts). Even though there is no randomized data, even though cloth masks failed in adults (let alone toddlers), even though it contradicts the WHO, even though it fails common sense, we must keep doing this!

On the other hand, doctors post pictures of them attending industry sponsored academic conferences. Getting drinks and partying. Packed in tight rooms. No masks. Praising each other for their work. Drenched in financial conflict of interest and pro-new and pro-costly bias.

How can both these things be true?

We are facing such a health emergency that we have to mask toddlers by force of law AND we can continue to enjoy entirely superfluous medical gatherings that risk viral spread.

Don't say it's vaccines.

Because the vaccinated, boosted 50 year old, elevated BMI doc with comorbidities has far higher risk than the healthy, unvax'd 4 year old.

Don't say it's about spreading the virus.

Both can spread the virus to others.

Don't say it's about the activities importance.

The adult's entirely excessive medical conference is less important than the child's early education.

COVID-19 policy reveals the selfishness of adults, the indifference to kids, and the hypocrisy of medicine. It's disgusting to witness and history will judge it poorly.
493   Patrick   2022 Apr 4, 5:58pm  


Lack of Evidence to Support Claims That Face Masks Stop Virus Transmission, Unsealed Expert Testimonies Say
Alberta's college of chiropractors is holding disciplinary hearings against a chiropractor for not following mask requirements
By Lee Harding March 29, 2022 Updated: March 31, 2022
497   Patrick   2022 Apr 9, 5:00pm  


Use of face masks did not impact COVID-19 incidence among 10–12-year-olds in Finland
498   Patrick   2022 Apr 11, 9:23pm  


The story is bizarre:

Everyone will remember that Corona astrologers and public health authorities, from Anthony Fauci to Christian Drosten, advised against masks early on. They pointed to longstanding public-health guidelines against community masking, which they claimed was powerless against viral infection. Then, beginning in April 2020, these very same people started singing a different tune. They had only played down the utility of masks to preserve their availability for healthcare personnel, they said. In fact everybody should wear masks; they would prevent infections, perhaps even make lockdowns unnecessary.

They proceeded to impose mask mandates upon the better part of the world. Lungs everywhere filled with new microplastics, oceans accumulated a new kind of trash, all of it to no effect whatever. Older public health doctrine against masking, it turns out, was totally right. Mandates plainly have no effect on infection curves. This is because SARS-2 is primarily transmitted by aerosols; it works like a gas that fills indoor spaces. Only N95 or FFP2 respirators have any chance of stopping the inhalation of these microscopic particles, but the discipline required to fit and seal a respirator properly is both inconsistent with the low quality of commonly available models, and incompatible with use outside of a controlled hospital environment. Thus, even respirators are totally worthless.
501   Patrick   2022 Apr 12, 9:08pm  


Background: Mandatory use of face covering masks (FCM) had been established for children aged six and above in Catalonia (Spain), as one of the non-pharmaceutical interventions aimed at mitigating SARS-CoV-2 transmission within schools. To date, the effectiveness of this mandate has not been well established. The quasi-experimental comparison between 5 year-old children, as a control group, and 6 year-old children, as an interventional group, provides us with the appropriate research conditions for addressing this issue.

Methods: We performed a retrospective population-based study among 599,314 children aged 3 to 11 years attending preschool (3-5 years, without FCM mandate) and primary education (6-11 years, with FCM mandate) with the aim of calculating the incidence of SARS-CoV-2, secondary attack rates (SAR) and the effective reproductive number (R*) for each grade during the first trimester of the 2021-2022 academic year, and analysing the differences between 5-year-old, without FCM, and 6 year-old children, with FCM.

Findings: SARS-CoV-2 incidence was significantly lower in preschool than in primary education, and an age-dependent trend was observed. Children aged 3 and 4 showed lower outcomes for all the analysed epidemiological variables, while children aged 11 had the higher values. Six-year-old children showed higher incidence than 5 year-olds (3•54% vs 3•1%; OR: 1•15 [95%CI: 1•08-1•22]) and slightly lower but not statistically significant SAR and R*: SAR were 4•36% in 6 year-old children, and 4•59% in 5 year-old (IRR: 0•96 [95%CI: 0•82-1•11]); and R* was 0•9 and 0•93 (OR: 0•96 [95%CI: 0•87-1•09]), respectively.

Interpretation: FCM mandates in schools were not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 incidence or transmission, suggesting that this intervention was not effective. Instead, age-dependency was the most important factor in explaining the transmission risk for children attending school.
503   Patrick   2022 Apr 14, 9:58am  

The White House just announced that the mask mandate is to be continued on planes and public transport because (pick one)
A) it is necessary to slow the spread and stop disease
B) It is necessary to satisfy Congress (and the American public) that the emergency powers should remain in place due to ongoing risk to public health posed by the coronavirus - as shown by the need for the public to continue to wear masks.

Don't be fooled.
Next up -- emergency powers end June 1, 2022 - unless Biden can show due cause to continue them. If we all wear masks on planes, there must be an emergency, right?

506   HeadSet   2022 Apr 14, 3:53pm  

zzyzzx says

What is even stupider is the pink filters on that gas mask are for welding fumes.
509   Patrick   2022 Apr 18, 9:13pm  


After a Federal judge in Florida nullified the mandate from the CDC (which the TSA and other entities relied on to issue their mandates) —> it looks like MASKS ARE COMING OFF IN THE AIR!

Those of you who have had a chance to travel during the pandemic know how awful the experience is. In the last hour:

A TSA spokesperson has said: "TSA (Transportation Security Administration) will not enforce its Security Directives and Emergency Amendment requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs at this time…”

Every official who demanded masks should be fired at the very least. If there were any justice in America they would all go to prison for corruption.

But we have no justice, only corruption, lemmings and a few people who resist.

Fauci, Collins, and Bourla should be hanged for their mass murder for profit via vaxx.
510   Patrick   2022 Apr 18, 9:29pm  


U.S. Stops Mask Requirement on Planes After Judge’s Ruling
Court in Florida deals blow to Biden administration’s efforts
CDC says it won’t enforce order for masks on public transport ...

U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Tampa, Florida, vacated the mask requirement nationwide Monday and directed the CDC to reverse the policy put in place in February 2021. The ruling was handed down in a lawsuit filed last year by the Health Freedom Defense Fund, a nonprofit group that says it focuses on “bodily autonomy” as a human right.

Here is the group that achieved this:


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